Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 08, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Other Teams Have Chance to
Lead Doughnut League
The Fijis have finally lost a game
of basketball, the A. T. O. team win
ning bv a score of 18 to 15. The losing
of this game means that the doughnut
(basketball league will not be discon
tinued for many of the other teams now
have a chance to come out in the lead.
Brocker scored the most points for the
winners while the floor work and bas
ket shooting of Schaeffer for the losers
was very noticeable.
Another close game was played be
tween the Kappa Sigs and Oregon
Club No. 2, the Kappa Sigs finally
winning by a score of 18 to 13. Kockhey
played a good game for the winners and
most of the points were credited to him
while Meyers of the Oregon Club
starred on the floor and in basket
Games to be played today:
Chi Psi vs. Phi Delta Theta at 4
o ’clock.
Sigma Chi vs. Delta Tau Delta at 5
o ’clock.
Plan of Women’s Gym May be Copied
In Eastern University
A picture of the Woman’s building
of the University, and a statement oi
the contents, is asked for in a lettei
from the president of the University
of Missouri, which has been received
by President P. L. Campbell. The
University of Missouri is in possessior
of funds with which to build a moderr
woman’s building. The building on the
Oregon campus has been highly recoin
mended as a model by Dr. Howe o:
Wellesley college, who says in a lette:
to the president of the University o:
Missouri, “The Woman’s building a'
the University of Oregon is one of the
finest if not the finest building o:
the kind in the country.”
(Continued from page one)
football coach, to the executive com
mittee until the early part of nex'
week, may mean that Hugo Bezdel
will return to Eugene.
“During his stay in Portland, it i
known that Bezdek was made an of
fer to return to Oregon and the grea
mentor declared that he would no
make any decision at this time. He
however, expressed a desire to get bad
to his “home” state, as he was get
ting a bit weary of the keen competi
tion of Eastern football circles.
“The university alumni committee
which conferred with Bezdek, has no
made public the offer made Bezdek, bu
with a coach of his prestige and cali
ber, the Oregon athletic council eouli
well afford to pay him that amount
for he alone would attract hundreds o
fans to all contests.
“A university that is successful ii
athletics is the one which draws th<
students. This has been proven. Tak'
California for instance. The Bears ari
grabbing off all the big stars in Cali
fornia scholastic circles because of it
prestige, because of the success of thi
—We are prepared to give you
a complete business course or—
—You may arrange for special
work in commercial subjects.
—The regular mid winter term
begins Monday. Janurav 2nd.
—Our office is open from 8.30
to 5.00 on regular school days
and from 10.00 to 12.00 and
2.00 to 4.00 Saturdays.
—We are here to serve. Come
up and see us about it.
Eugene Business
A. E. ROBERTS. President
Phone 666 992 Willamette
football team during the past two :
seasons in the coast conference.
“Old Man Mars was responsible for (
Bezdek’s failure to return to the Uni- !
versity, but fate took him away from
Oregon, but there is every indication
that his heart, which has a warm spot1
in it for the Eugene campus, may bring
him back. f
“Bez has gained all the glory he
wants. He has feathered his nest, so
to speak, and is now anxious to settle
down in Oregon. Mrs. Bezdek. he says,
also wants to return to Oregon.”
“On. On, On, Oregon" Suggested by
Dan Bass of Seattle for Football
From Dan W. Bass, who was grad
uated back in 1885 and still is full of
Oregon spirit, comes a suggestion for
a new one-line yell to be given when
the team is within a few yards of the
enemy’s goal line. It is “On, On, On,
Oregon.” At that time in a game a long
yell is disturbing: the situation is too
tense for more than one line. Mr.
Bass believes that his yell has a lot
of volume for its length and is full of
the stimulus needed at that point in
ithe game.
Mr. Bass gave a copy of his yell to
Dean Dyment and a party of Oregon
men he overheard talking on the Sou
thern Pacific train not long ago. He
told them that for years he had been
looking for an Oregon man. to whom he
might pass on the yell he thought of
a long time ago. At present Mr. Bass
is manager of the Frye hotel in Seattle.
A cosmopolitan club might well have
been formed by a group of persons who
dined at Hendricks hall Sunday even
ing, for Turkey, Armenia, India, Eng
land and the United States were repre
sented' as the birthplaces of those at
the tables. And while one of the guests,
Miss Margaret Reid, cannot claim any of
; the foreign lands as her birthplace,
she has the distinction of having spent
the past two years in relief work in
Armenia. Mrs. John Leader calls
India her native land; Ann Karagozian
was born in Armenia: the parents of
Miss Evelyn Underwood, a freshman
j living in the hall, were in Turkey at
the time of her birth; and Miss Jose
phine Evans, also a freshman, made
her entrance into the world in London.
Miss Talbot, head resident, Miss Ella
Rawlings, and Miriam Dubiver are all
Americans, though even in this each
represents a different state—Michigan,
Arkansas, and Oregon respectively.
. Washington State College, Dec. 7.—
i (P. I N. S.)—The first issue of the
Cougar’s Paw appeared on the campus
, last week. This is a magazine devoted
; to humorous stories, jokes, cartoons
and the like. This is the first liter
ary production of its kind to appear on
this campus and was well received by
the students.
Suzanne Bidgrain, of France,
May Come Next Month
Effort is being made by Dean Eliza
beth Fox to get Suzanne Bidgrain, sec
retary of the World Student Christ
ian Federation and formerly general
secretary of the French student move
ment. to come to the campus January
22. Miss Bidgrain. formerly from
Paris, is touring the United States and
Canada addressing college students in
interest of the world federation of
students which plans to do for the
students in all of the Christian colleges
in the world what the Y. W. C. A. and
Y. M. do for the students on Ameri
can campuses.
Dean Fox met Miss Bidgrain in
Chicago in 1910, as this is her second
trip to the United States. They were
also closely associated while in Europe
when for a month- they visited French
universities together. Dean Fox is par
ticularly eager to get Miss Bidgrain to
come to the Oregon campus and if it is
possible for her to come she will ad
dress the University students at ves
pers January 22. Dean Fox could not
speak too highly of Miss Bidgrain and
she said “Suzanne Bidgrain is per
fectly wonderful and I do hope that we
can get her to come to our campus.”
A telegram was sent last night urging
her to come, but a reply has not vot
been received.
Miss Bidgrain is an extremely well
educated woman as not only has she
studied in France and Germany, but she
holds a degree from Glasgow. She has
I addressed students in all parts of Eu
rope and if she comes to Eugene it will
j be only a short stop on her way from
1 Vancouver, B. C. to San Francisco from
where she will sail to the East.
Wellesley College Association Makes1
The Wellesley college alumni asso- j
elation is offering for 1922-23, the
Susan H. Hallowell fellowship, which j
is available for graduate study, in ean
didancy for the M. A. degree at Wel
lesley. This fellowship of $350 is in
honor of Wellesley's first, professor
of botany, and is open to any college
graduate of good standing. Preference
is given to aspirants who have ren
dered service or demonstrated their
powers along this line.
Aspirants should submit their appli- ,
cations before March 1, to Laura
Dwight, alumnae general secretary,
Wellesley college, Wellesley, Mass.
Louise TTassan announced her engage.
ment to Leo Deffenbacher at her home
last Thursday evening. Miss Hassan
is a senior majoring in Latin. Mr. Def
fenbacher is a junior. Both are of Eu- j
Your Themes
Bring them to
693 Willamette
Student Rates
College Dance
.Friday Night.
The Eugene Packing Company
We Patronize Home Industries.
Phone 38 675 Willamette St.
Successors to the Wing Market.
“Follow the Trail"
For Men Only
You know the candy—just a little out of the ordin
ary—Pure? Certainly. It’s made by us.
We have a complete line of Christmas Candy
from “All Day Suckers” for Prosh to the finest
Chocolates, and, incidentally, our window is full
of the FINEST LINE of Cretonne boxes ever shown
in this town.
Come in any time and watch us make candy. Wo
have no secrets.
Are you making a memory book of your days in college?.. See
our big stunt books for interesting campus pictures.
The Kodak Shop
10th and Willamette Sts. Phone o3!>
When you get home for Christmas vacation. You will if you
let us clean and press your clothes.
City Cleaners
Phone 220 44 Eigth Ave. West
U. of O. Students
We Specialize in Mending Soles
Our present University patronage is the verification of our
good work
TJAHIA is divided into an Upper and
a Lower City One section is on the
top of a cliff—the other extends between the
foot of the cliff and the waterfront.
Four Otis Electric Elevators in two large
vertical towers and the Otis Incline Railway
pictuied here, carry the people and freight
up and down the cliff. The Incline Railway
is built at an angle of 40 degrees; there are
two cars working alternately, each with a
capacity of 20 people and 1500 pounds
freight and the trip is made in 90 seconds.
Otis engineering has successfully linked these
two parts of Bahia. This achievement, big
as it is, is but one significant detail of the
world-wide service given by Otis.
Most of the famous structures of the icorld
are equipped uith Otis Elevators.
Oiftcet ia Principal Ctuct of ibc World
December 10—8.30 p. m.
Admission $1.00
Get tickets at the Co-oP and Kuykendall s Drug Store
Under the auspices of the Woman s League
“a thick, juicy steak—
(’ut from tho loin of a choice steer beef right at the point
where the tenderloin is thickest-—broiled over live coals or
under tin? flame of a gas range so that the outside is quickly
seared over to retain the natural juices of the meat, and the
inside a delicate pink—salted and sprinkled with dabs of
butter—served on a hot platter with sprigs of parsley.
A generous cut of the meat, with a baked potato bread
and butter, a salad, perhaps and coffee— well, there’s a
meal for a man, my son—a meal for man.”
Buy it at—