Oregon Daily Emerald \ VOLUME XXIII. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1922 NUMBER 55 R.O.T.C. RAPPED AS USELESS E. J. H. Unable to See Anything to Recommend. Military Instruction in University; Says Preparation Breeds'Wat. PANTS TOO BIG Humbling of Pride by Making Mem bers of Corps Ridiculous Declared One of By-Products; Time Waste Charged. By E. J. H. The simplest way of humbling a man’s pride is to make him appear ridiculous. That, evidently, is the prin ciple upon which the R. O. T. C. is based. Consider Johnny Jones’ regalia. One pair of two tone shoes, about the size of small gravel scows. One pair cf leggings, made of 1he choicest of gunnysack fabric, wrapped in a manner best calculated to bunco gracefully at the calves, and with t,he bottoms neatly tucked in the shoe tops. One pair of pants, size—well, it doesn’t make any difference about the size; its the only size there is appar ently, for every one looks the same. They make wonderful foraging pants with the mail pouch effect at the knees, capable of holding such diverse things as watermelons, potatoes, and head lettuce. One blouse which flares out in the rear after the fashion of our dear old liberty bell. One cap, two sizes too small or too large, arranged so as to rest on the ears or on the scalp lock. Noble looking soldier, isn’t he? And this, not in the hustling, piping war days of 1917, but in 1922, While the disarmament conference urges phys ical and mental disarming upon the world—taught, of all things, in a lib eral arts University which bases its existence on truth, justice and human ity. It is to laugh when we hear brave idealists speak from the platform in Villard on the great duty that rests on our youthful shoulders to make this globe one vast Edison record of “Peace on Earth, etc.” For we have just hur ried off the drill field to hear this philosopher, and the contrast is—a con trast, don’t you know. * * • Every once in a while a high mili tary officer comes through the States somberly warning us that there’ll be another war in five years time. Point ing a finger toward the Western hori zon, or the Eastern horizon he whis pers tragically: “Sh! I don’t dare name the country—but follow my finger.” Bushwah, and more bushwah* That’s the psychology their profession feeds on. The professional soldier eternally surveys the terrain of the adjoining nation with suspicion. He’s paid for being suspicious, and in turn tries to impart that suspicion to us. “No one hates war more than I,” he sobs. “Yet prepare—prepare.” That’s the song he’s been singing for ages. And finally he gets bumped off on the field of a war of his partial making, and a younger generation of soldiers and jingoes carry the message on. Our little standing army (or reclining army—as it seems it is, from observa tion of the drill grounds and barracks during drill hour) is about as valuable as a pewter beer mug in a church. The University is apparently oblivious of the spectacle of inconsistency it pre sents in allowing it to remain at the side of its regular curriculum. • • • Another war in five years? Wise men tell us that will wipe us out of existence. Do sane people calmly pre pare their own death? And—this has some importance also—while grades are being tightened up, and activities are being curtailed, it might be well for the authorities to consider the usless ap panage that takes four hours a week to teach the gospel of silliness. EDITORS FROM ALL PARTS OF STATE TO ATTEND CONFERENCE Largest Gathering Yet Held on Campus by Newspapermen Predicted SESSIONS BEGIN FRIDAY Journalism Students to Meet Visitors at Banquet in Osburn Hotel On next Friday and Saturday, Janu ary 13 and 14, the University campus is to be the scene of what is predicted will be the largest convention of the editors of the state ever held. From all sections of Oregon, editors, news paper staff members, and representa tives frotn syndicates and press as sociations are scheduled to come here for the annual State Editorial conven tion. Campus officials, as well as jour nalism students, are making final prep arations for the reception and enter tainment of the newspapermen, their, families, and other persons who are expected to take advantage of the gathering of the editors. The Oregon Knights have been put in charge of conducting the guests to and from the trains and of showing them about the campus between sessions. Wives, fam ilies, and other guests will be enter tained and cared for by Miss Elizabeth Fox, dean of women, Mrs. P. L. Camp bell, and Mrs. Eric W. Allen. News Agencies to Meet The sessions of the editors will begin with the meeting of the Associated Press in the men’s room on the north side of the Woman’s building at 10 o’clock Friday morning. At the same time, members of the United Press will gather in the woman’s reception room on the south side of the same building. At noon Friday, Oregon Knights and journalism students will have opportun ity to entertain the visitors at lunch eon in the various houses. Luncheons for several of the special committees will be held at the Anchorage includ ing the executive committee of the editorial association, and cAnmittees of the Oregon Publishers ’ association and the United Press association. The main conference is scheduled for 1:30 o ’clock Friday afternoon in the league room of the Woman’s building. This meeting is expected to adjourn by 5 p. m. so that tht visitors may have time to see the campus. President to be Toastmaster In the evening at 6:30 o’clock the Osbum hotel will be the scene of an informal banquet to which students have been invited to afford an oppor tunity for them to meet the out-of-town visitors. President P. L. Campbell will act as toastmaster. Promptly at 9 o’clock on Saturday morning a meeting of the conference combined with a special meeting of (Oomtinned on page four) Elmer Clark Leads Freshmen Journalists in Aptitude Test In the annual test for journalistic aptitude given the freshman class in newswriting last Friday, Elmer B. Clark, of Portland, a freshman major ing in journalism, took first place. Clark took first in four of the nine tests, and stood high in the others. Gertrude Houk, of Portland, aleo a freshman journalism major, who stood first in two tests and tied for first in another, won second place, and Herbert Powell, of Monmouth, took third, tying for first in both the first and second tests. This test, which has been given tq each freshman newswriting class for the last three years, consists of nine questions: news judgment, reporting facility, verbal meaning, vocabulary, ■spelling, synonyms and antonyms, vis ual memory, general information, and grammar. In these tests, Clark stood first in vocabulary, synonyms and anto nyms, general information, and gram mar. Gertrude Houk was first in ver bal memory and tied for first in spel ling, and Mildred Hall took first place in visual memory. Other students who made good show irgs were Kathrine Kressmann, who stood fourth, Jessie Olds fifth, Mil dred Hall sixth, and Margaret Skav lan seventh. The results of the test, according to Prof. George Turnbull, instructor of tho class which took the examination, compare closely with few exceptions, with the grade of work the students have been doing during the term. While a few were strong in the vo cabulary test, the majority showed a noticeable weakness there- The visual memory of the class appeared to be much better than the verbal. The question on general information demon strated a wide range of preparation. Elmer Clark answered correctly 44 of the 60 questions asked, which is re garded as unusually good, while one student answered but 2. Two other students answered fewer than five cor rectly. • These tests, which were compiled by Prof. Max Freyd, formerlj^of the Uni versity of Washington, now of the Car negie Institute, are given to a large number of students every year, in schools of journalism throughout the country. WOMAN’S LEAGUE TO MEET A special feature of the Woman’s League mass meeting to be held Thurs day afternoon at four o’clock in Guild hall will be a fantasy “A Japanese Tea Garden” in which nine University women will take part. A discussion as to the continuance of the regular League teas given every Tuesday after noon will take place. ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED The engagement of Florence John son. '24, and Alf B. Borquist was an nounced at dinner at the Alpha Phi house last Sunday. Miss Johnson is a member of Alpha Phi and of Kwama. Mr. Borquist is an x-ray specialist in Portland. The date for the wedding has not been set. JOURNALISM LOTTERY DECLARED SQUARE MIX List Posted in Shack Doings of God Of Chance; Joy, Jollity, and Jazz Feature Jamboree The results of the lottery for the journalism mix. to he held next Saturday evening, are now posted on the bulletin | board in the “shack.” Some of the re ! suits are rather surprising, in view of the fact that it is declared to be an i absolutely square mix. Only the sweetest and most trusting natures can believe | that the god of chance was not aided i somewhat. There are a number of students iu vited, besides the majors in the depart ment. All men and women who have the slightest interest in, or affiliation with, the School of Journalism are ex pected to look up the lottery list. TJie list is not alphabetical; so look long and hard. Men should call their partners early, as there are other affairs scheduled for Saturday night and adjustments will have to be made. The girl whose “lottery man' ’ hasn't called within a reasonable time should report to the committee and have him traced. Some misfortune might have befallen him. This is being given for the especial benefit of the under classmen and women, and if anyone has accidentally been left off the list he or ; she is urgently requested to report it so the matter may be properly taken care of. A journalism jamboree is an event to be remerbered in the annals of the school. There is always joy, jollity, and jazz. Dignified seniors forget their dignity and timid freshman forget their timidity. All wise journalists will can cel other dates and attend this event which comes but once a year. JOURNALISTS TO BANQUET SIGMA DELTA CHI TO HAVE CHARGE OF AFFAIR Delegates and Journalism Students Meet Friday Night at Oshum; Tickets Now on Sale An attempt is being made to have at least the upperclassmen in the school of journalism at the editors’ banquet ac cording to Kenneth Youel, who is handl ing the sale of tickets for the affair. A representative from each house has been appointed to sell tickets and to see that all journalism majors in their or ganizations attend if possible. According to Youel this opportunity to come in personal contact with prom inent newspaper men and editors of the state is one that should not be neglected by anyone who is planning on newspaper work as a life work. It is also stated that those who come there with an appetite will not go home hungry as the elaborate affair which is being worked up by the Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journalism fraternity, will include an appealing list of viands. Those who have been appointed to sell tickets should Becure them as soon as possible from either Kenneth Youel or Professor George Turnbull of the School of Journalism. The students who have been appointed to sell tickets in their respective organi zations are: Alpha Delta Pi, Rosalia Keber; Alpha Phi, Jessie Thompson; Alpha Chi Omega, Wanna McKinney; Chi Omega, Marion Lay; Delta Gamma, Margaret Powers; Delta Zeta, Eunice Zimmerman; Hendricks Hall, Margaret Scott; Kappa Alpha Theta, Mae Bal lack. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Ruth Austin; Zeta Rho Epsilon, Doris Sikes; Alpha Tau Omega, Allen Carncrose; Beta Phi, Gene Kelty; Chi Psi, Ep, Hoyt; Delta Tau Delta, ‘ ‘ Curley ’ ’ Lawrence; Friendly Hall, Phil Brogan; Kappa Sigma Harris Ellsworth; Kappa Theta Chi, Ken Youel; Phi Delta Theta, Lyle Janz; Phi Gamma Delta, Leith Ab bott; Phi Sigma Pi, Pete Allen; Sigma Chi, Floyd Maxwell. The list is as yet incomplete and representatives for the organizations not listed will be appointed today. SCULPTURE CLUB ELECTS President P. L. Campbell, and Dean Lawrence, Honorary Members At a meeting of the Sculpture club yesterday afternoon President P. L. Campbell and Mr. Ellis P. Lawrence, dean of the school of architecture and allied arts, were elected honorary mem bers of the club. Students who were elected to membership were Pauline Chase and Louise Vonder Ahe. Several committeees were appointed to take charge of the work for the next Jury day in the department and to plan all social affairs for the year. Florence Hartman is chairman of the Jury day committee and Mrs. Hodges is in charge of the social committee. Eunice Zimmerman, president of the club, presided over the meeting. PROFESSOR FINISHES OPERA Professor Minna Harding of the pub lic speaking department of Willamette, University iB finishing an opera which will be ready for the press within a month. Her previous work “Yankee Sun ’ ’ has had wide use in musieal clubs. SCHOOL OF MUSIC OFFERS SOMMER'S Opportunity is Qffered for Recreation and Study in Old World PASSION PLAY FEATURE Grand Opera, Organ, Choir to be Heard; Trip to Take Seventy-nine Days The University of Oregon school of music is offering remarkable oppor tunity for students and others who are interested in an inspirational recrea tion for the coming summer, in the na ture of a seventy-nine-day tour of Europe. For the first time in the his tory of the University such a project is being undertaken and it undoubtedly marks a milestone in the educational program of the University. In planning for the summer, three things are taken into consideration, the first, to visit as many European countries as time and comfort per mit, including places^ of special at tractions as the Passion Play at Ober ammergau, Grand Opera in Paris, Mu nich and other continental cities, organ and choir music in England and else where; ad lastly inspirational recrea tion. Landsbury to Have Charge The party will be under the personal direction of Dr. John J. Landsbury, i dean of the University School of Mu sic, and Mrs. Anna Landsbury Bock will accompany the party and act as adviser for the women. Leonard J. Gordon, secretary of the school of mu sic, will act as the business manager. It is planned to make the trip as instructive as possible, as well as pro vided a most interesting and profitable vacation. At convenient times during the course of the tour, Dr. Landsbury will lecture upon the various musical productions enjoyed. It is understood that those who are not taking the course for University credit will not be required to attend these lectures unless they wish. The party will sail from Montreal July 1 and return September 17. The expense for the 79 day tour will be $1075, the price being reckoned from the port of departure in America to the re-entry port. This amount will include such expenses as transporta tion, hotels and tips, all sight seeing trips arranged under the direction of the conductor of the tour who will attend to all handling of baggage, tickets to the operas and the Passion Play. Oberammergau to be Visited Just as many musical entertainments as possible will be included and special point will be made of the opportunity to witness the Passion Play at Ober ammergau, which has not been given for 12 years and will not be given again for ten years. This summer will perhaps be the best time to visit Eu rope since the war. The following is a part of the itin erary planned: Sail from Montreal on the Steamship Antonia, of the Cunard line, arriving in Paris on July 9. Mo tor trips from Paris to Rheims, Cha teau Thierry and other interesting points will be taken. A motor trip over the Simplon Pass, a visit to Genoa, via Coma and Milan, and five days’ stay in Rome have been planned. Aug ust first the party expects to arrive in Naples. Many Cities to be Visited Visits have also been planned to Florence, Venice, Milan, Interlaken, Lucerne, Munich and Obermmergau where the party will attend the Pas Bion play on August 20. Upon return ing to Munich they will hear two operas. A trip up the Rhine by steamer, and a visit to Brussels and vicinity will be the next feature. On August 29 the party will arrive in London, and from here they will motor to such famous places in history as Stratford-on-Avon. They sail for homo from Glasgow on September 17. Any additional information in regard to the trip may be secured from Dean Landsbury at the University School of Music. MILNE SPRAINS ANKLE Professor W. E. Milne of the Mathe matics department of the University sustained a sprained ankle Monday afternoon, while playing hand-ball in the out-door court of the men’s gym nasium. Although forced to resort to the use of crutches temporarily, Pro fessor Milne said that the ankle would , probably be healed in two or three days. He is attending all of his classes. HONOR SYSTEM PRAISED BY WHITMAN PRESIDENT Flan Like That of Law School Here Working Well, Says Head of Student Body ‘•The honor system has proved very effective at Whitman, and ns such has become a part of the school,” said Nat Penrose, president of the associated student body of Whitman, who was here with the Whitman basketball team yesterday. The system was installed in 1914, said Penrose, and is a strictly student affair, similar to that con ducted in the law school at this insti tution. A committee composed of class presidents, and an additional repre sentative from each of the three upper classes handles all cases of cheating reported. The chief difficulty experienced with the system, according to Penrose, is to get the students to report viola tions of the pledge taken after each examination which reads as follows: “I pledge on my honor neither to give nor receive aid during this examina tion.” Standards of scholarship were raised considerably this year, Penrose statod, and as a result, the work of the stu dents is of a much higher class than formerly. Nat Penrose, who in addition to be ing president of the Whitman student body and guard on the basketball team, is the son of S- B. L. Penrose, president of the college. The Whit man squad left last n4g)it for Salom, where they will play 2 games with the Willamette five. BEAN TO GIVE ADDRESS STATE REPRESENTATIVES WILL SPEAK AT ASSEMBLY “The Workings of the Legislature,” Including State Finance, to Be Discussed Tomorrow Louis E. Bean, veteran state poli tician, who has served in tho interests of the state of Orogon for a number of years and has rocently acted as speaker of tho House of Representatives, will deliver the assembly address, Thursday morning in Villard hall. “The Workings of tho Legislature” has been announced as Mr. Bean’s sub ject. It is expected that ho will touch upon state finance, a matter in which he has taken an influential part in tho past. Ho has served both as sonator and representative from Lane county. “Representative Bean is a speaker of merit,” said Karl Onthank, secre tary to tho president. “His public work in stato politics has attracted much attention in tho political world.” Representative Bean was most influen tial in securing federal aid for the building of good roads in Oregon, and recently made a trip to Washington, D. C. to secure an appropriation for that purpose, no was also instrumental in disclosing several timber frauds by which the state was losing thousands of dollars. Mr. Bean is a Eugene lawyer, and has always been interested in the welfare of the University. The Woman's Glee Club will sing Cadman’s “The Moon Drops Low,” and “The Bear,” a feature song. This is the first appearance of the Woman’s Glee Club on the campus since their Coos Bay tour, at which time they received admirable comment upon the excellence of their work. LEADER FILES LIBEL SUIT Australian Publication Defendant In 10,000 Pounds Damage Action Colonel John Leader who was com mandant of the University military unit during the period of the war and who is now on a lecture tour of Aus tralia and New Zealand under the aus pices of the Ellison White Chautauqua, has instigated a libel suit for 10,000 pounds against the Smith Weekly, an Australian newspaper, according to a recent news story in the Oregonian. The Btorv says that Mrs. Leader who is staying in Portland with friends, has received a letter from her husband say ing that the Australian newspaper published an article charging that Colo nel had never been a soldier or served overseas and was otherwise fraudulent. Colonel Leader is very well and favorably known by the faculty and many of the older students on the cam pus and addressed a student assembly last Spring. GRADUATE MADE INSTRUCTOR Miss Laura Hammer, Oregon ’14, who is back on the campus this year working towards her M. A. degree, has recently been appointed instructor in mathematics in the correspondence study department of the extension divi sion. Miss Hammer is doing graduate work in the mathematics department. Before she entered the University she was graduated from Pacific University. After her graduation from Oregon. Miss Hammer taught for several years. She also spent a year in relief work in the war-devastated area of France. MISSIONARIES WIN IN SPEEDY CONTEST BE SCORE OF 21-15 Oregon Tossers Lead at Start But are Unable to Keep Ahead of Invaders ANDRE STARS FOR VARSITY Sid Rich-Gurian Combination Proves Fatal to Lemon Yellow Hopes Again tbo Whitman linskoteers were too much for Oregon and the Mission aries carried off tho final ganio of the series playod in the Armory last night with a 24-15 count. Bohler used twelve men in an attempt to stem tho tide, but the Rich-Gurian combination was too much and the scoro kept climbing the wrong way. The gamo started fast with a bril liant dofenso by both quintets and when time was taken out for Whitman at the end of ten minutes of pl^y the Lemon Yellow was on the long end of a 3-0 count. With the resumption of play however, Borelesko's proteges climbed into tho lead with field goals by Sid Rich and Jack Gurian the speedy for wards and were never headed. Rol Andre, who played a brilliant game for the varsity while he was in the fray, started the scoring with a freo throw which he followed im mediately the ball was put in play with a goal from tho field.- Andre scored 9 of Oregon’s points and played a heady floor game. With rive minutes to play in tho init inl period Rockhey relieved Voateh at forward and Don Zimmormnn was sent in at center in Marc Latham’s place, Latham having started the game in his old position. Tho half ended with tho Whitman aggregation on top at 11-6. Tho last half was slow with Oregon making occasional spurts that failed to register consistent gains. In this period the Lemon-Yellow tossers were outluckod. Repeatedly Oregon’s at tempts at field goals resulted in hair breadth and hair raising misses but misses nevertheless. Zimmerman was especially unlucky and shots that looked like sure tallies bounced harm lessly off the bump board or rolled grimly around tho bosket to drop into the waiting hands of tho Whitman de fense. Sid Rich, captain of the invading quintet and a favorite selection for All Northwest forward in previous years was again high point man, for the visitors, securing 10 points, three field goals and converting four free throws out of nine attempts. Ourian, his running mate at forward was a close second with four baskets for a total of eight points. Rol Andre was the main tally gar nerer for the varsity securing nine points, slipping in three baskets and annexing three points by the free throw route in six attempts. Zimmerman with four points and Couch with two complete the scoring. With four minutes to play in tho final period Bobler ran in four sub stitutes, Rice, Altstock, Edlunds and Goar, leaving Zimmerman at center. The new combination was speedy but evinced lack of practice together, al though there was insufficient time for them to show what they could do. The lineup: Oregon (15) Whitman (24) Veateh .F. Rich (10) Andre (9).F. Qurinn (8) Latham .C. Knudsen (2) Beller .O. Chandler (2) Burnett .G. Penrose (2) Rockhey .8 Zimmerman (4)....8 Couch (2).8 Altstock .S Rice .8 Goar .8 Edlunds .8 Referee: Ralph Coleman, O. A. C.; Timers, Durno, 8hroder; Scorer, Brown. 113 FLUNK AT STANFORD Student Failures Constitute Four Per Cent of Enrollment Stanford University, Cal, Jan. 10.— (P. I. N. 8.)—Figures released by the scholarship committee today show that 113 students “flunked out” last quar ter, and 323 were put on probation. The failures constitute 4 per cent of the student body, in contrast to the 2 1-2 per cent usual heretofore. Since no penalty attaches to probation, ae