SPIRIT OF SEABECK FILLS Y. 1UN61L0W Whole Day of Summer Camp Is Demonstrated. DEAN FOX IS SPEAKER Addresses and Sports Show Treats In Store. feverybody can’t go to the conference at Seabeck, but everyone could go to the T. W. C. A. bungalow Thursday afternoon and imagine that they were on the very beach at Seabeck entering into the sports and listening to the discussion through out the day. Mrs. Win. Case, as confer ence leader, crowded a whole day at Sea beck into a short hour at the bungalow. During the morning the time was spent with class periods and morning devotions. Democracy was discussed and the girls from all parts of the country decided that the University of Oregon girls were good examples of democracy. At lunch time a songfest was held. The girls at the table sang all the Sea beck songs of the year before and then called upon the kitchen force for the “Pumpkin Song.” After this response it was decided to disperse with the meal for awhile. Then followed the quiet hour. One of the girls gave a reaslistic picture of going to bed and getting up, although the quiet hour Was not much of a success from the standpoint of rest. The girls were then warned to keep off the Sound and to go canoeing only in the lagoon. Although the camp now possesses a pulmotor, it is rather dan gerous to take too many chances and several people have lost their lives in just this way, said Mrs. Case. The fox and hound race was also announced for the afternoon. Dean Fox, from the University of Ore gon, was the speaker of the evening. She welcomed the conference leader to the west and told her how glad the con ference members were to have her. She then invited her to visit the Oregon cam pus. The evening delegation meetings, said to be the best of the day, were con ducted by Miss Tirza Dinsdale, secretary on the Oregon campus. The dress question was again brought up at this discussion as it seemed to Imre had quite an effect on this group of girls. Glowing accounts of the day Were recited and the girls agreed that anyone who missed going to the Seabeck conference had missed one of the biggest things of the year. ROTARY SPRINKLER’S MYSTERY IS SOLVED Causa of Whirling, Gyrating Stream Is Discovered By Inquisitive Emerald Reporter. Round and round she goes, and whore she stops nobody knows! “Say, I wish that thing would stop so 1 could see how it. works.” “I hot the fellow that invented that got a million dollars”; all in reference to a rotating nozzle on one of the sprinklers used to water the lawn on the campus in the lust few days. It keeps a stream of water whirling, or gyrating in a very interesting man ner—indeed very distracting to students just Inside the windows of any nearby building. It is possible to go up close and exam ine the machinery if one knows how. The best way is to wait until the stream has just passed and to make a wild dnsh to the center of the circle. If you are fortunate, you will get there before the shower overtakes you. Then keep walk ing around the nozzle, trying to keep ahead of the stream. It really isn’t a very complicated ma chine. If you can’t understand the “work ins” go into Deady or some place and ask some real mechanic to explain it. Rut if you examine it closely you will see a little wheel, turned by the force of the water. This drives a little rod. which turns the nozzle “round and round." WHITMAN BEGAN FREE VERSE IS CONTENTION (Continued from Page Three) bent read in complete volumes. Knoh poem throws a light on every other, and soon there emerges the distinct personality of the author. 11. D. is the lover of the rocks and sea, and steep trail, of beauty associated with striving. Kara Pound perceives and subtly port rays the most delicate shades of beauty and is most scornful of all else but beauty. Amy l.owell is the vivid strong stimulating personality, intense in feel ing, wide in sympathy and range. Her work fills five volumes and includes, be sides the shorter poems, shrewd, keen, dramatic monologues in New Euglaud dialect, and vast panoramic scenes from history in polyphonic prose, among thorn the Napoleon and Josephine series, and the story of the opening of Japan to the world in “Guns as Keyes, or the Great Gate Swings.” Also Amy Lowell has written long narratives in the most dif ficult of regular stanza forms, delighting to show that she is equally at home in all verse forms. Master’s Free Verse Forcible. Masters; too, (not an imagist), writes regular and free verse with equal ease. However, his free verse—exactly con trary to common expectation—is much more concise and forcible than his reg ular verse. Had it not been for free verse Masters would probably never have attained fame, w'ould certainly never have achieved the brilliancy of Spoon River Anthology. For in good free verse the writer must substitute original and clever idea or diction for the charm of the musical line. Masters was spurred to greater effort by the form he had chosen and succeeded in giving at once pointed brevity and epic largeness fo his work. Free verse, in its larger forms, seems to be the natural expression of the deep ly reverent and religious feelings, of social and patriotic sentiments; the chant is its form and its effect is inspirational. In its lighter, more highly wrought but brief creations, it is impressionistic, and is a marvelously fine and sensitive in strument for the recording in concrete imagery of the multifarious impressions made by life upon the brain of the artist. And there is a large variety of uses be tween. Poetry Invites Mood. All poetry is poetry only by the con sent of the reader. It is an invitation to the reader to be in the poetic mood. The response to the invitation must be voluntary, but it is essential. To jazz Milton or Shakespeare would be fatal to all poetic effect. The free verse writer invites the reader to a more frequent ex perience of the poetic mood; he might write his verse as prose, but in that case the reader would bring the prose mood to his reading. He wishes to enlarge the world of poetry; as Wordsworth added a new world of common people and common things, he would add a new world of common sensations. For in stance, the pleasure of Amy Lowell in the flaming color of a shopwindow full of red slippers. “They balance upon arched insteps like springing bridges of orimNon lacquer; they swing up over curved heels like whirling tanagers sucked in a wind pocket; they flatten out, heelless, like July ponds, flamed and burnished by red rockets. Snap, snap, they are crack er sparks of scarlet in the white, monot onous block of shops.” The particular phase of poetry called Imagism will probably vanish, but it will have quickened poetic perceptions and impulses. ROOK NINE DEFEATED BY FRESHMAN TEAM (Continued from rage 1). error. The rooks staged a spectacular rally in the first of the ninth. Two more tallies were recorded iu the visitors’ col umn, one by Gill and the other by Rogen ovlch. The lineups follow: Frosh— Rooks— Itiugle .p.Rogcnovich W. Johnson. c . Garber T. Johnson., lb... Ferry Sorsby . 2b. Roether Moores . 8b. Riggins Knight, . ss. Stewart Baldwin . If. Gill Douglass . of. Rau DoArmond.rf. Rippey When You need that note book, pen, pencil or stationery drop in and get it at nearest Store. Try Our Grocery Specials Underwood & Ryan 13th and Patterson Delicious Refreshments— That is wliat you receive when yon come in and order some of our French Pastry—made by our expert chef— and some of our well known hot chocolate. Another reason why students patronize -4 OREGANA The Students Shop Model Kitchen Salads To the many good things to eat made in the Model Kitchen, we have added. Crab Salad Club’House Salad Macaroni and Cheese Baked Beans Meat Loaf Baked Ham We think you will like our salads, may we include some with your next grocery order? Dice-Swan Company Eighth and Olive Three Phones 183 Sherwin William’s Paints Johnson’s Floor Wax. Pastry Bags and Tubes Chamber’s Hardware Co. We Are Proud Of the high standard of goods we carry. We are assured that when our groceries are delivered there will be no complaint to make be cause of the poor quality. The reputation of our branded goods is made and is being lived up to. I Order Early We appreciate the thoughtfulness of our patrons in ordering their groceries early. It makes possible an early delivery and we assure you that our service department will be able to care for your needs better. , , , Oregon Grown Strawberries Just think of it Choice green vegetables and fruits to select from. Monday Memorial Day, we close at noon. One delivery in the morning. Table Supply Co. Evening Dinner —Reserve your table for that Sunday evening* dinner served in our balcony dining room over the inillrace. , ,t, .. ^ —Punch, Wafers, Ice Cream and Cake* as a side issue. 50 cents The Anchorage Phone :5() ■ On the Millrace sseaamsm w*>fr TMitHHi ~ir <%jfettNi£Si£ ^Appropriate Gifts for All Occasions A gift of worthy jewelry carries with it a great deal of sentiment and it will be cherished a lifetime. The custom o,f remembering loved ones and friends with gifts is a practice that brings fond hearts closer together and makes for life long friendships. But the selection of gifts for the many occasions which constantly arise is a task that is de serving of much thought, in order to have the gift in keeping. To get the right thing at the right time adds much to the appreciation of the gift. —For— Graduation Confirmation Birthdays Weddings and Wedding Anniversaries You will be surprised wliat a small outlay will buy here in worthy articles of jewelry. No trouble to show what we have, or to suggest appropriate gifts, if you are'undecided as to what to give for any particular occasion. Come in; if only to look over the gift suggestions. Seth Laraway Diamond Merchant and Jeweler Eugene, Oregon