Oregon Daily Emerald VOLUME XXII. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, I FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1921 NO. 141. ICTIVIIi uuMMITTEE MEMBERS SELECTED TOSERVE011EIR President Campbell, Savage and Bartholomew Make Appointments. groups to advise EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Budget Recommendations to Be Important Duty of New Organization. Appointments of the members of the nine activity committees were made yes terday afternoon by President Campbell, Carlton Savage and the student body president-elect, Lyle Bartholomew. The duties of these committees are to safe guard and promote the interest of the activity they represent; to make recom mendations to the executive council re garding matters of policy and submit es timates for the budget for their respec tive activities to the finance committee. The appointments are as follows: Foot ball committee, Martin Howard, Earl Leslie and George King represent the students, Luke Goodrich, an alumnus liv ing in Eugene, and Dean Dyment. The appointments on the track committee are Glen Walkley, Peter Jensen and Tom Wyatt. A. It. Tiffany, an alumnus, also of Eugene, and Warren D Smith repre sent the faculty. For basketball. Roy Vcatch, Hugh Latham and Francis Boi ler represent the students, Dean Walker is the alumnus on the committee, and Professor McDougle is a representative of the faculty. The baseball committee is composed of Don Zimmerman, Rollo Gray, Art Base. David Graham, alumnus, and E. R. Bryson, law school, faculty member. The members of the minor athletics committee are James King. AValter Wagner, Kenneth Smith, George Neale, Karl Ontliauk and Dr. Bovard. Those appointed on the women's ath letic committee are Vivian Hobson, Car olyn Cannon, Margaret Russell. Florence .Tagger. Frances Habersham, Miss Cath erine Winslow and Charlie Fenton. The forensic committee is. composed of Paul Patterson. Elaine Cooper, Remey Cox, Dr. J. H. Gilbert and Carlton Spen cer. On the publications committee are Floyd Maxwell, Inez King, Stan Eisman, Ruth Austin and Dean Allen. The com mittee of music organizations is com posed of Bernice Altstock, John Ander son, Margaret Phelps, Dean Landsbury and John Stark Evans. According to Carlton Savage, presi dent of the student body, a mass meeting of these committees will be called by the new president as soon as l-o takes office. At that time the duties of the appointees will be explained as these committees are a feature in the new constitution and it is not generally known what the duties of the members are. The chairman of the committees will be elected by the members. Under the constitution the President of the University the present student body president, and the student president-elect appoint the committees. Carlton Savage said great care was tak en in the selection of the committees and that they tried in every case to pick the person who would best represent the ac tivity. VARSITY TO TAKE 14 MEN TO 0. A. C. TODAY Berg to Start Game; Knudsen Unable to Take Part; Jacobberger to Be Used. Carl Knudsen will not be with the Ore gon baseball team when they leave this morning at 11 o’clock for Corvallis to play the Aggies the third game of the season. The heavy-hitting right fielder is suffering from an attack of poison oak. “Hube” Jacobberger will be sent in at shortstop and Captain Reinhart will go to center field. Johnny Gamble, who has i been playing there all season will work in Knudsen’s place in right. Art Berg, the big southpaw pitcher, will start the game this afternoon, ac cording to the announcement made by 1 Coach Bolder. .Take Jacobson and Rollo Gray will make the trip and will probably get a chance to work in one of the two contests. 1 wo games will be played as a feature of the O. \. C. Junior Week-end which is being stag* t' today and tomorra r. T! e second of Mi» contests will bo in the morning. The lint of the men to make the trip is given out as lYi'ows: Leslie, Berg. Gray, Svarverud Z.n.merman, Jacobson, B,>e. Boiler) Ja-’otb*rged, Gamble, Latham, Coliius, Sh’elds and Reinhart. Attractive Offers Received From Other Schools. The Y. M. C. A. at Oregon may be left without the leadership of Ilal Donnelly, who has been the secretary here for the past year, unless something is done to make it possible for him to stay. Donnelly graduated from Wooster col lege in Ohio and took two graduate de grees at Princeton. Since leav.ng college lie has been engaged in Y. M. C. A work and was secured as the local secretary for this year on a one-year contract. He has proved a strong leader and has made many friends here, but lie seems to have the ability to do this elsewhere, and as a consequence has had many offers. “It is true that I am seriously con sidering leaving Oregon,” Donnelly said yesterday. “I feel thaf Oregon is really m.v home and I am sure that I have ab sorbed the famous ‘Oregon Spirit’ right to the bone but there arc of necessity other things that I must consider.” The council of Christian workers, com posed of students and faculty men, has been working on the problem for some time and are making every effort to per suade Hal to stay. “The committee terms to have about, exhausted its re sources toward keeping Hal Donnelly on the campus and we feel that any real effort toward making Hal stay must come fr(om the students as a whole,” >T. H. Douglass, chairman of this council said. “Everyone who is acquainted with Hal cannot help but realize wbat a loss bis leaving would be, but the committee is 1 ractically powerless and unless the men on the campus respond tc our call for aid ho will undoubtedly decide to go.” He leaves today to deliver the commence ment address at the high school at Elk ton. Oregon. Deutzia, Azalea, Myrica, Not Co-Eds, But Campus Plants (Editor’s Note—This is the last of three articles on things about the campus that we see daily and do not recognize.) Among the flowering shrubs on the campus are found several varieties of the lilac, which is so common in Oregon that everyone knows it. The’dark purple one in the clump along "Hello Lane is a Japanese variety, and has double flowers. The wliite and lavender lilacs are the ordinary nursey variety seen everywhere. It is not jjecessary to point out to Oregon students the Oregon grape, which is represented on the campus by several very beautiful bushes. Holly, also, is so "'ell known that it needs no introduction. The rhododendron, which is just now coming into blossom, is almost as well known, though it is not as plentiful in the woods east of the coast range as is the Oregon grape. The most noticeable clump of rhododendron on the grounds is that directly in front of Friendly hall, across the driveway. The color is always lighter on this side of the mountains man on the coast side. The rhododendron seems to be a lover of the sea air. anil requires it to give the br ihant hue to its blossoms. In the clump of shrubs on “Hollo Lane” are a number of spreading bushes covered with white blossoms. Those are deutzia. Bushes of deutzia will also be found in the clump at the end of the Y. M. hut. There are several bushes of mock orange both in the Y. M. clump, and in the “Hello Lane” clump. This shrub resembles the deutzia bush itself, although the blossom is quite different. Xearly everyone knows the fragrant, waxy white blooms of the moth orange, which produces long stiff panicles of flowers resembling orange blossoms. The bushes are stiffer than the deutzia. The beautiful yellow flowers which grew on the bushes without leaves and have just faded, in the clumps on “Hello Lane” were azalea. The azalea belongs to the rhododendron family, and its flow ers are similar to the rhododendron flower, though the bush is quite differ ent. Another shrub which produces its flowers before its leaves is the Japanese quince, or japonica. A bush of japonica j grows in the lawn between the architec (Continued on Page 4) I BETWEEN CLASSES SET FOB FIELD OUT Tomorrow Is Annual Occasion Given Over to Athletics For Women. TENNIS AND CANOEING CONTESTS ARRANGED Women’s Athletic Association to Present Trophies and ; Letters to Winners. Tomorrow morning, tho women nth lotos of the University have their in nings. Tlio entire morning will bo given over to athletic events. The occasion is the annual Field Day. managed every year by the Women’% Athletic associa tion. and practically completes the work of the association under the present of ficers. Letters, trophies and other awards are given to the winners in the various events, which this year includes base ball, tennis and canoeing. Dut to the wet weather this spring, archery will not be on the program tomorrow. The biggest feature of the day will be the finals of the interclass baseball ser ies. The preliminary games will be played this afternoon. At 4 o’clock Ollie Stoltenberg and Alice Evans, senior and junior baseball captains, will marshall their forces against each other. The sophomore and freshman teams, led by Pearl Lewis and Betty Pride, will play at 5 o’clock. The winners in the two games will play for the Hayward cup at 0 o’clock Saturday morning. Tennis Matches Scheduled. At 10 o’clock, the finals in the tennis tournaments will be played. Tennis has been one sport, that has suffered more than any other this spring. The weather has not been exactly favorable to tennis and. with only three courts to accom modate all the University enthusiasts, the girls have had considerable difficulty in arranging hours to play off the pre liminary rounds. The canoeing races were scheduled for this morning, but have been postponed until some time next week, probably Wednesday afternoon. Gladys Johnson and Natrude Larson, the sophomore team will compete with Carolyn Cannon and Emma Jane Oarbade for the paddles given to the winners by the association. Awards to Be Given Later. The awards will not be presented to morrow. as was previously announced. A special meeting will be held later, at which the officers for the coming year will be installed and letters for the mem bers of the varsity baseball team will also be given. Those in charge of Field Day are Ollie Stoltenberg. president of W. A. A.. Alice Evans. Marianne Dunham and Phoebe Gage, heads of baseball, tennis and ca noeing. assisted by t]ie members of W. A. A. executive council. CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Home Economics Organization Plans For Next Year’s Work. Plans for next year, together with the election of officers, who will begin ser vice next fall, made the business of the meeting of the home economics club club held Wednesday afternoon in one of the club rooms of the Woman’s building. New officers elected are as follows: President, Chloe Thompson; vice-presi dent and secretary, Gladys Anderson; treasurer. Georgia Benson. Plans were discussed and the details accepted for strengthening and increasing the membership of the dub for next year. ! I 4’ 444-444444444444 ♦ ♦ ♦ RESULTS OF YESTERDAY'S ♦ ♦ WOMEN S LEAGUE ELECTION 4 4 ♦ ♦ For President— 4 4 Ella Rawlings .162 ♦ ♦ Helen Nelson .157 ♦ ♦ For Vice-President— ♦ ♦ Margaret Smith ..171 ♦ ♦ Mae Ballack.127 ♦ ♦ For Secretary— ♦ 4 Margaret Jackson .178 4 4 Marion Gillis .145 4 4 For Treasurer— 4 .4 Bernice Alstock.224 4 4 Charlotte Howe.104 4 4 For Editor— 4 4 Nancy Wilson .168 4 4 lanthe Smith .147 4 4 For Sergeant-at-Arms— 4 4 Mary Alexander.173 4 4 LaVerne Spitzenberger .137 4 4 4 4-444«444444444444 Bargain Counter Bust to be Staged for All Students at Gym Tonight by Journalists ‘•For sale, rout or long time lease, at a sacrifice, one dance, absolutely new, last of the season; formerly 85 cents, priced specially for tonight at 70 cents per two; call at men’s gym between 8:15 and 11:30 tonight and be convinced. Sigma Delta Chi and Theta Sigma Phi, owners.” This tells the story in concrete classi fied ad style ns well as the most skilled pens in the whole journalistic combine that, is promoting the dance could por tray the coming event. For the main facts of the story are that there is going to be a dance in the men's gym tonight; it is a student body dance under the aus pices of the men’s and women’s journal istic fraternities, the admission price is to be 70 cents, (it. being a bargain af fair), and Harry Mayer will start tuning up his famous orchestra about 8:15. For a long time the members of Sigma Delta €hi and Theta Sigma Phi have been planning to give a regular “bust” for everyone, that would rival anything that has ever been staged on the campus to date. So when the members discov ered that there was an open date for a student body dance they decided to take over the affair and stage the bust. Of course the dignified seniors are to sojourn at the Sigma Nil house, but jour nalists arc congratulating themselves on being able to jazz things up without their weighty presence. Everyone else will be there, of course, with the absent 21ers assuring plenty of room. ' Wear anything possible, suggest those in charge to those students who are nl wnys stumped when the clothes question crops up. The dance is informal—used advisedly—and will remain informal to the final toot of the sax in the orchestra. Old Sol indicate^, that it will be a nice cool evening, very spiffy and correct for the bargain sale hop. The moon will rise on schedule, the windows will be open, and everything else points to comfort as well as pleasure. Carefully selected chaperons will see to it. that everything flint isn’t barred will be permitted. Journalists will of course be there on masse, because journalists dance too. Hut the big bargain—only 70 cents—is being offered to every stu dent. If the line isn’t busy all day. Sig ma Delta Chi and Theta Sigma I’hi sug gest that men students see to it that wo men students enjoy the dance. Women are supposed to be great bargain hunters. Marie Loughney to Be Instruc tor In School of Music. Marie Loughney, a mezzo-soprano, well known in the east, has been en gaged as guest artist instructor for the summer session of the University school of music, according to Rex Underwood, who will direct the session. Mrs. Jane Thacher, Rex Underwood, Anna Lands bury Beck and Aurora Potter will also have a part in the instruction. Miss Loughney was recently selected to create the mezzo-soprano role in the composition, “The Apocalypse,” which won the $5000 prize offered by the Fed eration of Music Clubs of America for the best composition of that name. “It was with difficulty,” said Mr. Under wood, “that she was induced to cancel that engagement which would have pre vented her from being present at the summer school.” Immediately after the close of the session, Miss Loughney will be relieved so that she may resume her work in New York as the assistant of Oscar Seagle who is one of the world’s greatest voice teachers. It is said, M'r. Underwood continued, that Mr. Seagle considers her his best woman singer and exponent of his art. Tress notices from all over the eastern part, of the country speak very highly of Miss Loughney’s voice and training. 'Mrs. Thacher will remain in the school as head of the pinno department. One of the main features of her work, aside from the regular piano instruction, will be courses enabling teachers to brush up on their repertoire and teaching methods. It is expected that a number of teachers will avail themselves of the opportunity offered by these courses, said Mr. Un derwood. Aurora Potter, at. present assistant in structor of piano in the school, will as sist Mrs. Thacher in the piano depart ment. Public school methods, musical science, and musical history will be under the di rection of Anna Landsbury Beck, the present head of the public school music department. In this department, also, courses are arranged so as to be bene ficial to teachers who wish to take ad vantage of the summer session. Mr. Underwood, besides directing the school, will give violin instruction and a course in orchestral organization espec ially designed for music supervisors. “We hope to make this the biggest and most successful summer school ses sion iu the history of the school,” said Mr. Underwood. W. S. C. SPRING FOOTBALL OVER. State College of Washington, Pullman. Wn„ May 25.—(P. I. X. S.)—Spring football has just come to a close with 50 huskies lined up for the first call, Sep tember If). The Cougars’ chances for next fall look fine with eleven veteran letter men of last fall's spuad. (ins Welch, Hack Applequist and many prom ising understudies from the frosk s^uad. IM. OFFERS MOVIES IT HUT NEXT WEEK Latest Films Secured; Plan Is to Make Up Deficit. Starting on Tuesday evening of next week, a fonr-night run of movies will be screened at the Y. M. C. A. lmt. The purpose of these shows is to raise money to pay off the deficit incurred by the organization during the past year. Be sides high class Goldwyn films, various other attractions, including a number by the glee club double quartet, and a stunt from either the April Frolic or the Jun ior Vaudeville, will be put. on. Shows will be put on Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday nights for Univer sity students and Friday night's run will be for town children, with some added attraction for them. Two good films have been ordered, “The Street Called Straight” and “Scratch My Back.” Both have been very popular screen produc tions wherever shown. With the former, a film of the recent Oregou-O. A. C. football game will be shown, and with the latter a picture of the Olympic Games. They have been secured through the extension division and have not been shown before University students before. The films have been ordered from the j Goldwyn Film Company. Each picture will be shown for two nights. Due to the considerable overhead ex pense of getting the pictures a large crowd each night is necessary to moke the movies a success. Those in charge hope to arrange with the dean of women to let University women have dates for these shows. The “Y” can hold a large number of people, and if the place is filled up each night, enough will be raised to meet the present deficit. The “Y” does not make any plea for support of the movies on a charitable basis. The movies will be well worth attending, as they will be of the some class as the best shows put on down town with the added attractions of films of athletic events, and numbers by stu dents. The “Y” owns a good up-to-date movie machine, and a competent operator has been secured. During the past year the “Y” has as sumed a more important place on the campus than heretofore. Its growing usefulness has entailed an increasing amount of expense. For this reason it is necessary that the present deficit be paid off. in order that the new adminis tration can start out unfettered. 0. A. C. COURSES EXTENDED. Itetail selling, introduction to advertis ing, credits and collections, advanced commercial geography, and introduction to foreign trade are new courses in com merce authorized by the hoard of higher curricula of the Oregon Agricultural Col lege. This makes it possible to arrange another major group. The first three courses are designed for freshmen, and the last two for juniors. A new course in card writing ana window decoration can be given by the school of pharmacy in which students in commerce are indirect ly interested. AND LIQUOR WORST OF BRITl'S FOES Students Give Popular Campus Figure Standing Salute At Assembly. GERMANY’S CONDITION SAID BEST OF NATIONS England In Terrible Plight; Lot Bitterest of Any of * Late Belligerents. Rarely docs a campus assembly speak er receive n standing salute when intro duced at Villard. but when he does it is conclusive evidence of his popularity and the high place he occupies in the estima tion of faculty and student body. At the weekly student gathering yesterday morning Colonel John Leader, ex-officer of the British army and former com mandant of the Oregon cadets, was greet ed by the spontaneous rising of his audi ence when presented by President Camp bell. thus indicating his held on the af fections of those on the campus. The colonel was scheduled to speak on the subject of “An Oregonian in Eur ope,” but the first half of the period he devoted to recalling memories and friendships formed during the stirring days of campus training and paid a glow’ ing tribute to the efficiency, loyalty and willingness of the cadet battalion that he commanded. With humor sparkled liberally through his address and used tellingly to empha size or contrast some point in his argu ment, and the whole enhanced by an inimitable English accent, the ex-eom mnndant proved that ns an entertaining public speaker he measures up to any that have appeared on the platform dur ing any assembly of the eollege year. European Situation Dark. Referring to his reeent trip to Europe and tile conditions he found in the war tbrn nations undergoing reconstruction, the colonel drew n dark word-picture of the situation in several of the lands that he visited. “Germany today is in the best condi tion of any of the warring powers of Europe,” was the colonel’s declaration, “and though I do not believe in hitting a man when he is down, I do believe that she should be made to pay and help meet the cost of the war that she start ed. Belgium and Serbia have made great progress in the transition to a peace time basis, Italy is suffering under a heavy load of Socialistic doctrines, while England is in a most terrible condition— her portion is the bitterest of the fight ing nations.” , Prohibition Is Praised. Two enemies are throttling England, says tlie colonel; namely, lirpior and Soc ialism, the latter being nothing but bol shevism with a shave, and he conveyed his loathing for the former when he de clared .that the prohibition act of the United States was the greatest event for good in the world since the birth of Christ. Dwelling upon the Irish question and the causes and the results of the civil strife, the colonel told his hearers that the public, insofar as the present situa tion is concerned, “want light but are getting heat.” and further advised them not to give too much credence to the re ports corning from the affected districts. “I am an Irish native, an Irish land lord, and an Irish Protestant, who al ways lived in harmony with my Catholic neighbors,” said the speaker. “I have served in an English regiment and I grad uated from an English college, but I car ry no brief for England. I do not think she is altogether guiltless in the matter of the present civil conflict.” The former war-time faculty member closed his talk to the students with the hope and the prediction of a greater Oregon, ami the declaration that he re garded Eugene as his first permanent home since embarking upon his long mil itary career that has carried him to all parts of the world. The musical program consisted of two selections by a string trio, consisting of Gertrude Hoebor, Ralph Tloeber, and Reuben ('. Goffreiere. Gertrude Iloeber, sister of Ralph Iloeber, lias but recently returned from a tour of New Zealand where her playing of the /ioiin won high p wise. The offering of tut. trio was ^received witn prolonged vn'ii in* WHITMAN LOCAL WANTS FIJI. Whitman College, Wtalln Walla, Wash., May Zeta Phi Epsilon, local frater nity, has announced its intentions of pe titioning a national fraternity, Phi Gam ma Delta for a charter.