Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 07, 1921, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Sunday Date Dead?
Thirty Days’ Trial of Idea Is Like
Jail Term, Campus Cynic Says,
Calling for Monastic Cowl.
Screws Turned On
Intensive Educating Process Held
Designed to Make Intellectuality
Sprout Like Hothouse Lettuce.
By E. J. H.
The Sunday night date is being given
ye merry skid for a month, after which
the Dean of Women will probably like
the innovation so much that an arid
Sunday eve will be the rule for all time.
Thirty days! Thirty days! If that
isn’t a jail sentence, now The wind
moans the mournful refrain through the
sighing, sobbing tree tops of the cem
etery; the empty grandstands creak
dismally, sighing for the bright and
cheerful voices that used to talk of
immortality, religion, politics, and the
better things in the world. The mill
Taee wends its melancholy way toward
the utilitarian task of turning a mill
wheel, bereft of the happy, earnest
students who used to canoe up, debat
ing the Armenian question, and the fu
ture of Europe. Thirty days! A dank,
dismal, dreary vista of Sunday nights
opens out before us.
What, in the name of Thomas Edison
Socrates, are we coming to? We stu
dents, judging from faculty sugges
tions, seem to be dumb species of un
thinking bovines, to be used as fit
subjects for experiments. Proceeding
from the proposition that all students
are equally and wholly stupid, our men
tors now propose that all students are
equally and wholly stupid, our mentors
now propose to instill or install in us a
capacity for intellectual endeavor that
will enable us to go out in the world
and do anything and everything from
inventing a new fluid for cold storag
ing eggs to building a Greek temple.
This, it further develops, is not to be
a slow process of development; we are
going to get this ability, by the grace
of God and a few professors, in the
next few weeks. Or. perhaps that’s
stretching it a bit. Perhaps it will ex
tend over a period of a term or so.
Anyhow, the fact remains (said fact
haviner been so firmly planted that it
can’t do anything but remain-) that the
thing is going to be done.
As one of our beloved preceptors is
fond of shouting, the screws are “to
be turned a few notches tighter.” The
essence of successful pedagogy nowa
days seems to consist in getting hard
boiled. Where, T rise to ask, is my
cowl and my black robe, and when
do they allot me mine cheerless stone
cell? When we go up to pay our fees
(which, upon failure to do so within
four minutes and thirteen seconds after
the allotted period of time results in a
loss of hours or expulsion from school)
there ought to be another line, form
ing on the right to get a monastery
ration card, which would entitle us to
one dried herring (non-odorous pre
ferably), two pieces of Zweiback, and
a flagon of chlorinated reservior water,!
per day. Why, the possibilities are im
I begin to see where some one has
overlooked a few bets on this higher
standard proposition. No one has
thought of a delightful time saving de
vice: a time card with every minute
of the day printed on it, minutes to be
checked and accounted for by the stu
dent to some central bureau. For in
stance, Horace Fleetfoot presents his
card to the inquisitor. “Horace,”
booms the inquisitor, “what did you do
with the six hundred and first minute
of this day! You haven’t checked it.
Now don’t tell me you stopped to
scratch your head, when you should
have been turning the two hundred and
sixth page of Taussig. If so, I must
penalize you severely. Quick, quick,
speak up. Already you have run over
your allotment of minutes standing
“Please sir,” says Horace, stutter
ing badly.
“Stop stuttering,” thunders the In
quisitor. “It wastes time.”
Horace grows desperate and turns,
as any worm would. “Well, if you
must know, I stopped to tie my shoe
lace.” He bows his head and bursts
out in huge, gusty sobs. This is the
end—the gate for Horace.
An awful alienee prevades the In
quisitor’s office. “You—you stopped
to tie your shoe lacef” repeats the In
quisitor slowly, the terrible truth
scarcely penetrating. “You stopped—
to tie—your—shoelace f”
Horace nods, now weltering in tears.
The Inquisitor speaks, and peals of
thunderclaps rock the roof. “What do
you think college is fort To tie shoe
laces t To waste time like thatt” He
stops unable to go further. “The
gate.” he chokes, “the gate! Give him
the gatej Be gone, never come near
our sacred precincts again.”
I repeat, the possibilities are enor
Sculpture Club announces the
election of Mable Johnson, Helen
Stoppenbach, Ellen Gardiner. Ethjl
Johnson, Alicia Agnew, Inez Fair
child. Ivan Houser, Ward Prescott,
Harold Warner. E. J. Harkness, Ed
;ar Bohlman.
Each Town With a Population
of 1000 or More Will Have
Two Representatives
Students to Help Alumni in
Lining up Preppers and
In Other Activities
Reorganization of the Greater Oregon
committee with one student from each
town and an alumnus from each town
as its personnel with four department
chairmen as an executive council is a
new plan which has been adopted by
student body officers and Miss Jean
ette Calkins, acting alumni secretary.
The student committee will meet today
at 4:15 in Guild hall.
Students and Alumni to Cooperate
Under the new organization the stu
dent committeeman will cooperate with
the alumni member to organize an
alumni association in all towns having
a population of 1000 or more. This
organization of Oregon graduates will
take charge of furnishing literature to
prospective students as well as fur
nishing the University with the names
of all high school seniors. Speakers
which are sent out will be entertained
by the alumni association.
As the organization of the committee
is mapped out there are four chairmen
to head departments. Paul Patterson
,is to be general chairman, Roy Veatch
assistant chairman, John Dierdorff pub
licity chairman, and Dave Graham, ’05,
alumni chairman.
Every Town to be Organized
“We are going to put the advantages
of Oregon up to the high school sen
iors,” said Paul Patterson yesterday
in commenting on the new plans. “The
alumni are to be organized in every
Lyle Bartholomew outlined the plan
yesterday and stated that the alumni
were behind the students on this thing
and that the interest of the alumni in
the University was growing. A great
deal of the work is to be done during
vacations when students are at home,
he said, although in the periods be
tween vacations follow up work will bo
done and literature sent.
Publicity work is to be done before
Christmas vacation in order to make
preparations for an extensive campaign
at that time.
Personnel of Committees
The new committee with first the
alumni member and then the student
member follows:
Albany, Ralph Cronise, Mae Ballaek;
Ashland, G. A. Billings, Leith Abbott;
Astoria, DeWitt Gilbert, Richard Car
ruthers; Baker, Prentiss Brown, John
R. Palmer; Bandon, William Tuerck,
Spencer Trowbridge; Bend, Henry Fow
ler, Howard Young; Burns, Hugh
Thompson, Taylor E. Huston; Corval
lis, Henry R. Patterson, Vernon Dun
can; Coquille, J. Arthur Berg, Austin
Hazard; Dallas, Ed J. Himes, Helen
Lougharty; Enterprise, D. W. Boitnott,
James W. Gailev; Forest Grove, Dr. W.
R. Taylor, Maud Graham; Grants Pass,
Florence Riddle; Heppner, Arthur
Campbell; Hillsboro, John Dierdorff;
Hood River, Earl Fleieslimann, Edwin
Sonnichsen; Klamath Falls, John Hous
ton, Carl Newburrv; La Grande, Clay
ton Ingle; McMinnville, Lamar Tooze, j
Wilbur Phillips; Marshfield, Ben R.'
Chandler, Ray McKeown; Medford,
Vernon Vawter, Elsie Lawrence; Mil-!
waukie, Victor Risley; Monmouth, W.
G. Beattie, Don Portwood; Newberg,
Chester Zumwalt; North Bend, Fre
mont Hodson, Horace Byler; Ontario,
LaRue Blackaby, Gladys Emison; Ore
gon City, Louis Henderson, Lot Beatie,
Dan Lyons; Pendleton, Harold Brock,
Art Rudd; Prairie City, Lyman Mea
dor, Roderic Belknap; Portland, Rob
ert Kuykendall, general alumni chair
man, Franklin, James Meek; Jeffer
son, Nelson English; Lincoln, Jason
McCune; Washingto, Douglas Farrell;
Redmond, Ralph Newland, Frederick
Rice; Roseburg, Merle Hamilton, Helen
Casey, Howard Bailey; Silverton, C. W.
Keene, Marc Latham; 8t. Helens, Har
old Broughton, Mason Dillard; Salem,
Miller McGilchrist, Lvle Bartholomew;
Tillamook. W. J. Whitten. Charles
Lamb; The Dalles, Robert Bradshaw,
John Gavin; Union, Floyd Marwell;
Wasco, John Barnett, Boss Hilde
The polo season at the University
of Pennsvlvania has opened and an
intercollegiate match will be held each
Oregon Honest,
Says Man Who
Got $20 Back
John Peter Dye, a freshman from
Los Angeles, set out for town one
day to pay a bill. He was planning
on paying with a twenty-dollar green
back received a few days previous.
The money had been sent to him by
a man who had borrowed the amount
some time before.
When John reached his destination
and reached confidently into bis
pocket for the bill—he found that it
was gone. He felt very low!
The next morning when he picked
up the Emerald, he found his lost
bill featured prominently on the
front page. He could hardly believe
his eyes. After he had read the story
John repaired as soon as possible to
the Emerald office, gave a descrip
tion of the money, and received the
lost bill.
He was so grateful to the paper for
the publicity that enabled him to re
gain his money, and so grateful to
the finder, Dan Lyons, for being so
honest, that he wanted to reward
him. Dan, however, refused to accept
a reward, so as a token of apprecia
tion, John bought him a knitted tie.
Now. all parties are quite satisfied,
and John Peter can’t say enough for
the honesty of students on the com
Money Not Only Factor; “We Fight
War With Labor and Labor Pro
ducts, ” Says Professor
The financial and economic losses
involved in the pre-war program of
preparedness, the financial cost of war
itself, and the losses, financial and
otherwise, involved in the post-war pro
gram of preparedness were the topics
of an address by Dr. J. II. Gilbert, of
the economics department at the second
of the Disarmament Forums at the Y.
M. C. A. hut last night.
‘ The cost of war is not to be reck
oned in terms of money at all/’ said
Dr. Gilbert. “We fight war with labor
and labor products.” Money expended
for the promotion of the war would pay
the wages of 464,000,000 men for one
year at pre-war rates. This is eight
times the laboring force of the United
It is not the debts themselves which
are a burden to a country, according to
the speaker, but the maintenance of the
debts. The money raised by taxes is
turned back to the people again in the
form of interest on the bonds. The ex
pense incurred is due to the enormous
force of workers necessary to collect
taxes and handle the bonds. If the
debt could be eliminated by taxation
in one year, this force of workers could
be turned to productive employment.
No Recommendation to be Made to
Executive Council Tonight; Will
Report Before Team Sails
That the football committee will not
make a recommendation to the Execu
tive Council for head football coach
at Oregon next year at the session of
that body tonight was made known
yesterday. The committee has been
meeting of late and discussing the
situation but it does not feel ready
to report at this time according to the
Dean Colin V. Dyment, chairman of
the football committee, issued the fol
lowing statement last night: “The com
mittee will not make a recommenda
tion to the council in all liklihood, at
the regular session tomorrow night. We
do expect, if possible, to make a recom
mendation before the football team
leaves for the Hawaiian Islands.”
Jessie Gamble, ’24, Succumbs After
Long Illness
Announcement has come to the com
pus that Jessie Gamble, a member of
the class of ’24, died at her home in
Portland on Saturday evening, follow
ing an illness which has eontinued since
last June. The cause of her death was
Miss Gamble was a member of Delta
Zeta, and well known on the campus,
where she made many friendB among
the students during her first year at j
the University, last year. She spent
the entire three terms in Eugene, and
her illness began at about the time j
college was out.
Her brother, John Gamble, a member
of Phi Delta Theta, graduated with !
the class of ’21 last June.
Present Financial Backing Is
Insufficient to Procure
Desired Equipment
Only $750 Appropriated For
Boxing, Wrestling, Soccer,
Tennis, Swimming
A proposed amendment to be pre
sented by the minor sports committee,
at the last student body meeting of
the term tomorrow, reads as follows:
Amendment to Article 10, Section 1, of
the Constitution of the Associated Stu
dents of the University of Oregon. Pro
vided that the discretion of the Execu
tive Council a nominal fee may be
charged for minor sport contests held
in Eugene.
The decision to present this amend
ment was arrived at by the Minor
Sports committee, only after they had
considered the (juestion for some time,
and concluded that it was the only
method to bring the minor sports sit
uation out of the present period of com
parative inaction, nnd put it on a firm
er basis.
Committee is New
The Minor Sports committee, repre
senting tennis, swimming, boxing,
wrestling, and soccer, is one of the
newer of the campus committees, being
appointed for the first time at the
beginning of the present term by Presi
dent Bartholomew, with Kenneth
Smith as chairman.
According to Austin Hazard, rep
resenting swimming on the committee,
only $750 was given to minor sports
this year, by the finance committee of
the University, and this amount has
to be divided without the money to
purchase proper equipment, nr take
any trips of importance.
Hazard explained that if this amend
ment could be passed the minor sports
would take in a substantial sum each
year, and in this manner would be en
titled to a larger sum for their expen
ditures each year.
$1350 Considered Urgent
The sum of $1350 was the amount
that the minor sports committee con
sidered necessary for the proper activit
ies for this year along these lines, but
the finance committee cut this to $750,
thus leaving only enough money for
the barest necessities in equipment and
The present siate of affairs, accord
ing to Hazard, will soon lead to the
total loss to the University of all !
minor sports unless some drastic meas- 1
ures are found to increase their yearly!
appropriations, and allow the men tak- |
ing part some sort of reward for their j
James L. Koke, Chief Justice, Addres
ses Law Students and Assembly
James L. Koke, chief justice of the
territory of Hawaii spent two liourH
on the Oregon campus Monday during
which time he spoke to the law stu
dents and at the special Bezdek as
Judge Coke has recently completed
a tour of Japan, China, and the Phil
ippines which he made at the request
of the Chinese and United States
governments, speaking to the univer
sities and schools in those places on
the American jury system.
Judge Coke is the highest judiciary
official in Hawaii. He was born in
Oregon and received his early train
ing in this state. He is a graduate of
Washington university and Lee uni
versity, Washington, D. C.
He came to Eugene from Coos county
where he visited a brother who is cir
cuit judge in that county.
Cameras to Click Thursday Morning;
Students Urged to be on Hand
The sophomore class pictures will be
taken immediately after assembly on
the north steps of Villard hall. At
10:50 immediately before assembly, the
class of ’25 will amass its personnel
on the step* of the Administration
Request has come from the Univer
sity chamber of commerce that all stu
dents in the school of business admin
istration be on the Bteps in front of
the Commerce building at 11:50. All
commerce people are urged to attend.
Three Teams To Meet
In Debate Final Dec. 7
The final round of the doughnut
debate league will take the form
of a triangular debate with Oregon
Club No. 2, Phi Gamma Delta and
Chi Psi competing in rooms 5, 105
and 208 of the Commerce building,
this evening at 7:15 o'clock... The
team winning the greatest number
of points will be awarded the Men’s
Debate shield... All teams and judges
are asked to meet in room 106,
Commerce building, at 7 o’clock.
The usual point system will be used,
one point for each judge, and one
point for the victory.
Curious Magic and Fantastic Effects
To Be Feature of Junior Company’s
First Appearance
As “Swnnwhite,” tho fairy fantasy
by August Strindberg, which will be J
produced in Guild Hall tonight and ■
Thursday night has a special interest
for children, it has been decided that
a matinee especially planned for them
will be given Friday afternoon at four.
Although the play has a unusual inter
est for youngsters it will appeal to
everyone since the settings and cos
tumes are to be particularly beautiful
while the play itself is a delightful
fairy tale into which arc woven many
fantastical works of magic.
Cruel Stepmother Involved
The play tells of the beautiful prin
cess, Swanwhite, and the cruel step
mother and, of course, there is a prince
and a kind father whom war calls away
from home. The play is almost entirely
the work of the junior company and it
is flip first, one they have produced this
Much of the business in the play is
of particular interest because never
before on the cnmpiis has anything like
it been produced. Two ghost-mothers
appear on the stage and can bo seen
walking through each other. Flowers
that open and close on cue, and a swan
which flies across the stage are used
to produce fairy effects. Particular
care has been taken with the cos
tumes, many of which were designed by
Sadye Eccles, a student in the dram
atic department. The setting is a
quaint and old-fashioned one with
which soft colored lighting effects will
be used.
Lorna Cooildge as Princess
Swanwhite, the young princess, will
be played by Lorna Ooolidge. Al
though this is her first appearance on
the Guild hall stage her work prom
ises to be very good. Tho young prince
from the count of a cruel king will be
played by Charles Fish. The step
mother is Helen Enoch. Tho othor
members of the cast aro: Margaret
Nelson; mother of Swanwhite, Thelma
Gannaway; the green gardner, John
Ellestad; first knight, Harrell Larsen;
three maids of tho step-mother, Sadye
Eccles, Mabel Gilham and Hildegarde
Ttepinen. Virgil Mulkey is working out
many of the magic effects which will
bo one of the main attractions of the
Chief Engineer Herbert Nunn nf the
State Highway commission will address i
the pre-engineering students of the
University tonight at 7:30 o'clock. The
lecture, to be given in the auditorium
of Oregon hall Claw building), will deal
with the problems confronting the
highway engineer in Oregon. Anyone
interested in this subject is cordially
Five Day Voyage From Point
of Embarkation to
Waikiki Beach
Pale Faces Doped! to Beat
Islanders by Big Score;
Plays Kept Dark
When the good ship Maui, Honolulu
hound, steams nway from San Fran
cisco on the morning of Dec. 14 it will
have as its passengers Oregon’s foot
ball squad, Coach Huntington, Trainer
Hawyard and Graduate Manager Jack
Benefiel. It will take 5 days to make
the trip to Hawaii from tho California
port which will get the boys into tho
Island city on tho 10th. This will give
them almost a week to trade their sea
legs for a steady gait and also to ac
custom them to grass skirts and other
items of local scenery that might prove
disconcerting on first sight.
The exact personnel of the men who
will make the trip has not yet been
given out by the graduate manager, but
the eleven men, Captain Howard, Les
lie, F. Shields, Callison, T. Shields, Von
dor Alio, Brown, Chapman, King John
son Latham that were used in tho
game against the Aggies are billed to
go. At present it is a question ns to
whether 14 or 15 players will make the
trip. The Hawaiian promoters are pay
ing the expenses of 17 all told which
provides for 14 players, but Manager
Benefiel is making every effort to take
another gridster.
The throe men who are to make the
trip in addition to the eleven already
mentioned will be picked from nmong
the following: Lnughlin, center; Gram,
half; Parsons, guard; Keod, tackle;
Morfitt, end; and Jordan, fullback.
Two games will ho played in Honolulu,
the first on Christmas day with the
University of Hawaii, tho second on
January first, with a team of all-stars
to be picked from the city league.
Nevada made the trip last year and
won both games taking thirteen play
ers in addition to their coaching staff
so 14 or 15 men should cover the needs
of the Oregonians. The University of
Hawaii is not doped to give tho var
sity much of a battle ns they have a
hard time rounding into form. Latest
reports from the islands credit tho
University with a win over Palomas
13-fi after losing a game two woeks
previous to the strong navy aggrega
tion .'15-0.
Spike Leslie will have to look to his
kicking laurels in the game with the
Hawaiins ns they have a booter, Lyd
gate, that, made an average of 55 yards
on his kicks last season. What style
of football Huntington intends uncork
ing against tho islanders is of course
problematical but with the perfecting
of the aerial nttack as evinced against
the winged ‘M’ on a sloppy field the
forward pass may be expected to fea
ture the attack.
The abundant apple crop in the Uni
versity of Washington orchard was
thrown open to the students, and they
were permitted to lay in their winter
supply. A trifling sum was asked to
cover the cost of production.
Hiking Parties Will Combine
Fun With Profit Next Term
Organized hikes into the woods and !
mountains adjacent to Eugene for rec
reative, and educational purposes are
being planned for next term by a com
mittee of geology students in coopera- '
tion with the physical education depart
ment of the University. These hikes
will be conducted for the purpose of
fostering a love of the great outdoors
and for inculcating in the students an
appreciation and knowledge of nature.
As tentatively planned, the hiking
parties will combine physical and men
tal development. In each party will
be faculty members who, from moun
tain peaks, will explain the geological
history of :,he Cascade and Coast
ranges; will trace the history of the
Willamette river; will name the varied
conifers of the forests visited; will
name the flowers and instruct the hik
ers in orinthology.
Hubert Schenck, geology major and
former wroker with Dr. Smith in the
Philippines, is chairman of the com
mittee which is to cooperate with the
physical education department. The
club members are Rachael Husband,
Dorothy Dixon, and Don Zimmerman,
and the faculty members are Dr. John
Bov&rd, Dr. Edwin Hodge, Dr. Ray
mond Wheeler, Dr. D. E. I.ancefield,
Professor A. R. Sweetser, and Professor
Melvin Solve.
The hikes will be similar in plan to
those fostered by the physical educa
tion department last summer. At that
time parties visited Raldy, Spencer’s
butte, the Braes, and one three-day
trip took over 40 members of the sum
mer term 70 miles up the McKenzie
to HorBepasture mountain. All the
trips wut« successful and well attended.
It is probable that the University
hiking club will join forces with the
Mazamas sometime next spring in
scaling the Sisters, those three snowy
sentinels of the Cascade range whose
frosty domes can be seen from Eugene.
The hiking jaunts will be arranged
, and conducted so that they will appear
to real hikers and students who desire
i to understand nature.