Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 09, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emeralds
Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association j
Floyd Maxwell Webster Ruble
Editor Manager
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, issued daily
except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. ______.
News Editor
Kenneth Youel
Daily News Editors
Margaret Scott Ruth Austin
Phil Brogan
Arthur Rudd Wanna McKinney
Sport* Editor . Edwin Hoyt
Sportu Writer*—Kenneth Cooper, Harold
Shirley, Edwin Eraser.
Night Editors
Arne Rae Earle Voorhies
Marrin Blaha
John Anderson Dan Lyons
News Service Editor . John Dierdorff
Exchanges .. Eunice Zimmerman
| Statistician . Doris Sikes
New. Staff—Nancy Wilson. Mabel Gllham, Owen Callaway. Horlne Packard Jean Strain,
Madelene Wan. J.-ssie Thompson, Florence Cartwright. Marion I -ay,
Herbert Larson. Mildred Wicks, Margaret Powers, Doris Holman, Genevieve Jewell
Keber, Freda Goodrich, Georgianna Gerlinger, Claude Hollister, Edward Smith, Clinton Howard,
Elmer Clark. ______ I
Aaaociate Manager .
Circulation Manager ..
A&niatant Circulation Manager -
Collection!) .-...
. Morgan Staton
.Jafion McCune
. Gibson Wright
. Mildred Lauderdale
Advertising Assistants—Lot Heattie, Lawrence Isenbarger, Eaton Humphrey. Clifford Vester,
Donald Woodworth, Lyle Jan7.. ....
Entered in the poet office at Eugene Oregon an second class matter. Subscription rates,
12.26 per year. Hy term, 76c. Advertising rates upon application._
Business Manager 951
Editor 655
Daily News Editor This Issue
Margaret Scott
Night Editor This Issue
Dan Lyons
The Frosh and Their Bonfire.
The one big test of the year for the loyalty of the freshmen class
comes at Homecoming. To the class then goes the rightful distinction
of taking hold of an officially sanctioned activity and making of it
either a success or a failure. Its success or its failure will be left to!
the alumni who return to the campus, and they have a critical eye.
"Now remember the old bonfire we had when we were freshmen?
Why they thought the whole town was on fire,” is the way they
reminisce. The Oregon frosh have made a poor start so far, and there
will be long nights of vigil, and long days of hard work for them.
With the ‘‘B and B” class with us, which translated means, biggest
and best, there should be no worry about the success of the bonfire
After some very keen competition the personnel of the University
orchestra has been announced and the first public appearance of the
organization this year will be at the Woman’s building Friday night.
The orchestra is a worthy undertaking. Its program of musical num
bers is usually one of merit.
Sixteen hours for a degree, nine hours to stay in college. Since
the first monthly grades have been given out some are uncertain just
which way they want to jump.
Yell duke at Washington announced that all students and civi
lians were invited to their big Stadium Dance. He must have signed
up for four years.
Oregon Fight beats Cougar football science, reads a press dis
patch of the game. Science alone never made a football team. Both
elements are necessary.
‘‘Home to Meet ’Em; Back to Beat ’Em.”
Librarian States That Periodicals Not
In Demand; Novels May be Bead
For Small Amount
Mrs. M. F. McClain, the circulating
librarian ot’ the F Diversity lias issued
an S. O. S. rail to the campus at large.
‘‘The students, in general, do not seem
to know that the library keeps cir
culating periodicals especially for their
use. The magazines in tin1 racks do
not circulate** says Ivirs. McClain,
“but over near t lie circulation desk
they will find a revolving book rack.
Here the World's Work. The Literary
Digest, The Atlantic Monthly, and
Good Housekeeping, an excellent quar
tot, accompanied by a good chorus ot
the other periodicals keep up a daily
symphony. 'I Hear You Hailing Me,'
but nobody hears them ami the ooor
things are e\ ntually condemned to
the tiles without even having had a
glimpse of the nut sub world.**
Having delivered herself of this
pathetic plea t’or the magazines Mrs.
McClain continued, " You know the
latest acquisition of the librarv is .t
series of dime novels, only they’re 1
nickle iu»w that the war is over. You,
pav five cents n day and keep teem1
out as long as you van stand the price.
Yea, wc accept checks,” she smiled
sweet lv. '* \\ » got t host siuev* we felt
that the undergraduates wood be too
busy to read fiction. {Some of the
representative books i this list are,
“The Brimming Cup b> Dorothy Can
field. “Mirrors of Downing Street"
anonymous, and " i'he vil.i of Fash
ion” also anon vinous-.
Order of the “O” WiU Dole Out
Punishment to OfJenders
Provided that the problem of the di
minishing supply of puddles is solved,
the Order of the “O’* will ugain stage
its pre assembly strut on tlie library ,
steps tomorrow morning. Lately the
omnipotent order of the circular let
ter has discovered that high school
letters and other insignia are being
worn by University students. W. e be
unto the student who again appears
on the campus with such an emblem
decorating any part of his habiliments.
It is rumored that a flexible paddlo
will be used by the distributer of pun
ishment unless the freshmen design a
non breakable abbreviated oar in the
immediate future.
Pirates, Britishers, Sheriffs, and all
Sorts of Dancers are Guests at
Hendricks Hall Party
Spanish pirates, Knglish dudes, cow
boys and gobs; dainty maidens, ballot
dancers and wild women they were all
there. A little western town in the
early forties on one corner the slier
iff's office with the sign on the door, |
“Marriage licences while you wait"
and just below it. “Get your dog licence
hen." On the opposite corner was
" Emporium, where you might pur
chase everything from ribbons to hard
ware. Best of all is the "Happy J
Home Saloon" where jovial bar
tenders served you with root beer and I
pretzels. And now we are ready for ,
Act 1. Scene 1 of the Sophomore Bar ;
Hoorn Bust, which was enacted Kri
day evening at Hendricks hall.
The sophomores entertained their
frosh, and, dressed as men called for
them, escorted them to the dance,
showed them a good time and took
them home again. The music is re
ported to have been great, and the
Paul Joneses were numerous. The
sheriff and his assistants were kept
busy seeing that the dance was con
ducted according to the regulations of
the town council.
In conclusion the success of the
evening was very well expressed by
the Knglish lord who adjusted his
monocle and drawled, "an extrawdin
ary jolly pahty” us he swung at an
imaginary golf ball.
, Karl Onthank, secretary to the presi
dent, spent the week end in Hood River
visiting with his parents. Mr. Out
hank, who was accompanied by his
wife and daughter, Betty, returned by
machine, Monday.
Read the Classified Ad columm.
Notices will be printed in this column
for two issues only. Copy must be in the
office by 4:30 o’clock of the day on which
it is to be published and must be limited
to 25 words.
Freshmen Men—Watch bulletin board !
in front of library to find out wnen
your time comes to go on duty on j
bonfire construction work. A list j
of 60 names will be posted each day
starting today.
Baliy Delegates—There will be a meet
ing of all Homecoming rally dele
gates at 8:30 tonight in the admin-;
istration building. All representa- j
tives from the organizations must j
be there.
Freshmen Class—Meeting to be held
tonight at 7:30 in Villard hall.
Everyone out. Let’s have even a
larger meeting than the last one.
Spanish Club—The Spanish Club will
meet in the bungalow this evening at ;
7:15. All new members are urged
to be present, as a social hour will
follow the business session.
Filipino Club—Filipinos will meet in
Dean Straub’s class room, Friday, at i
7:30 p. m.
Ye Tabard Inn—Meeting Wednesday i
evening 7:15 at the Anchorage.
Sigma Delta Chi—Will lunch at the
Anchorage this noon. Important.
Governor and Mrs. Ben W. Olcott,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. B. E.
Steiner will be guests on the campus
for Homecoming, driving up Saturday
for the game and remaining over for
the dance in the evening. Dr. Steiner
is superintendent of the State Hospital
for the Insane.
Lovers of Sport Play on Bough Field;
Choice of Vocabulary is Required
The swamps opposite the Co-op are
being utilized by followers of the game
of golf. The absence of a regular
course has not daunted the lovers of
the sport, who have picked out the
smooth spots for the holes and have
found plenty of room for practice Unk3
among the weeds. The rudiments of
the game are being taught, and al
though the holes are few, plenty of
time is being taken in the considera
tion of the vocabulary.
Among those who are swinging the
stick in the back lot, and are appear
ing with the regularity of real fans
are Buss Burton, Bill Peek, Don Ben
nett, P. V. McElwain, George Gardener
and Alden Bennett. Many more are
expected to take advantage of the va
cant space near the campus, even
though just for practice.
220 Colored Plates Show Ornaments
Of All Historical Periods
The art collection of the library of
the University has an important addi
tion in the Eacinet Plates which is a
group of 220 large colored prints of
different forms of ornament of all
historic periods, including reliefs,
paintings, enamels, porcelains,- tapes
tries and many others. These are de
scribed in two volumes which are pub
lished in Paris for the use of Professor
Schroff’s classes in art a translation
of the French text has been made by
Miss Camilla Leach, librarian of the
school of architecture and allied arts.
The title of the French edition is ”L’
Ornament Polychrome.”
M Service STAGES Reliability M
Eugene—Corvallis—Salem—Portland—and Way Points
Leaving Every Two Hours—Daily and Sunday
Osborn Hotel
Smeed Hotel
8:20 a.m.
10:20 a.m.
12:20 a.m.
2:20 p.m.
4:20 p.m.
6:20 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 i 2:00
4:00 p.m.
6:00 , 8:00 ]
9:40 a.m.
11:40 a.m.
1:40 p.m.
3:40 p.m.
5:40 p.m.
7:40 p.m.
Eugene-Corvallis Fare, $1.25. Corvallis-Eugene Fare, $1.25
“Ideas Are the
Precious Jewels
of Business”
Back in the Spring of 1902, at Kemmerer, Wyoming, an
idea was bora! It was strong, healthy, courageous! It was
dost in <h1 to grow: to become Nation-wide in all the things that
combined, go to make the shoppers’ store superior.
It was the idea—the precious jewel of business—from which
was to develop the long line of 312 J. C. Penney Company busy
stores, located here and there in 26 States.
That idea of nearly 20 years ago Introduced a merchandising
and selling policy of finality, service, economy—n policy that has
weathered the storms and attracted hundreds of thousands of
admirers. It Is the policy that is carrying on to even greater,
more remarkable achievements!
Through this great system of stores —a purchasing power of
tremendous proportions savings created and given to the public
store service that really serves—is afforded buying advantages
every man. woman and child regards both a pro Lit and a pleasure.
Copyright 1921 by Eu. V. Price & Co.
direct from England. They’re fine for wear with
Breeches 'and Oxfords. In grays, browns and
$3.00 and up.
with sleeves are a much wanted item in every stu
dents wardrobe today—here are some new ones at
Green Merrell Co.
Men’s Wear
“One of Eugene’s Best Stores”
Established 12 years.
42 Eighth Avenue West. Eugene, Ore.
Moore & Moore are tailors for those desirious of being cor
rectly groomed in every detail using the best ideas of the
smartest designers. Each tailored garment is an individual
model developed by an expert designer and is hand tailored
in our own shops to a perfection of detail which the under
standing of the requirements of the one for whom the gar
ment is intended.
Our experience in catering to the wants of our customers
has developed our service to a high degree of efficiency. Our
business reputation will not permit us to risk making inferior
clothing, but demands our best effort in each garment.
The consistency of distinguished clientele proves our abil
ity to provide for those, that which is proper.
The Present Era of
requires energy food. Students in particular must keep men
tally and physically fit. Just any food will not do. Milk
products, like no other foods, repair the inroads upon the vi
tality of the workers of the nation. Use BLUE BELL Butter,
Cheese and Ice Cream.
Eugene Farmer’s Creamery
Phone 638 856 Olive
The Night Approaches!
to the
Biggest Event of the Season
a Concert Dance
Woman’s Building, Thursday, NIGHT
NOTE—Due to a facutly ruling the dance will end
at 11 p. m. instead of as previously advertised. This
calls for a change in prices.
Every One's Coming!
Concert 50c. Concert and Dance 75c.
Dance 50c
Tickets on Sale at Co-op