Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 13, 1921, Image 1

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    SPEW PM 15 011 l
Dr. Graham Taylor Praises
Real Joy of Service
To Whole World
Americanization Work Termed
Particularly Important
At This Time.
A plea for the worker, the unfortunate
and the down-trodden which pointed out
the obligations the cultured owe to the
lower strata of society, and assurance of
the joy to the giver which this service
brings, was made by Doctor Graham
Taylor, of Chicago, leader among Ameri
can sociologists, who talked to the stu
dent body Thursday morning. During
this talk he gave advice gleaned from
a 2ti year study of the problems of the
Chicago slums.
Living, working and learning for years
in the very heart of the congested slum
district of Chicago—the seventeenth
ward—Doctor Taylor has carried on a
work of Americanization and service to
the poor that can be compared to the
great and uplifting efforts of Jane Ad
ams at Hull House, to whom the Doctor
paid a glowing tribute.
“Don’t Be Self-Centered.”
“Do not allow yourself to become self
centered,” the speaker told his student
audience. “Think of the needs and the
sorrows of others, you owe society for
the education you are receiving here and
when you leave this institution you
should endeavor to return in a measure
some of the benefits you have received.”
“Service to your fellow-man will bring
a joy to your life, will broaden and ex
pand your sphere of influence and en
large your capacity. It will give a di
rection to your purpose in life and leave
you a fuller and more commanding out
look and a richer American and Christian
character.” he declared.
Advising his hearers to go forth and
serve the community, the Doctor warned
them of the uselessness and pity of the
impractical social worker who knows
nothing of the problems of the people
and yet attempts to alleviate their suf
Touching upon the problems of the
radical propagandist and the reactionary
conservative, the speaker declared that
the latter is the more dangerous of the
two. “VVe can easily take care of the
former,” he declared, “ho is harmless,
hut the reactionary and his subtle work 1
must, be curbed. America is becoming
too timed concerning these enemies with
in her gates and we must discourage the
advancement to places of power of such
(Continued ou Page 4.)
Salem Has Two Wins; Another Would
Give Permanent Possession
of Trophy.
i The final debates in the Oregon high
school debate contests will be held May
~0, Friday of Junior Week-end. at 2
o clock. The finals will he triangular, in
g that they will be between the three neg
ative and three affirmative members of
the winning teams, and will be held in
the Y but. the assembly room of Oregon
hall and the assembly room of the Uni
versity high. Spectators are to be ad
i niitted only to the final debates; all
spectators are burred from the elimina
■ tion contests.
The contests will be unusually lively
this year due to the fact that Salem has
held the cup for two years and if sue-'
cessful in taking the debates at this
, time will be the permanent owner of the
cup. If this should happen, another cup
| would have to be bought. Professor K.
Jv Dot ou first offered the silver cup for
the debate competition.
Week-End And Vaudeville
Plans Finally Complete
“Plans for Junior Week-end are pro
gressing rapidly,” said Ogden Johnson,
general chairman of the celebration, in
a report at a meeting of the junior class
held Tuesday evening. All the commit
tees are working hard. Johnson says, and
plans are being made for one of the big
gest Junior Week-ends ever held on the
Arthur Johnson, general chairman of
the junior vaudeville, spoke of final
plans that are being made for that en
tertainment. F.leven big acts arc sched
uled. varying from musical comedy to
juggling. Everyone who attends the vau
deville is promised an entertaining even
ing. Tickets for the show were distrib
uted by Johnson.
A discussion was held on the bronze
memorial, which it has been suggested
that the juniors combine with the seniors
in giving to Kincaid field. No definite
decision was reached.
The suggestion was made, and left,
with members of the class to thing over,
that the senior class play next year be
taken from the play-writing class in the
University if a suitable one can be ob
Alfred Powers, head of visual instruc
tion, left yesterday morning for Portland
(and Salem. In the latter place lie will
! attend to affairs in connection with the
University’s exhibit at tin* Oregon State
Fair. John C. Almaek left today for
Portland where lie will meet with the
committees on investigation which are
holding a conference at the Portland
hotel this week.
Zippy Novelties Abound
on Junior Stunt Program j
1'nusual sounds emanated from the
music building last uiglit. according to
passers-by. Wierd screams of a jazz
clarinet mixed with the nasal groan of
a slide trombone, diluted with a violin
and banjo, and well shaken by a piano
and drums before being taken by the aud
itor seemed to constitute, in the final
analysis, the cause of the uproar.
It was not the result of a tonal argu
ment in a class in musical depreciation,
however, but was Carl Newbury’s or
chestra getting in trim for the Junior
'audeville, explains Arthur Johnson, in
charge of the affair. This orchestra
"dl be the opening number of the bill
"hen the curtain rises at the Eugene
theatre Saturday night. A new brand of
brand-new, Huey jazz blues, is being
cooked up by Newbury’s crew of long
"rnded musicians and this aggregation is
expected to start things off with a zip.
says Johnson.
Acts to please everybody from the low
cst frosh down to the deans themselves
are promised by the management. Sev
eral new songs and some clever parodies
"ill be introduced, it is said, and there
"ill he burlesque, musical comedy, ballads
and juggling. One of the head-liners is
a musical comedy entitled “Maison i
-Ifario. written and directed by Marion j
Cilsrrap. George Stearns and Martha Ann j
dee. This number has a cast of 25
singers and dancers.
A great many original local and Broad
"a' Novelties will be staged during the
C'ening, say those working on the pro
(faction. The costumes are all new and
the lighting will be handled by George
,1’asto, whose work has wou considerable
comment during the year.
The program for the vaudeville has
been given out as follows:
A. —'Carl Newbury’s Jazz orchestra.
B. —Billie Wilson and Art Johnson, in
a musical celange, assisted by Bernice
Alstock. Marion Lay. Marian Linn, Lil
lian Manorud and Nancy W ilson.
C. —The University of Oregon Sculp
ture club presents their stupendous bur
lesque. entitled “King Pharoah’s Court
and the Release of the Children of Is
rael,” in two acts and an interlude.
F>;—Character studies in clay, pro
duced by the Sculpture club.
j?_Mildred LeCompte in an aesthetic
interpretation of Oregon pep.
F. —Germaine Dew. juggling.
G. _Alberta Potter. Agnes Kennedy
and Aurora Potter, trio.
jX._McLean and Loomis, eccentricities j
I.—Frank Jue. tenor.
.X._Mnison Marie, a musTcal comedy.
Cast: Suzanne, a maid. Serena Shute:
Jean, a messenger. Eunice Cowgill; Ma
rie. a modiste. Hildegarde Repinen; Ara
bella. an old girl. Martha Ann Rice: Des
demonia. Marion Gilstrap; Bill, a coun
try boy. Marion Ady: Models. Madeline
Slotboom. Mildred Lauderdale, Margaret
Fell, Bernice Snell. Nell Gaylord. Claire
Thornbury, Marvel Skeels. Valiere Cof
fey. Phoebe Gage. Emma Garbade, Mar
garet Mathison. Catherine Bain; society
girls. Helen Ball, Margaret Smith, De
mon Povey, Margaret Alexander.
Lyle Bartholemew Wins Race
forA.S.U.O. President by Wide
Margin; Winnard Is Vice-Pres.
Changes Made In Personnel Of
Probation Group
Faculty committee appointments for
the coming year have been made by
President Campbell and announcement of
the new members was made in a bulletin
issued Wednesday. A total of 32 ap
pointive and one elective committees are
given on the list.
The members of the new probation
committee are Professors Dyment, .Shel
don, W atson, Shinn, and McDougle. with
Mr. Spencer as secretary. On the mili
tary credits committee are Professors
Howe. Allen and Boyntop and the com
mittee on military training is composed of
Professors Hale Thaelier, Yocum and
Baird, Dr. Sawyer, Mr. Onthank and Mr.
On the athletics committee, Professors
f to we, Hayward and Bovard have been
appointed. Graduation deficiencies are to
be cared foil by Professors Allen. Bovard,
McAlister, Cloran and Bolitho. Class
advisers for the year will be: Seniors,
Miss Dobie and Professor Crockatt; jun
iors, Frofessors Lomax and Perkins;
sophomores. Professors Timelier and
AVatson; freshmen, Deans Straub and
The new student advisory committee
has its membership made up of Deans
Straub, Fox. Dyment and Bobbins, with
Mr. Onthank as secretary. Student liv
ing will be cared for by Professors Bo
vard, Crockatt, Edgington, Robertson
and Mclljougle, with Deans Fox and
Straub as advisory members.
The membership of the comdiittee to
award the Gerlinger cup is given as
Deans Fox and Straub. Mrs. A. C. Dix
on, Mrs. F. M. Wilkins. Mrs. P. L.
Campbell, the president of the student
body and the president of the Wro man’s
league. The Koyl cup award will be de
termined by Dean Straub. Professors Lo
max. Dunn, Huntington and Crockatt.
Special students will be cared for by
Professors DeCou, Shinn, IT. A. Clark,
Watson and Folts. Anyone interested in
the personnel of any of the other com
mittees may learn who is on them by
asking almost any faculty member.
“A Woman of no Importance”
Has Small Audience
Playing before a small audience, Oscar
Wilde’s comedy, “A Woman of Xo Im
portance” was featured by the clover
work of Loeta Rogers and Claire Keen
ey, The acting, of Irene Stewart and Ted
Baker was also commendable. The play
was presented last night in Guild ball
under the auspices of the University
Company under the direction of Fergus
.Vs a*typical English lord, with his
love for fun and conversation with the
ladies. Claire Keeney won the applause
of the autdieneo time after time. Loeta
Rogers, playing opposite, under the name
of Hester Worsley. is a charming Ameri
can girl who has made her way in Eng
lish country society. The trouble starts
when she refuses to allow Lord Ulirigs
worth to kiss her.
Lady Caroline, played by Martha Rice
is an always present person who is prone
to talk incessantly and in a loud tone of
In addition to these the cast includes
Doris I'ittenger. Marion Gilstrap. Marion
Taylor. Reuel Moore, Carl Miller. Char
lyle Goffreiere. Helen Casey, Harold
Brown and Darrell Darson.
The comedy will be presented tonight
for the second time at the same place.
Phi Theta Kappa announces the pledg
ing of Margaret Reatie. Alice Curtis.
Jean Mitchell. Eloise White. Frances
Peterson and Audrey Perkins.
Floyd Maxwell Defeats John Dierdorff For
Editor of Emerald in Exciting Contest;
Helen Carson Elected Secretary ,
And Oberteuffer Yell Leader
Lyle Bartholemew
Norton Winnard
Helen Carson
Executive Council. Junior .Man—
Ralph Couch
Executive Council. Senior Woman—
Wanna McKinney
Student Council, Senior Men—
Arthur Campbell
Maurice Eben
James Say
Student Council, Senior Women—
Alice Evans
Mildred Ferguson
Student Council, Junior Men—
“Tubby” Ingle
Guy Koepp
Student Council. Junior Woman—
Imogene Letcher
Student Council, Sophomore Man—
Jason McCune
Editor, Oregon Daily Emerald—
Floyd Maxwell
Editor, Oregana—
Inez King
Veil Leader—
Del Oberteuffer
“Hank” Foster Selects 20
Men For Meet Saturday.
About 20 frosli trackmen will leave for
Corvallis Saturday morning to compete
•or honors with the O. A. C. Rook ag
gregation in the afternoon. Aecoording
to “Hank” Foster, the O. A. C. yearlings
have a last bunch and the freshmen will
have to put everything they have into it
to hold their own against them.
Heretofore in the various meets only
about 12 men were allowed to represent
the class, hut Saturday’s event will give
some of those who have not yet had a
chance to participate an opportunity to
show what they can do.
The relay was scheduled to be a half
mile, but Foster received word yesterday
afternoon that it had been changed to a
mile. This will necessitate a change in
I he plans and in the lineup of relay
men, which does not increase the chances
>f the freshmen winning.
Dodge and Wright, milers for the
Rooks, arc1 formidable contenders for
first place in that event, while Gearheart
and Crippen are to be feared in the
sprints. In the quarter mile, Stearns
)ids fair to place against the frosh. In
the field events, Garity is apt to cause
some uneasiness in the ranks of the
At all events, Foster’s men are in
?ood condition and are willing to do their
it most to bring the spoils of the contest
luck with them.
The events and the men who will par
ticipate in them follow:
100 yard dash. Cook. Ohio and Grilley
220 yard dash. Ohio and Grilley.
410 yard dash. Kisley and Covalt.
8,SO yard run. Beatie and McCone.
Mile, Gardiner. Grahm and Whitcomb
Low hurdles, Rosebraugh, Campbell.
Broad jump. Rosenberg. Spearow.
Relay, Risley, Rosebraugh, Cook and
High jump, Campbell, Rosenberg
Discus throw. McGraw. Parsons.
Shot put. McGraw, Parsons.
.Tavelin. Parsons.
Pole vault, Rosenberg. Spearow.
Winning the first six events. Doc Boil
er’s green track squad walked away from
lie Idaho team to the tune of 70 to 52
n the season’s meet, and clapped the eli
nax on a week already holding three
taseball victories. ? ft i
James Say, Arthur Campbell
And Maurice Eben to be
Seniors on Council
j < 'onsiderable dope was smashed, and
| many hot contests waged for the various
1 offices, during yesterday’s election of A.
j S. I'. O. officers for the coining year,
the final results of which were announced
at (>:.‘!() last evening. Lyle Bartholomew,
successful candidate for the position of
president, took the lend early in the
j game, and when the final count,came
| cut, was elected by a two to one major
j :ty. Norton Winnard’s margin of votes
j ever his opponent increased steadily as
' the count was being made, and the final
J tally gave him the office by a majority of
> over 200 votes.
The positions of secretary of the A. S.
V. O.. editor of the Oregon Daily Emer
ald. senior women on the student coun
cil, senior woman on the executive coun
cil, and junior men on the student coun
cil, developed into the hottest races.
Maxwell Wins Editorship.
For editor of the Emerald, Maxwell
won from Dierdorff by the narrow mar
gin of 17 votes. This race was uncertain
from start to finish, us Dierdorff was
in the lead at 5 o’clock, and no one knew
who the successful man would be until
the final tally was posted.
Helen Carson, A. S. TJ. O. secretary
for the coming year, ended the race with
a majority of 20 votes over Marvel
Skoals. Only a slight lend was main
tained during the entire count.
Alice Evans secured the most votes
for senior woman on the student, coun
cil, having 460 to her credit. Mildred
Ferguson came in as a close second, with
47)5 votes to her credit.
Wanna McKinney, winner of the race
for senior woman on the executive eoun
Continued on I’nge Four.
- j
Lurline Coulter and Marjorie
Stout Represent Oregon.
The University of Washington girls’
negative debate team is expeeted early
today, as tonight at 8:15 in the V. W.
<A. hut they will meet the University
of Oregon team in a final debate which
will end a two-year contract with that
university. The negative Oregon team
left yesterday morning for Seattle. Our
line Coulter and Marjorie Stout are the
members of the affirmative team for
Oregon that will debate here, while Jen
nie Perkins and Wanda Daggett repre
sent Oregon in Seattle. The question is
“Resolved, That the United States should
maintain a policy of opposition to Jap
anese interference with Chinese sover
The men who have been selected to
judge the Oregon affirmative team here
are Willard U Marks, attorney from Al
bany! Charles McKinley, assistant pro
fessor of politics at Reed College, and
Frank Snow', professor of political
science at O. A. C. Professor W. M.
Michael, of the public speaking depart
ment, .will act as chairman of the de
This is the first time that Marjorie
Stout has done any debating work while
in the University, but Uurline Coulter, a
freshman, debated against O. A. C. last
fall. Jennie Perkins is a senior in the
University, and although she has not
debated on the Oregon campus before,
she has taken part in club debates at the
1 niversity of Washington and also de
bated while at the University of Idaho.
Wanda Daggett, a junior, has been prom
inent in debate all of tier three years at
the University. The first tw-o years in
the University, she debated on the Hen
dricks hall team and for the last two
years for varsity.
nu loi.
Errors Give Visitors Four Run
Lead In Second; Oregon is
Unable To Recover
Bohler Makes Shift In Line-up;
Uses Jacobberger at Short
and Reinhart in Field.
Two clean liits, a three-bngger aud a
two-bagger, two costly errors and two
men hit. by a pitched ball in the second
inning gave the Cougars a four-run lead
off which the varsity could not overtake
and when the final score was clinlked up
Oregon had one run while the visitors
had amassed seven. Carl Knudsen start
ed on the mound for the Lemon-Yellow
nine but was substituted for at the start
of the third frame, .laeobson going in
on the mound and pitching'good ball
until the latter part of the game, when
the visitors solved the mystery of some
of his twisters and succeeded in getting
six bingles in the last four innings.
The varsity touched Skadan up for a
total of five hits during the contest,
bunching two of these together in the
seventh inning, when Bill Reinhart was
P'tt across for the lone score of the game
for the Lemon-Yellow. Tn the seventh
Reinhart singled into center field, Knud
sen advancing him to third on a clean
hit. and Gamble’s sacrifice fly to the out
field bringing Reinhart, across the plate.
Errors Are Numerous.
Terrors were numerous on the part of
the varsity and as the game before, it
was from this source that the Cougars
took their win. Ten errors were made
by the varsity nine, while the visitors are
not credited with making a single error
during the game.
The Cougars put One run across in the
seventh and two in the eighth inning, to
bring their total up to seven. Sandberg
got on in the seventh on another Oregon
error and Mueller singled to bring him
across the plate. Tn the eighth frame.
McDonald, for the visitors, made first on
an error and came home when Rockey
nadc a clean hit for two bags, into the
eft outer garden. Bray then singled
and scored Roeke.v, making it one earned
run for the inning.
Roberts, of the visitors, and Reinhart,
'or the varsity, each figured in a pretty
(Continued on Page 4.)
More Than Dozen Mon Already Signed
to Attend Annual Conference
From Oregon.
Stereoptieon slides showing scenes nt
the annual Northwest Y. M. C. A. con
ference which is held at Seabcck, Wash
ington. every year, wore shown to a group
of men at the Y. hut Wednesday even
ing by Dale Seamen, Pacific coast student
More than n dozen men from Oregon
have already signed up to attend the
conference, which will he held the week
after examinations. The number as
signed to Oregon was (10.
The delegation will be headed by Hal
Donnelly, secretary of the campus as
sociation. who is also a field secretary
of the conference. Mr. H. A. Dillon, of
the Portland V. M. C. A., spoke to the
men and urged that difficulties be over
come in order to make the trip.
Karpcnstein. Andrew; Karpenstein.
Henry; Kearns. Donald ('.; Keeler, Kill
ian i E.; Kelley. Edwin H.; Kirtle.v, Edwin
I..; Knight, Leonard O.; Knipps. El
mer W.; Langlois, Kodney It.; Lapham.
Evan G.; Larsen, Darrell D.: Leonard,
Clyde W.; Lervill, Leonard L.; LeVee,
Glenn L.; Lewis, Elmer L.: Loomis.
Archie It.; Lucas, Charles F.; Lucas,
Marvin K.; Lutz, Linley H.; Lyons, Dan
iel E.: MrRee. Gilbert: McConnell, Har
old; McGraw. Troy I,.: McCulloek, Mark
B.: McCune, Jason C.; McHaley. Ken
neth <!.: MeTnturff. David; McKennett,
Robert: McKeown, Raymond P.; MeKib
hin, William F.; McLean, Mac M.; Mc
Millan. William A.; McPherson. Donald
E.; McRae. Lloyd K.; Mack, Arthur H.;
Marshall, Willard C.; Martin. Linden;
Maxwell. Leonard T.; May, James R.;
Meek, James A.; Meek, Wayne; Merri
field, Acie C.; Matzelaar, Louis S.