Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 06, 1921, Image 1

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    Sport Plan Outlined
Higher Degree of Physical Educa
tion Object; All Department
Coaches Would be Under One
Success Assured
Means Present System Must Go;
High Salaried Director Would
Take Place, but Would be Invest
The plan for a director of athletics
at Oregon, as explained in a recent
news story in The Emerald, and since
advocated as a solution for the pres
ent inharmonious system of conduct
ing athletics here, is not a new one.
Neither is it a radical change, but it
is the ultimate result of an outline for
bringing the physical education school
to its highest degree of efficiency.
The original outline of the plan for
the systematic carrying out of physi
cal education provided for an admin
istrative head of physical education and
an administrative head of athletics. The
plan for the physical education depart
ment was put into operation and at
present Professor Harry A. Scott, who
formerly held a similar position at
Columbia University in New York,
is the executive in that department.
Under the direction of Professor Scott,
a corps of instructors carry out the
courses in physical education.
But as yet, the athletic department
is without an administrative executive.
This is partly due to the fact that
lack to funds in the school of physical
education has not allowed the carry
ing out of the original plan, and partly
due to the fact that a suitable man
to handle the position has not been
suggested. It must be made plain that
the coaches of all the major sport ac
tivities fall under the head of this
athletic department. These include
Bill Hayward, trainer and track coach;
Shy Huntington, football coach, who
also maintains two assistants; George
M. Bohler, basket ball and baseball
soach, and the two freshmen football
coaches. The athletic department de
velops all the teams which take part in
intercollegiate competition, and the
funds which are supplied by gate re
ceipts from such contests, revert to the
treasury of the associated students.
Yet all the coaches cannot be paid by
the associated students, because this
total of receipts will not allow such
a great expenditure, at least they have
not, up to the present time.
As a result of this situation the Uni
versity pays a part of the salaries of
certain coaches and all the salary of
others; while the associated students
through the executive council deter
mines the salaries and makes the re
mainder of the payments to the coaches
and also pays some, exclusive of uni
versity aid. It is true that the divid
ing line is not quite clear, and evident
that if there were some definite ap
pointment of these salaries between the
two, a much more precise understand
ing of what is required by each would
result. Confusion in fixing salaries
and drawing up contracts would thus
be avioded each year.
• • •
Wih the suggestion that now is the
time to put in this athletic director
comes also the realization that if such
a system is inaugurated at this time, it
means doing away with the present
system of football coaching. For, the
student advocates of the plan urge
that the director of athletics also be
the head coach of one or more major
sports. They also desire a man, and in
fact the success of the plan depends
upon securing a man, who thoroughly
understands every phase of athletics
and of the physical development of
the men who take up this work.
Naturally a high salary would be
necessary if such a man were secured.
Yet it is maintained by the supporters
of the plan that it would be a capital
investment for both. “Two birds with
one stone,” will be the result. For ex
ample, Oregon would furnish to pros
pective students the opportunity to re
ceive training under a coach and di
rector well known throughout the
country as a leader in that sort of
work. On the other hand, the treasury
of the associated students would re
ceive an added surplus, for it is a well
known fact that many people witness a
football team in action, not because
they wish to shout for their alma mater
in such a game but to watch teams
which have been coached under the
leaders of the country.
The matter is being considered
strongly at the present time. If the
executive council at its next session
decides to reelect the present coach of
football then it will mean that the
University and the students do not feel
ready to take up the plan at this
Commenting on the plan of a di
rector of athletics at Oregon, the Port
land Oregonian says:
“Suppose the University of Oregon
should offer Hugo Bezdek a position
as director of athletics at Eugene?
"Would the Penn State coach accept?
A good many Oregon alumni members
are wondering.
The alumni want Bezdek. Oregon
had some great football elevens when
Bez was there, that 1916 team being
the most famous of them. What the
alumni have in mind for Bezdek if
fhey can wean him away from Penn
(Continued on page two)
Oregon Daily Emerald
Armament Question Will be
Discussed in Villard
Friday Night
Affair is to be Triangular;
Negative Goes to Reed
on Same Evening
The state of Oregon debate cham
pionship will be at stake when the var
sity debaters meet the O. A. C. team,
last year’s champions, in Villard hall
Friday evening. Considerable prep
aration has been made for the coming
contest, and if the student body stands
back of the Varsity by turning out to
witness the duel, Oregon has a good
chance to take the title holders into
camp, according to Paul Patterson, de
bate leader and team manager.
“Oregon has not won this series for
three years,” said Mr. Patterson, “and
consequently we are centering every
effort on winning it this year. We ex
pect a large crowd to be on hand next
Friday, and have made arrangements
to stage the contests at Villard hall in
stead of the small hall in the admin
istration building according to the
original plans.
The question for debate is of inter
national importance,” stated the Var
sity manager, “and should be of vital
interest to every student on the cam
pus. An opportunity to attend a dis
cussion here of the most important
topic of the armament conference at
Washington should not be overlooked
by the students.”
The question for debate will be “Re
solved; That the United States should
discontinue her present policy of naval
expansion for a period of seven years.”
Three contests are scheduled to be
going on at the same time; each team
being represented on foreign territory
by a negative body, while the affirmi
tive side defends the institution on its
own campus.
The Oregon negative team travels to
Reed College, and will be represented
by Boyd Iseminger and Claude Robin
son. Iseminger was a member of last
year’s varsity team of which he was
a valuable member, and according to
recent practice gives promise of con
siderable improvement. This is Robin
son 's first year on the varsity, but he
has had experience in debate, hav
ing participated in high school con
The affirmative team is comprised
of Patterson and Charles Lamb. Pat
terson is a veteran debater, but was not
a member of last year’s varsity, as he
did not attend college last fall. He
took part in the Pacific Coast cham
pionship contests two years ago and
established his reputation as a consist
ent and brilliant thinker. His team
mate, Lamb, on the other hand, is a
recruit on the varsity, but like Robin
son has been active in high school de
fContinued on page four)
Speed Shown by Staters in Running off Plays; Bezdek’s Lions Better
on Defense Than Offense; Get Total of 450 Yards From Scrimmage
in Game; Eckman Makes Only Touchdown for Seattle; Multnomah
Again Spills Dope.
With the University of Washington’s
defeat at the hands of Penn State,
21-7 another great intersectional bat
tle passed into history. Two things
about that game at Seattle Saturday
surprised the football fans, first, the
way the fighting Sundodgers held up
under the crashsing attack of the Nit
tanv backs; second, the incomparable
speed with which the 8taters ran off
their plays. One hundred and four
teen plays, for a total of 29 first downs
and 452 yards from scrimmage were
made. It was some attack, and only
the sheer fight of a team wonderfully
improved after a season of defeats kept
the score from mounting way up.
Bezdek’s Lions proved themselves
far superior on the attack than on the
defensive, and compared with the bril
liant work of the backs the line seemed
slow and inefficient. When on the de
fensive the boys from Nittanv lacked
the brilliancy of play that character
ized their offensive work. But as Mar
shall Foch, Gil Dobie or some other
well known stategian once said, “A
good offensive is the best defense that
can be obtained.” And Bezdek’s backs
constitute a juggernaut that rolled up
and down the field of the Seattle Sta
dium for a grand total of 450 yards,
exclusive of run back punts, and for
i ward passes. Quite a few yards to
travel in 60 minutes with eleven stal
warts doing their bit to cut down that
At that, Bagshsaw put himself in
solid with the Washington fans by put
ting a team in the field that kept the
score down against one of the strong
est teams in the east. The westerners
opened up in the last half and not only
lid they hold when touchdowns seemed
imminent but put one over themselves.
Little Ray Eckman playing his last
year with his team put the ball over
and the boys carried him from the field
when the ceremonies were over. It was
a good game to quit on, for the little
1 halfback played the game of his life,
thoroughly living up to the reputation
| he has gained. Of all the Washington
backs only Eckman was able to gain
consistently, the little fellow making
(Continued on page four'
Bezdek Escorts
Rouse Wrong
Passenger Out
The official Bezdek welcoming
committee got their wires crossed
and tendered an innocent salesman a
hearty reception at 6:30 Monday
Word was sent to the reception
committee from Portland that Hugo
Bezdek would arrive in Eugene at
6:30 Monday morning. The com
mittee went to the Southern Pacific
depot at the break of dawn. On a
siding was the pullman which was
supposed to contain the famous
A porter appeared and was ques
tioned as to whether the car held
a short, stocky man of light com
plexion, and with grey tinged hair.
The porter said there was a man
in berth eight that answered the
The committee made for berth
eight and requested the occupant to
arise and receive the welcome due
to a man of repute and many ath
letic victories. Whereupon the in
truding party was directly informed
that it was in the wrong pew, or
berth—and that it was disturbing
whose presence were not usually
greeted by a committee.
The committee returned home and at
12:30 received the real Bezdek as
he alighted from the O. E.
Tom Brockway, Reed College Graduate,
Selected to Enter Oxford; Now
Instructor at O. A. C.
Norman T. Byrne, graduate student
from the University of Oregon, was
recommended as the alternate Rhodes
scholar from Oregon by the committee
of selection Saturday. Tom P. Brock
way, Reed graduate of 1921, was chos
en as the Rhodes scholar from a group
of 11 candidates.
Mr. Brockway, an instructor in the
English department at Oregon Agri
cultural College, was one of the most
popular students at Reed College. His
scholastic, record was above the aver
age, and he held several important of
fices, beside taking an active part in
Norman Byrne is a graduate student
in philosophy and has had an article
accepted by Scribner’s magazine. He
is house manager of Chi Psi.
The Rhodes scholars will enter Ox
ford University in October, 1922, with
a yearly stipend of 350 pounds for
three years.
The Oregon committee of selection
is Composed of Prince L. Campbell,
president of the University of Oregon,
chairman; A. C. Newell, Portland
board of education; Professor J. B.
Harrison. University of Washington;
Professor W. C. Barnes, University of
Oregon, and Richard F. Scholtz, presi
dent of Reed College.
The engagement of Tna Mae Proc
tor to Marc L. Latham was announced
at the Phi Delta Theta house last Friday.
Miss Proctor, who is a member of
Delta Delta Delta, is a sophomore ma
joring in fine arts. Her home is in
Salem. Latham is a senior in the
school of business administration, and
comes from Silverton.
One of Metropolitans’ Largest
Houses to be Scene of
February Song Fest
Alumni Willing to Make Trip
Success; Dance Music by
Orchestra Planned
A homo concert in January, a Port
land appearance in February and an ex
tended trip into Southern Oregon in
the Spring, with numerous week-end
dates in towns in the vicinity of Eu
gene, are all included in future plans
for the University men’s glee club,
according to Maurice Ebon, president
of the organization.
Although no definite dato has been
set for the home concert it will prob
ably be held on a Friday night, sobn
after the Christmas vacation.
The Heilig theatre or the Auditorium
will probably be used for the Portland
song fest. The alumni association will
probably foster the undertaking and
it is possible that the concert will bo
advertised by the staging of an “Ore
gon day” in the metropolis.
Trip is Postponed
Arthur Rudd, manager of the club,
was in Southern Oregon last week and
lined up six towns for either a Christ
mas or spring tour. Due to the fact
that Christmas comes on Sunday, elim
inating a Saturday night concert, and
tight financial conditions in some of
the towns included on the itinerary, it
was thought the better plan to use the
later time.
The six contracts procured will be
held over, according to an agreement
with the signers. The towns which
were visited last week were Ashland,
Grants Pass, Medford, Roseburg, Cot
tage Grove and Oakland. Klamath
Falls and Weed, California, will prob
ably be included in the spring tour.
Alunml Working
Reports from the southern part of the
state indicate that the alumni are
ready and willing to do everything in
their power to make the coming tour
a success. Plans are already being
formulated for the entertainment of
the 21 men who will make the trip.
.Tohn Houston, 21, will work with the
high school and alumni association for
a two-night stand in Klamath Falls,
while, the Alumni will be in charge
of the local work in Ashland, cooperat
ing with the American Legion. The
high schools rvill be used in most of the
places for putting the concert across.
It is the plan to form an orchestra
within the glee club and to stnge
dances after the concerts, wherever
possible. This has been done in years
past and has been a large factor in
making the appearance successful fi
The manager plans to spend Christ
mas vacation furthering plans for the
future schedule.
Multnomah Hotel, Portland, Will be
Scene of Dance Under Auspices
of Woman’s League, Dec. 27.
A snappy Christmas colleg \1] will
be an event of the holiday jvason in
Portland this ypar as it was in 1920,
and plans for it are now being made
by the Woman’s League, with Ber-1
nice Altstock in charge of arrange |
ments. Invitations to attend this fes
tivity are being extended to all the
higher educational institutions of the
coast through the medium of student
body presidents, and all indications are
that it will be something to be looked j
forward to by all those students who
expect to spend their vacation in the
Bose City.
The ballrooms of the Multnomah ho
tel will provide ample space for the
dancing, and will be used for this
purpose on Tuesday evening, Decembed
27, beginning at 8 o’clock. The af
fair is to be informal, and is to be
.iust a big get together party overflow
ing with enthusiasm and cheer always
present at this time of year.
Tickets for the big frolic are 75
cents each, and may be obtained either
through the campus organizations dur
ing the next two weeks or in Portland.
Coach Returns
Home, Is Given
Great Welcome
Former Coach Expresses Satisfaction
With Oame With Washington. Team
Watched Today in Action
“I haven’t seen the team yet that
could lick the Oregon 1916 team. There
hnsn't been a team in twenty years
that could do it, and Pennsylvania
still talks about those Oregon ends,
Brick Mitchell and Tegard, said TTugo
Bezdek while he watched the present
Oregon team run through signals on
Hayward field.
“You have a great state,” he af
firmed, “the greatest in the union, and
it's fine to be back. My, how things
have changed.” The mentor of the
Nittany Lions smiled and disclosed
that one of his front teeth was missing.
“Your coaches have done very well
with what they had to contend with
this year, and the team is far better
than many think it is. There were
many green men and conditions were
unfavorable at the beginning of tho
vp nr.
“I have novpr soon the equal of
.Tolinnip Beckett ill nil my experience
and in my Patimat ion tliere ia only one
quarterback who can come cloae to
Shy Huntington. That ia Killinger.
Bill Steera ia a very high grade player
compared with the stars of the East.”
Bez aaid that he didn’t care about
California, liadn’t followed the tenm,
and didn’t know what they could do.
“The difference, the only difference
na far na I can ace, between eaatern and
weatern football,” he explained “is
that in the East there ia keener compe
tition. Whore in the Weat you have
fifty or a hundred men out wo have
aeveral hundred out in the East. The
schedules nre crowded fuller. This year
we had three minor games at homo two
big games at home, nnd five big games
away from home.”
Bez expressed himself as satisfied
with the result, of Saturday’s game
with Washington. “All we wanted to
do was to beat them,” lie explained.
The former coach of the Lemon-Yel
low sppnt half an hour on Hayward
field. He watched the team for a mo
ment and then jerked off his over
coat and watched the plays as they
were called.
“This young fellow,” he pointed
to Bill Hayward, “has been here quite
a while, but T believe he knows some
thing about how they do things.”
Velma Farnham, a sophomore of Ilon
dricks hall, was the winner of the prize
offered by A. C. Bead, University pho
tographer, for tho best advertisement,
depicting his framed pictures. Miss
Farnham won the prize offered last
year, by Botsford, Constantino, and Ty
ler, for tho best solution of an adver
tising problem.
University and student body offic
ials, alumni and green sweatered Ore
gon Knights greeted Hugo Bczdek,
coach of Pennsylvania State College's
football team and former Oregon men
tor ns he stepped from the southbound
Southern Pacific yesterday noon.
A double lino of Oregon Knights
escorted him to the Anehorago where
a “home-ngain” luncheon was held in
the visitor's honor. Nearly half a
hundred loyal Oregonians were gath
ered around the table in what was
termed the “second Homecoming” of
the year by Colin V. Dyment., who
acted as toastmaster. Bezdek himself
did not speak but the history of his
stay at Oregon was told, with divers
sidelights by Professor H. C. nowo,
“Dick” Smith, Bill Hayward, and A.
C. Dixon of the board of regents. In
the words of the toast master it was
a simple gathering of old friends,
gathered around a table, ns a family
might be, to talk over old times in a
happy reunion.
Bczdek Welcomed
“We welcome Hugo Bczdek, not be
cause he is the greatest football conch
in the country, but because he is our
friend—a builder of character and a
builder of morale,” declared Professor
Howe. “There has never been a day
regretted more than when Bezdek left
Oregon, and we look forward to the day
when Bezdek will return to our cam
pus to spend the remainder of his
A. C. Dixon, member of the board
of regents was the next speaker and
told of the standard which Bezdok has
set up at Oregon and which is now
followed here. “Bczdek has been our
standard,” he said, “We date every
thing from Bezdek and, after Bezdek.
He has set us an athletic standard.”
After luncheon the coach went
through the new Woman's building and
expressed an appreciation of the work
which had been done on the campus in
the years since he had left.
Bally Is Staged
The assembly-rally held at Villard
hall in celebration of his return to
Oregon was the feature of the day.
Two thousand students packed the
hall to hoar the man who piloted so
many Oregon teams to victory. Amidst
great cheering which lasted for the
good part of five minutes he marched
up the aisle in the company of all of
his old friends and took his place in
the center of the platform. Hugo
Bezdek smiled as he looked upon those
new and old faces there to tender him
one of the greatest ovations which Vil
lard hall has seen in many years. He
fairly beamed as the Oskies and var
sity yells thundered forth under the
direction of Yell Kiny Oberteuffer and
his staff. His countenance was ono
whole expression of happiness to be
once more among his old friends.
Dyment. Presides
Bean Bolin V. Dyment presided at
the rally. He introduced Lyle Bar
tholomew, president of the student
body, who welcomed the great coach
(Continued on page three)
Oregon Appeals to Girl Hikers
From East; Trip Takes 5 Months
Introducing to you “Jerry” and
“Dixie,” transcontinental girl hikers,
former Columbia University students
and enthusiastic admirers of tho Ore
gon campus. To be more formal, per
haps it is better to introduce these
jovial, plucky hikers as Miss Adelaide
Wylson and Miss Maybelle Halstead,
of Newark City, New Jersey.
The two girls left Nowark on July
2 and arrived at their destination yes
terday morning. Probably the Uni
versity of Oregon should not be termed
their destination, but in a way the of
fice of Dean Elizabeth Fox was. By
a strange coincidence, Dean Fox and
her father were in Newark last July
when the two girls began their hike.
Mr. Fox, noticing the grief of depar
ture between the girl’s and their par
ents, made inquiries and found that
the two young ladies were westward
bonnd. Dean Fox invited the girls to
visit the Oregon compus, and yester
day morning she and the fair hikers
met for the second time.
Miss Halstead and Miss Wylson
walked about two thirds of the dis
tance across the continent, visiting
eastern Canada, Chicago, Denver, Chey
mine, the great western national parks,
and many other places of interest.
Such little jaunts as scaling Pike’s
Peak or climbing up the precipices of
the Shoshone National Park have not
resulted in any physical harm to the
two girls who weigh more now than
when leaving the east.
Miss Wylson, a graduate from the
Putlitzer school of journalism, is go
ing to write a book when she returns
home. During her transcontinental
hike, Miss Wylson is writing for the
Newark Morning and Sunday Ledger.
While in Portland she covered the Mar
shal Foch visit for the Portland News,
making the trip up the Columbia High
way with the Foch party and got as
much “kick” out of the “driving
rain”—which she emphasized in her
remarks—as did the Marshall of
Many and varied have been the ex
periences of the two girls. In Wyom
ing Miss Wylson—she would rather be
known as “Dixie,” because she is
proud of her southern heritage—was
bitten by a rattlesnake. Miss Halstead
(Continued on page three)