JIBE YOU II CARTOONIST? LEMMY WANTS YOUR HELP! Some Good Sketches Needed For Homecoming Issue Although cartoons and art work are pTetty well lined up for the first issue of the Lemon Punch, which will appear on Homecoming week-end, there is still room for several more drawings in the initial number of the publication for this year. What is most needed at the present time is a number of small drawings, which will take up about one-fourth of a page each. The cover, and both full page and half page drawings are provided for. However, if bettor work is turned in, it will be substituted. The aim of the publication is to get the highest grade of work possible from the students, and in pursuance of this policy the editors are urging all who can draw to hand in a sketch or two. Drawings must be in within the next week in order to go into the first issue. This number will be the “Back Num ber” and all drawings relating to home coming will bo especially appropriate. However, other ideas than those relat ing directly to this special number can be used throughout the magazine. Any students wishing ideas to work on may obtain them by coming to the Punch office afternoons or evenings. ' Those who are now working on draw ings are urged to finish as soon as pos sible, as there remains only a week un til all copy must be sent in to the engravers. STUDENT BODY DANCE TO BE SATURDAY NIGHT Gk>od Orchestra Promised; Fourteen Numbers, Two Extras, Planned. Price is 75 Cents Tho first of the series of eight stu dent body dances to be held this year will be given at the Woman’s building next Saturday night. Arthur Camp bell, chairman of the dance committee, announces that a good six piece or chestra has been obtained and that Store Phone Greenhouse Phone 321-.I Phone 821-L SAY IT WITH FLOWERS EUGENE FLORAL CO. .1. A. HOONING, Proprietor Cut Flowers, Pot Plants and Vegetable Plants t FUNERAL DESIGNS A SPECIALTY Store, 92 Ninth Ave. East. Greenhouses S. Willamette St. EUGENE, OREGON OU do not need ex JL pert knowledge of woolens and tailoring to safely buy clothes here. We make sure of quality for you; our own welfare depends upon safeguarding yours; that’s why we sell clothes “tailored to measure by Born.” Born Tailoring offers yovi good style, depend able woolens, painstak ing needle work and unusual value; it is guar anteed to please you— money back if it doesn’t. Frank E. Dunn S45 Willuiu< itt* St. excellent music will be a feature of the evening. The committee requests that any stu dents who have suggestions to make as to the selections played by the or chestra; or the order of dances will please express their opinions to the committee so that any necessary changes can be made in time to give the greatest satisfaction at all the stu dent body dances this year. There will be fourteen numbers and two extras at this first student body dance and the price of admission will bo seventy-five centra couple. However, if a good crowd will attend Campbell says that it may be possible to lower the price of admission to later student body dances. CLASS BASKETBALL PLACED AHEAD OF DOUGHNUT GAMES (Continued from page one) for with the large number of games to be played, it jras found impossible to play them off before the Christmas vacation, ns was planned at first. One hour is to be allowed for each game, and if the teams have not fin ished then the game will be called, and the floor given to the next two teams who are to play. Twenty-minute halves are to be played, with ten minutes rest. If the men are on the floor in time they will have ample time for the games with an hour allowed, Mr. Bohler said. The present plan is that if a team plays its first game in the evening, its next game will be in the afternoon, and the third game will come in the evening again, thus putting it on the floor at a different hour for each game. The schedule provides for games on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, with no game on Friday or Saturday unless two of the teams es pecially want to play on those days. Time Limit for Varsity Men Men who wish to turn out for Var sity basketball will not be allowed to play doughnut ball after January 15, Coach Bohler said. “Now don’t let your grades suffer during this series” said Coach Bohler, “for if the grades begin to come down in any manner as a result of these games we may have to call the entire schedule off.” No teams will be allowed to practice in the gym while the series is 1>eing played, but the outdoor gym, which is being repaired at present, will soon be cleared out for practice. ARCHITECTURE CLUB TO PETITION NATIONAL Committee on Organization Appointed; Masquerade Dance to be Held Night of October 29 At a mee’ting of the students in the Architecture and Allied Arts school, held Tuesday afternoon in the lecture room of the Architecture building, it was decided to form an organization with the view of petitioning for a na tional architecture and arts society chapter to be installed at the University of Oregon. Lyle Bartholomew, acted as chair man of the conclave in the absence of Sidney Hayslip, president of the Archi tecture club, appointed the following representatives from the various socie ties to act on a committee for the per fection of the organization. Dick Sundeleaf, chairman, architecture; E. K. Harkness, sculpturing; Phebe Gage, Texon; Ray Bethers, fine arts; Agnes Brooks, normal arts. The members of the club will parti cipate in a Halloween masquerade dance to be given Saturday evening, October 29. The committee for this affair is composed of Mrs. L. H. Hodge, Glen McGonegal, Pauline Bondurant, Louise Von der Ahe, Jesse Green, and Agnes Brooks. V ICE CREAM CONES FEATURE Music Fraternities Will Sell Between Dance Numbers Mu Phi Epsilon, music sorority and Phi Mu Alpha, music fraternity, will sell ice cream cones between numbers at the Student Body dance next Satur day night at the Woman’s building. The proceeds are to be used to get furniture for their room at the new Music building. The ice cream is to be especially made for the occasion and the cones are To be of unusual quality and size. The Eugene Packing Company Incorporated. We Patronize Home Industries. FRESH AND CURED MEATS Phoue 38 675 Willamette St. Successors to the Wing Market. Students! BEST DINNERS IN TOWN—FOR 40c. Our lunch counter will tie ready about October 25th. HOME RESTAURANT 685 Willamette. . Kodak Finishing Is Our Business STEVENSON’S The Kodak Shop 10th and Willamette Sts. Phone 535 Club Shine Parlors Club Barber Shop The CLUB 814 Willamette Street. Popular Men's Resort $ __ Club Cigar Store Club Billiard Parlor SOMETHING NEW Has a Department Store Cigars cigarettes Pipes smoker's articles Safety razors—razor blades Razor blades resharpened. Hot lunches -sandwitches Clam chowder -Chile Con Carni Soda water- iee cream—candies Fishing-tackle billards snooker. Mens and Young Mens Suits and Overcoats $18.50 $20.00 $25.00 Walk a block and save dollars on your wearing Apparell 1 College boots and danc ing pumps A A AAA A A A A A AAA4»AAA A A A A A A A A A*f»AA A A A A A PURSLEY’S IISW.S* 1 Quality Meats Meats and poultry must be fresh and dainty to be thoroughly en joyed. You may be negligent in all other things but you want your food to be of prime excellence. We have gained our reputation by purveying the best of meats only. Whatever we sell you we guarantee to be to your liking. And our prices are no higher on account of the better quality. The fact is Broders Bros. Meat Market OUR MEATS ARE CHEAPER. AUCTION of Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass, Gold and Silver Novelties, Etc. 2:30 P.M. -Daily- 7:30 P.M. Select Any Article and Have it Put Up at Auction Prizes to the Ladies Afternoon and Evenings CHAIRS PROVIDED BUY AT PRIVATE SALE IF YOU CHOOSE If you prefer to buy at private sale you may do so. We are here to serve you in a way that is most satisfactory to you. SETH LARAWAY Diamond Merchant and Jeweler