Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 20, 1921, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member Paciflo Intercollegiate Preee Association.
—... ..._-- - - - • .. - -- - - i
pedate Editor .....Lyle Bryson News Editor .......Charles B. Oratke
Assistant News Editors
▼ehna Rupert, Elisabeth Wbitebouse
John Dierdorff.
■ports Editor.Floyd Maxwell
Sports Writers
Butene Kelty Harold Shirley Art Rudd
Statistician.Don D. Huntress
Night Editors
Wilford C. Allen.
Carlton K. Logan, Reuel S. Moore,
Kenneth Youel.
News Service Editor ... .Jacob Jacobson
Alexander Brown, Eunice Zimmerman
Feature Writers .E. J. H., Mary Lou Burton, Frances Quisenberry
News Staff—Fred Guyon, Margaret Scott, Pearl Harris* Owen Callaway, Jean
St radian, Inez King, Lenore Cram, Wanna McKinney, Raymond D. Lawrence,
Herbert Seheidt, Florence Skinner, Emily Houston, Mary Truax, Howard Bailey,
Buth Austin, Madalene Logan, Mabel Gilham, Jessie Thompson, Hugh Stark
weather, Jennie Perkins, Claire Beale, Dan Lyons, John Anderson, Maybelle
Associate Manager ...Webster Ruble
Advertising Manager .George McIntyre
Circulation Manager.A1 Krobn
Staff Assistants: James Meek, Jason, McCune, Elwyn Craven, Morgan Staton,
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon.
Issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year.
Entered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Sub
scription rates f2.25 per year. By terra, 75c. Advertising rates upon application.
Ounpus office;—656. Downtown office—1200
■ntas——SBS=gg~»..1 I.."...1...h—l —l. ). ,uii.i -'.'i ■ii’-is-1:1 — uj~j
Junior Week-end means guests. It means many of them,
more perhaps than at any other time during the college year.
And no guests are more welcome than those who are prospec
tive students of our own University.
Aside from the hearty welcome which we give them all, it
is a distinctive privilege of every loyal Oregon student to show
these guests the best time possible while they are here. We
are revealing to them the finer side of our University and our
student life. The events of these few days have been arranged
expressly for our guests, that they may see Oregon Spirit ex
emplified in the activities of the students
All the guests who will he here during the week-end have
been invited here—perhaps not by you, but by some Oregon
?nan or wioman. And they are as much your guests as anyone
elses! As an Oregon student, you are host to every visitor on
the campus during the week-end1.
It would be easy for Oregon students to claim the best of
everything for themselves. But that is not the way Oregon
Spirit does things. Oregon Spirit means hospitality, democ
racy, co-operation and good sportsmanship. Our guests re
alize this and expect those things, from us. Our University is
being weighed in the balance during the week-end and it is up
to us to show them that the balance is all in favor of Oregon.
It is reported that some over-exuberant gentlemen (!) wait
ed in line at the Eugene theatre for tickets to the senior play
from Thursday morning on. Evidently they neglected to re
member that there were women in the University who would
also like god seats for the comedy tonight. So the change in
lilans made by the senior play committee should see to it that
everyone gets a fair chance to see the play. And there’s no
question but what it will he well worth seeing. The fact that
it’s a knockout is nothing hut the truth.
be held on Mir n
T. R. Cole, Seattle, Authority
On Educational Move
ments, to Speak.
The dedication and formal opening of
the new buildings of the school of edu
cation and University high school will
take place on Friday, May 27. according
to Deau H. D. Sheldon, who has charge
of the program for the day.
The exercises will begin at 2:30 in
the afternoon. T. It. Cole, assistant
superintendent of the city schools of Se
attle, will deliver the principal address.
Mr. Cole is an authority on the junior
high school and other educational move
ments, Dean Sheldon says.
There will be brief speeches by Presi
dent I*. L. Campbell, I). A. Grout, super
intendent of the Portland schools, .1. A.
Churchill, slate superintendent of public
instruction, and E. F. Carleton, super
intendent of the Eugene city schools.
Several musical numbers by students
of the high school, under the direction of
.MrN. Anna Landsbury Keck, of the Uni
versity school of music, will be included
in the program.
Various departments of the high school
will have special exhibits, including flu
art department, the classes in manna’
training, aud other classes of the junioi
and senior divisions.
“The opening of these two buildings
marks the completion of a very import
ant stage in the development of flic
seliool of education,” Dean Sheldon de
clared. "In order to gel the best results
front the University high school, it was
advisable to have it separate from the
rest of the campus, so that tile children
might be perfectly free to develop with
out (totting in the wny of the University
students. This was especially true of
the play-activities; in the old place there
war. no room for the high school students
to play. Now, however, the student is
given full opportunity to develop along
the lines he should follow.”
Oregon is the only university on the
Pacific coast, Dean Sheldon said, to have
a model high school completely under its
own control. The high school at the]
University of California is controlled in
part by the city of Oakland. The larger
universities east of the Rockies, such as
the Universities of Missouri, Wisconsin
and Illinois, have high schools run on
much the same system ns that used by
the Oregon University high school, Dean
Sheldon said.
The evening program will be present
ed by the students of the University
high school. The one-act play, “Neigh
bors,” will be put on in the high school
auditorium, under the direction of Miss
Ethel Wakefield, and music and feature
dances will follow. The program for the
day is as follows:
Devotional exercises—Dean E. C. San
derson. of the Eugene Bible University.
Music—University High School Glee
Address—The Future in Secondary
Education, T. R. Cole.
Talks—Superintendent D. A. Grout,
Superintendent E. F. Carletou, Presi
dent P. L. Campbell.
Dean II. D. Sheldon, of the school of
education, will be presiding officer for
the day’s program.
Lost.—In or near the library, a blue
silk parasol, with curved amber handle.
Finder please call Irene Whitfield, OSS.
Found.—Moores fountain pen, on eam
Ipns. Call Mr. Frank, at men’s gym.
Found. — Fountain pen, trimmed with
gold; on campus, l’honc 271P. Reward.
Mu Zeta Kappa, local men’s honorary
music fraternity, met at luncheon in the
Anchorage Wednesday.
Class Baseball.—All women interested
in making the class teams should sign
up with Miss Waterman, instructor, be
fore Monday night. The class teams will
be chosen next week.
Reception at Hut.—All men of the
University and their guests are invited to
attend the informal reception which will
be put on at the “Y” hut Friday after
noon after the game. Good music will
be provided and light refreshments will
be served. The party will be over in
plenty of time for dinner. All houses
are urged to bring their guests and let
them get acquainted.
Military Band.—Report to Herbert
Hacker, Friday morning, 9 o’clock, at
R. O. T. C. headquarteis, to play for
campus day activities.
Senior Men.—All men not on commit
tees Friday, report to Slim Crandall,
chief of police, at the Pioneer statue,
at 9 a. m.
Tri Delts Set Back By Score
of 17 to 4.
League I.
Oregon Clnh .
Delta Delta Delta .
Kappa Alpha Theta..
Sigma Delta Phi .
Delta Gamma .
Pi Beta Phi .
Gamma Phi i-eta .
League II.
Hendricks Hall .
Kappa Kappa Gamma__
Susan Campbell Hall ....
Delta Zeta .
Chi Omega.
Zeta Rho Epsilon.
Alpha Phi .
. .5
. .1
. .0
. .4
. .2
. .2
. .0
Kappa Alpha Theta stepped up to
third place in the League I series by
defeating the Tri Delt team, 17 to 14.
Tuesday afternoon. The result came as
a complete surprise. Tri Delt was lead
ing. 9 to 5 at the end of the fourth
inning. In the fifth, however. Theta
made 12 runs, including one homer. She
was held to a zero score in the sixth,
but the Tri Dolts were unable to make
any considerable gain in the last tWo
innings. Theta had previously been
beaten twice by Oregon Club and Sigma
Deltn Phi.
The Tri Delts have completed their
schedule in the doughnut league and will
probably stand second in League I, al
though Theta has a chance to tie with
her for that place if she wins from Delta
Gamma next Monday. Two regularly
scheduled games were not played Tues
day. due to Zeta Rho Epsilon and Alpha
Phi’s withdrawal from the league, and
i Gamma Phi Beta’s forfeiting to Sigma
Delta Phi. The lineups were as follows’
Theta— Tri Delt—
C, Cannon .p. E. Pride
.T. Lewis .c. R. Griffin
D. Maguire .lb.H. Glanz
M. Hazard .2b. E. Harris
M. Lawrence .3b.M. Bater
J. Campbell.ss. I. Smith
M. Holcomb.ss.M. Adams
S. Norton .rf. T. Haynes
V. Coffey .If. G. Golding
H. Lawrence.cf. E. Randall
Umpire—Ruth Wolff.
Education and Commerce Structures,
With New Woman's Dormitory,
Total About $315,000.
The academic year which is just draw
ing to a close has witnessed great strides
in the physical improvement of the Ore
gon campus. The passage of the mi 11 age
bill, guaranteeing the University a larger
income, has made possible the beginning
of work on three new buildings, the
school of education building, commerce
building and woman’s dormitory. These
three structures aggregate $315,000.
Reside these three, a new building is
being constructed for the school of mu
sic by a Eugene holding company, and
the Woman’s building has been completed
Inclusive of reconstruction work, the
tilans started during the past year will
necessitate a total expenditure upon the
part of the University itself of some
Practically all of the new buildings are
expected to be ready for occupancy by
the opening of the full term of 1921.
These buildings do not by any means end
the University’s program of construc
tion, for there is a pressing need for
such buildings as a class room building
gymnasium, science building, and library
The program, however, for further con
struction. has not been definitely out
lined, though many plans are on band
for its completion.
(Continued from rage 1).
as the “leads.”
Many Properties Gathered.
Stage Manager Ralston and his corps
of assistants have been working hard all
week, gathering properties and arrang
ing the settings. A grandfather clock has
been secured from Portland and consid
erable trouble has been experienced in
obtaining a number of other articles
which will be used.
The cast, which is made up entirely of
seniors, is as follows:
Mr. Ralston. Everett Pixley
Owen Ralston.Marion Taylor
Dick . Lyle Bartholomew
Van Dtisen ..Neil Morfitt
Bishop Doran.Alex Brown
Mrs. Ralston.Dorothy Wootton
Mable .Marion Gilstrap
Bob . Jack Houston
Sabel . Wanda Brown
Ethel.Elvira Thurlow
Maid..Dorothy McGuire
Synopsis of Scenes: Act 1, Scene in
Ralston’s office in New York hotel. Act
II, Parlor of the Ralston country home.
Act II, same as Act II.
Former Oregon Student Is Missionary to
Oriental Country.
Edythe Blanche Stansbury, a former
University of Oregon student, will be
included among the 28 youngs women who
will sail as missionaries to foreign lands
during the summer and fall, according to
advices received from the general board
of promotion of the Northern Baptist
Convention, from New York City. Miss
Stansbury, who attended summer school
h<fre in 1914, has been selected for a po
sition in the southern part of China.
Miss Stansbury’s home is in Davison.
Michigan, and she attended Drake Uni
versity and Cotner University in addi
tion to the University of Oregon. The
missionaries are being sent out under
the auspices of the Woman’s American
Baptist Foreign 'Mission Society, and
Miss Nellie G. Prescott, foreign secre
tary, has charge of the appointments.
Miss Stansbury is a member of the Davi
son Baptist church.
• • • •
—Some women assert that
they prefer oleomargarine
and nut butter to BLUE
also met the girl—God bless
her—who says she prefers
the gallery to the orchestra
and the charming lady who
assures us that she would
rather ride in the family
Ford than in a super-six—
but oh! Ye Shades of An
nan i as.
New Caps
Just in today by express
Some wonderful new ones
, OF
Imported Scotch Oxfords
attached collars
Plain colors and white.
®r@<sn FferreE
713 Willamette St.
“One of Eugene’s best stores”
Wing’s Mark
Quality, Service and Low Prices.
Fresh and Cured Meats.
Phone 38. 675 Willamette Street.
Graduation Pictures
The Martin Studio
Seventh and Willamette.
Womens’ 14 inch. Moccasin
Hiking Boots
Special $10.00 pr.
Attractive Sport Skirts in Silk and Wool
A large assortment of white flannel and serge skirts, in plaited! and plain
models. Beautifully trimmed with eyelet embroidery and soutache braid.
Other models have pipings of scarlet or Harding blue, with buttons to match.
Reasonably priced. $12.50 to $17.00.
Tailored Silk Skirts
W hen skirts in the most charming of sport styles, made of such silks as Fan
ta-isa, Baronet Satin, Dew-Kist, Heavy Whipcords, Georgettes and Crepe do
Chino are ottered at this price, it strikes us that the occasion constitutes an
opportunity that you cannot afford to ignore. A wide range of colors and
sizes. Especially priced, $10.45.
Plaid Skirts
hig assortment ol fancy stripes and plaids. In all the new plaitejd effects—
kmte and box plaits. These are priced at $6.95 to $18.50.