Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 14, 1921, Image 1

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    Coach Making No Predictions
of Outcome; Track and
Field In Shape.
Larson’s Showing at Seattle
Encouraging; Tuck Ready
to Hurl Javelin.
The Oregon Aggies will again figure
prominently in the opening ceremonies
on Hayward field, for this afternoon the
Corvallis track team will meet the varsity
squad in the opening meet for the new
oval. The big dual contest is scheduled
to start promptly at 2:15 o’clock and, ac
cording to all the advance information
it will be one of the closest meets staged
between the two institutions in several
Trainer “Dad” Butler, of the Aggie
squad, puts in most of bis time in the
spring training season whipping his ath
letes into shape for the annual dual meet
with Oregon, but Trainer “Bill” Hay
ward is not making any predictions as
to the outcome, and it is probable that
some surprises will be sprung on the vis
iting team during the afternoon. The
Aggies are rated pretty strong this year
however, and Oregon’s showing against
the Washington team in Seattle last week
does not give Oregon any of the dope.
Fast Meet Expected.
The new track and pits on Hayward
field are in perfect condition and the ova)
is one of the finest on the Pacific coast
at present. With a perfect day today
everything will point to a fast meet and
a possibility of several coast records go
ing by the boards is not improbable. In
the first list, Arthur Tuck’s name was
omitted from the javelin entries. Tuck
will be entered in the javelin event, and
he may even beat his mark of 192; feet,
four inches, with which he broke the
Pacific coast record at Seattle last we,ek.
Hayward was uncertain last night
about placing Wyatt in the half-mile
event, as this will no doubt mean that
Oregon’s chances to win the relay will
he lessened. Wyatt has been running the
440 yard dash and it is possible that he
will not run in this event today but will
take part in the half mile. Other entries
are not settled, according to the Oregon
coach and trainer. The list is printed
below, but it is probable that a number
of changes may be made at the last
Little Known of 0. A.^C.
Little dope has been emanating from
tlie Aggie training quarters and just what
the comparative ability Of the entries will
be cannot be speculated on. Snook. Jen
nings and Cook are the entries tor the
sprints from Corvallis, while Larsen
Hemenway and Oberteuffer will take
care of the varsity sprint entries. Lar
son showed up even better than the Wash
ington sprinters at the dual meet at Se
attle and would have captured first place
in the 220 event had it not been for a
mistake on his part in judging the 100
yard finish post to be tlie finish post for
the 220-yard dash. He will no doubt
give the Aggies a hard race today, and
Hemenway and Oberteuffer are showing
(Continued on Page o.)
final Rehearsals Being Held This Morn
ing; Program Will Be
T'ne stage is set. tickets are selling and
Inst rehearsals are being held this morn
ing for the Junior vaudeville tonight.
Nothing but the final touches rematn to
he put on and all will be in readiness
for the prompt rising of the curtain at
■h: 1 •"> tonight, according to Arthur John
son, general chairman.
This afternoon at the track meet all
those who have not yet availed themsel
ves of the opportunity to purchase tick
ets before will have at their service a
group of pretty girls who will sell them
•Q \v number of tickets at the standard
Prices. Reserved seats may be secured
at the box office of the Eugene theatie
this morning.
The Junior vaudeville this year is
Promised to be one of the best attiac
tions of the year and unbelievers are ie
Tested by those in charge to look over
the program and see for themselves
Comedy is to be the keynote of produc
tion but there will be some musical and
artistic acts which will tend to make the
affair well-balanced throughout.
Washington ♦
won last ♦
The University of
negative debating team
night by a two to one decision from
the Oregon affirmative. Wash
ington was represented by Mildred
-Mnrthy and Margaret Gilbert while
4 Oregon s team was composed of
♦ Lair I me t oulter and Marjorie
♦ Stout. The judges were Willard I,.
Markf, of Albany. Prof. Charles
McKinley, of Reed, and Professor
Prank Snow, of O. A. C. The
question debated was: Resolved,
that the U. S. should maintain
a policy of opposition to Japanese
interference w’th Chinese sover
eignity. Late adavices from Seattle
indicate a defeat for the Oregon
debaters there.
♦ .
Sociologist Asks Girls to Work
For Community.
Ono of tho great needs in the United
States is to have a larger group of peo
ple in ordinary occupations who are
compelled to use their talents for the
public good, said Graham Taylor, one of
the foremost social service workers in
the country, in speaking on “Making
Your Occupation Your Calling,” at the
regular meeting of the Y\ W. C. A. Thurs
day afternoon. “The community will
serve you in the same proportion that
you serve them.” declared the speaker.
It is necessary for people to think
about the community and they should
make their occupation subservient to
their calling. Women are just as respon
sible now as the men and they must do
their share of the work. Whether in
building a home, or running a business,
it can be made to serve the community.
Mr. Taylor compared the city govern
ment with housekeeping. Mrs. Blaine, a
housekeeper and a property owner, help
ed in having an ordinance passed whereby
| it was compulsory to have plenty of light
and air in all bedrooms. She made her
occupation of house owner and house
keeper tributary to her calling as a Chi
cago citizen. Jane Adams was garbage
inspector in one of the Chicago dis
tricts, but at the same time she made
life in this part of the city more pleas
Teaching is getting to be unpopular
among college girls, they are looking for
a wider range. They should have this,
but there is a great opportunity in this
sort of work. “I wouldn’t let specialized
lines get a hold on your work ttoo soon
because it has a tendency to narrow
views. People in any occupation need
to know a lot about all other work and
it is necessary to have training in as
many different things as possible,” con
tinued Mr. Taylor.
College* people should he promt euuuS>.
to know that they should not.be narrow
minded. “You should take a more pro
phetie outlook on life.” he said smilingly
at this group of eollege women. You
can promote other things for the good of
the community and indirectly they will
have good results for the occupation that
you are in.” declared the speaker. Peo
ple simply can not be selfish.
T)r Taylor told some of his own per
sonal experiences to illustrate PociaT
work His family moved into the for
eign districts in Chicago and worked
with the people and brought their children
up in this community. “It was just the
same as going to a foreign country, and
T believe that all of my children have
had more experience and real help than
lots of the children who live in the best
communities.” Mr. Taylor said m con
leed and Wallace Also Officers of the
Chemistry Club.
Emerald Sloan, a junior in chemistry
elected president of the Chemists
Z at a meeting of that organization
'hursdav evening. Hugo Reed was chos
„ vice-president, and Ford Wallace sec
etary-treasurer. Reed and Wallace arc
i tumors in chemistry.
Gi nn Frank and Myrtle Anderson
^at this meeting elected to active
——i --
listed hv Glen Walker, gave an ex
remelv interesting and instructive lem
"e on “Radio-active Substances '»«
’heir Properties.” Professor
Another lecture Pr bob y ^
rz »-*•
his term.
/ Loeta Rogers Cast In, Part of
American Girl In
Comedy Features Especially
Good; Small Audiences
Attend Shows.
With Irene Stewart and Claire Keeney
playing opposite each other in the leads
and Leota Rogers and Ted Baker in the
ingenue and juvenile roles, respectively,
Oscar Wilde’k “A Woman of No Im
portance,” was given last night and
Thursday to small but appreciative audi
ences in 'Guild theatre.
Claire Keeney took the English char
acter part of Lord Illingworth with re
markable adaptability, being exceptional
as a college player in giving a realistic
interpretation of an English type instead
of portraying it as an American varia
tion. His work was the best of the en
tire cast in technique,, with perhaps an
exception in Irene Stewart, although she
did not play Mrs. Arbuthnot quite, as
convincingly English as did her partner.
In a strongly emotional part, she played
it to the fullest possibility, winning the
general approval of her audience.
in rue purr or an American gin, jjoern
Rogers found herself quite at home, al
though it is her first straight part this
year. Her interpretation was rather un
usual and her mannerisms and stage
presence were charming. While the type
i hat Wilde depicted is not perhaps par
ticularly typical of the American girl.
Miss Rogers played up to the variations
with exactness and precision.
Ted Raker took his biggest part this
winter as Gerald Arbuthnot, the best
juvenile role se^n in Guild theatre this
year from the popular view. He played
the part with assurance and made the
most of his difficult sceues.
Adding much to the humor and color
of the play were the parts of society la
dies played by Marion Taylor, Marian
Gilstarp, Doris Pittenger and Martha
Mr. Kelvil, M. P., Lord Alfred and Sir
John, played by Charlyle Goffreicre.
Harold Brown and Reuel Moore, respec
tively, were parts that helped round out
the play and give color and humor to the
whole performance. As the Reverend
Dr. Daubeny, Carl Miller drew" many
laughs with his odd intonations and dea
conish ways.
The parts of Francis and Alice, ser
vants, were played by” Darrell Larsen
and Helen Casey.
First Baseball Game In Which Both
Teams Have Not Scored;
Losers Cannot Hit.
Hendricks hall prevented Delta /eta
from making a single tally in the dough
nut game Thursday afternoon and ran
up a score of 45. This is the first game
in the series in which both teams have
not scored. Delta /eta all but touched
the home plate several times during the
game, but was not able to make any
headway against their opponents’ lineup.
Hie game was characterized by the fre
quent home runs hit by Hendricks.
Delta Zeta had previously won two
games, and with the Thursday game has
lost three. Hendricks is still undefeated
in the League II series. She has but
one more team to meet in the league,
the Kappas, who also have a record of
no losses. The Tri Delt-Theta game
was scheduled for Thursday night, but
both teams agreed to postpone it. until
next Monday afternoon. The lineups
were as followsi
Hendricks Hall
R. Wolff
E. Perry
V. Quinlan
L. Quinlan
O. Stolteuberg
I.. Kpitzenberger
F. Habersham
G. Murfin
H. King
E. Rawlings
Delta Zeta—
E. Lyall
L. Barger
B. Chatburn
A. t’hristie
G. Everett
G. King
N. Stevens
G. Smith
I. Glavey
L. Gregory
tuition to be changed.
University of Nevada. Reno, May 15.—
ie board of regents have decided to
ike a tuition charge of $50 for each
mester. beginning this fall, which will
,ply only to students coming to the
diversity from outside states.
Markham's Mother a Poet;
Verses of Each Printed on
Same Press, 72 Years Apart
Seveniy-'wc years ng^>, n poet, the
mother of n poet, wrote a verse on short
notice at Oregon City. Thursday even
ing the son, now a famous author, dupli
cated his mother’s feat—tinder circum
stances which make a story.
In the yiar 1S40, the family of Edwin
Markham ran a general store, nursery
and farm at Oregon City. The famous
poet, who told the story at a banquet
liven in his honor at the Osborn last
night, was then about five years old. He
was the youngest of 1- children, aud his
mother, in addition to her multitudinous
duties about the house and business,
found time occasionally to write poetry.
Oregon City was the literary center of
the northwest at that time, said Mr.
Markham, for it boasted, the first news
paper founded west of the Rockies and
also claimeed a poet. “It was for that
reason that I chose the_town for my
birthplace,” laughed the famous poet.
One day, the old-fashioned steamboat
whieli plied between Oregon City and
Portland, ran aground on a sandbar not
far below the falls, continued the speaker,
and for a time the swift current threat
ened to bring disaster to the stranded
vessel. Among” the people who quickly
gathered on shore to watch the boat’s
plight was the editor of the Oregon City
Spectator. He rushed here and there
and finally got most of the details of the
accident and by the time it was seen that
it was seen that the steamer would be
able to free herself and that the passen
gers would be saved he had everything
he needed for a story on the incident.
Hastening back to the office the editor
gave the shop foreman the story and
which it was being set he dashed off to
the Markham home. There he found
Mrs. Markham in lier witchen, and at
once demanded that she, as the town
poet, write a poem commemorating the
rescue of the passengers and ckvv from
the wreck. Taking a pencil she set her
self to the task and in a few minutes
had the desired poem, related Dr. Mark
ham, who was at her side as she wrote it.
The editor rushed back to his shop,
and the poem was quickly set up, placed
in the center of the page with the story,
and a number of copies run off on the
hand press. The enterprising newspa
per man then took a bunch of the papers
and hurried down to the landing, arriv
ing just ns the steamer eame in, nrul sold
the copies of the publication to the pas
sengers who read of their rescue in its
When the writer had finished his story.
Dean Eric W. Allen, of the school of
journalism, spoke up and said, “We
haven't lost our pep here in Oregon yet
and we can do anything now that they
did 70 years ago. If you are as good
a poet ns your mother, you can write a
poem for me now, inside of 10 minutes,
and I'll print it for you mid have copies
of it ready for distribution when you
have finished your talk on this even
ing’s program. What is more, I will
print it on the same press used by the
editor you tell of in your reminiscence.”
“I don’t know if I could make up a
poem on the moment, but how would a
quatrain that came into my head as 1
was coming into Eugene on the train
do?” replied Dr. Markham.
“That's fair enough,” agreed the dean,
“for your mother was probably thinking
of the rescue before the editor came.”*
Inside of 10 minutes the poet had
written out the following four-line verse
and hud given it. to Dean Allen:
“All my life long I praised my neigh
All of his life said only ill of me.
But I was well avenged, the world
Knew neither of us ever told the
Dean Allen at. once hastened to the
University press, and there the verse
was set up in type. He then locked it
up in a chase and took it; over to the
old Washington hand press in the shack
the very same press with which the Ore
gon City Spectator was printed years
ago, and ran off a number of proofs.
The dean then hastened to the Y. M
huf, where Dr. Markham was lecturing,
with half an hour to spare and at. the end
of the talk distributed copies of the poem
to members of the audience and gave a
number of them to Dr. Markham for
Thus it happened that |n incident of
181!) was re-acted 72 years later, with
a different setting and cause, perhaps,
but with everything else practically the
same. It also happens that this is the
first time that Dr. Markham has visited
Oregon since shortly after the time of
the first incident. History will repeat.
Junior Week-End Edition By
Fair Editors.
According- to an old custom of years
and years standing, the women in the
journalism department will print the Em
erald on the Saturday morning of Junior
Week-end without the assistance of
inert. All the activities of that week-end
will be covered entirely by women re
porters. Miss Mary Lou Burton has
been elected editor, and Eleanor Spall
business manager, and the assistants who
have been appointed are: aassociate ed
itor; Lyle Bryson; news editor, Wanna
McKinney, sport editor; Velma Rupert,
society editor, Pauline Coad; advertising
manager, Helen Dougherty, and head of
the copy desk. Annamay Bronaugh.
The work is done under the manage
ment of Theta Sigma Phi, women’s hon
orary journalism fraternity, and the staff
will include all the women reporters on
the Emerald staff, and other women who
are interested in writing.
The issue will be an eight-page edition,
and according to Miss Burton, will con
tain a special feature section, which will
be quite unlike that of former Emeralds
and a section of special interest to the
visiting high school students, which will
show them the work of the journalism
school, and give them a fair idea of what
the T'niversity stands for. Besides these
sections will be the daily news, and the
special events of the week-end, such as
the canoe fete, baseball games, tennis
matches and the track meet, all of which
will be covered by special writers.
T'ni'ersit.v of Nevada. Reno, May IT—
A holiday was gi anted the freshmen
class to enable them to fulfill the annual
custom of giving the famous Nevada “N”
its spring coat of whitewash. The “N”
is located on the mountains north of
Leading Man In Senior Play
Once Prince of Liars.
John Houston has hot $10,000 that he
will tell “nothing but the truth” for 24
hours and Everett Fixley, Lyle Bartho
lomew and Neil Morfitt have wagered
the same amount that, he can’t. Hous
ton is the same man who was rated as
“The Prince of Liars” last year—this is
one of the interesting situations in con
nection with the production of “Nothing
But the Tilth,” annual senior play, to
be produced at the Eugene Theatre,
Friday, May 20.
Houston’s stage name is Bob Bennett,
Fixley is a broker and Bartholomew and
Morfitt are his friends. Bob’s rash bet
gets him into all sorts of difficulty and
by the time the 24 hour limit is up
enough funny things have happened to
make “Nothing But the Truth” one of
the best plays ever attempted by a Uni
versity cast.
Dorothy Wootten is the wife of Ralston
(Pixley), the broker, and she causes her
share of good comedy. Marion Gilstrap
and Wanda Brown are chorus girls who
furnish the scandal in the play.
A grandfather clock has been ordered
from Portland and will play an import
ant part in the plot. Publicity is in the
hands of Lyle Bartholomew and Elmer
Pandell, who report considerable interest
being shown in the staging of the play.
The ticket sale will open Friday morn
ing and houses wishing to buy tickets will
have to have ther representatives in line.
A limitation on the number of tickets
allowed for each person will be made.
Prices will be 50 cents and one dollur.
State College of Washington, Pullman
May 15.—Alpha Zeta has decided to en
courage better scholarship in agriculture
by presenting a cifp each year to the man
1 in the freshman class who has the high
est scholastic standing.
Arthur Hicks, Lloyd Einlund,
Peter Spencer, Read Bain,
Other Officers.
Dean Sheldon Gives Talk On
Democracy; Warning
Note Sounded.
Oarl Bowman was elected president of
Piii Delta Kappa for the coming term of
office at a meeting of the men’s educa
tion fraternity at the Home of Professor
( . A. (iregory of the school of education.
Inst Thursday night.
Other officers ejected were: Rend Bain
vice-president; Peter TTpencer, corres
ponding secretary; Lloyd Enlnnd, record
ing secretary; Arthur Hicks, treasurer.
The officers who have just completed
their term of office are: Peter Spencer,
president; L. Douglass, corresponding
secretary; Lester (TIadden, recording sec
retary, and Lloyd Endun<l treasurer.
These men were the first officers of the
honorary organization, which was in
stalled on the campus last February
All the members of the faculty of tile
school of education were members of the
organization from other chapters.
.Lhe general subject for discussion at
Thursday’s meeting was the matter of
academic freedom in the high school, ac
cording to Professor Gregory, the prob
lem being: Has a high school teacher the
right to act and talk according to his
own views, and not in accordance with
the views of the public whose servant
he is?
“If a teacher deviates too much from
his community group,” said Dr. Gregory
in speaking of the discussion at the
meeting, “the group soon gets rid of
him. More teachers lose tbefr jobs
through being unable to get nlong in
their community than through not know
ing the subject which they teach.”
Head Bain, a graduate student in the
school of education, had charge of the
program. Besides Dean H. P. Sheldon.
Professor Kimball Voting, ,T. C. Almack,
Newton Bader, Verne Blue and Leo Coss
mnn made short addresses before the
members of the club, and all of the
twenty-odd members who were present
joined in the discussion.
“Most Americans believe in democracy
—unless they get elected to office or
mnko money,” said Dr. II. D. Sheldon
dean of the school of education, in his
talk on “What is Democracy?” lie wont
on to say that democracy is a thing to be
achieved, and is not a gift, of nuture, as
many Americans seem to regard it.
“Democracy is spiritual and ideal," he
said, “and still it. is a practical program.
Christianity has been the greatest demo
cratic force in history, not the creeds
and the sects, but the spirit of Christian
ity,” lie warned against the danger of
trying to run schools on the principles
of “big business.”
Both in our schools and" in our democ
racy we are prone to become engulfed
(Continued on Page 3.)
Program to Be Put On In Morning;
Journalism Fraternities
to Be Hosts.
At a conference of representatives of
Sigma Delta Chi honorary journalism fra
ternity, and members of the faculty of the
school of journalism in Dean Allen’s of
fice yesterday afternoon the time for the
first annual convention of the editors of
high school papers was set definitely for
9 o’clock Friday, May 20. This hour, it
was decided, would conflict less with the
activities of Junior Week-end which the
high school visitors will wish to^see, than
any other time.
The visitors, who are expected to
number 20 or 25, will be the guests of
the men’s and women’s honorary journal
ism fraternities while on the campus.
The program for the convention has not
yet been definitely arranged, and the de
tails will not be fixed for several days.
It is settled, however, that there will be
addresses by representatives of the high
school papers, of the Emerald, and of
the school of journalism faculty. Presi
dent Campbell will welcome the visitors.
The editors will organize a state high
school press association and, it is ex
pected, will meet annually at the school
of journalism.