Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 19, 1921, Image 1

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    511 It HIM
Championship To Be Settled
Bv Forty-four Youne
Six Semi-Finals To Be Held
This Afternoon; Final
Comes Friday
♦ Standings of the teams are: Sa- ♦
♦ loin <S, Eugene 7. Grants Pass 7, ♦
♦ Knappa 6, Lostine 5, Corvallis 4. ♦
♦ Heppner 3, Coquille 2. Klamath ♦
♦ Falls 1, The Dalles 1, Burns 0. 4
♦ The results of last night’s high ♦
♦ school preliminary debate contests ♦
♦ are: Corjuille, affirmative, lost to ♦
♦ Knappa, negative; Burns, affirma- ♦
tive, lost to Grants Pass, nega- ♦
♦ tive; The Dalles, affirmative, lost ♦
4 to Salem, negative; Eugene, affirm- ♦
♦ ative. won from Burns, negative;- ♦
♦ Eugene, negative, won from Los- ♦
♦ tine, affirmative; Salem, affirmative, 4
♦ won from Corvallis, negative; Cor- ♦
♦ vallis. affirmative, won from Hepp- ♦
♦ nor, negative; Grants Pass, affirm
♦ ative, won from The Dalles, nega- ♦
♦ tive; Lostine, negative, won from ♦
♦ Klamath Falls, affirmative; Knap- ♦
♦ pa, affirmative, won from Klamath ♦
♦ Falls, negative; Happner, affirma- ♦
♦ tive. won from Coquille. negative. ♦
High school students from all parts of
the state are in Eugene, not only to en
joy Junior Week-end, but to participate
in the debate contest which has been an
Oregon tradition for 14 years. The state
has been divided into districts, and the
best team of each is sent here each year.
Last year Corvallis high school won the
state championship.
Eleven four-member teams are here,
and the first of the debates were held
last night. The finals will be held Friday
afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Y. M. C. A.
hut. the University high school assembly
room, and the assembly room in Oregon
hall. The question for the debates is:
Resolved, That the United States Should
Onw and Operate the Railroads.
Houses Are Entertaining.
The visiting debaters are being enter
tained at the different houses and halls
on the campus. Six semi-finals will be
held this afternoon at 3 o’clock. Ray
mond Andrews will net as chairman for
the debate held in room 3 of Oregon hall.
Professor Earl Packard. Dr. R. C, Clark
and Professor W. C. Dalzell will be the
judges. Boyd Iseminger will be the
chairman of another debatS to be held in
room 4 of the same building, with Pro
fessor T. ,T. Bolitho. Karl Onthank and
Miss Julia Burgess as judges.
Wanda Daggett will be the chairman
for another. Harold Donnelly. M. H.
Douglass and Alfred Lomax will be the
judges for this debate, held in room 5
of the Oregon building. James Ross will
also act as the chairman for one held in
room 11 of the same building. Dr. M.
(Continued on Page 3)
Maladies Varied and Numerous; Son:
Throats and Colds Are On
During the month of April more per
sons were treated for colds and sore
throats at the University infirmary than
for any other cause. A total of 107 of
these cases were treated. 0!) of these
cases being women and 3S men.
Examinations and prescriptions were
given to 92, 36 women and 56 men, anti
25 casps of infections of various kinds
were doctored.
Poison oak had as usual its large quota
of cases, there being 43 cases of this
■poison treated.
During this month 49 persons were
doctored for minor injuries, 6 for blisters.
6 for headaches and indigestion and sev
eral for various other maladies.
A total of 391 patients were treated
at the infirmary during April; 202 of
these patients were women, 189 were
A total number of 36. of whom 8 are
men and 28 women, were bed patients
during this month.
An average of 19 women and 12 men
called at the dispensary each day during
the month of April.
Doughnut Baseball Started;
Delta Theta Phi Out
The doughnut baseball series got un
der way at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon
on Cemetery Ridge, when the Bachelor
don team ruined all chances for cham
pionship of the Delta Theta Phi nine,
by defeating them 8-3. The seven innings
of play were characterized throughout
by many errors and much harmless swat
ting on both sides. Throughout the
greater part of the contest the Bach
elors held a slight lead over their op
ponents, but the final victory was very
uncertain until the last man was out.
The winners started things off by scor
ing two runs in the first inning. In the
fifth inning Bachelordon put three more
runs across and their opponents one,
making the score 6-3 in favor of the
former, and in the sixth they added two
more, making the final score 8-3. The
losers were unable to add more to their
list in the seventh, noue of the first
three men up getting to first. The line
ups follow:
Delta Theta Phi—
There will be
no more games played
until after Junior Week-end. The one
scheduled for this afternoon between Chi
Psi and Friendly Hall will be played the
first of next week. Team captains are
requested to watch the bulletin board in
the gym for further dope.
Oregana Out; First 200
To Be Circulated Today
rllie 1!)^1 Orogana will bo delivered
this morning during assembly hour at the
different organizations on the campus,
whore they will be taken in charge by
•’specially appointed agents and distrib
uted to the members of the houses. Ow
ing to the slowness in the binding, there
will not be as many copies ready as ex
pected. but about 200 copies will be dis
tributed. A number will be left at the
(o-op for those who are living in town.
'the first copy to be given out will be
the leather-bound copy, which is to be
awarded the Phi Sigma Pi house for be
ing the first organization to have a hun
dred per cent subscription list for the
An unusual feature of this year's an
nual is the cover which, unlike the ac
customed green and gold covers of prev
ious annuals, is done in shades of green
®nd brown. The name Orogana and the
• h-egon seal have the appearance of tool
ing on leather. The border also repre
Rents something quite different, in har
mony with the cover, it is in shades of
dark forest green and brown, with a
design (>f pineeonibs and needles used as
a background for the chief figure in the
border, which is the Pioneer.
And, of course, there are many, nfauy
other new things, such as the feature
section and—Oh, well! you II all have
your books in a few hours, to see for
Everyone who has subscribed is urged
to get his book just as soon as there are
enough copies, as all those not called
for within two weeks will be sold, accord
ing to Wilbur Hoyt, circulation manager,
there is a waiting list of about 50 who
are anxious for the unclaimed copies.
More copies will be ready by the first of
next week and a few will be distributed
on Friday and Saturday.
The editorial staff is as follows: As
sociate editor. Velma Rupert: athletics,
Floyd Maxwell. Charles Oratke,. Guy
Sacre. Haseltine Schmeer. Harold Shir
ley; features. John Dierdorff. Madge
Calkins; dramatics, Vern Fudge: classes
Pauline Coad. Margaret Carter. Ray
Vester. Doris Parker: organizations. El
eanor Spall. Raymond Lawrence; Uni
versity. Marv Lou Burton: administra
tion. Betti Kessi. Wayne Akers; music.
Fern Murphy: women’s athletics, Marga
ret Russell. Florence .Tagger: sororities
(Continued on Page 4.)
vm swims
Fast Races Predicted: Dope
About Even, Sav Hedges
And Codv. Coaches
’ ’Bus” Douglass to Head Team
Mickev Wilsev Cantains
Polo Plavers
TTio dual swimming moot scheduled
with the Multnomah Amateur Athletic
Club in Portland will be hold on June 11
Hue to a conflict in dates, the previous
time of June 4 had to bo canceled, and
the contest set for a week later.
Six events are on the program, not in
cluding the water polo game which will
be staged after the speed and distance
events. The events include the 30 yard
and 100 yard sprints, the 200 yard swim
100 yard back stroke .and four-man 200
yard relay, and plunge for distance.
The arrangements for the meet are
being handled for Oregon by Joe Hedges
student instructor in swimming. Both
Hedges and Cody, of Multnomah, pre'
diet that all of the races will be fast.
So even is the dope that it is practically
impossible to make predietions as to
the outcome of many of the events.
Two Captains Named.
“Bus” Douglass will head the swim
ming team in the Multnomah meet and
Mickey Wilsey will captain the polo
players. These men were selected at a
meeting of the swimming team Tuesday
Oregon’s chances are assured only for
some of the places in the various events
Douglass is expected to place at least
second in the 200 yard swim, which is his
best race. Mickey Wilsey, Lyle Palmer
and “Hap” Hazard will enter in the
sprints, but will have some lively compe
tition from the clubmen at the hands o?
Harrison. Colly Wheeler and Alonen.
The Lemon-Yellow is assured of two
places in the 200 yard back stroke. Mick
ey Ringler can be counted on for second
place and George Neil for third. Jack
Poboehenko. of Multnomah, who is the
holder of the northwest record for this
distance and stroke has been counted on
to finish first.
Relay Appears Even.
The relay race as yet seems an even
break, with Oregon perhaps holding the
edge on the argumentt. The team of
four men will be picked from Douglass
Wilsey. Hazard. Palmer and Neil.
The polo team has been practicing reg
ularly under the guidance of Fred “Duke”
Howard. “Duke” was a member of the
A. E. F. water polo team and is con
sidered one of the crack players on the
coast. His work has been handicapped
by many minor obstacles during the past
| few weeks, but his aggregation expects
to give the Portlanders a run for their
Beside the swimmers who will enter
in the speed and distance events, who are
trying for places on the polo team
“Freuehy” DePauw and Joe Merchie are
(Continued on Page 2)
“Nothing' But the Truth’’
Ready to. Present
The final dress rehearsal of “Nothing
But the Truth” will be held tonight. If
the critics who attend are of the same
as those who have already seen the stag
ing of the senior play, they will be en
thusiastic boosters for the production.
Most of the houses on the campus
have already planned to have two or more
frosh in line at the ticket window of the
Eugene theatre a dozen or more hours
before the box office opens at 10 o’clock
Friday morning.
The two latest announcements in re
gard to the play are that the curfain
will rise at 8:15 sharp, Friday night,
and that houses which buy too many
tickets will not have the privilege of re
turning any. Practically all of the houses
on the campus are planning to take their
Junior Week-end guests to see “Nothing
But the Truth,” according to the man
Besides their appearance Friday night
the senior actors will be “shot” in a
scene or two by the Junior Week-end
movie camera, which is to record all the
1 activities of the celebration.
Washington, Stanford. O.A.C.,
Stanford and W. S. C. to
Be Represented
Phil Neer. Holder Of Title For
State Of Oregon To Plav
Fo.r Stanford
With lack of practice, due to bad
weather, as their main obstacle, Coaches
Carre more and Warner will send their
Lemon-Yellow tennis pair into the first
rounds of the Pacific Coast Conference
tennis tournament this afternoon.
Local dopesters have it that the race
for top place is between Washington
California and Stanford, with California
having a little the edge on it, and Ore
gon. O. A. C. and W. S. C. battling for
cellar positions.
Drawing for positions in the meet will
he held today at 1:30 and games will start
at 2. During the contest, which will last
for three days, each man will play sin
gles and every team will have a doubles
match to start things off. The Oregon :
coaches will probably act as judges.
In speaking of the tournament. Coach
Sam Warner says: “These games will
be easily the fastest played on the local
courts. The Oregon players desire that
you support them just as you would a
football team. They are going to do
their best and although they hardly ex
pect to win the meet, they have a chance
to come out near the top. We are not
charging to see the meet and it is hoped
that a good shore of the students will
turn out.”
juntos ana l .evy, ot (Jaliforma, and
Webber and Heale. of W. S. C.. arrived
yesterday afternoon and the other teams
are expected this morning.
The Oregon Aggies will be represented
by two entries, Ken Joy and Caldwell,
while the University of Washington has
four men to enter in the tournament.
These are Don Waller, Marshall Allen.
Bill Taylor and Lang. Allen is rated as
the best man on the Sundodgers’ team.
He defeated Phil Neer at Stanford last
year, but he in turn was defeated by
.Timmy Davies of the Stanford team.
Lang, of Washington, was the champion
of the frosh team at the northern school
last year.
The Stanford entries of Neer and Da
vies are expected to show up in great
form. Phil Neer, of the Cardinals, at
one time held the northwest title and at
present holds the title for the state of
Oregon and the British Columbia dis
trict. Davies and Neer arrived in the
north from Palo Alto the first of. the
week and have been playing a series of
exhibition matches in Portland.
Carroll Webber and Merrill Heale. who
are representing Washington State Col
lege. have already defeated the Univer
sity of Idaho team in a dual match at
Pullman early this season and they will
no doubt give a good account of them
serves in the matches here.
Smith and Westerman, of Oregon
showed that they are to be reckoned
with in the tournament by their defeat
of tlie Multnomah Club players here last
Saturday, and the California and O. A. C.
teams are considered among the best.
Mildred Hawes Has Highest Grades of
Those Chosen By Honor Society.
Through a typographical error—the
substitution of a wrong line—the name
of Arthur Hicks, a major in Romance
language, was omitted from the list of
those chosen to membership in the T ni
versity Honor Society Tuesday after
noon. Hicks, who is a senior, had one
of the highest scholarship averages of
those admitted.
The highest was that of Mildred
Hawes, whose mark was 1.12 for the
two years of her work taken in this
University. The highest possible average
under the new system of grading, which
counts honors as I. is the grade of 1
Only two of the 15 students admitted by
the honor society had averages ns low*
at 2. for the whole of their courses.
Dr. John F. Bovard. dean of the school
of physical education, has just returned
from an extended trip in the east, where
he has been visiting department of phy
sical education in different schools and
universities. •
Liith Abbott, Now of Pendleton Tri
bune, Will Visit Friends On
Campus Several Days.
I.oitli Abbott, last year's editor of the
Emerald, arrived in Eugene Wednesday
loon ana will spend a week visiting
friends on the campus. Leith was elected
track captain this year but has been
working on the Pendleton Tribune this
Abbott will return to Pendleton before
the 116th, when an industrial show will be
held in <he Round-Up City. The Tribune
is planning a booth in the exhibit, with
Oregon’s former editor as “Exhibit A.”
The Trill Ine’s leased wire telephone is
to be installed in the booth and ex-Editor
Abbott will pound out the news “miles
per” before the eyes of the public.
Unofficial Action Is Taken By
New Executive Council
Webster Ruble, for the past two years
a member of the business staff of the
Emerald, was named manager of the
Oregon Daily Emerald for the coming
year at an irregular meeting of the now
Executive Council last night. The vote
was unanimous in favor of Ruble. Other
candidates were Harris Ellsworth, Emer
ald manager in 1010, Oregana manager
in 1020. and manager of the Lemon Punch
this year, and Arne Rue, a junior who
has had experience in management of
other newspapers, and is at present con
nected with the Morning Register of
Ruble is at present assistant manager
of the Emerald, and last year was ad
vertising manager. He has taken an ac
tive part, in affairs of classes and the
Y. M. C. A. ns well, and has helped in
the management of other University pub
The election of the new Emerald man
ager necessitated the calling of the first
meeting of the new executive council
since the adoption of the new constitu
tion. Since the faculty ’members have
been appointed, but no alumni member
elected, the appointment of Ruble will
necessarily have to be affirmed by the
council when it functions properly next
“Ruble hns shown by his consistent
work on the business staff that he hns
the makings of nu excellent manager,”
said Raymond Vcstcr, present mannger
of the Emerald. "There is no doubt that
next year’s Emerald will be successful
under the managership of Ruble.”
Ruble will take over his new duties
upon the completition of the Emerald’s
present year, on .Tunc 4. In order to
enable him to go ahead with plans for
next year, it was deemed advisable to
have the council appoint a manager im
mediately instead of waiting for a regu
lar meeting of that body next fall.
Eloauent Orator To. Bring
Message Of Far East
Bishop Homer Cylde Stunts;, of the
Methodist Episcopal church, who since
his ordination to the ministry in IKK!
has been active in church affairs, will
address the student body this morning
at the regular weekly assembly at 11
o’clock. Bishop Mtuntz was made a dele
gate at the recent national conference
of his church at Portland and, according
to press reports, was the most eloquent
of the orators who addressed the gath
With a record of church work extend
ing over a period of “7 years, being most
of the time in Tndia and the Far East ns
the representative of the foreign mis
sions of the M. E. church. Bishop Stunt'/,’
talk to the students today will have add
ed interest for many who enjoy the re
marks of one with a versatile career in
many lands and who has accomplished
much in his chosen field.
Bishop Stunt/,’ advent into the foreign
mission field was as missionary to Tndia
where he served from ISSfl to 1805. He
returned to the Far East in 1001 as
superintendent of missions of the M. E
church for the Philippine Islands, where
he remained until 1007. During his stay
in the Orient the bishop gathered the
material for his published volume, “The
Philippines and the Far East.” contain
ing a large arnrunt of information con
cerning our island possesions.
I Conference Rules Limit Num
ber of Members of Team
To Twelve
1 Straiffhawav Mav Be Moved
Across Field In Front
Of Grandstand
With the completion of the list of
entries yesterday everything is in read
iness for the starter’s pistol in the Pa
cific Coast Conference Track and Field
Meet which is scheduled to begin at 2:80
o’clock, Saturday afternoon on the new
oval on Hayward Field. Oregon’s new
.$10,000 track will be officially opened
by the conference meet, although the
first meet to be held on the track was
that of the Oregon Aggies and the Lem
oit-Yellow athletes last Saturday.
According to Bill Hayward, director of
tho meet, the conference rules call for a
,12-man team only and although the en
tries from a number of the other institu
tions already exceed that number, it will
bo nocesasry for the trainers and coaches
to cut their squads down to conform to
the rules. This will give each team an
equal advantage in minimizing the num
ber of events which they can place en
i tries in. At present Oregon has 10 men
| listed, while the Oregon Aggies are
credited with 15 men, Washington State
with 18 and'the University of Washing
ton 11. The teams are expected to be
gin arriving on the campus today and to
morrow morning in order that the ath
letes may be given a chance to limber up
after their trip.
uiymptc Athletes Here.
According to the entry list at present,
three members of the United States team
which competed in the Olympic Games at
Antwerp will he seen in action at the
conference meet here. Eldon .Tenne, star
pole vnulter of the Washington State
College team, will he entered in the pole
vault and in the high jump. Gus Pope,
discus hurlcr of the University of Wash
ington team, the second member of the
United States team, will he entered in
the discus and shot put events. Arthur
Tuck, of Oregon, holder of the Pacific
Coast record in the javelin who was a
member of the United States javelin en
tries in the Olympic meet, will be entered
in the javelin, shot put and discus events
With favorable weather conditions, ev
erything points to several Pacific Coast
records to be broken, but rain or shine
the oval will bn in first class condition
for the meet. The finishing touches
have been put on the track this week
and it has been rolled and packed until
the cinder paths are in the best possible
condition. The matter of placing the
straightaway and finish posts in front of
the grandstand instead of the bleachers
on the opposite side of the field is still
under consideration, but if it is practical
this chuugc will be made.
Numbers to Be Worn.
The entries will wear their numbers
and these liuvc been arranged so that
Washington entries wil lwear the num
bers between 1 and 20, the Washington
State College entries will wear those
between 20 and 40, the Orpgon Aggies
will wear the numbers between 40 and
00. and those over 00 will be worn by
the Oregon men.
The University of Southern California
will not be represented aiul only the
four northern members of the Pacific
Coast Conference will take part in the
meet. The names of the entries from
the various schools, their numbers and
(Continued on Page 2.)
Seabeck Contest Begun and Loving Cup
Awarded to Winners.
The Seabeck song contest lias begun
and Jean Mackenzie is in charge of all
originul productions banded in from girls
on the campus. Every year all the groups
of college girls who attend Seabeck sing
an original song and a silver loving eup is
awarded for the best song. Last year the
eup was won by the Whitman girls. Their
song bad two verses and was written to
the tune of “Yale Boating Song.”
The subject matter of those songs
must be something pertaining to the con
ference or Seabeck. Any girl on the
campus who cares to write words for the
song can see Miss Mackenzie or Miss
Pinsdale. Any help will lie appreciated.
College girls with musical instruments
are urged to bring them to the confer
ence so that there will be lots of music.