Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 19, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Jue, The Hoebers, Goffreiere, Miss
° • o Harper to be Heard
Alumni and students of; the Univer
sity are invited to attend a program of
interest to music lovers which has
been arranged for presentation next
Sunday afternoon in Alumni hall of
the Woman’s building. The soloists
for the occasion will be Frank Jue,
tenor, a pupil of Mme. McGrew and a
former campus favorite, now attending
medical school in Portland, Miss Ger
trude Hoeber and Reuben Goffreiere
Miss Helen Harper, violinist, and Ralph
Hoeber, cellist, will assist.
Miss Hoeber, who visited on the cam
pus last spring is known to a wide cir
cle in Eugene. She has appeared be
fore the student assembly and in musi
cals here. For three years she has
been a headliner with Ellison-White,
having toured the coast, the middle
west, Canada, Australia and New Zea
land. She is a brilliant violinist and
has a charming mezzo-soprano voice.
Doughnut Basketball I
Standing of Teams
Team W L Perc.
Phi Gamma Delta . 6 0 1.000
Kappa Sigma . 6 1 .833
Delta Tau Delta . 5 1 .833
Kappa Theta Chi . 5 1 .833
Sigma Alpha Epsilon.... 4 2 .667
Alpha Tau Omega . 4 2 .667
Phi Delta Theta . 3 2 .600
Oregon Club No. 1 . 3 2 .600
Oregon Club No. 2 . 3 2 .600
Bachelordon . 3 4 .428
Beta Theta Pi . 2 5 .285
Sigma Nu . 1 3 .250
Chi Psi .. 2 4 .233
Sigma Chi . 1 5 .166
Phi Sigma Pi . 1 5 .166
Friendly Hall . 1 5 .166
Delta Theta Phi . 0 4 .000
The Fijis stand alone at the head of
the percentage column as a insult of
last night’s game with the Kappa Sigs
which the Fijis w6n 19 to 11. Kappa
Theta Chi in one of the prettiest ex
hibitions of team work seen this season
won from S. A. E. 31 to 19.
These two' games were played be
tween what are probably the four
strongest teams in the league and
brought out just what could be ex
pected from them.
The fast and accurate passing of the
Kappa Theta Chi team was too much
for S. A. E. in the first game and the
outcome was never in doubt. The
shooting and passing of Zimmermanj
stood.out for the' winners, ’’While Cran
dell showed up for S. A. E.
The game between Kappa Sigma and
Phi Gamma Delta was close through
out with the Fijis always maintaining
a slight lead, but toward the last long
baskets by Mclfcillan and Knudson
sewed the game up. McMillan "and
Shaffer played good ball for the Fiji*,
while Rockhey showed up for Kappa
Games for Monday are: •
Bachelordon vs. Phi Delta Theta, 4
o ’clock.
Delta Theta Phi vs. Oregon No. 2,
4:40 o’clock. %
Sigma Nu vs. Phi "Sigma Pi, 5:15
o ’clock. •
Alpha Tau Omega inflicted, the
first defeat of the ,season upon Delta i
Tau D<dta, score 11-10; Oregon Club
No. 1 easily won from Bachelordon,
score 23-6; Phi Delta Theta won from
Sigmh, Chi, score 10-2; and Chi Psi
made it two straight by defeating Beta
Theta Pi, score 16-10 in Thursday
night’s doughnut league games.
Delta Tau Delta suffered their first
defeat of the season, at the hands of
Alpha Tau Omega. Although the
Delta Taus led by a few points from
the first of the game a throw by Eggle- j
son .just a few seconds before the pistol
'put the A. T. O.’s one point ahead.;
Score 11-10.
(Continued from page one)
- ___— j
but it looks as though the varsity
would swing into action with an eight
ounce advantage per man over the#
Powell is Mainstay
Powell will undoubtedly bear the
brunt of the Aggie offensive, but it
isn’t big “Gap” that th§ boys are leary
of. if they are leary of anyohe, it’s
Andy Crowell, who cavorts in the
right tackle berth, the boy with the
big toe, that has converted field goals
from placement consistently through
two seasons.
As far as punting goes the varsity
should look good even with Miller at
the top of his form for “Spike” Les
lie is booting them 50, 55 and 60 yards*
and the big tackle is getting them in
side the lines now, whereas during the
earlier part of the season “Spike”
kicked repeatedly out of bounds which
lowered the average on his kicks con
siderably. i
Johnson Will Start
Latest advifes from the Oregon camp
"last night indicated that Huhtington
would, start his men as he did against
the Washington State eleven two weeks
ago with the exoeption of JohrAm who
will start at left half in plaie of
“Dutch” Gram. Rutherford intends
starting with the same men that op
' .
posed the Cougars in Corvallis last
week although last minute changes'mav I
be expected from either coach.
The game will be capably handled
from the standpoint of officials. Cave,
a former Cougar star will referee and
Hinderman who played with Washing
ton and Lee University and who is now
located at Prescott, Washington will
umpire. The head linesman’s stick
will be handled by Dominic Callicrate
former coach at Columbia University
in Portland.
Our Lumber Sale at Springfield has been a
wonderful success. In order to extend
this privelage the sale will be con
tinued for a few days longer.
The Booth Kelly Lumber Company
Phone 452 Office 5th and Willamette Sts.
Preston & Hale
FOR- .
Floor Waxes
857 Willamette St. Eugene
The Eugene Packing Company
We Patronize Home Industries.
Phone 38 " 675 Willamette St.
Successors to the Wing Market.
Saturday, Nov. 19
2:15 P.M.
It is surely worth while to consider the moral purpose and
spiritual power of our own time which is finding expression in
books and magazines and newspapers,
is one who is frankly trying to guide the unfolding of the coin
temporary soul.
A sermon by Rev. Frank Fay Eddy on “The Liue®f Prop
hets in History” will deal with the manner in which Wells
handles the great religious leaders of history such as Jesus,
Gautauma and Mohammed in his “Outline of History.”
At the First Unitarian Church, corner of East Eleventh
and Ferry streets, Sunday morning at 9:45 o’clock.
Robert McKnight will sing a solo as a special musical
Welcome Home
The Price Shoe Company extends greetings <
to all old students returning for Homecoming. *
The Home
of Havan Shoes
for Men and
The Service of Safety—Surety—Satisfaction
You are sure of satisfaction and safety when you trade
with us. We offer everythin" which good service can provide.
We do the best we can to made every transaction so pleasing
by sendee you will gladly come back again, yheir fine ser
vice is offered to old and young and on special purchase mail
or telephone orders.
Carroll Bros. Pharmacy
783 Willamette St. Eugene, Ore.
Next Door to McMorran & Washburn
—not just for the week-end, but to stay, so while
you are renewing acquaintances with the rest of the
old “grads” do the same with us. We’ve come be
cause we want to give you your own college shop.
Stanford has its “Stickey’s”
California has its “Pex”
Washington has its “Roger’s”
Oregon has its “Varsity”
N *
Joe Sheahan ’ 1 7 “Pee Wee” Edwards ’ 19
•Prices Are Down
Great Reduction SALE
Men’s All-Wool Overcoats Late
Style Regular $30.00 . . . .$23.98
Men’s Wool Overcoats Regular
$25.00 for . __ $19.98
Young Men’s Suits All-Wool Reg
ular $40.00 for.$29.98
Regular $30.00 for.$19.98
Pursleys ns w.Sth
Gifjts That Cannot Be
CHRISTMAS is near, if you would please
your friends give them a photograph of your
self. 4 „ '
Now is the time to order. The rush season will
soon be here.
Whether itr is photographs for the Oregana or
for gifts we can give you better service before
the rush starts.
Delux Studio
992 Willamette (up-stairs)
Martin Studio
708 Willamette, Phone 132-J
McKune Studio
* Cherry Bldg. Phone 741
Romane Studio
777 Willamette. Phone 1153