Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1921, Theta Sigma Phi Edition, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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President Campbell Will Ap
point Committee.
Erection of Tablets and Stat
ue Considered.
TMnns for the memorial court, which
is to be erected on the campus in
memory of the I Diversity of Oregon men
who gave their lives in the great war.
are progressing, and a finance committee,
which will assume charge of the cam-j
liflign for funds, will soon be appointed;
by President Campbell. It is expected
that the-committee will be composed of
three members from Portland and two
'from the campus, who will launch the j
drive for the necessary .$100,000.
The general idea, as adopted by a
joint committee of alumni, student body,
faculty and regents, which met in Port
land last month, is to build the court
in the southwestern part of the campus
in such a position that it will be at the
entrance to a groat auditorium, and will
be flanked by buildings devoted to music
and the fine arts. In the court, itself,
which will he approximately .100 foot,
square, will be situated a memorial
statue, two patriotically ornamented flag
staffs, and a number of tablets bearing
the names of the Oregon men who died
in the service.
This list, according to the office of the
alumni secretary, contains 44 names.
They are as follows:
Itansom S. Anderson, Curl Fenton.
Ivan K Bellinger, Victor Freed, David
John Boost, Charles A. Guerne. Irwin C.
Brooks, James B. Guerney, William A.
Casey. Fred Walter Hummel. Earl Sam
uel Cobh. Malcolm Johnstone, Conrad
Cockerline, Kenneth Kellems, George ,
Cook, John George Kelly. John II.
Creech, FrederkjJc Kingsbury, Rosewell
Bosch. John Eberle Kuykendall. Walter
M. Eaton. Ernest F. Leod. Kenneth
Farle.v, Dale Melrose, Luke Allen Farley,
Joseph Chester Miller, William Lou Mil
lor. Robert G. Stuart, burner Neil
Lesbe O. Tooze, Emanuel Xortl.rU|>.
Thomas Townsend. Louis 1L Pinkham.
Olenn \\ alter, Earl S. Powell. Douglas II.
\\ .truer. Frank S. Pratt. George F. San
ilfrs, .1. R. Sargent, Harold A. Sexton
Richard Sbisler. Sanford Sicbel. Hand
The details of the memorial have been
left to Ellis Lawrence, dean of the
school of architecture, who has been co
operating with members of the joint com
mittee in working out tentative plans.
Ihe memorial court was finally de
cided upon after considering numerous
other plans, all of which were regarded
ns opPn to objections. Approximately
( 0 lias nReady been placed in the
fimd. .Most of this was subscribed by
the University war class of PUS.
(Continued from Page 1.)
•Hid number four on the outside. The*'i
are the entries:
100 yard dash-Hurley .1) Washing
Slu,V; <>• A. Larson (id)
Oregon. Herman (4) AV. S (' \nder
son (r>) Washington. " C"1
Mde rtm -Seen (H U A. Miebe!
AV.itii'’ 'i-Vl *)llvls Washington,
'' alkley t 4 f Oregon.
2^0 yard dash—Snook (1) o. A. C
Herman (2) AA . S. Homemvav (;!)
Oregon, Hurley (4) Washington.' Kel
logg (•>) O. A. O.. Hathaway (6) Wash
ington, Larson (7) Oregon.
Oigh hurdles—Draper (l) () \ c
Loomis (2) W. S. Frankland' CD
Washington, Tuck (4) Oregon. Hemen
way (.i) Oregon.
440 yard dash—Collins (1) Oregon.
< alder (2) W. S. C., Hose to) O. A. C..
Douglass j4) Washington. Hollinger
(•») O. A. C.. Pratt (G) Waashington.
m'*° run.—Davis (1) Washington.
Washburn (2) AV. S. C„ Blackburn (.2)
Oregon. Hobert (4) O. A. C., Wn'klev
(5) Oregon.
Low hurdles.— Hemenwav d) Oregon,
Loomis 12) AV. S. C.. Hurley (2) Wash
ington. Draper (4) O. A. O.. An
derson (5) AVasbington. Damon (6) 0.
A. C.
S80 yard run.—Beall 11) AVashington,
Sims 12) O. A. C.. AV.vatt (3) Oregon.
Michel 14) W. S. C.. Davis (5) AA’ash
ington. AValkley (G) Oregon.
Pole Vault.—Jenne (1) AV. S. O., ATa
son 12) AVashington, Linton (3) AVash
ington. Phillips 14) Oregon, Tuck 15)
Shot tint.—Powell (1) O. A. C.. Pope
12) Washington. Tuck (3) Oregon. Love
(4) A\'. S. C„ Strachan 15) Oregon.
When £crority and fraternity houses
are putting forth their best efforts of en
tertainment, when they are most particu
lar in their choice of table service, it is
then that distinctive service is demanded.
We Furnish
That service with a complete line of
staple and fancy groceries, with earliest
choice vegetables and especially selected
fruits,. Our community kitchen serves
pastry fcr the correct conclusion of a cor
rectly planned luncheon or dinner.
We Furnish
Service that is prompt, dependable,
and courteous to our customers.
Table Supply Co.
High jump.—Mason (1) Washington.
J nek <21 Oregon. Roberts R1) W. S.
1 roper i 4» o. A. ( Franklin (5) Wash
ington. I hillips (0) Oregon.
Javelin. -Strachan fit Oregon. Met’nr
tliy ]2) W. S. C.. Damon <2) O. A. C..
Metlin 14) Washington. Took (5) Ore
Son. Dalton tt») o. A.
Disens.—Love ill W. S. f’., Dalton
i-i O. A. Pope Dll Washington,
luck 111 Oregon. Hamilton (5) W. S.
i\. l’owell Mil O. A. 0., Strachan (7)
Rroad jump. Draper ill O. \. I
1''.'anklami i2i Washington, Howies ill)
Oregon. Roberts (1) W. S. <'.. Ross (5)
1 b Metlin Uil Washington, ’look
ii) Oregon. Jem, (SI) W. S. (’.
Relay. Washington ill. W. S. ('. (2),
I hegon i111. t). A. (’. (4).
Time Schedule—Track.
1. loo yard dash at 2:1.7.
2. One mile run at 2:20.
2.-220 yard dash at 2:70.
1. 120 \ a id hurdles at .‘1:07.
7. 140 yard dash at 2:17.
6. —Two mile mu at 2 ,
7. 220 yard hurdles at 2:47.
5. —Half mile run at 4:15.
!*.—One mile relay at -4 :J5.
1. Pole vault at 2:30.
•J.—Shot, put at 2:30.
Discus throw at 3:4X4.
4.— High jump at 3:15.
3.—Javelin at 3:30.
6. —Broad jump at 3:45.
Dorris Sikes, of the staff of the Salem j
Statesman, has had society added to her
duties as the result of the resignation of
Mrs. Molly Drunk. Miss Sikes will oc
cupy the position only temporarily.
(iladys Wright and I.ueile Hutton, both.
ex-'23, are hack on the campus, staying i
at the Alpha I’hi house, over Junior
Patronize Emerald Advertisers.
“Has the Sun Begun to Set on this
White Race of Ours?”
This is a matter that thoughtful minds believe
to he demand big serious eonsideratiou. Mt. (irii
leu will address himself to this theme Sunday at
the 11 o’clock: service at the
Central Presbyterian Church
All I niversity folk and their quests will be most
cordially welcomed.
Graduation Gifts
of Distinction
Graduation Day is one of the millstones of life
rarely erased from the minds of the you lip.
Parents, relatives and friends should see to it that
pleasant memories alone mark the day. Express
.vour appreciation in a substantial manner. Choose a
gift that will be permanent]v useful as well as beauti
Lackey's Store is overflowing with .just such grad
uation gifts as will leave a happy and lasting impres
sion upon the minds of the yopug.
A Few Suggestions.
Gold pencils, watches, rings, -pendants, bracelets,
brooches, stick pins, watch chains, knives and a thous
nind—and— one useful articles, appropriate and so
much appreciated.
Gifts that Last
Luckey’s Jewelry Store