ARMENIANS DESTINED TO EXCELL TURKS MENTALLY Relief Worker Predicts New Era For Eastern Race MANY CHILDREN CARED FOR Education and Care Given Tots in Orphanages If world powers will assure personal safety and political equality to the Armenian people in Turkey, future gen erations will see these people rising far above the Turks, both politically and socially, is the opinion of Mrs- W. E. Rambo, who for nearly two years was actively engaged in Near East relief work in Turkey. The Armenians will be able to do this, she asserts, by rea sons of their mental and moral super iority. “The Armenians are an industrious, progressive people, very bright men tally and fond of education, while the Turk, on the other hand, is lazy and in dolent—grossly selfish, and incapable of any feeling of national pride. For decades before the massacres of the last few years, the Armenians wero the very brains of Turkey,” Mrs. Rambo explained. “They were leaders wher ever they were, and were born money makers. Turks Are Infuriated “Jealously on the part of the Turks for their more industrious neighbors was one of the real causes of the mas sacres and outrages in Armenia. The prosperity of the Armenians infuriated the Turks, and they plotted their de struction.” Mr. Rambo, in speaking of the work of caring for Armenian children in Near East Relief orphanages, cited the case of a little 7-year-old boy who was found by a Turk about 20 miles from Alcxandropol. The boy had wondered off the beaten highway, and when found, was living among some sheep belonging to the Turkish peasant. The child was starving and was half dead from fatigue. When questioned, he could only say, “Take me to the place where they care for little children.” Gratitude Is Shown The Turk took the boy to Alexandro pol, where probably tho largest of the Near East Relief orphanages iH loeatod. Tho boy looked around at the orphan ago, saw the children playing in the yard, and seemed perfectly content. “T have got to the place where they care for little children,” was all that he could say. This boy, according to Mrs. Rambo, is now ensconced in the orphanage, re ceiving instruction from the competent teachers employed there. “The work that is being accomp lishcd among these people is splendid,” she said. At Alexandropol, alone, more than IS,000 children are being cared for and are being taught industrial work there. They have shown grant apti tude for this work and many of them are remarkably brilliant. This orphan age is caring for children between the ages of IS and two years. DANCE WILL FOLLOW MEN’S GLEE CONCERT Lively Program Set For Saturday Jan. 28; Trips In Future Being Worked Out T’iggers are making their dates early for the annual home concert of the men's glee club, which will be held in the Woman's building, Saturday, January 28, for a dance with a regular college orchestra will follow the pro gram of harmony, given bv the singers, Recording to those in charge. The dance will be given with glee club men acting ns hosts and will be as a special feature on tin' program- Hill McBride has been engaged to furnish the dance; music. Saturday the 2Sth is an open date and a record breaking crowd is ex peeted. The glee club men are praetie ing each night and are lining up one of the livliest programs in years. Committees appointed to work with tiie manager will have charge ot stag ing the home concert. Plans for future trips of the organisation are being eon eidered and further announcements will be made tit a later date. JUNIOR HOLIDAY PROBED (Continued from page onel fete and the Junior prom should be re tained. ‘•I am in favor of abolishing Junior Week end,” said Ogden Johnson, gen eral chairman of last year's festivities, in answer to the query of the curious faculty member who asked “What would the students think about abolish tug Junior Week emit'' “We should be slow about abolishing a tradition," continued Johnson," but when the tradition grows so large and unwieldy that it becomes more detrimental than advantageous it does not justify itself and should be abolished " According to Johnson, the abolishing of Junior Week end would mean eeon omv to the student, raising of the standard of the University and less aocial activities. Johnson said that Junior Week end is financed by the students and that it is a burden on the self supporting students. there are from twenty to thirty people working on committees nil of the time from fall until the end of the festivities during the fall the plans are laid and during the two weeks immediately pre ceding the Week-end the real work starts and there is hardly any time for anything else. Of course, said Johnson, it would be hard to abolish Junior Week-end un less O. A. C. does the same; but I be lieve that if Oregon takes the initiative and shows the people of the state that such a move would be beneficial both to the student and to the institution 0. A. C. would have to follow. “I am not in favor of abolishing Jun ior Weekend,” said Marc Latham, “and we can’t think about it until O. A. C. does the same.” It is, con tinued Latham, our greatest advertis ing medium and it is during that time that the campus gets its one thorough cleaning. “Personally, I do not approve the abolishment of Junior Week-end,” said Phil Brogan, “not only are the annual spring festivities beneficial to the stu dents as a needed recess, but Junior Week-end is an advertising medium of great import to the University. Visi tors come from all parts of the state, especially high school students, are given a chance to see a side of schol astic education very different from the routine grind which many persons expect of college life. If prospective students obtain the wrong impression from the spirit of frivolity it can easily be unlearned when they enter the Uni versity.” The interviews were nearly unani mous in the opinion that Campus day should be retained. One or two thought that it would be better to have this done earlier in the spring. “ Whatever wc do about cutting down the events of Junior Week-end we must have the canoe fete,” said Lyle Bry son, former secretary of the student body. “Junior Week-end is our only oppor tunity to show the campus to the high school students of the state and I don’t think that we should make any change in the way we conduct it,” said Helen Manning, former editor of the Orogana. “I don’t think that it is too extrava gant,” she said. ft. J. H.’s opinions on campus affairs Rre valued. His is that such a big extravagant celebration should be done away with. “I’d like to do away with having guests. Students will come to Oregon anyhow. We could have a day’s celebration among ourselves,’’ he said. “Students will come to Oregon just the same, whether wo go to such trouble and expense or not,” was Mae Hallack's idea. Frank Carter believes that the events are becoming such a burden that they are more trouble than they are worth. “Unloss,” ho said, “the method of running things is changed and some better method of handling the crowds is devised I would be in favor of abolishing the whole thing. It is getting harder every year to accommodate the guests.” Neil Morfitt thinks that Junior Week end is a big thing, although he thinks that it is getting too expensive lie is in favor of reducing the activi ties. UNIVERSITY TO HEAR ALFRED E. ZIMMERN Other Lectures of Note to be Brought to Campus For years faculty members have agi tated bringing to the campus for a week at a time noted scholars from other universities or from abroad, with the idea that they would act as a stim ulous to faculty members and give groups of interested students a chance to meet and talk to prominent schol ars. The faculty believe that the con tributions these men could make from their respective specialities would also be of great benefit. In aeeordanoe witn tnese puma „-yi frod E. Zimmern, the noted Oxford scholar will tie brought here for a week in February or March, if sufficient in terest is manifested on the part of fac ulty members and students. Mr- Zim mern is a Hellenist, but also belongs to the younger group of English Liberals and will doubtless speak on present day national and international problems if he conies to the campus. Mr. Zimmern is an active member of the staff of the Hound Table, the British quarterly, and is an author of note, lie was an in fluential war time lecturer, wrote the "Greek Commonwealth,” and edited and contributed to the “War and Demo cracv. ” Mr. Zimmern is being brought to the northwest under the auspices of Reed College and will be the guest of Presi dent and Mrs, Bohol • while in Port land. Hr. Scholr went east Sunday and will meet Mr. Zimmern in Mon treal. Mr- Zimmern will be under the auspices of the history department if he comes to the Pniversitv. Other prominent men whom the fac 1 ultv are going to try to bring to the campus are Hr. Paul Reinsch, eminent diplomatist, and eonsellor to thf Chinese government in liv’d, and Edgar E Robinson, teacher and authority on history. HIOH SCHOOL HOOPERS TO MEET T’>e basket ball teams of the Emma-’ •md Culvers!tv high schools will meet on the Eugene high school f'oor Fr'dsv night The members of the earnout high team are- Gordon Ridings Teddv Ruch. forwards- Harp'd Oordonier Robert M Knioht. guards: T awreno Mn-V center- Thomas Powers Goo-gr Head'ov R-"sod C-il-'m-in. substitutes Thp gir's’ bs«VetbeR teem of the ,-am mi) high was organised t'-is week w-*1 \fsrv P-wera as captain ami Tle'e” Pc molds manager. UNIVERSITY GIVEN COPY OF CODICE TRIVULZIANO Reproduction One of 70 of Kind in United States The University of Oregon has re cently been honored by the gift of one of the 70 reproductions of the celebrated Codice Trivulziano, published by Ulrico Hoepli, Milan, and presented by the Italians of America on the initiative of Luigi Oarnovale, in commemoration of, the six-hundreth anniversary of the death of Dante. There are but 70 copies in the United States, one of which is in the library of the White House, another in the Library of Congress, and the others in the libraries of the chief American universities. The Oodric Trivulziano is the original manuscript of the “ Divina (Jommedia ”, transcribed by Her Francesco di Ser Na do Barberi of Florence in 1337, sixteen years after the death of Dante; and it j is called Codice Trivulziano because it belonged to the Princess Trivulzio of1 Milan, in whose possession it has been ! for the last century. There is not a line of Dante’s hand writing known to be in existence, not even an autograph. The maunscript which will be placed on exhibition in the University library is without a blemish, even the parchment is in a wonderful state of preservation. The illumination in design and color and the beautiful semi-Gothic letters in which it is written would alone make it famous even if it were not identified with the Divine Poet. The manuscript is not only a beautiful work of art, but the Tuscan in which it is engrossed is said to have been copied from an original which came from the poet himself. The manuscript is connected with a graceful tradition, says Professor F. S. Dunn of the Latin department, ac cording to which the copyist and illumin ator, Ser Nardo, the father of a num erous family, worked hard and put forth his genius that he might be handsomely rocompened and thus be able to furnish his daughters with proper dowers. There are but 350 copies of the Codice Trivulziano in existence in the world to day, and owing to the difficulties in publishing, publishers announced that no moro reproductions will l>e made in the future. UNDERGROUND MONSTER CONTROLS CAMPUS HEAT Main Artery With Branches Supplies Steam for Campus Buildings; 15-18 Cords of Wood Burned Daily 1 Like the circulatory system in the human organism the University heat ing system spreads through the campus in a groat network of veins and ar teries. Starting with the boilers, five in number, the main feed pipe, or artery, of steam extends through a tunnel eight feet high to the Woman’s build ing. At various intervals branches, or capillaries, are led off to the Library, to the Oregon building, Yillard hall, and other buildings on the campus. After going through the radiators, the stenm now partly condensed, is drawn back through the return pipe, or vein, by a vacum pump where it is returned once more to the boilers. The plant itself, located at the rear of the old school of commerce, supplies heat and all water used except for drinking purposes, to all the buildings. The water nsed is obtained from the mill-race from which it is drawn by pumps. An average of fifteen to eighteen cords of fir and slab-wood is burned every twenty-four hours. The personnel of the heating plant organization consists of K. A. Perin, chief engineer. L. Tb Butterfield and Clarence Campbell, assistants, and Roy Anderson, relief man. Students read the classified ads; try using them. CLASSIFIED ADS Minimum charge, 1 time. *2F>c : ?. times, 45c; 6 times. $1. Must be limited to 6 line*, over this limit. 5c per line. Phone !'M. or leave cony with business office of FMKKVI.P, in University Press. Payment in advance. Office hours, 1 to 4 p. m. FOR RENT -Rooms tor men stu dents- One block east of campus. 1193 Onyx St. Phone 1005-J. 62-J13 5. DANCE STUDIO—Gertrude Bavh, instructor of ball-room dancing. Pri vate lessons 10 a. m. Advanced class Tuesday evening. 14*^ 7th Avenue West- T.W. tf. WANTED Typing to do. Phone either mornings or evenings. Phone 1107-J- 68-J13-2. LOST (levemment cheek for $50. Finder please phone 1292-J. Reward. 67 J13-2. LOST Conklin fountain pen with gold and gold band around cap. Finder i call 434-L. h | Clothing and Shoe Store carrying a complete line of Men s Furnishings, Clothing, and a complete line of Shoes, Ladies’ and Children s Underwear, Hosiery and miscellaneous garments, wishes to announce that they have moved into their new location 97 West 8th Street, Comer Olive, Opposite Dice-Swan and are now open for business, and invite your hearty and co-operative patronage. By walking a block from Willamette street to this store you will save dollars on your wearing apparel and shoes. - RADIO CLUB WORKING Expect to Have Apparatus Installed in Journalism Shack Soon The Radio Club, recently organized on the campus, is busy with the work of installing a radio telegraph to take and send news for the Emerald, a feature, which when completed will greatly en hance the efficiency of intercollegiate news service, making it possible to re ceive a greater amount of bulletins at a faster rate and at reduced expense to the paper. The apparatus is being installed in the Emerald annex, having formerly been in Deady hall where it was of no practical use. The aerials have already been put up above the journalism “shack,” but the receiving apparatus has not yet been put in. According to Garrett Lewis, acting president of the club, it is expected that the apparatus will be in readiness for use in Emerald work by the end of the week. FROSH RULES OFF AT 'WHITMAN' WHITMAN COLLEGE, Jan. 12.— All freshman rules, with the exception Now Remember If your suit needs cleaning, bring it to us and we will put it in such perfect shape that you will hardly recognize it. We take pride in doing good work and our customers find that it pays to bring their clothes to us to be rejuvinated Why not send that suit or overcoat today before you for get it! When you think of cleaning, think of— City Cleaners Phone 220 44 8th Ave W. of the wearing of green “dinks’’ have] been called off at Whitman college, | while the green caps will be burned in a huge bonfire following the first home varsity basketball game. ^ Bead the Classified Ad column. 16 Passenger Special Bus To CORVALLIS And Return for Schuman Heink Concert Make Reservations at Y. M. C. A. HUT $2.00-Round Trip LOOK! But Don’t Stop Bring your clothes in, and watch us rejuvenate them by applying a little steam. Do they need it? U. of O. Cleaners Rear Room of Co-Op. DRESSMAKING Evening Gowns Street Dresses Mrs. R. A. Morgan MODISTE 7th and Willamette Sts. Over Red Cross L They’re New! They’re Good! POLAR CAKES, the delicious little chocolate coated ice cream bricks and they sell for only a dime. Join the crowd—eat Polar cakes Bust In The Rainbow HERMAN BURGOYNE SHEAFFER SELF FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN With exclusive patented spring lever. Guaranteed not to leak. At all dealers.