Information Gathered bv Dr E. L. Packard NEW SPECIES DESCRIBED Condon Museum Soecimens Basis Of Pamphlet All tlio vailable information concern ing a gorup of fossil mollusks found on flie Pacific coast belonging to the genus Trigonia lias boon gathered together In Dr. E. L. Packard and published under the name of “The Trigoniae from the Pa cific t’oast of North America.” as a University publication. Eleven new spe cies and varieties are described and fig ured besides detailed descriptions and many illustrations of all previously de scribed species from the eoast. This work is one of the first to be aided by the research committee of the Univer sity. The research was started early in 1020 and its completion was made possible by a grant from the committee. Condon Specimens Studied. The article is based on the study of a large number of specimens belonging to the Condon museum, some of which were early collected by Dr. Thomas Condon. Other specimens belonged to the Cana dian and the ITnited States geological surveys and to various Pacific coast in stitutions. The genus 1 rigonia is so named be cause of its typical trigonal shape. It is characteristic of the Jurassic and Cretaceous, the latter periods of the Age of Reptiles. This genus became ex tinct everywhere except in the isolated continent of Australia, at the close of the Cretaceous during the time when the great earth movements culminated in the uplift of the Rocky mountains. This restricted range in geologic time and the highly ornamented character of these clams makes them of great importance as indicators of geologic horizons. Asiatic Forms Resembled. The oldest known West Coast Tri gonia fauna occurs in the lower Juras sic rocks of Taylorsville, California. These species were cosmopolitan types being closely related to forms then liv ing in India and Western Europe. Later, in the Jurassic, the species still show close affinities with Asiatic forms, in dicating that free migration was possible along the shores of the shallow waters bordering the Pacific and through a great Mediterranean sea stretching across southern Asia into southwestern Europe. The Upper Cretaceous time marks the epoch of maximum develop ment of this group on this coast when 17 species and varieties were living in waters then covering parts of California, a large portion of Oregon, and lesser areas to the northward. These species unlike the Jurassic are not related to the Indian and European special, in dicating that earth movements had closed the earlier migration routes and had op ened others. These Chico West Coast forms have, however, close auinuies with the species from the Japanese Cretace ous, STATE HIGH SCHOOL DEBATE TEAMS HERE (Continued from Page 1.) K. Cameron, Professor II. D. Sheldon and Charlotte Banfield will be the judges. Another one will be held in room 12, same building, with F. L. Rice as chair man. Professor Peter Crockatt and W. K Newell will be the judges. The last debate will be held in room 14. with Mar jorie Stout as chairman, and Miss Ger trade Talbot. Marion McClain and Pro fessor Griffin as judges. Personnel of Teams. Following are the debaters who are here: Milton G. Brown, Howard N. j Miller, Frank L. Loggan. Ralph Swet.t \ r MeDade’ coach- of Burns; ‘ ,Clt ^a,sle-v- C1»r» Nolan. Harold H-rco, d lolet Glonn, and Mrs. Griffin t'°fch: of Lostino; Paul Roller. Norma Adams, Victor Kos. Frances Iloznik. and Robert Goetz, coach, of Klamath Falls: Littler, Don Worden. Ralph Ward Southworth, and Harry coach, of Salem; John Conroy, Conroy, William Hunt, Reuben Mrtteson, and Harold A. Reed, coach, or Khappa; Remoh Tryer, Corlvss Court "PV- Helel1 Lister, Lula Garrett, and Mrs Laura T. Gunnell, coach, of Grants Lass; Roland Humphreys. Elmer Peter Rofcert Bailey, Savage, Sewell sou, Audra Grogan, Margaret Woodson, and Howard M. James, Coach, of Hepp 11,1,1 • Errol Sloan. Lorin Schroeder. Law 1,1100 Moon, Alice Barker, and Raymond E Baker, coach, of Coquille; Glenn Cooper, Ethel Johnson, and Miss Naomi Hoskins, coach, of The Dalles; Robert Kerr. Helen Humphrey. Howard Ham mer. Blair Stewart. W. P. Black, coach, and Mr. McLaughlin, city superintendent of Corvallis. IS EMES1 FETE Scarcity Of Canoes Brings11 Committee Action All plans are completed for the canoe fete, which will start promptly at 8:30 this evening. All entries are urged to be there on time as the fete will begin on time and each float must be ready when its turn comes to go down the race. Owing to the shortage in the supply of canoes on the campus, organizations which are unable to secure them for their floats in the canoe fete tonight will be allowed to use rowboats, accord ing to Wayne Akers, chairman of the general committee in charge of the fete. Many have found it impossible to pro cure canoes, and the committee makes this special dispensation to provide for the difficulty, and enable all to enter in the event. Plans for the fete include a reserved section for the faculty, as the crowds will more than fill at the seating room. The committee also plans to have some students designated as life guards, in order to provide against any calamity resulting from a canoe capsizing, or spectators falling into the race. The various committees for the event have been busy, especially during the past few days, and plans are now prac tically completed. Several novelties are promised, and the lighting scheme which has been worked out will be unusual All campus organizations have their floats practically completed. The canoe» will enter the fete in five groups, and j will take their places in the parade in alphabetical order. Special sections will be reserved for the two glee clubs, who will sing as a special feature of the fete. The Uni versity band will also contribute some music to the evening’s entertainment. An effort will be made to provide the guests with the best seating available. Rill Collins, who is in charge of the seating, urges all to come early, especial ly those with guests, as no reservations will be made. The Y. M. C. A. lias co operated with the canoe fete committee in furnishing all the chairs from the Y hut. As a much larger crowd than seats are provided for is expected, only those who come early will be able to view the fete comfortably. The Anchorage is making special ar rangements for the fete, and announce that special arrangements may be made for tables. Messengers 141 — PHONE — 141 City Messenger Service. 39 E. 7th J. C. GRANT, Mgr. Chocolate Dipped Marshmallows k5c lb. WEEK-END 1 SET 4i0 Preuners Are Exuected As Campus Visitors <"‘t ready! Get set! lias bee'h sounded for Junior Week-end. The mill race is all doilrd up in her festive glad rags, the Junior Prom is all here except the danc ers, Hayward field is in good condition tor rhe big meet, every man on the campus has received an invitation “A la Fmera'd” to spend Friday morning on the campus, and in fact, everyone is rarin’ to go. There will be among us. according to Ogden Johnson, general chairman, about 400 preppers and many other guests. F'en old Jape Flavius has been bangin' around trying to horn in; but the Mis souri jackrabhit's hind foot that Ogden Johnson is toting around in his hip pocket seems to make him keep his distance. The patrons and patronesses for the Junior Prom will be: Governor and Mrs. Olcott. President and Mrs. Campbell. Dean and Mrs. John Straub. Dean Fox. Dr. R. B. Dillehuut. Mr. and Mrs. W. .T. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. T,. P. Harris. Mrs. G. T. Gerlinger. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lo max. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Jackson. Mr. ana Mrs. Jr . !S. Grant. Mr. K. B. Jnper. Dean and Mrs. C. V. Dyment and Miss M. Perkins. Look these names over and learn how to pronounce them correctly, for the Junior Prom committee says that they are the first people you are going to meet on that evening. The Junior Week-end program, cor rected to date, will be as follows: Wednesday, May IS, 10 a. m.—Pre liminaries of the state high school de bate. Thursday. May 10, 0 ^6. m.—Canoe Fete, (Wayne Akers, chairman). Friday, May 20. 9 a. m.—Campus Day (Art Campbell, chairman); 1:15 p. m. tug-of-war, painting of “O” and burning of frosh caps; 2 p. m., finals of the state high school debate; 3 p. m., preliminaries of the Pacific Coast Conference tennis tournament and baseball game. Oregon vs. O. A. C.; 5-6 p. m., Y. INI. C. A. re ception for men; S:15 p. m., senior play. Saturday, May 21—9 a. in., Pacific Coast tennis tournament finals; 10 a. m.. baseball game, Oregon vs. O. A. C.; 1:30 p. m., Pacific Coast Conference track meet, and 8:15, Junior Prom. i i Junior Prom Why taboo flowers? Flowers are as essential for the formal dance to the lady as a dress suit is for the gentleman. Our service in corsage boquets is excelled by none as our ever increasing business proves. University Florist 993 Hillyard St. Phone 654 KIM HITTERS Ml BJIBE RUTH'S HOMERS Three Runs In The Last In nine- Score Victory T>abe Ruth's rivals in Kappa Kappa fiainma knocked three home runs in the last inning of her game with Susan Campbell Imil Tuesday afternoon and won the game by one point, the score be ing ill to 22. At the end of the sixth inning the teams were tied. In the sev enth the Susan Campbell girls made two tallies, but the three homers knocked by the Kappa batters won for her the hard est game she has played yet this season Susan Campbell hall had previously been defeated but once, by Hendricks hall, the leading team of League 11. The Kappas have- not yet seen defeat and their game with Hendricks next Monday will decide which team will play for League II in deciding the doughnut series. Oregon club will probably be the League 1 champion. She has met and defeated the other leading team of that league, the Tri l)elts, and has lost no times. Joe Joe Says; Look your best for junior week end Pants Patches Pressing BEN TURPIN On 11th near Alder Your Friends— Will appreciate you bringing them here for a delicious dish of ice cream and cake or a glass of our famous punch, served with wafers. * Lots of Doughnuts and Coffee The Anchorage * O Phone 30 On the Mill Race 57 QUALITY DRYGOODS Phone E. MATLOCK’S GO 9th St. QUALITY GROCERIES Wing’s Market Quality, Service and Low Prices. Fresh and Cured Meats. Phone 38. 675 Willamette Street. For Your Guests —Treat them not only lo the beauties of the campus, the Oregon spirit but teed them the best. Come to Peter Pan W. Hummell, Prop. *r * XT Picnic Parties Midnight Serenades We EUGENE TRANSFER CO. specialize in outing- and fishing trips. Full equipment. Service both day and night. Phone 160 No“ked 7th Ave. West BAGGAGE ¥ BIG REPUBLIC DREADNAUGHT TRUCKS USED MOVING VANS GENERAL HAULING