UNIVERSITY DAY OBSERVED Portland Chamber of Commerce Hears President Campbell and Dean Hale University Day, December 5, was celebrated with a luncheon at the Port land chamber of commerce. President Campbell and Dean Hale were the main speakers. President Campbell spoke on the work of the University, the in crease in attendance, and to what use the millage money is being put. Dean Hale spoke on the “Better Bar” which dealt with legal education. It is his belief that a student should have two years of regular college work before entering the school of law. The luncheon was very well attended as the room was filled to capacity. A special invitation to attend was ex tended to alumni and members of the bar. SINGERS CAN’T ROOT One hundred members of the Men’s Glee Club of Washburn college have been restrained from taking part in rooting at athletic events. Students reed the slassifisd ads; try using then. CLASSIFIED ADS Minimum charge, 1 time, 25c; 2 times, 4Se; 6 times. $1. Most be limited to f Hnee. ever thia limit, 6c per line. Phone 961, or kitve copy with Business office of Emerald, in University From. Payment in advance. Office hours, 1 to 4 p. m. LOST—Will person who took light bulbs from Garrett Lewis on the night of the bonfire please return same to W. J. Allard. tf.-N29. WANTED—Dressmaking and alter ing. Work promptly done and satis faction guaranteed. Mrs. Fannie L. Rtansbie, 052% 13 Ave. E.—Phone 341-Y. 44-D9. LOST—A small cameo broach pin somewhero on campus Friday. Reward. Gall Evelyn Foster, 1127.T. 49-D10, Do you want a better room for next term? New furniture, beds, bod clothes; bright, clean rooms; fine sleeping porch; very reasonable terms. 1257 TTigh Rt. Tt. will pay you to investi gate. PRIVATE TUTORING Poaching in physics, chemistry and geometry. M. E. Havs, 408 11th Avenue E. 47 D8. LOST $35 in currency Monday evening on Eleventh Street, between Villard hall and Pearl Street. Finder [dense return to Emerald office. Re ward. i 50 D7. LOST —A gold fountain pen on which was engraved the name Gertrude E. Andrae. Finder please call 107, Delta Zetu. 51 D7. OLD LADIES INVADE HOP Delta Gamma Upper-classmen Close Un assigned Dance Partners to Unknown Toothless hags with trailing feathers, freckled dames in elongated skirts, and gangling ladies topped with Merry Widow hats burst into the Delta Gam ma upper-class dance last week-end. ’Mid the horrified exclamations of the dancers, each intruder grabbed the man of her choice with whom to flit the rest of the dance. The upper-class girls, left on the side lines, watched open-mouthed while the ancient con tingent slipped into the latest steps with remarkable adaptability, con sidering their evident generation. As usual, suspicion points in fhe under class direction. H. B] DOUGLASS WHITES BOOK Harl R. Douglass, instructor in the school of education, is the author of a text, entitled, “Deriation and Standard ization of a Series of Diagnostic Tests for the Fundamentals of First Year Algebra,” which was published in Oc tober. The text contains a report of a detailed investigation to determine what constitutes the fundamentals of first year algebra, and to devise a series of tests for testing ability and diag nosing weakness. It contains a very good evaluation of the Rugg-Clark and Hotz tests, and supplies suggested new tests. _ How about that Buescher Saxophone Come in to BERRY’S The Home of the Bueschers and ask about prices VARSITY BARBER SHOP Service Our Aim. Next to Oregana Will the Ones Left Behind Eat? OOLLKtlK STUDENTS, who are not „oi»c homo for Christmas, will find Unit our 35c meals arc just what, you will want during the Christmas lloli days. Wo have just finished our now coun ter and are ready to serve you. The Home Restaurant A cross from Eugene Theatre Our Name Says Supply! That's the basis we work on. We can supply you as long as you wish. To us, that is a privilege Our large stock, quality and service amply bear us out when we SUPPLY you. You will need much from us before you go back home for Christmas. We will be glad to continue serving you. Table Supply Co. Footwear for the Formal or Informal Occasion “Where college folks buy footwear’’ 828 Willamette St 828 Songs that Sell Sweetheart—fox trot Tucky Home Say it with music Bimini Bay Second Hand Rose All By Myself Eugene Music Shop 8 East Ninth Street Headquarters for everything Musical OREGON BELT BUCKLES A new shipment of a fine line of belts, just received These buckles are of two kinds—gold color and green gold. The leather belt that accompanies the belt buckle is of the finest on the market. Very pliable and of a splendid grade. Co-oP IT’S YOUE STOEE What On Earth! Do people eat for, anyway? That doesn’t worry us. It arises from a complexity of causes what we’re concerned with is that— You get the kind of food that will bring you back. You get that here. Say, by the way— WE ARE NOW SERVING WAFFLES, CRISP AND LADEN WITH HONEY. PETER PAN Walt Hummell, Prop. my ENVELOPE Two Incomes* for evet^; Family HAPPY HOMES and contented futures are built on a foundation ot'SAVING. Ten-years from today the comfortable pros peritv of many a local family will be traced back to the fact that they read and heeded this advertisement. TWO INCOMES—the one from work the other from investment—ahe within means of every family. But the income from in vestment depends entirely upon your ability to save consistently and to put your savings to work for you where they will bring you a safe, dependable return at regular intervals. Interest Paid Regularly Every Six Months by this Large, Growing Public Service Company Our simple saving plan permits every customer of the Company, who can spare a few dollars a month, to become a financial partner, sharing in the Company’s earnings. Nothing speculative about this offer—Nothing uncer tain. This is an unequaled opportunity for the safe invest ment of your savings in a carefully managed home enter prise—a direct investment in property you can see at any time you choose. Our Company has shown a gratifying growth in business —year by year. The demand for our services in this com munity is constantly growing. The Company must con stantly invest new money in extentions, improvements and betterments to keep pace with the increasing demand. Your money will go right into these improvements when you pur chase our 8 per cent Gold Notes either for cash, or on the monthly saving plan. Obtain All the Details — Mail the Cupon Today! INQUIRY COUPON Date. 1 would like to receive further information about the investment you offer on easy pay ments. Name..... Address ... City . Mountain States Power Co. H. M. BYLLESBY Engineering and Management Corporation Engineers and Managers. Every Family A Noteholder!