Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 29, 1921, Image 1

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Meaning of Education To Be
Topic of Dr. Campbell
This Morning
New Instructor in School of
Music and Both Glee
Clubs Will Appear
‘‘ What is education T’'
The freshmen haven’t been on the j
campus long enough to find out, and
while the older students have, most of
them only think they know. But Presi ;
dent Campbell expects to tell the student '
body something about it at the first
regular assembly of the year to be held
in Villard hall promptly at 11 o’clock
this morning. All the students are urged
to be there as no classes are held at that’
Besides the talk and welcome of the
president, Lyle Bartholomew, president
of the associated students, will speak, and
there will be several musical attractions.
John B. Siefert, tenor, a new member of
the faculty of the school of music, will;
sing a selection from ‘ ‘ La Boheme, ’ ’ and
there will be numbers by the men's and
women's glee clubs. This is Mr. Siefert’s
first appearance before the L’niversity
students. It is said that he possesses a
very pleasing voice, and comments by
the press on his work in the east have
been very favorable.
According to tradition, the men of the
freshman class occupy the seats in the
balcony, and the women those seats on j
the lower floor to the left upon entering j
the auditorium. And that the members |
of the incoming class be in their seats is j
the earnest request of the faculty, for by :
attending assembly, and particularly the
first assembly of the year, the new stu
dents quickly become familiar with Ore
gon customs and life. Members of the !
faculty will be seated upon the platform. !
Candidates Appear Light and Many
Lack Experiencce; High School
Stars Among Aspirants
Nearly a hundred aspirants for the:
freshman football team are working out
every night under the direction of Baz
Williams, coach, and Everett Branden- ;
burg, assistant. Williams is handling the j
line candidates and Brandenburg is su- \
pervising the work of the backfield men. ,
The candidates for the freshman eleven
do not appear to be up to the standard
of previous seasons for the most part. :
They are only about middle weight and 1
many of them are green. Good coaching
and hard work should bring about much
improvement in a short while, however.
The first game is October 2'2 with Mr.
Augel at Eugene.
Haak of Washington high. King of ;
Franklin high and Smith from Forest
Grove are doing good work at quarter.
Bate Jacobberger of Portland is consid
ered one of the best kickers among the i
candidates. Brown, who played in Illi
nois last year, and Tergenson of Pendle
ton are also expected to make a good try
for a berth on the first squad.
Thirty-five of the men who are out are
trying for backfield positions and only .
five are out for ends. It is ■practically
impossible to tell who will have a chance
in the final frosh line-up this early in
the season and it will take at least two
* weeks of hard work to whip the squad
into shape for effective group practice.
Tryouts for Assistants to be Held
Next Wednesday Afternoon
Hooters' ractice will be held on
nearly ever Wednesday afternoon in
order to tb elop a strong spirit of co
operation a mug the students and to
make the Thundering Thousand” a
reality, an rding to Del Oberteuffer,
yell leader.
The first ‘ime that the yells will be
dusted off ’or the year will be at the
Y. M. C. A. Mix Friday night and
this will be allowed b \"the first regular
yell practice next Wednesday afternoon.
Tryouts for assistants to Yell-King
Oberteuffer will be held at this time.
Sev- »al me: have already signified
their intent n of coming out but there
is lots of to m for ability and interest,
says Obertelfer. Names of all candi
dates are wanted in advance by him.
No Dates Made
By Bureau of
‘■Hollo, is this the appointment bur
eau.' I’d like to make an appoint
ment with Fergus Reddie!”
This, or something like it, is what
the other end of the line says a dozen
times a day when Miss Burnett, the
secretary at the appointment bureau of
the school of education, takes down the
receiver. Miss Burnett then explains
that Fergus Reddie’s favorite haunts
and habitations are entirely other, and
that the appointment bureau is intended
for the purpose of assisting students to
find teaching positions.
Any student who has had the re
quired number of hours in the school
of education, and the needed amount
of experience, may register at the ap
pointment bureau, but many persons,
Miss Burnett says, appear to labor
under the delusion that through the *
appointment bureau they may get in
touch with anyone on the campus. It
would simplify registration if this was
the case—but it isn’t.
Dean H. D. Sheldon of the school of
education, has accepted an invitation
to deliver an address at the general
session of the State Teachers’ Associ
ation during the Christmas holidays.
His subject will be, “The Life and
Service of ,T. H. Ackerman.”
Other Committees Filled by New Head
of Student Body; Nine
are Named
Committee appointments as announ
ced yesterday afternoon by Lyle Bar
tholomew, student body president, give 1
indication that the wheels of student ,
government are beginning to turn after
a summer of inactivity.
Marian Linn has been named a wo
man ’s representative on the student
council to succeed Imogene Letcher who
finds herself unable to return to the
University until the second term.
Other committees on the council have
been filled ns follows: entertainment,
Guy Koepp, chairman, Jason McCune,
and Helen Carson; campus, James Say,
chairman, and Marian Linn; condol
ence, Maurice Eben, chairman', and
Mildred Ferguson; and dance, Art
Campbell, chairman, Alice Evans, and
Clayton Ingle.
Wasili Muller Enrolls Here After 18
Months With Anti-Typhus Train
In Stricken Land
Wasili Muller, former student at
the Far East Governmental University
at Yladivostoek, and for eighteen
months attached to an anti-typhus
train that covered 10.000 miles through
Siberia in the service of the American
Red Cross, has arrived on the Univer
sity of Oregon campus to enter the pre
medic course. Muller arrived from Si
beria last week and brings with him
letters of appreciation from Red Cross
officials for his work with the organiza
tion in his native land.
The young Siberian received his pre
liminary education in Denmark and
since 1914 has been in Russia both in
the military service and with the Red
Cross train. Muller, who speaks good
English with but a slight foreign ac
cent. states that over 200,000 soldiers
were cared for by the forces of the anti
typhus train during his eighteen
months of service.
Music Students Will Practice at
Town Churches
The organs of both the Methodist and
Presbyterian churches are to be used
for instruction and practice purposes by
students in the University school of
music. Heretofore only the Methodist
church organ was used, but it was kept
busy during all available time. This
year a much larger organ enrollment
has made it necessary to arrange for
the use of the Presbyterian organ also.
John Stark Evans, professor of or
gan, and Leland A. Coon, professor of
piano, are organists at the Methodist
and Presbyterian ■ hurches. respectively.
Lindsay McArthur, of Baker, a gradu
ate with the class of 1920, has been
visiting on the campus for the past few
days before entering the University of
Oregon medical school in Portland. He
made the trip from Baker to Eugene
in a car with Jack High, a freshman.
Forty-nine of New Pledges
Come From Portland;
Eugene Next
Bids Given Out After Week
of Rushing; New Plan
Used This Fall
One hundred and four women have
been pledged by the women's fraterni
ties and sororities on the University
campus since the rushing period closed
Tuesday afternoon. Kappa Kappa
Gamma leads with 16 pledges and i
Kappa Alpha Theta is second with 111.
The list of pledges follows:
Kappa Alpha Theta: Eleanor Eakin, •
Astoria; Genevieve l’helps, Pendleton;
Florence Fortmiller, Sally Cusick, both j
of Albany; Mary Hardie, San Diego, j
cal.; Rebecca Ireland, Pasadena, Cal.;
Florence Buck, Eugene; Mary Harris,1
Georgianna Gerlinger, Mary Gill, Jean- j
ne Gay, Ruth Sensenich, Martha Shull
all of Portland.
Alpha Delta Pi: Mildred Dedman
and Helen Harper, of Portland; Julia!
Jaghan, and Dorothy Brodie, of Eu- j
gene; Pauline Case, of Coquille; Portia 1
Kidwell of Pendleton; and Orpha Titus, j
of McMinnville.
Zeta Rho Epsilon: Eva Russell and
Beatrice Tidd, of Eugene; Mildred '
Youell, of Silverton; Hazel Hayden,!
of Eugene.
Pi Beta Phi: Lucile Douglas, of
Marshfield; Norma Barrett, of Pasa
dena, Cal.; Dorothy La Roche, and
Verna Weaver, of Portland; Louise
Vender Ahe, of Eugene, and Dorothy
Byler of CoquilR.
Kappa Kappa Gamma: Margery Fle
gal, Mary Skinner, Catherine Spall,
Nan Montgomery, Madelyne Lester,
Josephine Orput, Joy Johnson, Mildred
Johnson, Helen Caples and Penelope
Gehr, all of Portland; Dorothy Von
Berg, of Albert Lee, Minnesota; Gret
ehen Clemens, of Grants Pass; Gretchen
Brown and Maxine Buren, of Salem;
Alice Titus and Laura Teschner of Eu
Alpha Chi Omega: Margery Baird, of
Bend; Vera Price, of Scappoose; Claud
ia Brodors, of Eugene; Frieda Goodrich,
Geraldine Root and Norma Wilson, of I
Alpha Phi: Lylah McMurphey, Ruth
Akers, both of Eugene; Helen Adams,
Helen Chambreau, Lucy Hoover, Anne
O'Reilly, all of Portland; Eugenia Page,
Hood River; Peggy Schubel, Oregon
City ; Helen Atkinson, La Jolla, Cal.
Chi Omega: Eleena Greene, Mil
dred Marsh, Dorothy Carpenter, Maud
Neighbor, Edwina Richen, Mildred
Seufert, all of Portland; India Fly,
San Diego, Cal.; Clara Whoelhoiise,
Arlington; Violet Weber, Hillsboro;
1'lalia Butler, Dallas; Marie Mevcrs,
Medford; Vesta Johnson, Marshfield.
Delta Delta Delta: Helen Sherwood,
Coquille; Josephine Ulrich, Portland;
Margaret Simonton, Wendel, Idaho;
Eleanor Reavis, Bakersfiehl, Cal.;
Beatrice Fraley, Eugene; Tona Cornett,!
Prineville; Margaret Fitzsimmon, Alice
Puthill, both of Baker; Madeline \b
Manus, Chicago, III.
Delta Gamma: Margaret Bowden,
Frances Lyons, both of Marshfield;
Laura Sontles, Hood River; Vida Povey,
Sherwood; Betty Kerr, Pauline Bonder
ant, Doris Holman, Margaret Dickey,
Thvra St. Clair, Inez Fairchild, Mar
guerite Stamm, all of Portland.
Delta Zeta: Mary Search, Hazel
Hauk, Florence McCoy, Frances Faust,
Grace Evans, all of Portland; Eunice
Zimmerman, Frederika Travis, both of
Eugene; Clara Guttridge. Prairie City;
Jean Perry, Klamath Falls.
Gamma Phi Beta: Bernice Davies,
Astoria; Margaret Masters, Portland.
Instead of having the rushing season
last from Monday until Saturday morn
ing of the first week of school as before
it started Thursday noon preceding
registration and the bids were given
out Tuesday evening in accordance 1
with plans formed last year. This was
done to avoid confusion with the first
week \s classes. Girls may be pledged
at any time from now on.
F. Miron Warrington, professor of
Romance languages in the Portland
Center of the Extension Division, is in
Paris studying at the Sorbonne. Mr.
Warrington expects to go to Madrid in
March for further study.
Miss Emma Stephenson, of the li
brary staff, is spending a year in study
at the New York Public Library school.
Music and Business Schools
Have New Structures
This Year
S e v er a I Improvements On
Campus Add Greatly to
Available Space
Two new buildings have been occupied
and many alterations made in old strue- ,
turns since the close of the University 1
hist June. The new commerce building 1
was finished during the summer and is i
now occupied by the school of business I
administration, the department of ecu- ;
nomies and the department of history i
The school of music is llso in its new [
building on the south campus, where the i
sopranos no longer will have to compete
with the Southern Pacific railroad jazz.
The new commerce building is prac
tically a duplicate of Oregon hall and
provides modern classrooms and offices
for the departments housed there. It I
forms the second unit of a court yard,
which, when completed, will be surround- !
ed on three sides bv buildings and will !
face Thirteenth avenue.
Auditorium Seats 600
In the new music building there are
14 studios, 13 practice rooms, a lecture
room, office and lounge or reception
room. An auditorium, as yet not com
pleted, will seat 600 and has been design
ed especially for concert purposes.
Soundproof walls are used throughout,
ns well as patented soundproof doors.
The lecture room is located at the extreme
edge of the building, away from the I
studios and practice rooms. An up
stairs room with a fireplace has been nr
ranged for a meeting place of Mu Phi
Epsilon and Phi Mu Alpha, men’s and
women's musical fraternities. The
lounge and reception room is also fitted
with a fireplace. “This room offers
hospitality to everyone,’’ says Dean
Landsbury, “whether musicians or not.”
The furniture, draperies and carpets
were furnished by the Oregon Council of
Music, the students and the faculty. The
members of the faculty have fitted out
their own studios.
Old Buildings Used
The school of sociology now occupies j
the old commerce building, which will be j
known ns the sociology building. Some '
of the rooms are used by the rhetoric de- 1
partment, drama and architecture ami ‘
the arts.. The old music building now
houses the household arts department and 1
the extension division.. The old quarters ;
of household arts have been made* into a |
dining room for women living in Susan |
Campbell hall. Law ami languages will •
expand into the rooms in Oregon hall
formerly occupied by the extension di |
One end of the open air gymnasium is ;
being converted into training quarters
for the football squad. The east third
of this structure, which was originally a
dirt floored drill slu-d, is being walled in,
a second story built in and locker and .
showers provided.^ The* upper part will
be used by the coaches as office space.
A drying room for clothes will also be
Journalism Shack Remodeled
Perhaps the smallest of tin* annex fam
ily resident "»i the campus is that built
on the annex to the rniversity press.
(< ontiuued on Page -)
Freshman Composition Class Placed
On New Basis This Year
The freshman English composition
course will consist of a lecture period,
laboratory period and a conference per
iod each week this year.
The lecture period is to be used for
large groups of students while it is the
aim of the instructors of the depart
ment to give as much individual atten
tion as possible at the weekly eon
During the laboratory period, which
will last two hours, the weekly theme,
which heretofore was written as home
work, will be written. This new sys
tem, according to Miss Burgess, af
fords mail' advantages to the student
which have heretofore been denied him.
Some of these advantages are quiet
surroundings, the presenee of advisors,
and an excellent training for extempo
raneous writing.
Marian Andrews, ’20, has been
awarded a fellowship at Columbia Uni
versify, and is taking social service
'work there. Miss Andrews was in
structor in commerce and English at
The Dalles high school last year.
‘Lovingly Yours9
Almost Floors
Elmer Pendell
.lust how should a thump begin? How
should it end ? Those are questions that
have puzzled many a university student,
and which brought out considerable naive
ingenuity on the part of a very young
high school girl in Klamath Falls, where
Fdiner Pendell, a last year's graduate of
Oregon is teaching English, and several
other subjects.
Mr. Pendell asked the class to write a
theme. This girl didn’t know what a
theme was, but she waited right in and
wrote a letter. Mr. Pendell says he was
surprised and almost overcome to find a
paper beginning “Dear Mr. Pendell
and ending “Lovingly yours.-' He says
it was a struggle to blue pencil that
friendly closing, but his sense of peda
gogv finally won—so he says.
Dorothy Collier, ’18, Returns After
Two Years at Wellesley
Miss Dorothy Collier, new secretary
of the campus V. W. C. A., begins her
work on the Oregon campus this term.
Miss Collier graduated from the Univer
sity in the class of 191,S. In 1918 and
1919 she was assistant secretary of the
organization. For the last two years
she has been studying at Wellesley Col
lege, and received her degree of Master
of Arts last June.
Barracks Hu m as Underclassmen
Draw O. D’s Issued By
“Say, sergeant, ain't elm got no
smaller coat? This’s a mile too big
for me!”
“Who’s your tailor, Hill1? Some fit!”
“I'm only going to wear one leg of
these pants at a time!”
These are only a few of the interest
ing and highly colored remarks that
have been heard around the It. O. T. C.
barracks during the last three days as
the freshmen and others subject to mili
tary training have been drawing their
“O. D.’s” for this year’s cadet work.
Frosh Come Small
It isn't a case of the uniforms not
fitting the men—the military depart
ment was careful to order the right sizes
—but all the trouble comes from the
fact that the men don't fit the uni
forms. The incoming freshmen are a
smaller lo than usual (individually, j
not as a class) and consequently in
many cases the belts reach around i
nearly twice, the caps come down over
the ears, and the blouses are a little
baggy. There was one extreme excep
tion, however, when a 111-29 pair of
trousers were skin tight, and a 7 .'C4
cap fitted like a Frosh derby.
Neatness is Predicted
Many exchanges are being made,
however, and the quartermaster and his
assistants are working hard to get the
best fits possible. Many of the cadets ^
are also having a little tailoring work j
done on their uniforms, so by the time
the fir.-t drill day comes off, most, of |
them will present a very neat appear
Annual Event Starts at 4:00 in
Front of Library
The annual, proverbial and perpetual |
parade of the members of the* fledg
lings of the student body will lx* held
this afternoon at 1:00 o'clock. The*
linen]) will form in front of the library
and it is considered highly probable
by authoritative individuals that sev
oral members of the class of 1921 will «
be on hand to see that things go oft
without a hitch.
Green caps will be considered good
form, if scanty head protection, for ;
the doughty members of the 1925 ng •
gregation and any that don’t happen |
to be doughty as well. First come,
best served and gentlest handled is i
the unofficial promise of the -opho
mores but no decision lias been made a
vet on the form of punishment to be
dealt out to laggards.
Through the generosity of the dough
ters of the late Mr. and Mrs. 8. II
Friendly, the library has received about
K0 volumes from the private library of
Mr. and Mss. Friendly. Included in
the gift are a number of volumes of1
books of music for the special use of
the school of music.
K. Ij. Keezel, M. A. from Oregon in
1920, and who studied later at the Uni
versity of Chicago, is now Professor of
Education at Whitman College.
Gridiron Warriors Big And
Scrappy But Slow on
Hoof, Says Shy
Little Speed Seen by Bart
Spellman; Mitchell Keeps
Quiet About Ends
Oregon's football team is not nearly
so good as the students seem to think,
in the opinion of Head Ooaeh Shy
Huntington. “They’re big, they've
got the fight, but they're slow and
lack the experience,” is the way the
coach puts the case.
In the baekfield Hill Reinhard is
showing especially well, his kicking is
accurate and lie is getting back his
old time speed. “Tiny” Shields, kick
ing and passing are improving rapidly,
and Tiny is beginning to look like a
sure bet behind the line. Hal Chapman
and “Chuck” Parsons are kicking ac
curately and with the experience these
practice games will afford should show
some real stuff. “Dutch” Gram, Ed
Kirtley, Ward Johnson and De Arinand
are all going strong and will likely have
a chance to shine in the opening clash
with Willamette, at Salem, Saturday.
Ends Showing Well
“Brick” Mitchell, end coach, refused
to express an opinion of the team as a
whole but has six candidates for the
end berths who are showing up well
though lacking in speed. Captain Mart
Howard, Neil Morfitt, ' Iiuuk” Latham,
Campbell, Risley and Karl Von der
Hart Spellman line coach, was of
much the same opinion its Shy.
“They've got the beef, but they hick
the speed.”
The men out for line berths are big
and husky and as they develop speed
much can be looked for from them.
“Spike” Leslie, Rudd Brown and Bark
Loughlin are all from last years var
sity, while the holes left by graduation
will be filled from .among Hugh Olerin,
Bylor, Dick Reed, McCraw, Floyd
Shields, McKeown, Bill Johnson, Mc
Allister, Benjamin and K. King.
May Spring Surprise
Graduate Manager Benefit'!' is not
especially optimistic over the prospects
for a team and believes that it will
take lots of work on the part of coaches,
players anil students to get it team to
gether that will be as good its that of
Iasi year.
Approximately “o men will make the
trip to play Willamette, as Shy intends
using it 11 the men possible in the initial
set to anil while little is known of the
Bearcats’ strength, a hard game is ex
pected. Roy Bolder the third member
of the famous Bolder family is coach
iag the Balem college and is expected
to put a strong aggregation into the
field against the varsity.
Hawaiian Eleven mrong
In :i recent letter to Manager Bene
fii’l, U. Hooper, tlir student manager
of the University of Hawaii, stated
that all but two old men of the Haw
aiian varsity are hack and that there
is plenty of material from which to
fill their places. The University of
Hawaii has scheduled six games and
anticipates giving Oregon a real battle.
Mr. Hooper thought it possible that
an attempt would be made to arrange
swimming meets with the University
and with O, A. H. The latter also ex
tended a warm invitation on the part
of the University and Honolulu for a
large delegation of alumni and students
to aeeompnny the team and assures
them of a royal welcome to the island.
Final arrangements have been made
for the trip, the team will sail from Fail
Francisco Dee. It on the Mnuai, and
will return on the Williamina dan. 4.
The estimated cost per man will be
between $300 and $400.
Practices will ontinue nightly with
a gradually increasing amount of
-.orimnmge and while the students are
not only welcome at these practices
but are urged to attend them. Shy very
urgently request - that they stay abso
lutely off the field and far enough back
to give tlie players plent.v of room.
John H. Alrnnck, assistant director of
tie- oxtensii a division, attended suipmer
school at belaud Stanford University
and will continue his work there this
winter. H-' is working toward a
doctor’s degree in the department of