Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 18, 1922, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Stanford Starts Campaign for Three
Million Dollars; Wild West Days
to Feature Aggie Fair; High
Grades Made.
California Seniors Caution Second
Year Men; Willamette Basketeers
Expect Good Season; Y. M. Gives
Stanford University, Stanford, Cal.
Jan. 17.—(P- I. N. ’ S.)—With three
million dollars as the ultimate goal, the
most vital campaign for the financial
support of Stanford University in its
history began this morning- Headquar
ters have been opened from which the
campaign for “The First Million For
Stanford” will be managed. The cam
paign will be started first on the cam
pus, and then carried into the outside,
and will soon be in full swing.
The general education board has al
ready offered $300,000 toward the
■“First Million.” Alumni of Stanford,
at a recent conference, heartily en
dorsed the three-million-dollar program.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis, Jan. 17.—(P. I. N. S.)—The “Days
oi ’49” will be featured at the annual
*‘Ag” fair at the college February 3
and 4, it was announced today. Buck
ing contests, horse races, foot races,
parade and side shows are included
among the features planned. Special
competitive events for women and an
exhibit by the school of hometecono
roics, have been tentatively arranged.
A formal opening and a grand parade,
are scheduled for the first night, ac.
cording to Frank Groves, chairman of
Whitman College, Walla Walla,
Wash., Jan. 17—(P. I. N. S.)—A book
exchange for the convenience of stu
dents who may wish to secure or sell
second-hand books has been opened at
Whitman by two enterprising students.
It is meeting with much approval, while
only the very nominal sum of a nickle
is charged as commission.
Washington State College, Pullmann,
Wash., Jan. 17.—(P. I. N. S.)—Milo
(“Pink”) Mclvor, three-year man in
football and basketball, voted by the
football squad as the man who was the
greatest inspiration to the team during
the season, will be the first man to have
his name inscribed on the Hexey-Lam
bert Company medal. One name will be
inscribed on the medal each year.
University of California, Berkeley,
Cal., Jan. 17.—(P. I. N. S.)—More
lenient treatment of the freshmen at
the hands of the second-year men was
the sentiment expressed by the senior
peace committee at a meeting Monday.
Class sophomores have been cautioned
to molest no one who is not a frosh.
Undue hazing and unbecoming con
duct has been discouraged- It is the
duty of the senior class to see that
these sentiments are observed.
Willamette University, Salem, Ore.,
Jan. 17.—(P. I. N. S.)—The salient fea
ture in last year’s Varsity basketball
quintet are going to be hard to dupli
cate. Nevertheless, Coach Bohler ex
pects fine results from the 20 or 30
aspiring youthful tossers who have ap
peared on the armory floor every after
noon since the Thanksgiving recess.
University of California, Berkeley,
Cal., Jan. 17.— (P. I. N. 8.)—Prelimin
ary figures for the number of disquali
fied students for the fall semester of
1921 as released from the office of the
(ban of the undergraduate division
snow a marked decrease from a vear
;>go. There were 517 let out this se
n-ester against 658 disqualified a v»ar
ago. Many were reinstated this year
i non petition to the committee on dis
cualified students on reason of illness
daring the semester or for exceptional
Stanford Universitv, Stanford, Cal.,
Jan. 17.—(P. I. N. 8.)—Baseball has
started at Stanford. Varsity and fresh
man prospects have signed up and prac
tice has started. A number of last
year’s veterans have returned, and
prospects look good for developing a
winning team, although the season is
too early yet to make any predictions.
Whitman College, Jan. 17.— (P. I. N.
S.)—Dancing is one of the latest activ
ities of the local T. W. C. A- Now comes
the announcement that this time hon
(Contlnaed on page four)
•Varsity Outfoxed by Clever
Passing of Vandals;
Score 40 to 19
Bohler Changes Lineup Often
But Fails to Uncover
Winning Team
The Idaho Vandals outfought the
varsity last night and walked off han
daily with a 40-19 win. The Poxes
changed around and it was Rich Fox
captain of the Vandal horde who posed
in the role of star point accumulator,
whereas on the preceding evening, his
brother, A1 Fox occupied the center of
the limelight. The Foxes were ably
assisted by Thompson the visitors rangy
center and a couple of stalwart guards,
Gartin and Telford. Thompson es
pecially played a stellar game for Mc
Millan’s proteges and looked like the
real article as a pivot man.
Bohler Changes Mind Often
Coach Bohler started his lineup with
Andre and Bockhey in the forward
berths, Marc Latham at center and Bur
net and Beller guards. Latham drew
first blood for the locals with a field
goal from well behind the foul ring, but
Oregon’s lead was destined to be short
lived for a minute later the Vandals got
under way and kept their score mount
ing steadily from then on.
With four minutes to go In the half
and the score, Idaho 20, Oregon 4
Bohler sent in an entire new team,
Veatch and Altstock forwards, Zim
merman center, Edlunds and Goar
guards. Half time was called with the
varsity on the short end of a 28-6
Oregon stiffened perceptibly in the
second half and scored 13 points against
12 for their opponents, but the lead
gained in the first period by the Gem
staters was too heavy for them to over
come. Running true to form Coach
Bohler switched his men again in the
second half with six minutes to play,
putting in his original lineup. Toward
the last of the game Coach Fisher of
Multnomah started calling fouls, call
ing seven on the visitors in the final
period and five on Oregon. In the first
half no fouls were called on Idaho while
three free shots were given the Van
Oregon Outclassed
Francis Beller played a'great game
last night while he was in the fracas
and was tied with Eddie Edlund for
high point man both guards annexing
two baskets. Both combinations used
last night showed class in stretches but
were out classed by their more ex
perienced opponents and were unable to
keep the ball in Oregon territory con
The lieup:
Oregon (19) Idaho (40)
Andre, 2.F. A. Fox, 10
Rockhey .F. R. Fox, 12
M- Latham, 2.C. Thompson, 10
i Burnet .G. Telford
Beller, 4.G. Gartin, 6
Veatch .S... Edwards
Altstock, 3.S. Stvner
Zimmerman, 2.S. Nelson, 2
Edlunds, 4.8
Goar, 2.8
Referee—Harry Fisher, M. A. A. C.
Anna Bidwell’s English Version is
Accepted by Boston Publisher
An English translation from the
German book “Das Amulet” by Con
rad F. Meyer, one of the greatest Swiss
authors, has recently been completed
by Anna Bidwell, student in the fine
arts department of the University, and
lias been accepted by The uorham Press
' of Boston.
The book is approximately two hun
dred pages in length. Miss Bidwell
translated it during the school term
while she was carrying the necessary
number of hours of college work.
Though the manuscript has already
been accepted by the Boston publisher,
Miss Bidwell has declined the offer
because of unfavorable terms. She in
’ tends to submit the manuscript to other
publishing houses and expects to have
it published in the near future.
Seventy-four degrees have been
granted by Stanford University for
, courses finished at the end of the au
! tumn quarter.
Artist is Nationally Known as Oper
atic Star: Was College Roommate
of Dean John Landsbury
Arthur Middleton, known as the
“McCormack among baritones,” will
appear in concert March 1 in Villard
hall. Mr. Middleton is purely an Amer
ican product, never having been abroad,
and was engaged without any previous
operatic experience for the Metropoli
tan Opera Company of New York. He
is known from coast to coast as “The
greatest Elijan of them all.” As an
oratorio artist his popularity is shown
by the fact that he has appeared over
200 times in “The Messiah.”
Dean John J- Landsbury, of the
school of music, is an old friend and
roommate of Mr. Middleton. While
doing scouting work Dean Landsbury
discovered Mr. Middleton and per
suaded him to go to Simpson College
at Indianola, Iowa, where he was teach
ing. Last fall Dean Landsbury was
given leave of absence from his work
in the University and travelled for a
month with Mr. Middleton as his ac
Prof. Thorpe Coaching Members; Try
outs for Contest With O. A. C.
Open to Anyone; Date Not Set
The women’s Varsity debate team is
to meet the University of Washington,
on February 17, in their first debate of
the year. The team was picked late
last week, and consists of Wanda Dag
gett and Edna Largent on the Affirma
tive team, Elaine Cooper and Lurlinc
Coulter upholding the Negative end of
the question.
The Negative team, according to Pro
fessor Thorpe, who is coaching the
teams, will go to Seattle to take part in
the discussion, while the affirmative
team will stay here and meet the Nega
tive team of the Washington school
The question for debate is “Resolved
that the Veterans Compensation bill
should be passed.” Professor Thorpe
stated that the question is of unusual
interest at thiB time on account of the
wide discussion of this subject through
out the nation. According to Profes
sor Thorpe the success of the bill is
practically assured at present, and he
looks for its early approval by Con
The members of the team with the
exception of Edna Largent are veteran
members of Oregon debating teams.
Wanda Daggett and Lurline Coulter
having been members for two years
previous to this season, and Elaine
Cooper has one year of experience to
her credit.
There is to be a debate held with O.
A. C. later on in the season according
to Professor Thorpe, and the tryouts
for the members of this team will be
held soon, probably in the course of a
week br two. The members of the
team that are debating against Wash
ington probably will not try out for
this team, said Professor Thorpe, be
cause of the fact that it will be too
hard for them to handle two questions
at once.
The tryouts are to be open with any
one eligible, and Professor Thorpe ex
pressed hopes of a strong turnout for
the teams- The question to be debated
is the same as that which is being used
in the Doughnut series. “Resolved,
That the principle of the Open Shop
should be adopted in American indus
The date of the O. A. C. debates has
not been decided on as yet, and accord
ing to Professor Thorpe may not be held
untill the Spring term.
More Patients Treated Last Quarter
Than in Two Terms Last Year
The health campaign which has re
cently been taken up by such a large
number of colleges throughout the
United 8tates has been particularly suc
cessful at the University of Oregon,
| the annual report of the Health Service
The report shows that in the fall
I term of three months, a total of 5311
patients were treated in comparison to
' 4682 during the winter and spring terms
! of last year.
This is the first year that the infirm
I arv has had an x-ray and an eye, ear,
nose, and throat clinic. Of the total
j number of patients, 1063 came under
| this division.
Mies Vera Hughes, who suffered a
! broken leg in a bob-sled accident at
her home in Hood Biver, during the
Christmas vacation, is now confined to
the Cottage hospital at that place. She
will not be able to return to school un
til the spring term. Miss Huehes is a
sophomore motoring in the department
of mathematics.
Campus Organizations Will
Hear Merits of Annual,
at Evening Meal
Subscription Workers Asked
to Get Receipt Books
at Oregana Office
Booster speeches for the coming Ore
gana drive will be a feature of the
evening meal at each of the houses
on the campus tonight, and will com
plete the preliminary preparation for
the sale of subscriptions which begins
tomorrow morning. Eleven men have
been enlisted in the cause and will
make the rounds between the hours of
six and seven.
“We are going to try to show' the ;
students tonight,” said George Mc
Intyre, Oregana manager, “just why |
they will want to subscribe for the (
Oregana. We also aro going to empha- |
size the fact that more subscriptions |
means a reduction in the price of the
Another incentive to early sales will
be the offer made to each house going
one hundred per cent in the drive. A
free copy of the Oregana will be given
to the organizations turning in sub
scriptions from all of their members
before the sale closes Saturday night.
Two houses have already promised a
perfect record.
Men to Speak
The following men, under the direc
tion of McIntyre, will devote their din
ner hour to the interests of the 1922
annual tonight: John Anderson, Dan
Woods, Virgil Oliver, Paul Patterson,
Claude Robinson, John McGregor, Mor
gan Staton, Owen Callaway, Jason Mc
Cune, Raymond Lawrence, and Alex
This aftornoon from three to six
o ’clock in the Oregana office the rep
resentatives in charge of sales in the
different houses will receive their final
instructions and receipt books. Lemon
yellow nnd green tags will be given to
each subscriber upon purchase of his
receipt, and will prevent his being
solicited by the different students try
ing for the prize leather bound volume
offered for the greatest individual sale
outside the organizations. This con
test is open to anyone and receipt
books may be obtained at the office
this afternoon.
Prize is Offered
“The students living outside the or
ganizations,” said McIntyre, “are much
harder to reach than those within, and
there is a great opportunity for selling
on the campus. Therefore wo are of
fering the prize to the student who can
bring in the most sales from them.”
For the further accommodation of
outside students, a table will be placed
in front of the library from ten to four
both Thursday and Friday, and receipts
may' be purchased thero. Students aro
urged to bring their $2.50, which is the
payment necessary' for the reservation
of each copy, and to buy their receipts
either from the Oregana representative
at the table or from those working for
the prize in the contest.
Large Committee Seiectea
The following will have charge of
tho sales in the house organizations:
Alpha Chi Omega—Wanna McKinney;
Zeta Rho Epsilon—Dorris Sikes; Kappa
Kappa Gamma—-Dorothy McKee; Kap
pa Alpha Theta—Lenore Cram; Alpha
Phi—Chloe Thompson; Susan Campbell
hall—Ellen McVeigh; Hendricks hall—
Florine Packard; Alpha Sigma—Betti
Kessi; Delta Zeta- Leona Gregory; Chi
Omega—Mildred Lauderdale; Alpha
Delta Pi—Rosalia Keber; Delta Gamma
■—Doris Holeman; Delta Delta Delta—
Betty Pride; Gamma Phi Beta—Geor
gia Benson; Pi Beta Phi—Bernice
Altstock; Friendly hall—Ray Boyer,
Floyd Westerfield; Kappa Theta Chi—
Cecil Bell; Kappa Sigma — Floyd
Bowles; Beta Theta Pi—Lawrence
Woodworth; Kappa Delta Phi—Vernon
Bullock; Alpha Tau Omega—John Me
Gregor; Sigma Nu—Carl Newburry;
Sigma Chi—John Palmer; Phi Gamma
Delta-—Russell Brown; Phi Delta
Theta—Wilbur Hoyt; Delta Tau Delta
—Don Port wood; Sigma Alpha Epsilon
—Francis Wade; Delta Theta Phi—
Nicholas Miehales; Phi Delta Phi—
Earl Conrad.
| Sun Dodger will continue as the of
j fi ’a 1 name for the University of Wash
inrrfnn athletic teams until the stu
dep*s decide to change, according to
Jt.chnrt Maefarlane, A H U. W. presi
■ Thecp was agitation in the 8e
"*t’e nape's to change the name to
VJV ipfru.
Subscription Sales and Money Ad- \
van cod by Class to Aid Printing
Costs; Ten Pieces Written
The publication of a book of plays
written by University students is be
ing considered by Professor E- 8. Bates
and bis class in play writing. “We
have sufficient material to put out as
good a volume as the one published by
the University of Washington which
is the only book of its kind 1 know of,”
said Professor Bates.
The high cost of printing a book pre
sents a serious problem, but the ad
vancing of money by the class and the
selling of subscriptions will, it is
thought, make the publication possible.
At least ten one-act plays suitable
for publication have been written by
the class during the past two years.
They cover a wide variety of subjects,
some being realistic, others fanciful.
Three graduate students, Marion Gil
strap, Sophus Winthor, and Geraldine
Cartmell, have written plays that might
be included. Four undergraduates,
Irene Stewart, Claire Keeney, Donald
McDonald, and Norvell Thompson also
have written plays.
Several Faculty Members Re-appointed;
Needs of University Told
Regents by President
At the regular meeting of the Bonn!
of Regents held today, a special com
mittee to study the resources and needs
of the University was authorized, Mem
hers appointed were Regents Herbert
Gordon, G. E. Woodson, Major W. S.
Gilbert, Sam A. Kozer, and 0. C. Colt.
The duty of this committee will bo to
study the needs of the University in
rogard to buildings, equipment, and po
sitions, and to report on the adequacy
of the present resources
Judge J. W. Hamilton, of Roseburg,
was re-elected president of the Board,
A. 0. Dixon, of Eugene, re-elected vice
president, and L. II. Johnson, comp
troller of the University, was re-elected
secretary. The Executive committee of
the board, consisting of tho following
members, was re appointed: A. C. Dix
on, Mrs. George T. Gerlingor, Vernon
IT. Vawter, Charles II. Fisher, and Her
bert Gordon. Judge J. W. Hamilton,
president of the board, is ex-officio
chairman of tho committee.
Several re appointments of members
of tho faculty working on a one year
basis wore made. Tho President was
authorized to arrange for a survey of
the University, to bo made by an of
ficer of the United States Bureau of
Education. This officer is expected
to be in the state sometime during the
next few months.
President P- L. Campbell’s report was
submitted to the board at this time.
The needs of the University were out
lined, and an additional meanB of rais
ing revenue, other than taxation, was
suggested in the form of a campaign for
gifts. In speaking of such a campaign,
tho President said, “The serious prob
lem facing the University is that of
first making the best possible use of
the income from tho millago tax, and
then of inaugurating a campaign to
secure additional funds, especially for
buildings and equipment, through gifts.
It is encouraging to know that last
year gifts amounting to $21 f),000 came
to the University. Prospects for addi
tional gifts are already in sight for the
present year.
“The building program, according to
the report, was pushed very hard dur
ing the past year to provide for the
increased enrollment. It comprised the
completion of the woman’s building,
the Commerce building, the two Educa
tional buildings, Susan Campbell hall,
and the remodeling and equipment of
the Woman’s old gymasium building,
the open air gym, and the old music
building for recitation purposes. The
contrast has been lot for the new unite
of the Medical School in Portland, and
(Continued on page three)
Business Men to be Met on Y. M. C. A.
Volley Ball Court Thursday
The University faculty will make its
| de.bute in athletics Thursday afternoon
1 when a volley ball team composed of
faculty members will clash with a team
of downtown business men at the Ku
gene Y. M. C. A.
According to H. A. Scott, head of the
physical education department, this is
the first of a series of volley ball con
tests to be scheduled for the faculty
men throughout the year. He says
that those who are not in the lineup
in tomorrows game will no doubt appear
in the next contest.
The personnel of the squad for the
*irst contest is as follows: Professors
Yocum, Uancfield, Whitaker, DeCou,
and Justin Miller. Mr. Scott requests
that these men meet at the men’s gym
it 4:30 Thursday afternoon and go
•own together to the Y- M. C. A. The
i game will begin at 5 o’clock.
Situation Discussed by Board
and Information Will be
Gathered for Report
System Now Being Questioned
by Congress of Nation;
Decision is Awaited
President Campbell yesterday took
up with the board of regents at its
regular session here the matter of the
present status of the R. O. T. C. Af
ter the mooting of the board the Presi
dent issued the following statement to
the Emerald:
To the Editor:
At the meeting of the Board of
Regents held today, I presented the
question raised by the Emerald edi
torially and a number of student cor
respondents through its columns as
to the need anil the desirability of
continuing the R. O. T. C. as a de
partment in the University. I was
requested by the Board to collect all
the information available bearing on
the government’s plans and wishes
in connection with the R. O. T. C. and
also regarding its work and status
in other state institutions, to be pre
sented for consideration at the next
mooting of tho Board- The Board
desiros a comprehensive view of the
entire situation in order that it may
servo to the best advantage every
intorest involved.
Tho University is under a contract
of indefinite timo limit with the
government to maintain tho R. 0. T.
C. as a department on the campus,
in consideration of the detail of of
ficers, and the assignment of equip
ment, together with tho payment of
certain sums of money to Juniors
and Seniors electing the R. O. T. C.
work. Since tho timo units are one
year, it is impossible to make any
alterations of tho contract in the
midst of the session.
In the meantime, it is extremely de
sirable that tho morale of the Corps
may be maintained at the very high
est level. Every interest will be
served by the work being both well
and cheerfully done by everyone con
nected with it. The Corps is nlready
measuring well up toward the dis
tinguished service class, and this
goal Bhould be won if possible. What
ever the University does ought to be
well done. The Commandant and
officers are putting their heart into
the work and they are deserving of
the moHt loyal support by every mem
ber of the University.
Hince tho place of tho Tt. O. T. C.
in tho training systom of tho army
is at tho present time being con
sidered by the Committees on Mili
tary Affairs in Congress, and a wide
spread investigation is being made
of the whole question of military
training in tho colleges, we can well
afford to await tho report on thego
findings before arriving at an irrevo
cable decision in our minds. Tho
matter is one of national bearing,
involving not only the University
of Oregon but some two hundred
other institutions- If the Committees
of Congress, all men in Civil life,
decide either for or against the con
tinued maintainance of tho Tt. O. T.
C. their conclusions should be given
very serious and respectful considera
tion by us all. They are in a posi
tion to know all tho facts, both na
tional and international, more fully
than we, and if they think tho welfare
of the govorment calls for a con
tinuance of military training in the
colleges, even for a limited period of
time until some important questions
of treaties are settled, we may all be
serving tho country in the best way
by acquiescing in their opinion un
til we know certainly that they are
Kven if a littlo personal sacrifice
either of time or of opinion is in
volved, it is much best to take the
safe course of supporting the govern
ment until we are absolutely sure
that no need exists of doing so.
The whole matter is sure to be given
in the long run the fullest considera
tion o the sanest grounds.
Whitman is nearing an enrollment of
200 men, which according to the rules
of the Pacific Northwest Conference,
will bar freshmen from taking part in
intercollegiate athletics.