Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Justice Court Punishes Late
And Missing Frosh
So efficient is the guard kept by the
freshmen over their bonfire, that
should a midnight invasion by a rival
school occur, hundreds of Oregon men
would be on the scene within a few
A large triangular gong is suspended
from a framework, and grave is the
punishment promised anyone touching
this gong except for the purpose for
which it was erected. But should this
gong clang out on the night air some
time this week, Friendly hall and the
nearest fraternities would respond in
bodies, and probably some of them
partially in robes de nuit.
A large force of guards is kept at
the fire all night, and a separate force
does construction work until long after
midnight. Another gang, armed with
shotguns and clubs, is kept at the
“O.” Both of these guards are con
siderably larger than those maintained
last year.
A miniature court is held each even
ing. First the roll is called; then a
vigilance committee calls at the homes
of those who fail to respond, escorts
them to the field, hears their reasons
for failure to appear, and, if the case
demands, administers punishment im
mediately. The form of punishment is
modeled after that adopted by the
Order of the “O.”
(Continued from page one)
school of business administration, is
in charge of all booths, both on the
campus and downtown. The work of
soliciting the business men of Eugene
closed list night with good results.
This has been handled by the class
in salesmanship, under the direction of
Professor J. It. Whitaker.
Wilbur Hoyt is in charge of the
drive among the fraternities, and Iia
Nicols is handling the sorority sub
scriptions. At present the girls are
leading the men.
The Red Cross committee composed
of the following members will hold an
important meeting this evening at 7:lo
o ’clock in the Commerce building. All
must be present:
Marian Taylor, Nadine Stevens, ias
ther Fell, Marcella Berry, Myler Cal
kins, Norene Weaver, Betty Pride,
Eloise White, Margaret Felzimmons,
Alice Curtis, Margaret Beaty, Elsie
•Skoog, Bernice Alstock, Katherine Wil
cox, Kay Nickolson, Mary Parkinson,
Florence Jaegar, Maude Largent, Marie
Anderson, Felicia Perkins, Velma Far
num, Frances Habersham, Adah Lara
way, Margaret Duniway, Eva Wood,
Jean Mitchell, Audrey Perkins, Helen
Nelson, Helma Honakanon, Wilamina
(Continued from page one)
whistle, also DeArmand and Billy
Reinhart are almost certain of a chance
to get action against the farmer squad.
Line Attack Expected
What type of attack the Aggies in
tend using is of course not known
here, but with a wet field under foot
it is almost certain that they will use
line plays, figuering Kasberger and
Powell to make yardage and first
downs as they did against the Univer
sity of Washington, and perhaps open
ing up an aerial attack late in the
Here are excellent \
instruments for the
student beginner as
well as the professional.
Good modem violins
sharply reduced for quick p
Our stock of bows, cases
»nd strings is most com
Eugene Music Shop
8 East Ninth Street
Headquarters for everything
game. With the field dry, however,
the Ags are expeeted to play a kick
ing and passing game, alternating with
attempts at yardage straight through
he line.
The coaching staff is taking no
chances, however, and realizing that
Rutherford will use everything he’s
got in-an attempt to win is perfecting
defense formations for every style of
known football attack.
Cooperation of Departments on Armis
tice Day Appreciated
A communication has been received
by various University organizations
from the chairman of the Eugene Ar
mistice Day committee expressing
gratitude for the part taken in observ
ing the holiday.
The communication is as follows:
“The American Legion and the Com
mittee on Observance of Armistice
Day wish to extend their sincere thanks
to the University School of Music, the
University Orchestra and to its individ
ual members and the soloist of the day
foy their valuable cooperation in mak
ing the exercises a success. In the
face of outside attractions and the
alluring summer skies it reflects a fine
element of patriotic devotion.
“A further appreciation is conveyed
to the officers and men of the R. O.
T. C. for their magnificent showing
in the parade.”
Student Pastor Giffen Pleased With
Attendance; Foreign Work Aided
The Y. M. C. A. discussion class held
at the “Y” hut every Sunday morning
is creating a very favorable impression
among the students and younger fac
ulty members. The attendance has
been increased every week, and Rev.
Bruce Giffin, student pastor, says the
results are very encouraging.
The class was promoted by the Pres
byterian church, but is strictly non
sectarian, having for its purpose the
free discussion of timely topics. At
present it is discussing the “Manhood
of the Master,” a series of character
studies. In the near future the class
is planning to make a subscription to
the foreign work of the Y. M. C. A.
E. Edwards and J. W. Sheahan, Former
Students, Are New Owners
Two former University students,
Warren (Pee Wee) Edwards and Jo
seph W. Sheahan, yesterday purchased
the Varsity, Eugene confectionary
Clark Hawley, former University stu
dent, has been proprietor of the Var
sity for several years. Edwards and
Sheahan were both well known while
in college, Edwards having been on the
glee club for several years. The new
proprietors are not contemplating any
changes in the establishment, and will
take possession immediately.
W. R. Skidmore, a graduate of the
department of chemistry of the Univer
sity, will speak before the Chemists’
Club Thursday evening at 7:15 in
McClure hall. The subject to be dis
cussed is “Hydrogenation of Oils.”
A modern application of this problem
is the conversion of cotton seed oil
into “Crisco.” The public is invited.
Get the Classified Ad habit.
Ben H. Williams Tells of Standards
At Penn; Praises Bezdek
In a recent letter to Dean Dyment,
Ben H. Williams, University of Ore
gon graduate now instructor in the
University of Pennsylvania, writes that
in spite of the large enrollment of over
8000 students at that institution, the
standard of work is higher than ever.
The letter was written just before
Hugo Bezdek, coach at Pennsylvania
State and former coach here, was to
play the Navy. In mentioning this
fact Mr. Williams commented on Bez
dek 's popularity among the students
at Penn State and said that he was
frequently referred to as the best coach
in the East.
Ella Rawlings Comments on Women’s
Conference at Berkeley
“We were entertained wonderfully
—just royally,” said Ella Rawlings,
president of Woman’s League, com
menting on her recent trip to Berke
ley as delegate from Oregon to the
second annual Woman’s Conference
held on the coast. There were dele
gates from every institution west of
the Mississippi in which there is an
organization of associated women stu
dents. The delegates were entertained
at luncheons and suppers, were given
a tug boat party along the San Fran
cisco waterfront, were honor guests at
a reception given by President Bar
row’s wife, and at a formal dinner at
the Oakland Country Club.
The conference lasted two days with
meetings every morning and afternoon.
Not only were problems pertaining to
college women and their activities dis
cussed, but general campus problems
were talked over.
The conference next year is to meet
in Utah.
The Sun-Dodger of the University of
Washington is to put out a burlesque
number on the Literary Digest, to be
issued early in December.
Your Eyes
If the eyes are normal,
they function without pain.
If the eyes ache or your
vision is blurred, it is a
warning of eyestrain. A
competent examination by &
skilled refractionist will de
tect the cause. One cannot
overestimate the joy of per
fect sight, or the grave dan
ger of impaired vision.
For the Conservation and
Betterment of Human Vision
908 Willamette St. Up Stairs
Phone 620.
i Quality, Service,
\ Economy!
; It is not the amount of money you spend for what
I you buy that makes a store of real Service to you, but
it is the store that offers merchandise of Real Value
for your dollar that gives you genuine Service.
Thrift and Economy make a man free. We believe
in freedom of this kind—it means' freedom from fear
1 and worry—it means freedom from obligation—and
i that is why we buy for cash and sell for cash, so there
are no debts—it keeps money moving and puts business
on a sound basis.
The coming months open a new era in the nverchan
dising world and 312 stores in 26 States will profit
during this era—every store of the J. C. Penney Com
; pany opens wide its doors to share with its friends : i
Economy that is healthy and a prosperity that is pr -
greesive and permanent.
Quality, Service and Economy—these are busines
builders which the J. C. Penney Company merchandise
I represents and these are the premiums and the values
offered with every article advertised and sold.
Service Our Aim. Next to Oregana
A RE you sure you are all set for Home
coming? You know there is always
something special coming off on this day. A
new tie, a new shirt, new hose, gloves or a muf
fler may be just the missing detail ,o complete
“e. semble” of good grooming. Our values
“talk turkey” in economy; our styles are the
last word in good dressing.
Wade Bros.
The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Stylish Clothes
Our Reputation
as Shoe Repairers 35
years in Eugene is
your assuranc of sat
Miller’s Shoe Shop
43 W. 8th . Eugene
The Flavor Lasts!
The Eugene Packing Company
We Patronize Home Industries.
Phone 38 675 Willamette St.
Successors to the Wing Market.
It Sure Helps
A well lighted dining room,
pleasant surroundings, efficient
service, gleaming silverware and
a splendid meal—My how this
helps to make an evening a suc
cess. •
Next time you want to enter
tain if you are only entertaining
a party of one, thing of this form
ula and you will think of the
dining room of The Osburn.
Hotel Osburn
Extra rooms are needed—Phone 1173.
Come back!
3— Students’ Faculty organizations, etc.
“Put your house in order”
1— Your Credit is Good.
2— Special Cash Prices.
3— Free Delivery.
4— Expert Installation.
5— New Goods Exchanged for Old.
6— All Goods Guaranteed.