Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 07, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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South American Clubs Show
Marked Progress
A long letter postmarked Montevi
deo, Uruguay, has been received at the
Y. W. bungalow from Miss Tirza Dins
dale, who was the campus secretary
last year. Miss Dinsdale is stationed
in Montevideo, which is the headquar
ters of the Y. W. C. A. work in South
America. Her work, as soon as she
masters the language, will be in a
South American university center.
The letter tells of an interesting
17-day trip from New York on the
“Southern Cross,” an American Ship
ping board boat making its maiden
vovage. A twenty-four hour stop was
made in Bio de Janeiro where Miss
Dinsdale viewed the work that is being
done by the association there.
Montevideo Buildings Praised
Miss Dinsdale attended the annual
Y. W. C. A. meeting held in Buenos
Aires and reports that she was happily
surprised at the progress of the work
the association is doing in the cities she
1 has visited. “In a country where wo
man ’s work is so new, one expects to
find the first years of work move very
slowly bu$ here are splendid gymnasium
classes, educational departments, cafe
terias and boarding houses and some
fine club work.”
Describing her first impressions of
the country Miss Dinsdale said, “One
is scarcely prepared to find these coun
tries so alive to many of the progressive
things of the world and in others so
far behind. For instance, here in
Uruguay, there are some very excel
lent laws as regards industry, and on
the other hand, the duel is lawful and
every month there are some deaths
due to dueling.”
Buenos Aires Meeting Attended
Miss Dinsdale writes that Monte-'
video has fine public buildings, school
buildings and state institutions and
that the penitentiary located there is
considered one of the models of the
world; that the little republic of Uru
guay has forty well equipped play
grounds but needs more physical educa
tion directors.
“Spring has just come here and the
flowers are wonderful,” said Miss
Dinsdale in telling of the beauties of
South America.
Mu Phi Epsilon will hold its monthly
meeting on Saturday afternoon. Plans
will then be made for the annual mu
sical, which is given yearly at assem
bly for the entire University. January
19, is the date set for the concert.
Although the details of the program
have not been worked out, it is an
nounced that there will be some double
quartet work, instrumental and piano
selections, and vocal solos.
Standard Values in
Hosiery for Men
A busy man has no time to
shop around in search of
“special” values.
When he starts out to re
Slenish his stock of Shirts,
feckwear or Hosiery, he
wapts to make his pure hases
as quickly as possible.
By featuring only suoh de
pendable lines as
Allen A
we have won the confi- i
deuce of men who know !
quality merchandise when ,
they see it
Oar —oitmrnU of stylet for men
faHaU toch thadet aftd qualitiet
at are certain to satisfy. Whether
t man’s preference it for the finest
tiik, lisle, wool or cotton hose,
whet he wants or needs is hers.
57 9th Ave. E.,
Phone 60
Doughnut Basketball
Standing of the Teams
Team W L Perc.
Phi Gamma Delta . 9 0 1.000
Kappa Sigma . 8 1 .888
Sigma Alpha Epsilon ..8 2 .800
Kappa Theta Chi _ 7 3 .700
Alpha Tau Omega . 6 3 .667
Delta Tau Delta . 6 4 .600
Oregon Club No. 1 . 4 3 .572
Oregon Club No. 2 . 6 4 .600
Sigma Chi . 5 5 .500
Phi Delta Theta . 5 5 .500
Bachelordon . 5 6 .454
Sigma Nu . 3 6 .375
Beta Theta Pi . 3 9 .250
Chi Psi . 2 6 .250
Friendly Hall . 1 7 .122
Phi Sigma Pi . 1 9 .100
Delta Theta Phi . 0 6 .000
Old Joe Jinx must have worked
against Beta Theta Pi in their game
against Phi Delta Theta, for although
numerous chances were offered, the
Betas did not get a single point in the
first half while the Delts tossed in
20 in the same period, final score 30-12.
The Delts ran in subs in the second
half, while the Betas staged a slight
comeback with 12 points to their credit.
Wright, responsible for 14 points, star
red for the winners, while Phillips tos
sed in two baskets for the losers.
Kappa Theta Chi won by a comfor
table margin from Bachelordon, score
26-14. Rice and Harding for the win
ners and Harding for Bachelordon
played stellar ball.
Oregon Club No. 1 established a rec
ord for high scores when they fell
; just short of the half century mark in
their defeat of Phi Sigma Pi, score
49-10. Murray and Fraser divided 31
points between them for the winners
while Hadsell and Young made eight
of the points for the losers.
Games for tomorrow are:
Kappa Sigma vs. Oregon Club No.
! 2 at 4 p. m.
I Alpha Tau Omega vs. Phi Gamma
| Delta at 5 p. m.
Girls’ Basketball.
League I W L Pare.
Oregon Club . 4 0 1.000
Kappa Kappa Gamma 2 1 .666
Gamma Phi Beta . 1 1 .500
Pi Beta Phi . 1 2 .333
Chi Omega . 1 3 .250
Alpha Delta Pi . 0 2 .000
League II W L Perc.
Hendricks Hall .;.. 3 0 1.000
Susan Campbell . 2 1 .666
Tri Delta . 2 1 .666
Kappa Alpha Theta . 0 2 .000
Delta Zeta . 0 3 .000
In the games played yesterday Ore- I
gon Club defeated Pi Beta Phi 18 to 1,!
Susan Campbell won from Delta Zeta
21 to 6 and Chi Omega won from Alpha
Delta Pi 25 to 9.
The results of Monday’s games were:
Kappa Kappa Gamma defeated Gamma
Phi Beta 18 to 16, Hendricks Hall de
feated Tri Delt 28 to 10 and Oregon
Club won from Chi Omega 15 to 2.
For Framed Pictures, see Bead.
These Pajamas maintain
the highest standard of quali
ty which we demand for our
customers. They’re careful
ly tailored out of the finest
out-flannel in a variety of at
tractive patterns.
Wade Bros.
The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx
All-wool Clothes
Barker Motor Bus Co.
Stages leaving every hour from 7.30 a. m. to 7.30 p. m.
For Information Phone 360
S. G. BARKER, Mgr.
The Campus Oxfords
for Women
Its unusual lines, its flat
heel and its true sport appear
ance, makes it the Truly de
sirable Shoe for CAMPUS
The home of
Hanam shoes
For Men and
“Follow the Trail’’
Our Candy
Appeals to all who want the best at rea
sonable prices. Our immense sales make
it possible to always have a fresh stock
on hand, and the variety will always be
as good as the quality.
For Christmas we will have special of
ferings, and you can safely make this
shop your Xmas headquarters for candy
Our Reputation
as Shoe Repairers 35
years in Eugene is
your assuranc of sat
Miller’s Shoe Shop
43 W. 8th . Eugene
Miss Alice Capps
Oriental Gift Shop
1289 Ferry St.
All kinds of pretty and inexpensive Christmas gifts—Beads
and Neeklaces, Baskets, Christmas cards and beautiful
Chinese and Japanese novelty goods.
HOURS; TWO TO SIX—Evenings by appointment
Telephone 479-Y.
New Armory
December . * til
Call for any number you wish, and if possible it will be
Elks Christmas Cheer Fund Dance
Bring All the World with You, as the Money
- All Goes to the Poor -
Gentleman Dancers 75c Ladies 10c Gallery 10c