Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 18, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Suzanne Bidgrain, of Paris,
Will be Campus Guest
Suzanne Bidgrain, of Paris, secretary
of the World Christian Student Federa
tion, will be a guest of Dean Elizabeth
Fox for a few hours Saturday and during
her short stay will speak to the students
of the University at a special assembly
in Villard hall at 1:30. At the present
time the invitation to the faculty and
students to hear the world famous work
er comes from Dean Fox, personally, but
is expected that a student committe will
also cooperate in the arrangements.
Mademoizelle Suzaun.e Bidgrain, who
until recently tfes .secretary of women’s
work in the UKpench student movement,
has come to flBuerica in the interest of
the World CllfBfcian Federation. As she
is stopping only at the larger cities, her
visit to the Oregon campus may be due
to the fact that she, and Dean Fox were
personally associatmg during the war.
It was withJs4T'that Dean Fox visited
several French ’ universities after the
armistice- Suzanne Bidgrain’s visit to
the campus will be made on her way
from Vancouver, B. C., to San Francisco.
She will leave from there for the Orient.
Mademoiselle Gouy, instructor in
Franch on the campus, met Suzanne Bid
grain while attending a French university
and she regards Miss Bidgrain as the
most wonderful woman she ever met. In
she regards Miss Bidgrain as the most
wonderful woman she ever met. In
France she is admired by both the men
and the women above all other student
leaders. In speaking of the French stu
dent leader Miss Fox said:
‘ < I have known Suzanne Bidgrain for
eight years and place her with two or
three other women as the foremost stu
dent leaders in the world. I am over
joyed that she is to be my guest and I
am happy to share her with the students
Ox the University for I feel it is an
unusual opportunity for them to meet
a truelv remarkable woman.
Mademoiselle Bidgrain will come to
Eugene early Saturday morning and will
have breakfast with Dean Fox and Miss
Guoy after which a number of persons
who speak French or have oeen in France
will be invited to meet her. She will
have luncheon at Hendricks hall and at
1:30 she will speak to the students on
student life in Europe.
King and Aim, for Babes, Show up
Well; Chemawa to be Met Here
Friday and Saturday
The frosh basketball team started the
season off right Monday night by win
ning their first game from Eugene high
school 26 to 21. The frosh were out
passed in the first half which ended
14 to 12 in favor of the high school,
but in the second part of the game they
came back strong, out-passing pnd out
shooting the high school.
King, for the frosh, played the floor
well and dropped in several neat bas
kets. Aim, at guard, showed lots of
speed, but missed many easy shots
which he should have had. Murry, for
the high school played the best game,
making most of their points.
The frosh meet Chemawa here in a
two game series on Friday and Satur
day as preliminaries to the varsity
games with Washington.
(Continued from page one)
work on it is progressing rapidly.”
The need for new buildings such as
a library, auditorium, science building,
and gymnasium was presented to the
board, the President suggesting in his
report that funds for these buildings
be solicited in the form of gifts.
The work of the deans was com
mended very highly, both for maintain
ing close personal relationship with
the instructors and students, and for
retaining the inspration value which
has been in existanee since Oregon was
a small college. This personal con
tact, said President Campbell, was
largely responsible in the raising of
scholarship standards at Oregon with
out injuring the student morale.
Special attention was also called to
the Extension Division, and the ad
mirable quality of work being done by
students in that department. Audi- i
ences for the year 1921, in the lecture
and educational film service, totaled
over 340.000 people.
The regular routine business of the
meeting was transacted at this time
Members of the Board who were pres
ent were: Judge J. W. Hamilton, of
Boseburg: A. C. Dixon, of Eugene
Charles H. Fisher, of Eugene: C. C
Colt, of Portland: Herbert Gordon, of
Portland: Major W. S. Gilbert, of As
toria; C. E. Woodson, of Hpppner; Mrs.
Geo. T. Gerlinger, of Portland; Sam
A. Kozer, of Salem, and Superintendent
of Schools J. A. Churchill, of Salem.
Miss Glyde Schuebel will represent
the campus Y. M". C. A. at the Under
graduate Student Representative Con
ference of the Y. W. C. A. which will
be held at McMinnville College this
week-end- This state conference is
held annually and will be of special
interest this time as Miss Brown, stu
dent field secretary for the northwest,
will preside.
mik —
Editor -oH^astem Clackamas News
Pleased With His First Meeting
With State Newspapermen
Appreciation of the hospitality ex
tended the newspapermen of the state
during the recent conference was ex
pressed in a letter received yesterday
by Dean Allen from Upton H. Gibbs,
editor of the Eastern Clackamas News.
Mr. Gibbs says:
“Permit me, on behalf of Mrs. Gibbs
and myself, to express to you and
through you to the members of the Uni
versity faculty, and the students of
the school of journalism, our sincere
thanks for the delightful hospitality
and entertainment we enjoyed during
the conference. Everything was done
to make our stay pleasant and memor
able.. I was quite struck with the
personnel of the conference, and felt
elated in belonging to such a fine body
of men. It was my first appearenee
at a gathering of the members of the
Fourth State, and I was gratified by
feeling definitely located under some
classification. For as a clergyman I
often wondered how I was regarded by
the laity, as so many gave the impres
sion that I was neither male nor female,
but some indefinable tertium quid, as
Kipling might say.”
While attending the conference, Mr.
Gibbs addressed that body on “The
Small Weekly as I have Found It.”
Second Edition of Ganglore
Tales May Appear Soon
With letters of inquiry coming from
various parts of the country and from
prominent publishers the last word has
by no means been heard of “Paul Bun
yan,” the famous hero of the chap
book produced by Miss Ida V. Turney,
of the English department, with the
help of the class in narration and the
class in normal arts under Miss Helen
Miss Turney says that all available
copies of the book were gobbled up
long ago and there are demands from
publishing house in New York has sent
out advertising eirculors and is asking
for 500 copies. Editors of magazines
are writing for information and are
seeking copies. An interesting fact
in this connection is that many in
quiries have come from men in the
lumber camps who are decidedly inter
ested and who say that the book is
of the very spirit of their camps and
the stories that spring up around them.
“Paul Bunyan Comes-' West” has
been favorably reviewed in the “Spec
tator,” the “Dial” ..and the “Nation.”
Miss Turney is Well pleased with com
ments received by her through personal
'etters. “I have not heard the type of
dialect used in this story since I was
five years old,” she says, “but all the
critics say it is correct in every way
and fits the lumber camps exactly.”
The next step will be to get the book
copyrighted which will be petitioned
for as soon as possible. If plans can
Special Bus
For Students Only!
$7.00 for this round trip
Y. M. C. A. Hut for
Any special trips can be ar
ranged for.
We reserve our week-end
trips all for students.
Be sure and make reserva
tions early at Y.M.C.A. Hut.
"finer tvery near
pr ten
The Flavor Lasts!
be satisfactorily arranged a second
edition may be printed- Miss Turney
says that material is at hand for an
other book of a somewhat similar na
ture and further efforts along this
line will be attempted in the future.
Mrs. Murray Warner of Eugene
Presents Art Gift
The announcement has just been
made of the gift of a large collection
of valuable art objects to the Univer
sity by Mrs. Murray Warner of Eugene.
The collection contains a number of
antiques and some more modern ex
amples of the best of Chinese. Japa
nese and European art. Two hundred
Japanese prints. 25 Mandarin coats and
skirts and a valuable collection of por
celain and china make up the greater
part of the gift which will soon be
placed in display cases in the club
rooms of the Woman’s building.
Mrs. Warner stated, in offering her
collection to the University, that when
she found that there was a need for an
artistic background on the campus to
further the interest in art she was glad
to give her collection and she hopes
that this gift will be of benefit to all
the state as well as the students. Mrs.
Warner formerly lived in New England
and has traveled extensively, par
ticularly in the Orient where she found
most of the things which she has col
A large number of embroideries,
several tapestries and pannels, numer
ous pieces of porcelain and china, 200
prints, many of which are very old and
rare, a set of Japanese armor and a
number of antique war implements ami
helmets are all of interest to a student
of art and will be of value to the school
of architecture and allied arts espec
ially- The collection contains objects
of art from China, Japan. Italy, France,
Switzerland, Turkey and India, and
have been collected by Mrs. Warner
during her travels in the Orient and in
The annual dance given by the Or
der of the O will be held Friday even
ing, January 20, in Dreamland hall.
Members of the varsity basketball team
will be the guests of the organization.
The dance committee has announced
that there will be especially good mu
sic, and the programs, which will be
the feature of the dance, have been
made by members of the organization.
The affair will be informal.
Students read the classified ads; try
using them.
Hart Schaffner 6? Marx
Dress Suits and Tuxedos
Young men active in social
life; College men, will wel
come these spcial prices on
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Dress suits and Tuxedos.
They’re just the kind
you’d expect, fine all-wool
fabrics, beautifully designed
and tailored. Correctly
styled to the Nth degree.
Formerly priced $45 and $60
I $ ? s
Copyright 1921 Hart Schaffner Sc Man
The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx All-wool Clothes
We guarantee our work.
> 734 Willamette Phone 770
Favor Her With One
of Our Corsage Bouquets
Eugene Floral Co,
95 9th Ave E.
Phone 321-J
Picture Framing
Artist Supplies
Art Goods
Paint, Wall Paper and Art Store
922 Willamette St. Phone 749
Must see the demonstration of
Here Thursday, Friday, Saturday of this week.
Special prices these 3 days on all Kerr Cereals
It is a special invitation to students who appreciate good food
Also and try our own make of
Strawberry Jam
in one-half gallon jars.
Table Supply Co.
Not to be surpassed!
Students, are you getting the very best satis
faction in your grocery trade?
Some of you are not regular costomers here;
it is to you we are aiming directly. Perhaps
the service you have been getting elsewhere is
not quite what you would wish.
Only give us a square tryout or else go find out
directly from the other students.
Our line of groceries is popular both in Price
and in Quality
57 Ninth Ave. E. Phone 60