Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 18, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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(Continued from page one)
field a monument to the spirit of the
Welcome Signs Appearing
Signs of -welcome, of Oregonism
everywhere are blossoming out, from
the lowly lapel pennant to the huge
electric housetop signs. Even old
Jupe Pluvivus seems to’ sense the spirit
of the occasion and weather conditions
are not so threatening.
The week-end festivities will be
started at 7 o’clock tonight when the
greatest student parade ever held in
Oregon will get underway, starting
from the library.
This parade will be a long series of
features. A cup is offered to the or
ganization making the most noise. Fire
works will be a feature and when the
noise makers arrive down town beacon
lights will flash from Spencer’s and
Skinner’s buttes. A total of $250 has
been spent for fireworks. Senior cops
in their patrol wdgon will be on hand
to see that order is maintained. Fol
lowing the downtown parade the an
nual bonfire and rally will be held on
Kincaid field followed by a street
dance on University street.
The O. A. C. special train will arrive
here at 1:10. It will be met by Presi
dent P. L. Campbell, student body of
ficers and representatives of the Em
erald staff together with the Univer
sity band. A parade will be formed
at the station and will head directly
for Hayward field.
Big Meeting of Alumni
The alumni meeting in the Woman’s
building at 10 o’clock will be one of
the biggest events of the program, ac
cording to present plans. At this
meeting every alumnus and former stu
dent of the University is urged to be
present. A short snappy meeting has
been outlined with Bill Hayward as one
of the probable speakers. It will be
the one big get-together meeting of
the alumni and ex-students and will
probably take the form of a rally. The
only qualification one must have to
attend this meeting is to have attended
at some time in the past, one assembly
in Villard hall, according to Jeannette
Calkins, acting alumni secretary.
The campus luncheon will be held on
the campus if the weather is favor
able. Otherwise it will be held in the
men’s gymnasium. A committee head
ed by Ella Bawlings has worked
steadily on this feature and enough
real food will be on hand for all.
Several traditional features will take
place during the noon hour to enliven
the assemblage.
Order of O to Parade
Saturday afternoon will be one long
to be remembered by the 17,000 people
who are expected to pack the stands
and bleachers of Hayward field to
overflowing. True, the game will be
the one big center of all interest but
all those colorful scenes which take
form only at an intercollegiate foot
ball classic will be painted on every
At 2 o’clock more than 200 Order of
the O men, wearing their “O” sweaters,
will parade upon the field and after
circling the gridiron will take a special
section of seats under the press box and
near the side-lines, where an excellent
view of the game may be had.
Governor Olcott will be among the
distinguished guests present and he
will toss onto the field the ball which
will be used in the contest.
Oregon Knights to Help
The Oregon Knights, adorned in their
distinctive sweaters and caps will take
care of all ushering, car parking, score
board and like duties. They also have
All hats in the shop are in
cluded in this sale.
Mrs. Ruth
McCallum Carter
Room 102, Over 1st National
Bank. Phone 652
Will press
every players
good suit
if Oregon skins the
Suits to be brought
in Monday.
Cleaner and Presser
instructions to deal roughly with in
dividuals who forget they are Univer
sity of Oregon students with a Univer
sity code of sportsmanship to live up
Between halves the Oregon and O.
. A. C. rooter sections will execute novel
The first annual Order of the O
banquet is slated for six o ’clock at the
Osburn hotel. Here the Oregon foot
ball squad will be guests of old letter
men and men of the active order who
will each pay 75 cents a plate. There
will be few or no speeches so that the
banquet will not interfere with the
annual Homecoming dance.
Two Dances in Evening
Alumni and senior and junior men
with their ladies will gather at the
woman's building for the Homecom
ing danoe with underclassmen and
visitors at the Armory. Tickets will
be $1 and a ban has been placed on
flowers, taxis and formal attire. Tick
ets are on sale at the Co-op store. Stu
dents are requested not to go to either
dance with programs already filled out
as this would mean trouble from many
Tre Nu announces the pledging of
Kay Bald of Portland.
Um the Classified Ad for your wants.
Welcome To Our Homecoming!
Wear one of our College Color Neckties
to the game!
They are true LEMON YELLOW and
75c 3?"$1.00
Phone 342
Special prices to Students
Hotel Osburn Cleaners
Phone 342. 8th and Pearl
—---I _ “ — ——
Phone 37
Quality Market for
Quality Meats
For Your Homecoming Guests
No Meal is a Meal Without Meat.
Consequently, if you intend to give your Homecoming
guests a good meal, it will necessitate a well prepared menue,
of which MEAT will be the greatest importance.
We have everything in meats, poultry, fish, oysters and shell
D. E. Nebergall Meat Co.
66 E. 9th Government Inspected Meats.
Garden Court
Toilet Goods
For Women W. T. CARROLL, ’03
The Right Price 54 EAST 9TH STREET
Shaving Aids
For Men
Real Service
The Comet
A New Development in Basketball Shoes
Priced at 5.00 the pair
Indorsed by leading coaches, won
by many of the championship col
lege teams. This shoe was brought
out by the United States Rubber
Company after a very extensive
research and thorough experi
828 Willamette St 828
Earning Power
Do you realize how much de
pends upon good eyesight?
That your pleasure in life, as
well as your earning capacity,
is governed by the quality of
your sight ?
Moody’s Deep-Curve
Kryptok Lenses
Are Better
Detective sight, even m a small degree, causes impertect under
standing and therefore less enjoyment than has the possessor
of perfect sight.
Imperfect understanding must also affect the earning powers.
Neglect small defects and they grow more serious.
We test the eyes in the most scientific manner, and know just
what glasses should be worn.
Our experience and methods insure your safety.
Sherman W. Moody
881 Willamette Street. Eugene, Oregon
The Musical Comedy Event of the Season
“The kissable air” that takes two pairs of lips to whistle!
,ene M0n., Nov. ^ 1
The GoioCarr ProducingCommnyPresent
Tha George M/. Lcderek. rzooucrion _
Book by harry B.
5*48«<» by G£0 w i
UM«rt Vp
L}r<$ by Ro«RT BiMITH
Scorf by Victor Herbert
Tremendous cast of youth and beauty, featuring
Coming here direct from the Columbia theatre, San Francisco,
with the original New York cast and production. Augmented
orchestra. In every way a guaranteed attraction.
Note the special pricer.: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 and 50c—no higher
SEATS ON SALE, Saturday, November 19th.
For the big game—
For the Homecoming dance—
For the house tables—
You will want Some of our
Large, Yellow Mums!
They are a true LEMON YELLOW!
Anything else in the way of flowers?
As always we are at your service.
Rex Floral
“Home to meet ’em, back to beat ’em.”
Do You Remember?
—That’s what the old grads of
Oregon are asking each other.
They all remember The Rainbow
—The place where they always
got good eats. Don’t forget, next
time you’re hungry.
The Rainbow
U. of O,
O. A. C.
Friday and Saturday, Nov. 18 & 19th
Large Yellow Chrysanthemums—Incurve Variety
Let us supply you with Chrysanthemums, free
We have secured a large supply of these flowers direct
from California, especially for the Big Game. Actual re
tail value 50c each.
One free with 75c purchase—Limit two to the customer
Eugene’s Progressive Drug Store
62+ Willamette St