Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 05, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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War Department Orders for
Forming Teams Received
Oregon to Compete With 9th
Corps Area for Match
University of Oregon teams are to
compete again next year in the inter
collegiate rifle matches to determine
the team to represent the Ninth Corps
area of the Reserve Officers’ Training
Corps in the shoot for the national
Information and orders for the forma
tion of the rifle teams here and in the
other colleges of the country were re
ceived here yesterday in the form of a
bulletin from the War Department at
Washington, D. C.
Work to Start At Once
According to the bulletin the work
in rifle practice and instruction will
start at once, and between now and
Jan. 1 competitions will be held locally
to select the teams to represent the
University—which, in turn, will compete
with other nearby organizations to de
termine the team to represent this lo
From Jan. 1 to March 15 of next year,
the inter-college matches will be held.
The University of Oregon will compete
with other teams of the 9th Corps
Area to select the best team to go to
the national matches; which will be
held from March 16 to May 15 under
the direct supervision of the War De
Ten to Fifteen on Team
The teams may consist of from 10 to
15 men; and the 10 highest scores will
go to determine the score for the team.
Prizes and regulations governing the
matches are in the hands of the offi
cer in charge of the unit, locality, corp,
or national matches respectively.
More than one team may be selected
from an institution. There may be the
university team; a class team; a com
pany team, or a fraternity house team.
Work along the lines leading up to these
contests will be started immediately
here at the University.
Limited Use of Stack-room
One Cause for Decline
A late inventory of the stack rooms
of the University library shows that
fewer books, magazines, pamphlets, and
government documents have disap
peared from the shelves this year than
The first checking up show's 600 J
volumes missing this year as compared
to 683 last year. This figure does not
mean that 600 volumes will not be
found, for past years have proved that
many of the copies are returned later
in the year. Last year 380 of the i
copies were turned in.
The decrease is thought by librar
ian M. H. Douglass to be due to the
restricted use of the stack rooms and
also to the systematic canvass which
was made of the campus buildings and
residences at the close of last year.
After the spring term of this year
when the checking up of the books
began, library copies were found in 16
of the fraternity houses on the cam
pus. Some of these copies had not been
checked off by the library staff. In .
a few cases books had been charged
to professors affd had been loaned by
them to students. In this way all
trace of the book had been lost by the
library. •
The circulation of the library books 1
was 100,302 from January until June,
26,355 of which were for home use and ;
the remainder were reserve books. The
accession books of the library now total
We do hemstiching, 10 cents per yard.
Black and white thread furnished. Sin
ger Sewing Machine Co., 640 Willam
ette. tf.
LOST—Tan suitcase with strap
around middle, Oregon sticker and ho
tel tag. Was delivered at wrong ad
dress last week. Finder please call
Manerud transfer, 651-J tf.
LOST—Kappa Kappa Gamma pin.
Finder call 204. tf.
Plant and cut flowers for sale, Alice
Short. 1512 Columbia, Phone 456-L.
Tn. Sat.*tf.
Large front room and sleeping porch.
66 East 14th. Phone 724-L. 06
FOR SALE for less than half. A
party frock also two dinner gowns, size
36. Holly Moon Linbarger. Modiste.
66 East 14. Phone 724-L 06
Holly Moore Linbarger—A design for
young ladies. 66 14th Ave East. Phone
724-L. Sat & Th
106,700. which is an increase of 9,199
over those of last year at this time.
Since June 1921, 2,024 volumes have
been added.
Miss Elizabeth Busch of Portland To
Wed Appointee to Philippine
Court in Salem Friday
Miss Elizabeth Busch, who was gradu
ated from the University in the class of
'13, a prominent member of the Delta
j Gamma sorority while on the campus, will
be married to Justice Charles A. Johns
of the Oregon supreme court in Salem
next Friday. The couple will leave at
once following the ceremnoy at the cap
: itol for the Philippines where Justice
Johns will assume his new duties as as
sociate justice in the supreme court.
During the past four years Miss Busch
has been office manager of the Roberts
Motor Car company in Portland. Al
though separated from friends, she looks
forward with pleasure and anticipation
to her stay on the islands.
Justice Johns, a native of Missouri,
having been born in that state in 1857,
was elected to associate justice of the
supreme court of the state in 1918. The
ceremony next Friday will be performed
in the chambers of Chief Justice McBride
of the Oregon supreme court.
G. B. Mclntlre, Formerly of Baker, an
Experienced Man is to Coach.
The University high school expects to
have a basketball team this year for the
first time in its history, according to R.
C. Dickerson, principal. There is better
material for a team this year because
there are more older - students than ever
before, Mr. Dickerson says.
The basketball team will be coached
by George R. Melntire, physical director
at the campus high school. Mr. Mcln
tire has had a considerable amount of
experience in coaching teams, at other
high schools where he was physical di
Physical training in general will not
be neglected because of the interest in
inter-high-school sports, as often hap
pens when high schools put out athletic
teams. Mr. Dickerson says. Gymnasium
work for both boys and girls is to be
carefully kept up.
Dean Fox to Give Address:
Madam McGrew Will Sing
The first Y. W. C. A. meeting of the j,
year is scheduled for 5:15 P. M. Thurs
day at the association bungalow on
Kincaid street. All members of the
association are urged to attend, and a
cordial invitation is extended to the
new women entering the University to
take this opportunity of becoming ac
quainted with the work of the “Y” on
the campus.
Dean Fox has consented to address
the girls on “The Place of the associa
tion in the University 'Woman's Life.”
Madam Bose McGrew, of the School of
Music, will render vocal selections.
At 4:45 o’clock, preceding the busi
ness meeting, tea will be served by!
the freshman girls under the direction
of the social committee, headed by
Helen Murdock and Lelaine West. |
An election to fill the present va
cancies in the offices of president and
vice-president will be among the im
portant business of the session. The
committee in charge will announce
their nominations in the next issue of
The Emerald.
Judging from the past prominence of
the “Y” on the Oregon campus, an
unusually active and progressive pro
gram may be predicted for the present
year; and it is the desire of Dorothy
Collier, secretary, and Ruth Flegal,
acting president, that the first meet
ing of the association be a credit to its
extensive membership.
Order of O Promises Punishment for
Tradition Breakers
Slapstick comedy subh as Mack Sen
nett never dreamed of will be produced,
free of charge, by the Order of the O,
on the library steps each Thursday
morning before assembly, when tradi
tion-breakers, regardless of class, race
or creed, will be publically paddled by
the husky athletes.
Such were the glad tidings extended
to the students by the wearers of the
O at" the first meeting of the year.
The custom of publically paddling
the breakers of the traditions was
started last year by the “Frotraco,”
and many were they who came to grief
because of a disregard for the warnings
given them.
Have you made arrangements with us for your Photo?
Our student patronage is the ratification of our good work.
734 Willamette. Phone 770.
Electric Cleaners
Properly Cleaned
Promptly Delivered
832 OLIVE ST* • • •
Hotel Osburn
The place for that Sunday Evening Dinner
Arrangements made for
Hotel Osburn
Phone 891. 8th and Pearl
Silk Wool Hosiery
With Mileage
Like the tire^ of an automobile, the ser
viceability of Silk Wool Hosiery is deter
mined largely by the number of miles you
obtain. And just to be certain that you get
the full mileage you expect, we have rein
forced our Hosiery where the wear is hard
est. Silk Wool Ribbed and Wool Heather
Ribbed Interwoven Hosiery — at prices
which will surprise you.
Wade Bros.
The home of the Hart Schaffner & Marx
All Wool Clothes.
i After the Show or Dance
“ There is always pleasure awaiting those who come
9 here, because whether you be one or several, there is a
| treat for all.
ii —We Serve—
The place where you will be pleased.
820 Willamette. Herman Burgoyne.
California Strollers
Eight Artists, Direct from Seattle-Hipprodrome
Thursday, October 6th
— Auspices —
Elks Drill Team No. 357, B. P. 0. E.
A High Class Musical Act and Dance that is to be remembered.
A forty-five minute musical preceding dance.
Balcony 50c.
War Tax 5c.
Down Stairs:
Gentlemen 1.00; tax 10c
Ladies 50c; tax 10c