Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 17, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association _
Floyd Maxwell Webster Ruble
Editor Manager_
Official publication of the Aaiwciated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily
•xcept Sunday and Monday, during the college year. _____
News Editor .Kenneth Youel Associate News Editor ....Wilford Allen
Daily Ncwi Editor*
Margaret Scott Ruth Auatin
Phil Brogan
Arthur Rudd Wanna McKinney
Sport* Editor ...- Edwin Hoyt
Sports Writers—Kenneth Cooper, Harold
Shirley, Edwin Fraser.
Night Editors
Arne Rae
John Anderson
Marvin Blaha
Earle Voorhiea
Dan Lyons
News Service Editor
Exchanges ....
Statistician .
. John Dierdorff
Eunice Zimmerman
. Doris Sikes
New. Staff—Nancy Wilson. Mabel Gilhann, Owen Callaway, florine Packard Jean Stra<:han.
Madelene LoKan, Jessie Thompson, Florence Cartwright, Marion Lay, Helen King John Piper,
Herbert Larson, Margaret Powers, Dorm Holman, Genevieve Jewell, Rosalia Keber, t -
Goodrich, Georgianna Gerlinger, Claude Hollister, Edward Smith, Clinton Howard, Elmer
Clark, Mae Ballack, Catherine Spall, Martha Shull, Ernest Richter, Alfred Erickson._
Associate Manager ..
Advertising Managers .
Circulation Manager .~.
Assistant Circulation Manager
Proofreaders ...—...-..
Collections ..—..
Advertising Assistants .
.. Morgan Staton
. Lot Beatie, Randolph Kuhn
. Jason McCune
- . Gibson Wright
..Lawrence Smith, Lawrence Isenbarger
. Mildred Lauderdale
Lyle Janz," Kar 1Hardenburgh, Kelly Branatetter
Entered in the post sffice at Eugene Oregon as second class matter. Subscription rates,
$2.26 per year. By term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application. ___
Business Manager 961
Editor 666
Daily New* Editor Thi* Imm
Wanna. McKinney
Night Editor Thi» Iwue
Arne G. Bae
It Won’t be Too Long?
An issue has been injected into the life of the University of Oregon
which must remain an issue, a living thing, as long as hope re
mains of purging the world of war, as long as the clock ticks to
ward morn in this “night with no stars out’’. When that hopes lies
dead, when that clock is stilled in its ticking—let the issue die and
let the R. 0. T. C. take its place in the university and let no one raise
his voice against it. Then it will belong and become established in
a world of sinister things.
But the Emerald does not believe that the time will ever come.
It does believe that a way will be found to do away with the institu
tion, to do away with it honorably and take it out of university life.
J.t believes that the time is not far off and so it tells the board of ]
regents, who are meeting today. It tells them that it even goes
so far as to honestly believe that were the University of Oregon to
head a movement among the colleges of the nation and at the end of
this year go on record as opposed to the principle of the R. 0. 1. C., |
the lime would soon come when this institution would be hailed as .
a far sighted university and as having raised a beacon light in this f
groping new order of things. 1
Perhaps in the minds of the regents and the administration of '
the university, such is not the case. The Emerald is aware of the s
contract with the United States government, of the place of the R. j J
0. T. C. in the governmental scheme of defense, even of the present t
investigation in Washington of the uses of the student corps, yet .
it firmly states that someone must start the ball a’rolling. If, in
the better judgement of the regents and the administration, it is not (
Oregon’s place so to do then we must wait. It will not be too
long*/ i
Hopeful it is for the new order when students in a great state j
university set their ideals up into the light where all may see and at- t
tempt to place before the administration their viewpoint in a matter
of principle. Such was to have been done in the petition which went ;
the rounds yesterday, was widely signed, and then wisely withdrawn ■
by it circulators on the assurance of the administration that it was ,
unneeeessary to a full consideration of the subject by the regents. j
The Emerald re-states its stand of Saturday. It has no quarrel 1
with Major R. C. Baird, commandant of the corps, with the personnel! |
or any member of the personnel of the local corps. It attacks the I
R. O. T. C. in principle. It realizes fully that its campaign has
placed Major Baird and his staff in an awkward but unavoidable <
situation which it hopes to right as far as possible in this restate-j,
ment of its stand. Major Baird has made the most of the R. 0. T. C. ‘
under his command, a fact recognized by the University and by his ,
superiors in the war department. jj
“More editors of Oregon newspapers than have ever been as-j!
sembled under one roof before’’ is the way one old-timer in the j
editorial field characterized the conference held here the latter part
of the week. The conference was indeed a success and credit for this ?
success rightfully belongs to the untiring efforts of Dean Allen of ,
the school of journalism, and bis assistants. The results of this 1
movement on journalistic endeavor will be large and lasting, tor ,
both tho new and the old regime contributed their offerings for the :
betterment of the professsion. u
__ !
The Emerald regrets that lack of space does not allow the pub-!,
lishing of many’ communications which find their way to the editor s
desk daily. It is felt that by limiting the communications to 2f>0
words each, however, a more general treatment of the many ques
tions upon which the students wish to voice their sentiments will
be possible.
Home Town Nows Popular With Stu
dents; State Well Kepresented
Ki^tity two newspapers from Oregoi
towns are now available to studeuts in
the newspaper room in the basement of
the library. The papers are received ,
regularly from most of the newspaper
office* of the state and their popu
larity by the "home town" students!
is proved by the continual congestion j
in the paper room.
All papers are arranged on racks ac 1
cording to the towns from which they
i'nme in alphabetii':il order. Four new
ranks have recently been added, to tic
commodate the extra papers being sent
by editors for the students from their
town s
The papers are regularly changed and
tl: ' old papers filed and stored away to
eventually be bound. The Portland and
Kugeno dailies are bound in heavy
man ilia paper.
A complete list of all animals re
reived is posted on the bulletin board
e.i the right of the entrance to tht)
library reading room.
Rand the Huslflsd Ad column.
Notices will be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must be in the
office by 4 :30 o’clock of the day on which
it is to be published and must be limited
to 25 words.
Monday Book Club—Meeting at the
Woman’s building January 21 for
scholarship fund for girls. The pur
pose is to lend money to college girls,
without interest.
ifoung People’s Banquet—Will be held
in the Methodist church Tuesday at
6 p. m. Bishop Smith, of India, and
Bishop Shephard, of Portland, will
speak. Tickets at “Y” hut.
Hand Ball—Resuming hand ball court
work. Faculty and administrative
staff, 11:30 to 12:30; 5:15 to 6:00.
Faculty members are requested to
pay their locker fees at this time.
3-raduate Club—Will meet for dinner
at the Anchorage, Wednesday at
6 o’clock. Doctor Bates will speak
on “What graduate work should not
be.” Dinner at 50 cents a plate.
L922 Oregana Staff—All staff members
please call at the Oregana office
Wednesday evening, January 18,
some time between 5 and 6, or 7 and
10 o’clock. Very important.—Editor.
■Science Club—Regular meeting Janu
ary 17, Deady hall. Business meet
ing at 7:30 followed by a paper by
Dr. W. B. Milne on “Damped Vibra
i’illplno Club—All Filipinos meet in
Dean Straub’s classroom on Friday
evening of this week at 7:30.
C. 8. UDASCO, President
iT. M. C. A. Cabinet—Meeting this
afternoon at 5 o’clock in the Ilut.
All officors and committee chair
men be there
Senior Class—Members of the senior
class will hold a short but important
meeting in the Y. M. C. A. hut at 5
o’clock tonight.
’ot and Quill—Meeting Wednesday
night, January 18, instead of Thurs
day night.
lammer and Coffin—Important meet
ing of Hammer and Coffin in Lemon
Punch office tonight at 9 p. m.
Open Forum
(Editor’s Noto:—Hereafter all coni,
ninications to the Emerald must be
imited to 250 words. Lack of space
lakes this provision necessary. All
ommunieations must likewise be
igned in full by the name of the
ame of the writer although this name
lay be withhold from publication if
o desired).
’o the Editor:
President Harding pledged himself to
at down the taxes in his election plat
orm. He has reaffirmed this since
is election and inauguration. He has
ut somo of the taxes and placed tax
iiirdens from one shoulder to another
nit certainly he has overlooked the R.
>. T. C. organizations. Some good
reshman should hasten to inform him.
Oregon is not the smallest nor the
urgcst institution where these organi
ations exists. Oregon has about 500
tudents who bow to the “powers that
le” in the harmless army. These 500
non spend three hours a week at their
inploasant task. This means 1500
tours a week, or 6000 hours a month.
3ach students time is certainly worth
nore than 30 cents an hour but at 30
eats an hour it means an economic
oss of $1800 a month or $16,000 a
ear. Would not any University wel
uinc a gift of $16,000 a year? If there
re 100 such institutions in the United
Rates, it means a loss of $1,620,000.
Votild not President Harding make a
hit” with the tax payers if he were
o cut off $1,620,000 in taxes for the
ext few years! Would not President
'ampbell have a strongor hold on the
icople of Oregon if he were to advo.
ate the elimination of the R. O. T. C.
ml hence: a saving of $16,200 a year!
Expense does stop here.
Officers salary, equipment, and bar
neks, and interest would make a
rand total of about $63,815 a year.
;ome little item. In ten years this
rould mean that Oregon could have
etter educational facilities and more
f them.
Sin c the economic departments have
nude some very fine investigations
long this line, I would suggest that
hey be given space to tell us about
ur own army at home and in this way
crimps we can practice at home what
.c preach. Charity begins at home;
, hy not start nowf
It seems that in the present centre
St-el - Stamped
I ablets. 45c
Envelopes to match
Book Store
versy regarding the value and effic.
iency of the R. O. T. C. an important
point has been overlooked by those op
posed to the R. 0- T. C.’s continued ex
istence. That point is that with the
decrease in size of the standing army,
which decrease is in itself desirable, the
need for a means for training a mili.
tary reserve has been increased many
fold. The so-called disarmament con.
ference at Washington concerned itself
chiefly with establishing a new bal
ance of power between nations, with
lightening the burdens of prepared
ness, rather than doing entirely away
with armaments. It would seem that
the R. O. T. C. plan of training young
men for military service without mater,
iallv deranging their everyday pur
suits, at comparatively small expense
to the government, is thus consistent
with the policy of the leading powers.
The crying need for preparation was
convincingly demonstrated in the re.
cent unpleasantness with the central
powers. Aside from a few regular
army and national guard divisions, the
United States was unable to place in
the fighting lines any considerable
body of trained men before September
12, 1918, and St- Miehiel—it must be
remembered that the United States de
clared war in April, 1917. The in
terim represents the time vital to the
drilling and equipment of conscripts.
To point with pride to “Oregon’s
glorious record in the last war” is to
point with pride to Oregon’s record for
enlistments, which record compares fa
vorably with that of any state in the
union. But small pride can be had in
the delay occasioned by the untrained
condition of the men thus enlisting.
A petition is at present being cir.
culated on the campus asking that the
R. O. T. C. training be removed from
the list of qualifications for a Uni
versity degree. As I see it, it is only
by making drill a requirement for
graduation that any considerable frac.
tion of underclassmen can be made to
drill. They don’t like to drill, a purely
natural and human dislike. Hence, if
drill were not required, about ninety
fivo per cent of them would forego the
pleasures of military instruction. To
allow this dislike to stand in the way
of the nation’s plan for training an
effective nucleus for the next army
would be, at best, puerile. To disre
gard the lesson of the las war is na
tional suicide.
At a recent meeting of the Lewis
and Clarke chapter of the Daughters
of the American Revolution, Dean
Elizabeth Fox, Miss Mary Perkins, and
Miss Amy Dunn were elected delegates
to the State convention, to be held at
the Multnomah hotel in Portland. The
dates set for the convention are Feb
ruary 23, 24, and 25.
Get the Classified Ad habit.
How Come?
Appease that hunger
that seems to reach
such proportions at
times that makes you
feel., like you could
eat and eat and nev
er get filled up.
This is a good place
to end it.
i and RYAN
Neighborhood Grocers
Thirteenth at Patterson
It leads to food rightly
cooked and faultlessly
McBride’s Orchestra will
play here Friday and Satur
day. You’ll hear them.
In the Meantime eat—
Varsity Individual
EVERY MAN that appears before 9 o’clock is admitted for 55c
THE FIRST COUPLE to appear at 8:45 is admitted free.
Rankin Hall
Gentlemen, 75c Ladies, 10c
For Formal Wear
At a Bargain Price
One Tuxedo — Straight front,.$30.00
Like New
One Dress Suit.$40.00
Bring your garments to us to be repaired.
University Tailors
Modern Tailors
Meal Tickets
Will save you a double expense. You only pay for your
meal once, whereas by paying for your meal at the House
and eating out— it soon amounts to many a penny.
Why Pay for Eats Twice?
Ye Campa Shoppe