Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 09, 1921, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
“Why Marry” Said to be Mod
ern and Unique; Will be
Given Two Days
Comedy Will Handle Marriage
Problem; Prof. Reddie
Directs Acting
Tonight and Thursday nights “Why
.Marry?”, the first play to be
produced by the dramatic company this
term, will be seen in Guild hall. This
play written by Jesse Lynch Williams
received first prize in a play writing
contest in Columbia University in 1917
and was successful when produced at
the Astor theatre that year.
The play is modern and is a play
handled through unique comedy. In
spite of the title which might lead
some to think it is a farce it is de
cidedly a problem play. The marriage
problem although discussed thoroughly
is handled in a kindly way with offense
toward none.
The leading roles are played by Irene
Stewart and iJorvell Thompson. They
play the part of a young chemist and
his assistant who will not marry be
cause marriage would interfere with
the chemist’s career. The old judge is
played by Claire Keeney and without
a doubt it is the best bit of character
work he has done on the campus.
Elizabeth Melis has the part of the
conventional wife and although this
is the first dramatic work she has done
on the campus she promises to be very
good in the part of an old fashioned
woman in a new fashioned home. The
cast for the entire play is: The young
chemist, Ernest, Norvell Thompson;
Helen, his assistant, Irene Stewart;
Claire Keeney, the judge; Rex, the
young neighbor who has been brought
up to be nothing but rich, Delbert
Faust; Theodore, Kenneth Armstrong;
John, brother to Helen, Verne Fudge;
Helen, his wife, Elizabeth Melis; and
Jean, younger sister to Helen who has
been brought up to be married and
nothing else, Doris Pittenger.
The play is under the direction of
Professor Fergus Reddie. The box
office will be open today and in as
much as the house will likely be sold
out it is suggested that persons wish
ing tickets make arrangements to get
•them early.
"University Regulation Suspends Those
Who Did Not Pay Up On Or
Before Nov. 1
Procrastination is the thief of time
and of an extra dollar as well, many
university students found when they
received letters from the registrar’s
office concerning unpaid laboratory
fees. Although, there with usual last
minute rush to the administration build
ing, the lines of students, each armed
with the latest cheek from father, were
long enough to rival the wartime bread
lines of Europe, a very large number
of students still were unable to reach
the “pay lab fees here” window be
fore November 1, the last day on which
such fees were payable.
Notices have been sent out to these
students, says E. P. Lyon, of the busi
ness office, advising them that their
lab fees are unpaid, and quoting ^the
University regulation which automati
cally suspends from the University
any student not paying his lab fees
within the given time. A student thus
suspended may be reinstated in the
University upon the payment of his
fees with the additional charge of one
dollar. He must, however, forfeit his
term’s credit in that course for which
he has neglected to pay the fee unless
he petitions the faculty for mitigation
of the ruling. If the petition is grant
ed, credit may be received for the
Plans are under way at Stanford to
give polo the status of a minor sport.
The following men report tomor
row evening at 9 o’clock at the gym.
for beginning Varsity basketball
practice. Beller, M. Latham. Zim
merman. Couch, Beaver, Edlund,
Yeatoh. K. Moore, Clark, Black.
Roekhey. Burnett, Altstock, Goar,
“Why Marry?"
Why Not? Asks
Tommy Wyatt
The president of the junior class.
Tommy Wyatt, is, not going to attend
the play, "Why Marry?”, which is to
be given Wednesday and Thursday
evenings. As far as Tommy can see
there is no reason for his attendance.
He answered the question, affirma
tively, eight months ago in this city,
when he took for his bride Miss Mar
!tha Jean Westwood, of Portland.
One passing the Kappa Sigma house
at noon yesterday would have been ex
cused if he had turned in a fite alarm.
The department would have found 30
men drawing on Wyatt's cigars, and
tendering congratulations through a
; haze of smoke.
On March 30 Wyatt got the co
! operation of one of the brothers to act
i as witness, went with his bride-to-be
to the Baptist church, and had the
[minister do the rest. Not until yester
! day was the fact made public. Mrs.
: Wyatt is now attending school in Port
Tommy is well known on the campus
in student affairs and was elected jun
ior president by a large majority last
spring. He is also a letter man, making
his “O” last spring in the half mile.
It cannot be further stated with
i authority that men will not keep sec
! rets, and some women, for that matter,
as Tommy’s wedding has been § secret
since March 30.
Mrs. Wyatt will Visit here next
week, and Tommy will keep on going
to the University, preparing to enter
the medical school in Portland. So
Tommy is unanimously forgiven for
not attending the Guild Theatre pro
duction this week.
University Orchestra Will Play First
Numbers; Affair to End
at 8 O’clock
A cut in the price of admission for
the concert-dance to be given by the
University Orchestra in the Woman’s
building tomorrow evening has been
made because of a new ruling under
which the dance must close at II
o’clock instead of at 11:30. The new
prices for the entertainment according
to the Orchestra management are:
single admission to the concert or dance
50 cents; to both concert and dance
75 cents.
Another change in the original plan
is to have the dance numbers which
are to be played by the whole Orches
tra come at the beginning -of the dance
program. This will speed up the dances
considerably and will also virtually
lengthen the concert because the dance
selections chosen for that part of the
dance are from among the very best
dance music to be found. The “Bar
carolle” and “Arabella” waltzes and
“Say it with Music fox trot are among
the numbers.
The proceeds of the entertainment
are to be used to increase the number
of instruments in the orchestra. With
the financial help derived from the
concert-dance given a year ago instru
ments were bought which have given
the director material aid in making a
more balanced organization. It is the
hope of the director to come as near
to developing a symphony on the cam
pus as is possible.
Organization Undertakes to Beach
More Than 1200 Former Students
For Homecoming
Sudents not connected with any
housing organization will assume their
share of writing letters to alumni in
viting them back for Homecoming. At
a meeting of the Oregon Club in the
“Y” hut Monday night the names of
those graduates who were not con
nected with any fraternity or Friendly
hall while in the University were given
to the members, each one taking from
five to ten names. There are more
than 1200 graduates and former stu
dents under this classification, each of
whom will receive a personal letter
from a student. The names of the
women graduates will be handled by
the Women’s Oregon Club.
Glen Walklev, of the Order of the
“O”, explained some of the campus
traditions which are frequently vio
lated, especially the matter of saying
“Hello.” Del Oberteuffer urged every
one to turn out for the yell practices
and rallies before Homecoming.
Committees were appointed by Emer
ald Sloan, president of the club, to
prepare for the Oregon club smoker to
be held December 3.
About 150 attended the meeting.
Emerald Sloan acted as chairman.
Sale of Seats Expected to be
Largest in History of
Campus Organizations May
Each Have as Many as
30 Places Held
What will probably amount to the
largest seat sale for any game ever
held on the Oregon campus, is now in
progress. Tickets for the Oregon-O.
A. C. game are now at the Co-op, and
can be had by the students upon pre
sentation of the A. S. U. O. member
ship card. A certain number will be
punched on each card, so that no stu
dent will be able to get more than one
ticket without paying extra for it.
Special sections will be reserved for
rooters of both institutions, but no one
will be allowed in either section unless
he is wearing a rooter’s cap.
May Reserve 30 Seats
Campus organizations may make
block reservations for as many as 30
seats, according to Jack Benefiel, grad
uate manager. These tickets will be
held at his office as late as November
17, but if they are not called for and
paid for by that date, they will be sold
to the general public or to other stu
dents. This action is taken in order
to avoid the loss that would occur
should reservations be held up until
the last minute and then the organiza
tion would contermand its order.
Grandstand seats are to sell for $2.50,
$2.00, and $1.50. These prices include
the general admission as well as the
grandstand seat. In comparison with
the minimum price of $3.00 and tjie
maximum of $6, which was charged at
the Stanford game, these prices are de
cidedly reasonable.
Bleacher Seats Reserved
Some very good seats in the bleach
ers are reserved also, and are selling
(Continued on page three)
Noted Baritone Will Present
Variety of Selections in
' Villard Recital
Artist Received Early Start
in Choir of Old Trinity
Church, New York
A vide range of songs constitutes
the program which will lie presented
by Erwyn Mutch in the concert in Vil
lard hall Saturday night, November 12.
This concert, which comes as a part of
the Armistice week-end program, is
the second of the series which is being
given under the direction of the Wo
man's Ijoaguel of the University, anti
is included in the season ticket pur
chased at the time of the Cyrena an
Gordon concert.
Mr. Mutch, who is a singer of na
tional reputation, began liis career as
a singer when a lad of eight years.
At that time, as a member of a boy’s
choir in New Jersey, his voice attracted
the attention of several prominent
choir directors of New York City, but
because he was such a youngster, his
parents hesitated in giving their per
mission to his going to the city for
rehearsals and services.
Soon Becomes Soloist
But after much persuasion on the
part of the director of the choir of
Old Trinity church, they finally con
sented to the boy’s going. It was
only a short time, then, before he be
came the soloist in the Trinity choir.
He kept this up for several years,
and after his voice changed continued
his studies and sang in several choirs
in New York, finally being engaged
as the ■ baritone soloist of the choir
of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine,
New York. Mutch remained at the
Cathedral for over four years until
the outbreak of the World War, when
he enlisted in the army and was sent
(Continued on page four)
California Coach Sees Ruin of arid Game If Growing Evil Goes
Unchecked; Oregon Alumni Want Annual Clash with Washington,
Ancient Blval; Stanford Has No Alibi for Failure to Beat Sundodgers.
“Andy” Smith, head coach at the
University of California has deplored
the spirit that seems to be gaining
a hold among the football fans. “I
hate to see football put on such a basis
that the interest in the game is only
that of commercial gain,” he said to
a member of the Daily Californian
staff. “I think betting will be the
death knell of college football unless
it is stopped before it goes any far
“Every game I am asked how one
ought to bei and I don’t like it. It
breaks up the morale of the squad.
If the game results in an unexpected
manner, the players and coaches are
censured and it hurts the men to have
any such adverse feeling. It is the sin
cere wish of the coaching staff here,
and at other colleges, that the stu
dents get behind the game and keep
it the clean sport that it has been.”
It might not be amiss to pay tribute
to Andy Smith for the sportsmanship
which his teams have displayed in the
! games they have been in this year.
There are perhaps, a number who will
take issue on the question of his sports
manship throughout. But Smith has
- voiced his idea of the betting game,
and he has scouted the danger. It is
worthy of consideration.
• • •
Jimmie Richardson, the well known
Aggie manager breezed onto the cam
pus yesterday and talked shop with
Graduate Manager Benefiel for a few
hours. Jimmie savB the O. A. C. team
is in first class shape for the clash with
jtae Cougars at Corvallis Friday.
“We are not predicting, but it will
; be a great battle,” he declared. “There
is no overconfidence on our side, what
we might have had, Stanford took out
of us at Palo Alto.”
Jimmie took 3500 student tickets
back to Corvallis with him for the
Oregon-Aggie battle here next week.
Stanford and Washington battled to
a scoreless tie, in the stadium at Se
attle, Saturday. Another upset in the
dope and yet, those who witnessed the
game did not marvel at the score.
Big, lanky Stanford was fought to a
standstill by little, fighting Washing
ton. The game was played in Stan
ford ’s territory in the first two per
iods, the third period was anybody’s
game, the last period showed Stan
ford to have the better of it.
Washington had a chance to score
by the place kick method in the first
half when they piaced the ball on
Stanford’s 20-yard line. They didn’t
take the chance. Stanford’s chance to
score came in the final period when
their quarter sent a pretty pass across
the goal line to an end, who caught
the ball and then dropped it. They
chanced it, but failed.
•California did just what Andy Smith
predicted they wo^uld against the Uni
versity of Southern California Tro
jans. Beat ’em 38 to 7. It was an
overwhelming defeat, and the Trojans
have a good eleven too. Washington
meets the Bears Saturday, and then
Stanford and California meet in the
big game, November 19.
Although dope has been going by the
boards pretty fast of late, it is not
probable that either the Sundodgers or
the Cardinals will be able to put a
crimp in the Bruins.
Oregon alumni are bemoaning the
fact that Washington and Oregon are
not meeting on the grid this season.
It is regrettable. Oregon and Wash
ington are ancient rivals. Their meet
ing every year should be guaranteed.
Washington will be a member of the
Northwest Conference this year if the
other members of the conference ac
cept their application. Oar Meisnest,
the hustling graduate manager of the
Northern school, declares that Wash
ington is going to make application.
It is hoped that they will be admitted.
Stanford offered no alibis for their
failnre to live up to the predictions of
their coach Van Ghent at Seattle, Sat
urday. Still they complained of the
long trip and the heavy grid.
Hot Scrimmage and
Surprise Feature
Promised Rooters
The first bleacher rally in prepara
tion for the grand Homecoming thun
derfest will be held on Hayward
field at 4:30 Thursday afternoon.
All men in the University are ex
pected to cooperate with the yell
kings by turning out for practice.
The stunt which is to replace the
serpentine will also be practiced
tomorrow evening.
Coach Huntington has promised as
the big attraction for the pre-Home
coming rally a lively scrimmage on
Hayward. Also—and this is a secret
; which should lure the fair rooters
! out to the field—something is going
to be toted out in front of the grand
stand which will knock the Thunder
ing Thousand for a cloudbank of
astonishment—something which will
eventually amaze the institution
booked to invade Eugene en masse
on Novombcr 19.
“Inward Earnestness” to be Subject
of Address by Forceful and
Interesting Speaker
Dr. Harold Leonard Bowman, pastor
of the First Presbyterian church of
Portland, will deliver the assembly ad
dress, Thursday morning, on the sub
ject, “Inward Earnostness.”
Dr. Bowman is widely known
throughout the Middle West, and on
the Pacific coast, as a forceful speaker
of unusual interest. Although he has
been a campus visitor on several oc
casions Dr. Bowman has not previously
addressed the student body, and Thurs
day will be the first opportunity that
Oregon students have had to hear him
“Dr. Bowman has made an onviablo
record for himself, in his work in the
Portland church. He is the youngest
pastor that the Presbyterian church has
ever had, and has just led the church
through a notably successful year.”
said Student Pastor Bruce T. Giffen,
in commenting about Dr. Bowman.
Previous to his acceptance of the
Portland church, Dr. Bowman, was pas
tor of a Chicago church. He was for
merly an instructor in the protestant
college at Beirut, Syria, and has
travelled extensively in Svria and
Odd Jobs Predominate And Schedules
Must be Arranged to Fit Work
The employment bureau of the Uni
versity Y. M. C. A. has placed 58 stu
dents in permanent part-time jobs,
with a total pay of $5484.00, so far this
term, according to Mrs. C. R. Donnelly,
hut mother. Odd jobs have been much
more numerous. More than 300 of
these have been filled, paying approxi
mately $1000.00.
Jobs are now being reported more
slowly than earlier in the term. Mrs.
Donnelly has quite a large list of ap
plications, and in many cases work is
urgently needed in order to continuo
at the University. The chief difficulty
encountered has been the arrangement
of schedules. A number of the jobs
have been waiting on table at housing
j organizations, which requires that there
I be no 8, 11, or 1 o’clock classes. Any
student intending to secure such a po
sition should therefore arrange his
schedule accordingly at the beginning
of next term.
Participation in Celebration
Expected of Students
and Faculty
Patriotic Exercises Will be
Held at Armory; Display
of Flags Asked
Students and faculty of the Univer
sity are expected to participate in the
down town observance of Armistice
day, as planned by the American
Legion. There will be no classes on
Friday, and no special exercises on the
campus. “In dismissing classes for
the day,” said Karl Outhauk, execu
tive secretary to President Campbell,
“the University administration ex
pects students and faculty to take part
in the Lhgion’s program for the day.”
The American Legion has planned a
parade, a national salute, and an as
sembly at the armory at which Mar
shall N. Dana of Portland will be the
The parade starting at 10:110, will be
participated in by all patriotic, and
civio bodies of the city. Major W. G.
White will bo marshall of the parnde,
and will make a later announcement
of the line of march. The R. O. T. C.
cadets undor Major R. C. Baird, with
their band, will take a prominent part
in the parade.
Salute at Noon
At 12 o ’clock noon, a national salute
of 21 guns will be fired from Skin
ner 's butte in honor of the unknown
soldier. This will be followed by a
bugler sounding “taps.” In accord
ance with the proclamation of Presi
dent Harding, every one is expected
to stand for two minutos, from 12 to
12.02 in silent meditation, and prayer
of thankfulness to the soldier dead.
At 2 o’clock, an assembly of citizens
and students will be addressed at tho
armory, by Marshall N. Dana, associ
ate editor of thb Oregon Journal. Mr.
Dana will talk on Armistice Day,
what it means to the ex-service man
and to the general public. In such an
address, said Mr. U. H. Tuttle, chair
man of tho American Legion committee
for Armistice Day, a speaker can
hardly avoid touching on disarmament,
also. Music for this assembly will be
furnished by tho University orchestra
and the school of music, John B. Wie
fert, tenor, being the soloist.
Not an Idle Holiday
Mr. Tuttle voices the hope that all
fraternity and sorority houses as well
as private homes will display the na
tional colors on Armistice day. In the
conception of the American Legion,
said Mr. Tuttle, Armistice day should
(Continued on page four)
James J. Richardson, graduate man
ager at O. A. C., was on the campus
yesterday to arrange with Graduate
Manager Jack Benefiel, for the reser
vation of a block of seats at the Home
coming game, for the O. A. C. rooters.
3500 seats were reserved for the Aggie
Oregon Geologist Back After
Year of Work in Philippines
Hubert (>. Schenck of Medford, a
| senior student on tho campus, returned
| last week from the Philippine Islands,
where he has been engaged for the
past year in geological research for
the Philippine government under the
direction of Dr. Warren D. Smith, pro
' fessor of geology in the University.
Mr. Schenck reports a number of
1 varied and unusual experiences. With
Dr. Smith, he left Seattle a year ago
last July for Hawaii, where they were
! met bv I)r. C. H. Edmundson, former
professor of zoology at the University
of Oregon, who is now doing scientific
work in the College of Hawaii. To
; getber they attended the Pan-Pacific
j Scientific congress in Honolulu. I,env
ing the Islands, they went on to Japan,
1 where Mr. Schenck visited his brother,
who has lived in the Orient for the
paBt 18 years. Noteworthy work ac
romplished by Mr. Schenck included
(the preparation of a complete rata
. louge of all the fossile in the bureau
! of science collection, and the prepara
tion for publication in Die Philippine
Journal of Science of a preliminary
geological reconnaissance of Samar, re
garding which island there was prac
tically no geological information avail
able prior to this inspection trip. A
great part of his time was taken up
with field work. Dr. Howard I. Cole,
formerly professor of chemistry in the
University, is also connected with the
bureau of science in Manila.
Concerning the political situation in
the Islands Mr. Schenek declined to
make any definite statement. He ex
pressed the opinion, however, that the
common people among the Filipinos are
not desirous of complete independence
from the United States. It is rather
the Politicos or ruling classes that
wish to be separate from Americau
domination as a political move, he be
During his trip home, Mr. Schenek
passed thru the most severe typhon
that has swept the north Pacific in the
past :t() years, according to the obser
vations made by the captain of the
vessel on which he was a passenger.
Thev overtook, en route, the steamer
which was carrying the Japanese dele
gates to the disarmament conference
to be hel l in Washington next month.