VOLUME XXII. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. EUGENE,J3REGON. FRIDAY, MAY 20. 1921. NO. 136. SALEM. CORVALLIS Ilf EUGENE LEFT III DEBITE HIS Grants Pass, Lostine and Knappa Eliminated From Race. LAST OF SERIES TO BE THIS AFTERNOON Win Would Give Cup to the Capital City Team Permanently. Salem, Corvallis and Eugene were the three high teams in the high school de bate league semi-finals held yesterday afternoon. The teams from Grants Pass, Lostine and Knappa were eliminated from the race for the championship cup by yesterday’s results. The Salem negative won from the Corvallis affirmative and tlr ir affirma tive from the Grants Pass negative, gain ing a two to one decision from the judges in each ease, and had a high total of seven points. The Corvallis negative won from the Knappa affirmative, 3-0, and their affirmative lost to Salem 2-1. making their total number of points 4. Eugene took a 2-1 decision from the Lostine negative and lost by 2-1 to the Grants Pass affirmative team. All Are Previous Winners. Each of the three teams now remain ing in the contest has won the cup at least once and Salem has won the trophy twice in previous years. The cup will become the permanent property of the Salem school if it is won by them again. Corvallis won the series last year and the Eugene team captured the prize sev eral years ago. The finals of this series will be tomorrow afternoon. The members of the Salem debate team are Robert Eittler. Don Worden. Ralph Bailey, Ward Southworth. and Harry Savage, coach. Corvallis is represented by Robert Kerr. Helen Humphrey, How ard Hammer, Blair Stewart, and W. P. Black, coach. Orlande Hollis, •Calvin Yo ran. Rollin McIntyre and Ronald Beattie are representing Eugene. Results of Yesterday. The complete results of yesterday’s debates and the judges for each are: Lostine, affirmative, 1, vs. Knappa, nega tive, 2. judges. Prof. H. R. Douglass, Dr. R. C. Clark, Prof. W. C. Dalzell; chair man, Raymond Andrews. Knappa. af firmative, 0. vs. Corvallis, negafive, ”, judges, Prof. E. E. DcCou. Karl Onthank, Miss .Tnlia Burgess; chairman, Boyd Is eminger. Corvallis, affirmative, 1. vs. Salem, negative. 2. judges, Dean John Straub. IT. M. Douglass. Prof. Alfred Bo max; chairman. Wanda Daggett. Sa lem. affirmative, 2. vs. Grants Pass neg ative, 1, judges, Dr. H. D. Sheldon, Miss Charlotte Banfield, Trof. ,T. R. Whitaker; chairman, James Ross. Grants Pass, af firmative, 2, vs. Eiigone, negative, 1, judges. Prof. Peter Crockntt, Hal Don nelly, W. K. Newell; chairman, Frederick E. Bice. Eugene, affirmative, 2, vs. T^os tine, negative, 1. judges. Miss Gertrude Talbot, Marion McClain, Prof. Elden Griffin; chairman. Marjorie Stout. ♦ kappa kappa gamma and ♦ ♦ A- T. 0. WIN CANOE FETE ♦ ♦ -_ ^ '* ^Vith “Forest Fantasy” as the ♦ ♦ title of their canoe, the Kappa ♦ ♦ Kappa Gamma girls won the wo- ♦ ♦ men’s etip in the canoe fete last ♦ 4 night on the mill race. Alpha Tau ♦ ♦ Omega won the men's cup, with the ♦ ♦ float. “The Spirit of the Sea.” + ♦ Honorable mention was given ♦ ♦ among the women to Pi Beta Phi ♦ 4' for her “Spirit of the Fountain.” ♦ ♦ Phi Delta Theta was awarded lion- ♦ ♦ orable mention for the float, “lee- ♦ ♦ bound.” ^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ come i in is SENIOR PUT MOTTO Humor Plentiful In “Nothing But the Truth.” Two performances of the senior class play, “Nothing But the Truth,” will be given tomorrow night at the F.ugene theatre. The firsts how will begin at 7:45 pnd the “Midnight Matinee” will jbe staged at 10:15. The permission of the faculty has been secured to stage the second show in order that all of the stu dents, guests and Eugene citizens who wish to see the show may have the op portunity. The line for tickets started this morn ing at 10 o'clock and late this afternoon, with several houses in line, it was de cided that the best, way to award tickets was to stage a lottery. In the drawing this afternoon each campus organization and the halls of*residence were repre sented. Each was allowed 25 tickets. It was then decided that two shows would be put on in order that the entire campus and others wishing tickets could be ac commodated. There will be no reserved seats for the second show. First come, first served. From the interest mani fested today there will be capacity houses for both performances. Dress Rehearsal Good. Dress rehearsal was held last night and the lines went very well. It is ex pected that the production tomorrow night will surpass previous plays of this nature in both humor of the plot and in production. A sincere effort has been made to al low all those wishing to see the play, do so. It is suggested that houses having a great many guests divide them between the two performances. Kappa Theta Chi, which held first place in the line this morning, was dropped to 2Sth. next to the bottom in the drawing this after noon. There are so many clever situations in the action that it would bo useless to try to tell about them, however it is suf ficient to quote the motto which has been adopted by the publicity agents of the play, “If you don’t want to laugh, stay away.” One of the best features of the play is that the part* are so well balanced, practically all of the so-called “minor characters” showing up in as good s^mpe (Continued on Page 2) Irish Riots Tame Alongside ’97 Junior Week-End Doings The history of Junior Week-end may I'p divided into two periods; the period of destruction (1897-1903) and the per iod of construction which began in 1903 and continues up to the present time. J he period of destruction gets its name from the battles staged between the juniors and the sophomores on the event °f the raising of the junior flag. The latter period, or period of construction, Paine about when the two fighting fac tions agreed to a truce and determined to devote the time they had hitherto given ( to fighting, to cleaning up and improving the campus. What we know now as Junior Week-, and was known in the eighties and the early nineties as Junior Day. and was founded by Professor Luella Clay Car s°u. This day was generally held on the third Friday in May, and the program for several years consisted in orations made by the members of the junior class, •v»me musical selections and perchance a banquet.' In order to give a deeper sig nificance to the day, the juniors deter mined to raise, on the flagpole which v ns situated close to the northwest cor ner of Villard hall, a flag bearing their class colors. Thus one more attraction "’us added to Junior Day. namely, the flag raising ceremony which generally lf,||k place in the morning. This ceremony, however, did not long maintain tho solemnity and dignity given it by its founders as tho sophomores be gan to dispute the right of the juniors to raise this emblem and Junior Day morning soon became the scene of strifes which would make the Irish situation look like a sleeping babe. Black-eyes, bloody noses, broken teeth and other minor casualties were freely given and received by both sides. Nor was strategy lacking, for one can today .hear from the old grads tales as to how they, in their junior year, had “slickered” the sophs or again how they in their sophomore year had prevented the juniors from raising their flag. One of these tales runs something like I this: The juniors on Thursday even ing secured a large bos and fastened it to the flagpole where no one could reach, and in it stationed a sentry who was to take care of the class flag and to raise it in the morning. The sophomores, how ever. during the night collected all of the fire hose on the campus, and taking it on top of Villard hall directed a steady stream of water into the box on the sleeping sentry. The force o the water was so strong "that the scotjy soon sur rendered the flag, and thin a sophomore victory was won. Ever after this mem orable night the juniors not only fought for the possession of the flag staff but (Continued on Page 4.) Alleged Oppression Said to Be Nothing- Compared With Pre-English Regime. STUNTZ HAS CRITICISM FOR SHALLOW CRITICS Methodist Authority Points to Christianization of Mil- ! lions In Orient. “Governments nre just as divine ns churches,” declared Bishop Homer Clyde Stunts in his dynamic talk to the stu dents at student assembly yesterday, in which he praised England for bringing to India a state of “absolute order.” To carry out God’s program as laid down by Christ, said the bishop, is the biggest contract human mind ever con ceived of. a gigantic undertaking, beside which all man-made plans sink into in fantile proportions. Involving as it does not only the Christianizing of heathen peoples, but the convincing of millions of the pagan faith, Buddhism and others, it is a stupendous task into which comes much that may at first appear like cruel ty and oppression. As an example of this, he cited Leopold of Belgium, in Af rica. Leopold is said to have been a cruel tyrant, said the speaker, but he was like a Sunday school teacher com pared with what went before him. By his rule, he did away with many supersti tious beliefs and cruelties of the worst kind, and left an improved condition. Mogul Rule Assailed. “God has to move in big ways, and move slowly,” said the bishop. He point ed out other instances in the world’s history which are sometimes referred to as conquests and oppressions, when in reality, the conditions following them have been great improvements on the preceding state. This, he declared, is the case with England’s control of India. He reviewed briefly the history of India, pointing out the 800-year rule of the Mogul empire which he characterized as a “carnival of cruelty.” “Over against these centuries of un imaginable cruelty, oppression and waste,” he said, “stands 62 years of ab solute order under British rule.” The greatest thing we have to be thankful (Continued on Page 11) EVERYBODY WORK, IS CMS MY SLOGAN Senior Cops Will Duck All Local Bolsheviks. The rumor that only freshmen were to work during the oeeasion of campus cleanup this morning was very unoffi cial, according to Art Campbell, who is in charge. According to time-honored traditions, “everybody works,” either voluntarily or under compulsion, as a force of some 00 senior cops, under the experienced leadership of “Slim” Cran dall. will he on the job with paddles and with a fountain full of water. Any campus I. W. W. or other dissenter will be subjected to the cooling effects of this much-used piece of campus furni ture. Work starts promptly at 0 o’clock, and all men are to be at the designated meet ing places at that time. Anyone in doubt as to where to go can find out by re ferring to Wednesday’s Emerald. Due to the large number of laborers avail able. and the efficient application of them which has been planned, the campus will be completely rejuvenated in time for everyone to take part in the campus luncheon at noon. The work planned for this morning includes tearing down the old track shed, and moving the hleacners from Kincaid field to Hayward field. New walks will he constructed around Hayward. The old hath houses, dressing rooms, and tank at the Anchorage will be cleaned up. Donald Shepard, superintendent of grounds, will have a man with each com mittee in order to see that all the work is carried out properly, and according to general plan. Various men of the junior class have been appointed to take charge of groups of the student laborers. These men will oversee the work and report anv ab sences to the senior cops, who will ad minister punishment, as has been done in years past. Washington Team Arrived Yesterday, Others Come Today. LARGE CROWDS FROM 0. A. C. ARE EXPECTED Changes In Officials For Meet Are Necessary at the Last Moment. Tho preliminaries in the two dashes and the two hurdle races of the Pacific (’oast Conference track meet will be run off this afternoon at 3 o’clock. These are the only events in which the pre liminaries will be required. The Wash ington track team arrived yesterday at noon and the O. A. O. and W. S. C. teams will arrive today about the same time. Graduate Manager .Tack Bcnefiel has had his men working on the track con stantly during the past few days and it is in the best possible shape for the pre liminaries this afternoon. Seven men are entered for the 100 yard dash and nine in the 220 yard dash by the four colleges. The hurdles are also pretty well filled, and the preliminaries should be good. Largo Crowds Expected. Large crowds are expected in from Corvallis today. The teams are evenly balanced and any one of the four has a chance to win. O. A. C. stands strong with Powell, Draper and Iiobart in the lineup. The Aggies also have a lot of men good for second, third and fourth places. Washington figures high with her sprinters and Gus Tope to use in the weights. W. S. C. has .Tonne in the pole vault and the high jump, and Oregon lias Walkley in the mile. Tuck in the javelin and Bowles in the broad jump. The team which is able to put over the smaller places will win with the firsts split as they are. Two changes in the list of officials have been made. Robert Johnson and J. M. Reynolds will not be able to be present and their places have been filled by Hal Donnelly and George Rates. The officials will be the only ones allowed on the oval, according to Coach Bill Hay ward, of the Oregon team, who is direc tor of the meet. All the officials will wear white flannel trousers as is the custom of the officials during the Olym pic meets. Tickets Going Fast. The tickets are going in good shape for the meet and the stands will be filled. Men in all of the campus orga nizations are selling and all are report ing favorably. The V. M. O. A. will carry tickets for those "men not living in organizations, and they will he on sale there today. Walter Oofoid is in charge of selling. The men handling them in the various houses are: A. T. ()., Ralph Couch; Bachelordon, Dan Welch; Beta Walter Cofoid; Chi Psi, George Shirley; Delta Tau, Kenneth Smith; Delta Theta Phi. Maurice Eben; Friendly Hall, Clyde Davis; Kappa Sig. A1 Krohn; Kappa The ta Chi, James Say; Phi Delta Theta. Wilbur Hoyt; Fiji. Harry Hollister; Phi Sigma Pi, Carlton Logan; S. A. E.. Har ry Mayer; Sigma Chi, Vic Bradeson; Sigma Nil, Bob Sheppard. Records May Be Broken. There is a good chance that a number of Pacific Coast Conference track re con's will be broken in the Saturday events. Tuck is sure to break the jave lin record, and Pope, of Washington looks good to break the discus event. In the two mile the contest will be between Hubert, of O. A. C„ and Washburn, of W. S. C„ both of these are fast and one is nearly sure to lower the two mile re cord. Hurley, of Washington, may knock off a few notches in the low hurdles also. .Tenne, of W. S. C„ will make a try st the pole vault record. A press stand is being placed at the finish mark in order that the various newspaper representatives will have good positions. The Portland newspapers are sending down special men and the meet will get p'ent.v of publicity. The rain of the last few days has not damaged the track, and rain will not call off the meet, although it may slow no the events. The weight men usuallv go better on a warm day. and the run ners loosen up easier. The rain may prevent the participants from breaking the records that are now expected to go Coach Poll Hayward has not determined Ids list of entries as yet. lie still has 1". men to rut down to 12. The other teams have not sent word as yet which men they will use. LEADING CHARACTERS IN SENIOR PLAY TONIGHT 1——-:-= J Marian Taylor, as Gwen, leading woman. Johnny Houston, as Bob, leading man. The first show for “Nothing But the Truth” will start tonight at 7:45 at the Eugene theatre. The midnight matinee will start, at 10:15 p. m. Re served seats are being sold for the first show only. The second show is a case of “first come, first served.” Houses have drawn for places in line at the ticket window, which opens at 10 this morning. The two shows will be given so that both guests and stu dents can be accommodated at the theatre. f Smith and Westerman Take Matches Yesterday. Just after Smith and Westerman, of Oregon, succeeded in beating Bates and Levy, of California, in the first game of the first doubles set in the Pacific ('oast Conference tennis meet yesterday after noon, tIn* rain began to fall and the set was postponed until today. The tournament started with n number of fast single sets, in which the Lemon Yellow was victorious. Harry Wester man, Oregon, took Webber, W. S. (I. star, into camp in two sets, score (5-4, and (i-.'i, while Keji Smith, Oregon, also took a couple from the Cougars when he defeated Ileald, (5-1! and (5-."5. Polowing true to predictions both of the Bear players are showing up well. They played several exhibition games be fore the contests opened and their driv ing ability was almost lightning-like. Local dopesters have given them the meet, with Stanford coming up about second. More conservative prophets say that; the Sun Dodgers may figure in the finals. I In his match with Taylor, of Wash ington, Bates, of California, took the first set from the northerner without allowing him a game and also grabbed off the second by a score of (l-.‘5. His partner, Levy, raked Joy, of the Aggie pair, over the coals to a tune of (5-1 in a couple of sets. So definite schedule lias been planned for today and weather conditions will determine the time of the meet. OREGON STUDENTS WIN Walter Church and John Stanton Get Prizes at Boston Tech. Walter Church, ’1(5, and John Stanton, l formerly of the University's extension i class in architecture in Portland, both | students at the Massachusetts Institute ' of Technology, were winners of two prizes offered recently by the Boston Society of Architects, according to a letter received by Dean Kllis Lawreue\ of the school of agriculture. The prizes of $50 each, were offered to students of the Institute of Technol ogy for the best designs for a pulpit suited to a highly ornamented church Interior, one prize to be given to the >vork of a regular student, the other to that of a special student. Church won the former, Stanton the latter. Irving Smith, Oregon, 1920, offered so good a design that the faculty of the institute voted him a second place. dope oral:Time HERE THIS IFTERNOON SHOWS EVEN CHANCE W. S. C. and Washington Both Beaten By Each Op posing Team. RICHARDSON HAS MANY TWIRLERS UP SLEEVE Second Contest Is Scheduled For 10 o’clock Friday Morning. It’s an absolute t os sup as to who’ll win the game this afternoon on Cemetery Kidge, when Bohler’s diamond dusters rassle with Jimmy Richardson's aggre gation' of pill handlers in the first game of the two-game series between Oregon and O. A. 0., which will feature the week-end. At present indications, if there be in dications, the umpire of the game will be none other thnn old .Tupe Pluvlus, he who squelches such championship games by turning iu the cold water. Old Sol may not even get, a look-in on the series un less he breaks forth early today with a few good streaks. At that, however, most hasebnll devotees are willing to wager* that the mist won’t get ro heavy as to prohibit nine innings of clouts and catches. Dope Even. | As to the dope which always proceeds j such events ns annual Oregon-O. A. O. mixes, there isn’t a great deal, and what there is doesn’t get oue anywhere. O. A. C. took one game from the University of Washington. Rut so did Bohler’s crow. f). A. C. took one game from \V. C. Rut so did Bohler’s crew. All told, dope points to a close mixup this afternoon and again tomorrow mornine at ten bells. As to the lineups of the two.teams, in dications are that Bolder will' use much the same combination ns he psed against the sluggers from up Pullman way. “.Take” Jacobson, Ilolla Gray, Art Berg, and Carl ('Hwmerun) Kuudsen—one of these flingers will feature in the box this afternoon when the umpire announces who throws the ball to the catcher. Richardson Has Twirlcrs. As for Slippery Jimmy Richardson, he has several husky twirlcrs up his sleeve, cither one of whom he may slip into the box. Bert Babb, Emmett Hughes and “Lefty” Miller are the heavers whom Jimmy has in store, any of whom are ready to sturt the initial game. The twirler to be used by Richardson depends a great deal on which fliuger Bolder starts. Also vice versa. The same for tomorrow’s game. Today’s matinee is the first of a four game series between Oregon and O. A. (’. The second is tomorrow at 10, and the remaining duo will lie played at Cor vallis next week-end. Ardent baseball fans who delight in ragging the umps will be provided with n duet of officials toduy on whom to ex ercise their voices. Leo (Frisco) Ed wards, lie of the weak shin fame, will wear the mask behind the but, while one Childers, said to have won fame in pro circles, will play tag mound the bases, Oregon Outfield Safe. Zimmerman, Gamble and Knudsen seem safe for the Oregon outfield, while Base, Belter or Collins, Reinhart, and Jaeob berger or Svarverud will handle the in field, according to the non-comittal press reports emanating from Coach Bohler’s headquarters. Leslie, of course, will jerk the fast ones off the bat. For the Aggies, Duffy or Gill will handle the receiving end, with Keene on first, Hubbard at second, McKenna at short, and Kasberger on third. Jimmy will name his outfield from Summers, Noonan, Hurtman and Shade. Play ball! ORGAN RECITAL JUNE 1 Evans’ Advanced Students to Be Heard In Methodist Church. The advanced organ students of John /Stark Evans, professor of the organ in the University school of music, will be heard in a recital at the Methodist church on Wednesday, June 1. The program will be as follows: Overture — ,,Tannhauser” (Wagner); Lamentation (Guilmunt), Raymond Burns. Adagio and Scherzo from Fifth Sona ta (Guilmunt), Annabel Denn. Finale ftfbm “S\*mphouy Patbetique (Tcbaikowsky), Isnbel McArthur. , Tocatta in F (Widor), Alice Gohlkc.