Oregon Daily Emerald VOLUME XXIII. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1921. NUMBER 14 TEAM FACES BIG TEST TODAY FROSH PRESIDENT RUMORED MISSING, EVE OF YEAR’S MIX Both Classes on Edge for Struggle This Afterndon . on Kincaid Field ABBOTT AND COPS READY Squareness of Affair Much Press-Agented; Program of Events Prepared Rumor has it that the president of the freshman class mysteriously disappeared at a late hour last night. Suspicion points strongly to the “strong arm spirits that work in the night. ” Reliable information is to the effect that he will appear at the mix this afternoon. This afternoon on Kincaid field at 1 o’clock sharp is to be staged the long anticipated event of the year, the an nual soph-frosh mix. All indications are that this little struggle is to be the biggest and most spectacular of the year. Opinions gathered from various sources on the campus agree in the detail that this is to be the squarest of all square mixes. Many have care fully looked the situation over and have stated that from the looks of the type of men that are to represent the class of 1925 it is apparent that the sophs are going to have a tough time repelling the onslaught of the babes. The frosh got together yesterday after noon and made arrangements to be fully represented on the field today, and a surprise for second-year men is held not unlikely. Leith Abbott promises to have his cops on hand to rigidly enforce order on the field. All the cops are equipped with brand new shiny stars and with such display are ready to doubly en- | force discipline. Abbott Makes Comment Commenting on the outlook for the afternoon Abbott said, “Since this is a new age, it is only right' that the frosh should win. We intend this to be the fairest of squarest mixes and will do the utmost in our power to make it so.” Bill Johnson announces that his class is thoroughly organized for the fray this afternoon. He denies the rumors that the sophs are going to have dif ’ ficqjty repelling the 1925 onslaughts and believes that on the contrary they • will be prepared to exhibit their super ior strength. “I have appointed Hal Kelly to take charge of the organization of the sopho mores on the field ” said Johnson, and I wish every member of this class would make it a point to get in touch with him. Of course this is to be the ‘squar est mix. ’ Who will emerge victorious remains to be seen. I am in no posi tion to voice an opinion as to the chan ces of the frosh. The less said, the better.” Braddock in Charge “Doc” Braddock is handling the program for this afternoon’s party. He is enthusiastic as to the outlook of af fairs from all standpoints. “What I particularly want to empha size,” said Braddock,” is the fact that everybody who is not attending the game at Portland is absolutely expected -i. (Continued on page four) CHAIRS JUST EVAPORATE New Phase of Seating Problem; Dean Sheldon Outwitted by Douglass Last week Dean Sheldon tried to re lieve the shortage in his room by drag ging in chairs from Dr. DeBusk’s room. After several trips he mopped his brow in perplexity for apparently there was nothing to show for his efforts. Dean Sheldon made one more trip and re turned with a ehair under each arm j just in time to see Professor Douglass escaping with a couple of the chairs which the dean had pilfered from the ; other class room. A halt was called, explanations en- ' sued, followed by disarmament and a treaty in which is was agreed to let the janitor adjust difficulties and pose hereafter as official seat shifter. However even the janitor is now re lieved of sliding the chairs as abcut three doxen new seats were installed Friday. Yellow Sheet Reprints; Fizz Bang Startles Seldom is the case that the Emer ald is scooped. This morning, how ever, a piece of crepe floats from the door ef the reporters’ room. It happened so suddenly and so far from campus environs that really the Emerald can not be held responsible. But there is no use crying over spoilt milt. If the milk is spoilt it is spoilt no matter who left the ice box open, so the Emerald retires meekly before the biasing light of its contemporary, “Fizz Bang.” Dresser in a beautiful pink rai ment, adorned with great black heads such as is the pride of yellow sheets of former days, Sigma Delta Chi’s brain child made its appearance at the Y. M.-Y. W. mix last night and its success was instantaineous. “Drags woman” sc re ached an at rocious black steamer across the top of the front page. It was only upon closer investigation that the words “to annual mix” could be discerned tucked at the end of the line. “Ore gons’ football chances vanish,” howled two great ribbons below the name plate. Those with keen eyes however found tucked between the lines “are bright: enemies” . . . . so that the whole thing told the reader that “Oregon football chances are bright; enemy chances vanish.” Besides scathing denunciation of faculty members told in a humorous vein the paper was also devoted to such departments as “those who come and go,” “Twenty five years ago today.” “Do you remember” and stor ies bearing delightfully sensational heads but whose content did not create such a stir. So eager was the demand for the glaring sheet that a second edition was printed which went almost as rapidly as the first. For those who failed to secure copies last night it was announced that additional copies would be on sale at the frosh soph mix this afternoon. Old timers say that the crowd at the mix was the livest gathering of the kind they can remember. Elvers of cider on which floated many doughnuts flowed down thirsty throats; stunts; costumes; and general good time placed the evening in the permanent college calendar of all the enjoyment seek ers. REGISTRATION NOW 2000 152 MORE ENROLLED AT MEDICAL SCHOOL IN PORTLAND Mrs. Lillian Ackerman Carlton Files Study Card Bringing Total to Present Mark The total enrollment o£ the Univer sity reached 2,000 late yesterday after noon when Mrs. Lillian Ackerman Carl ton filed her study card at the Admin istration building as the last step in registration. Mrs. Carlton is a student in the graduate school working toward the degree of Master of Arts. She is ma joring in education. In 1898 she re ceived the degree of Bachelor of Arts from the University. She is the wife of E. F. Carlton, city superintendent of schools of Eugene and formerly as sistant State Superintendent, and is the daughter of the late J. H. Ackerman who was formerly president of the Ore gon State Normal School, and state superintendent of public instruction. The total of 2,000 on the campus does not include the 152 full time resident students in the Medical School in Port land who are just as much a part of the University as the law department, ac cording to Carlton Spencer, registrar. Besides this he predicts that there are several others who will file cards yet. ALMANAC CAUGHT IN MISTAKE The World Almanac is no longer in fallable. Mrs. Fitch has caught that famous international authority in a mistake. This year’s statistics for the University of California, according to ! the almanac, are 641 students and 29 instructors. There also appears to be no president at that institution, as the space for his name is left blank. UNIVERSITY HIGH ELECTS At the annual inauguration assembly Df the University high school Friday morning Robert McKnight was in- i stalled as president, Alphonse Corn, j vice-president; Vuelta 8tivers, secre tary and Teddy Rogh, treasurer. Short j addresses were made by H. R. Douglass, professor of education, and Harold ■ Serdonier, retiring president. MUSIC FRATERNITY NATIONAL WILL BE INSTALLED SUNDAY Mu Zeta Kappa, Local, to Be Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha; Officer on Way ART TO BE ENCOURAGED Outside Talent to be Brought to University; 34 Members to be Taken In ‘ Psi chapter of Phi Mu Alpha, national honorary music fraternity, which has been granted to Mu Zeta Kappa, local music fraternity, will be installed on Sunday afternoon. Casey Lutton, na tional . secretary of the organization, who is to arrive today, will have charge of the installation. Phi Mu Alpha, commonly called Sin fonia, was formed in 1898 at the New England Conservatory of Music. It was organized at first as a club, but in 1900 it was determined to expand and form a regular college fraternity with chap ters in music schools of approved excel lence. It is the only large men’s music fraternity in existence. Two Other Coast Chapters The purpose of the fraternity is to promote a cultivated interest in music from an amateur standpoint. Hereto fore, its expansion has been in musical conservatories only, and but recently have chapters from the universities of the country been admitted. The school of music of the University of Oregon has received national recognition in being one of the first university music schools to be admitted to Phi Mu Alpha. During the year chapters have been in stalled in the University of Washington and Washington State College. These two universities and Oregon have the only chapters on thePacific Coast. Personnel of Chapter Psi chapter will be instrumental in bringing outside talent to the Univer sity. The members of Mu Zeta Kappa, who will be installed are Maurice Eben, President; Glen Morrow, Secretary Treasurer; J. J. Landsbury, John S. Evans, Rex Underwood, Leland Coon, Ralph Hoeber, George Hopkins, Jack Benefiel, Art Campbell, Harris Ells worth, Carl Newbury, Crescene Farriss, Raymond Burns, Wayne Akers, Martin Howard, (jlarol Akers, Curtiss Phillips, Nelson English, Aubrey Furry, Ralph Poston, John Gavin, Earl Leslie, George Stearns, Carpentar Staples, Ralph Mc Claflin, Remey Cox, Arthur Johnson, Herbert Hacker, Dan Woods, Meryl Deming, Wilson Gailey, Ransom Mc Arthur, and John Anderson.' FRENCH CLUB ON HONOR BASIS FOR THIS YEAR Membership Privilege Extended Only To Students of Merit; Society H Hopes to Nationalize The French Club, which held its first meeting last night, is to be conducted on an honor basis this year. Only stu dents whose work merits membership will have the privilege of joining. It is the hope of the society to national ize French clubs in other colleges and particularly those of the Pacific coast. The plans for the year were outlined and these committees were appointed. Program—Wilbur Bolton, Germaine Dew, Miss Gouy; Executive—Jean De Paul, Wilbur Bolton; Refreshment—- J Florence Garrett, Dorothy Manville, Jean DePaul. Madame Fayard Coon was appointed faculty adviser. Miss Guoy, who has recently returned from a visit to her home in France, gave a short talk about her trip. Germaine Dew gave two anecdotes in French, and Gwladvs Keeney sang. After refresh ments a short time was spent in French conversation. YOUNG TAKES PH.D. DEGREE _ i Degree Given by Stanford; Thesis on ' Mental Study of Immigrants The degree of Doctor of Philosophy has been granted by Stanford Univer sity to Kimball Young, assistant pro fessor in the Psychology department. There are now four members of the faculty of the department of psychelogy who have a doctor’s degree. Dr. Young’s thesis was “The Study of Mental Differences in Immigrant Stocks in America.*’ Line-up of Teams for Today’s Clash Oregon: Wt, Pos. Wt. Idaho Calttaon ..180. 0 190. Goff Von der Ahe ..180.BOL.-.190... Brown Brown . -ITS...LOB..18B. Neal Strachan .-183.BTL.185. OUndoman Leslie . 190....LTB.-186. stone Morfltt . 179.bt:t..166.Oolby Howard . 172....LBB..165. S. Breshears Johnson .175.—.— Q .170.JL. Breshears Parsons . 190.i»n...170. Inring O. King . 175..LHB.170. Whitcomb T. Shields ._...192.. P .176. H. Breshears Average wt. of lino—Oregon_180. Idaho ..178 Average wt, of Backs—Oregon_183. Idaho .„ 171 Average wt, of team—Oregon....181..Idaho „.174.5 LANCEFIELD DOES NOT SWAT THE FLY ********* Five Years of Research Devoted to Tiny Insect ** * * * * * * * SPECIAL DIET FATTENS SUMMER PEST Swat the fly! Not in the private laboratory of D. E. Lancefield, located in famous old Deady. Dr. Lancefield, instructor of heredity and physiology in the department of zoology, has several thousand little flies caged in glass containers, where they come into existence as pupa, grow fat on a special diet of banana agar, pass through a stage of laziness and dormancy, and then grow wings to fly around their very limited expanse of space. But they do not all grow wings. Mr. Lancefield etherized a few score of the little insects,_ known as the fruit fly, for his interviewer to observe under the binoculars. The group first placed un der observation were examples of a characteristic phase of hereditary varia tion; the wings were atrophied into uselessness. Perhaps 10,000 specimens have to be observed before a varia tion is found. After male and female variants are located they are placed in the culture and inside of one week the generations will number over 250. A discovery which will possibly have great importance in the world of gene tics is a variation of the fruit fly developed by Mr. Lancefield Bince com ing to Oregon from Columbia this fall. In the process of insulation, interbreed ing, and observation, a race of male less flies has been developed. One mother fly has produced 145 daughters to date without a single male. Mr. Lancefield believes that this is a not able variation and says that nothing exactly similar has ever been observed. Previously, males have been killed be fore development by the distribution of certain factors, but not in the same line as Mr. Lancefield’s discovery. Some 7,000,000 fruit flies have been observed by research men in the past ten years and in this great number were found 300 mutations. Dr. Lancofield has studied this fly for five years. “The flies are such good material that we can work out the principles of her edity and know what to expect from animals,” said Dr. Lancefield as he ex plained the comparative ease with which the prolific fruit fly can be studied. Not only are the principles of muta tion and heredity applicable to ani mals, said the research worker, but man ca.n be studied by the same method. The tiny flies are shaken from the culture into another container, quickly etherized, then placed under the bi noculars. One group will be charac terized by curled hairs; others have normal sized wings; some are yelloy eyed, others are rod. Dr. Lancefield keeps his flies in many glass containers, and each bottle has a generation of flies with some characteristic variation. “About how many flies hnvo you!” Dr. Lancefield was asked. “Oh! gosh, I don’t know,” answered the biologist as he glanced toward his glass prisons with their swarms of countless insects. Some of the flieB, perhaps pets, crawled over the binoculars and monographs which had the fruit fly as their theme. Dr. Lancefield, who has studied un der Dr. T. H. Morgan, nationally known as an authority in genetics, is reluct ant to swat the fly, but he does swat the tennis ball. Information obtained from other sources tlign the little lab oratory with the name “Mr. D. E. Lancefield" tacked on its door, says that Dr. Lancefield is considered one of the best tennis players on tho Univer sity campus. MIX TONIGHT FROSH HOLD JOLLIFICATION TO BE FEATURED WITH STUNTS AND DANCING President Campbell, Dean Straub and Dean Fox Will Talk to Yearlings In Men’s Gymnasium Tonight is the big night! Every fresh man on the campus will be on hand at the men’s gymnasium at 8 o’clock. All the pretty girls will be there and all tho handsome young men. It is the night of the freshman get-together party. There will be no molesting sophomores to hinder the coming guests so no one will stay away because of fear. This will be one of the biggest freshman af fairs of the year; besides the dancing there will be special features given by freshman talent. Helen Harper will play a violin solo and Stuart Biles will give a specialty dance. There will also be vocal solos by Roy Bryson, and a whistling feature by Elizabeth Phelps. Refreshments have been planned, and there will be gallons of punch for the tlfirsty. A special four-piece orchestra has been secured, consisting of piano, banjo, traps, and saxaphone. Everyone present will wear a green tag with the inscription: Hello! My name is John Jones. This tag will serve as an in troduction and thus will facilitate get ting acquainted. Any man is privileged to ask any girl for a dance without the formality of an introduction. However if he desires, one of the floor committee will introduce him. This floor com mittee has not yet been appointed but will consist of five boys and five girls. President Campbell, Dean Fox and Dean Straub will be present and will speak to the class. This is to be a non date affair but all the girls will be es corted home. The committee is com posed of Donald Woodward, Geraldine Boot and Mary Harris. SEMINAR COURSES ADDED MORE GRADUATE STUDENT WORK IN EDUCATION Weekly “Clearing House” Will Give Chance to Tabulate Work and Arrange Future Material Reorganization of tho graduate de partment of the school of education this year has resulted in the addition of three seminar courses to ttie one given formerly. Through these changes grad uate work will be offered in any of tho :four departments in the school. Every two v.-eeks a “get-together” of the four departments is hold which is a “clear ing house” to give the students the op portunity to tabulate the information (collected and to look over future work. T’r. ff T). Sheldon, dean of the school of education, is giv:ng a course in edu cational history and sociology and l>r. B. W. DeBusk supervises a seminar in educational psychology. Dr. A. Gregory is working with six graduate students on “School Administration.” ; P.-ofessor II. R. Doeglass has eight stu dents doing research work in the theory of teaching in secondary sel ools m such subjects as, “Agencies t/salde in the high schools for teaching Ct’i/en (ship,” “Science Curricula in th * High schools.” “Responsibility of School for social life of stud.-nt," “TTsa of Stand ard Tests for Diagnosis and Remedial Teaching in IJigh School Mathematics,” i “ C«c of Motion Pictures and Slide3 in jClassroom Instructions in the Junior High Schools.” These courses ate pnrelj for research work and give the student full scope for his abilities. A meeting in the school of education w;il be held shortly to fur* itr the plans for reorganization and the broad ering of the work offered to graduate students. VARSITY HEAVIER; BUT IDAHOANS ABE MODE EXPERIENCES Coaches’ Heavy Hammering at Green Eleven Beginning to Bring Results INJURIES WORST TROUBLE Muscovites Confident This is Year for Revenge for Series of Defeats - '3 me eyes or tne rootball west will be focused upon Multnomah field this afternoon when Coach Kelly’s speedy Idaho aggregation clashes with “Shy” Huntington’s Lemon-Yellow eleven. Practically all the grid followers of tho coast doubt the ability of Hun tington 's groen, inexperienced machine to lower the Gem State colors for the 14th time. This opinion is, however, based upon Oregon’s ineffectiveness in her two practice games against Wil lamette and Pacific universities, and little note has been taken of the won derful improvement made in the last woek of training. All last woek from 3 until 0 up to Thursday, when practice lightened a bit to taper the squad into condition, Hun tington and his two able assistants “Brick” and “Bart” have been ham mering football “savvy” and experience into tho green material. It will be a different team that facos Idaho this afternoon from that which stumbled through to the heavy end of a 21-7 score against Pacific last Saturday. , Hospital Squad Large Save for the injury jinx which has followed Huntington throughout the season and which even Trainer Bill Hayward’s uncanny skill in healing twisted ankles and broken bones has not been able to offset, the coaching staff would not be on needles and pins in regard to tho backfleld situation. But with Billy Beinhart out with a broken colar bone and torn ligaments, with Tommy DeArmand’s kneo in bad shape, and with Hal Chapman’s twisted foot giving him more or less trouble it is imperative that there be few in juries in todays struggle. For if tho Lemon-Yellow can defeat the eloven from Moscow, or hold them to a close score with a minimum of injuries the outlook is excellent for the varsity to finish a successful season. A defeat at the hands of Coach Kelly’s team will not necessarily indicate weak ness on the part of Oregon for the Moscow institution undoubtedly has tho strongest team of its football career. Moscow Men Confident Idaho is confident of victory, con fident that at last they will be able to break the long string of defeats at the hands of Oregon. Couch Kelly figures that it was a fluke that defeated him last year, for with the score 7-6 in favor of the visitors, Bud Brown, this I year’s guard, playing end, picked up a fumble after being boxed in by the Idaho line and raced from the middle |of the field for a touchdown. So with a much stronger team than that of last season, and with the Oregon eleven supposedly weaker, the Gem State coaches, players and supporters figure that this is their time to win. But Oregon has .always defeated the Mob cowites, even with weaker teams, so the outcome is awaited with hope by both factions Oregon Team Hoavier A feature that is looked to by Lemon Yellow supporters to assist in bring ing home the bacon is the fact that Idaho is outweighed by the varsity, six and one-half pounds to the man over the entire eleven. The line advantage for Oregon is two pounds to the man, while behind, the varsity outweighs i Idaho 12 pounds to the man. The game today will be capabfv handled as far as officials go, with George Varnell, of Spokane, considered jone of the greatest officials in the Northwest, acting as referee and Plow den Stott of Portland as umpire. That there will be organized rooting for both teams is the latest report from ; Portland. Oregon hopes to assemble two thousand, undergraduate, former student and alumni rooters while the . Idaho people are planning to get every 1 Idaho former student and alumni out : for the game.