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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1921)
NO. 120. SIGMA DELTA PHI IS FIRST IN GRADE 1IST Phi Delta Phi Second Winter Term With 2.80 Record For RISE IN SCHOLARSHIP GENERAL ON ‘CAMPUS Highest House Rose Eight Places Over Standing For First Term Sigma Delta Phi local sorority won first place for scholarship last term, according to the comparative grade list of the registrar. Phi Delta Phi law fra ternity stood first among the men’s or ganizations, with Friendly Hall, men’s dormitory, taking best place in the list of men’s general houses. Alpha Phi was first among women’s national sororities, and third in the entire field; Alpha Tan Omega first of the men’s nationals, and twelfth in the field. The general aver age for women’s houses was 3.25, and for men’s houses 3.64. In compiling the grades, authorities averaged all the marks for each house student by hours of work taken, aud then averaged all the student standings for each house. House in which honors count zero, marks from one to five are passing, conditions arc counted as six, and failures at seven. In the race for scholastic honors for the term, former records have availed little, and many houses noted for good grades have fallen far below their competitiors, while others have been spurred on by failure to higher achievement. Sigma Delta Phi, the win ner of the past term, rose from eighth place during the first term, with an av erage of 3.16. to first with 2.66. Tightening of scholastic standards at the University has been accompanied by a general raising of grades on the part of the students, a result which has been confidently expeetfed. Thus, while last term there was only one house with an average of less than 3.00, there are five this term which have made an average tetter than that. Alpha Phi, Delta Gamma, and Alpha Delta Pi, women’s nationals, which stood first, second, and third in their present list during the first term, fell during the past term to third, thirteenth, and fifth, respectively. Chi Psi, Sigma Nu, and De!ta Tau Delta, which* were first, sec ond. and third the first term, among men’s nationals, are now fourth, seventh, ami ninth, respectively. The complete list of organizations follows?' 1.—Sigma Delta Phi .2.66 ‘ 2.—Phi Delta Phi .2.80 3. —Alpha Phi..2.S6 4. —Ivi Beta Phi ....’..2.95 5. —Alpha Delta Pi .2.97 6. —Kappa Alpha Theta.3.01 7. —Hendricks Hall .3.10 8. —Friendly Hall.3.11 9. —Kappa Kappa Gamma .3.20 10. —Gamma Phi Beta .3.23 11. —Delta Delta Delta .3.32 12. Alpha Tau Omega .3.37 13. —Delta Gamma .3.38 11.—Delta Zeta . 3.41 15. —Haley Cottage .3.43 16. —Phi Sigma Pi .3.57 17. —Kappa Theta Chi .3.58 18. —rhi Delta Theta .3.61 19. —Beta Theta Pi .3.62 20. —Chi Omega .3.67 21. —Delta Theta Phi .3.71 22. —Zeta Rho Epsilon .3.72 23. —Clii Psi .3.73 21.—Phi Gamma Delta.3.74 25. —Kappa Sigma .3.79 26. —Sigma Nu .3.80 27.—Sigma Chi .3.85 28. —Thacher Cottage .3.86 29. —Delta Tau Delta .3.91 30. —Sigma Alpha Epsilon .4.02 31. —Bachelordon Club .4-08 IVomen .3.25 Men .3.64 General average of houses.3.455 PULLMAN SCHOOL SURVEY MADE. State College of Washington. Pullman. Wash., April 27.—A comprehensive edu cational survey of the Pullman public school system has recently been complet ed by Dr. C. W. Stone, assisted by other members of the faculty of the department °f education, members of advanced class es, and several professors from other departments. This survey extended over a school year and included an investiga tion of the heating, lighting, humidity, and playground facilities of the different buildings, as well as of the scholastic forkings of the schools. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ WOMEN S DEBATE RESULTS ♦ OF LAST NIGHT'S SERIES ♦ Affirmative: Negative: ♦ Hendricks Hall 2, Alphi Phi I. ♦ Oregon Club 3, Zeta Rho 0. ’ ♦ Alpha Phi 3, Gamma Phi 0. ♦ Chi Omega I, Oregon Club 2. ♦ Zeta Rho 3, Alpha Delta 0. Gamma Phi 0, Chi Omega 3. ♦ Alpha Delta 0, Hendricks Hall 3. Fare and One-half Secured For Week-end. Invitations for Mother's Day exorcises at the University are out. today and will be distributed on the campus at the var ious houses before noon. People living outside of living organizations will be able to get invitations at the rear door of Villard ball before assembly or at the office of the alumni secretary. Lyle Bartholomew, chairman of the committee for Mother’s Day. urges that the invitations be sent, at once in order that the approximate number of guests may be known and provided for. Iuvi tations to the number of 1600 have been printed, so that everyone will be enabled to send one to his mother. The invita tions bear a program of the week-end and an announcement of the fare and one-half rates which have been secured from all railways. A box will be placed in the library for the answers, which every student is ex pected to report on as soon as possible. MEETS IN FIR BOSTON U. of O. Grads Hold Reunion At Nan’s Kitchen. At Boston, Massachusetts, on April 30, Nan’s Kitchen will hear the glory of old Oregon. Nan’s Kitchen—it is down on Oxford terrace—a little alley off of Huntington avenue. But they are going to know that in the east there is a group of men and women, loyal still to the days spent at the IT. of O. For it is at Nan’s Kitchen that the Oregon Club, made up of Oregon students in the east, is to give its reunion dinner party this year. Lamar T'ooze, ’16, whose present ad dress is Cambridge, Mass., is in charge of the arrangements. The story of the coming dinner party is brief—and it is told on the announcement cards. Sev eral of them have been received on the campus. They read: The Oregon Club will give a dinner party. Saturday evening. April 30, at Nan’s Kitchen, 10 Oxford Terrace, Bos ton. Dinner will be served promptly at T p. m. To reach Nan’s Kitchen, take Huntington Avenue car and get off at Public Library. Oxford Terrace is a small street leading off Huntington Ave nue between the Hotel Oxford and Hunt ington Chambers. Tax ,$1.50 a plate. Election of officers for 1021-22. Please notify Lamar Tboze not later than Thursday, April 28, if you wi\l be there.' Plates will be reserved only for those from whom notifications are re ceived. BOY’S AND GIRL’S CLUBS BELIEVE IN ADVERTISING “Stop! See My Turkeys,” Say Posters Being Sent Out By State Club Leader. Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis April 26—Boys’ and girls’ club members in the state believe in advertising. “Stop! Club members live here. See nv turkeys.” . This is the type of invitation being placed in conspicuous places inviting travelers to see cooking, sheep, sewing ,r any of the 15 projects carried on by 30v and girl club members in Oregon, [n a few days such posters will be placed „ all sections of the state, according to El. C. Seymour, state club leader, who is HOW mailing the posters. “These posters aid club leaders m fiud „g homes of dub workers,” said. Mr Sevmour. “and put the country boys and Tiris in touch with the outer world, for ’minv persons are interested in the pro jects and will stop to see the workers. Hub members delight in showing ther e sults of their efforts to visitors." Women's Building Dedication, Marking 50 Years' Progress, Will Surpass Those of Past Portland Symphony Orchestra Will Give Exten sive Program in Women’s Building as Part of Opening Exercises; Or ganization 11 Years Old. Turn to your calendars and your date hooks. Encircle the first Saturday ir May in red or some other conspicuous sign of reservation, for that is going to be a memorable day on the campus. It s like this. The University of Ore gon doesn’t often have a chance to dedi cate a $300,000 building. The one such opportunity that has eoftic in nearly a half a century of growth and progress will be marked by an all-day program that is fitting in every way. It was a great day for the pioneers when Deady was dedicated back in the seventies. Old-timers still talk, about the cornerstone and the dedication of Vil lard. When The Pioneer was unveiled Scribners Magazine in New York took note of it. Just a week ago the Univer sity was presented with a great law library. Put the crowning occasion of all will be May 7. when the Women’s building will be dedicated and formally turned over to the public. Lije Applegate, whittling by the gro cery store stove and subscribing gener ously to Deady, has come down in his tory. But there is a tablet in the Wo men’s building holding the names of a large •number of Oregon citizens, many of whom have outdone Lije Applegate in generosity. There will be three parts to the all-day MSS. BECK TO TEDCH 3 COURSES IN MUSIC Summer Term Work to Cover Boys’ Voice Problems. Classes given by Mrs. Anna Landsbury Beck in the teaching of public school music, for which no special fee will be required other than the regular regis tration fee, will be one of the attractions c£ the summer term. Three courses will be given, including elementary school music, which covers all the grades through the sixth, ad vanced public school music, covering the seventh and eighth grades and on through the high school, and a course in the his tory and appreciation of music. “The problem of the unchanged boy voice will be a feature of the elementary music class,” said Mrs. Beck, in speak ing of the work to be covered in the summer term. “All the problems of these grades, from the first through the sixth, will be dealt with, including the problems of the rural school. “r! be boy’s changed voice will be an extensive feature in the work for the teachers of upper grade and high school music.” continued Mrs. Beck, “while the high school work will cover chorus, sight singing, history and appreciation and all the other phases of high school music. Tno use of the talking machine in both grades and high school will be fully de veloped. This course is particularly suited to public school teachers, os it is a thorough treatment and demonstration of oorrect 'methods for these school years." Mrs. Beck explained the course in his tory end apprecation of music by saying i|,ar it would be a course of lectures, to gether with supplementary research work, dealing with the evolution of music, its relation to other arts and sciences, and its place in a liberal education. Mrs. Beck stated that a considerable part of the time would be devoted to the problem i of intelligent listening, that this course was recommended to those who wish to increase their capacity for appreciation and enjoyment of musical literature, and are desirous of knowing upon what grounds and upon what measure a mu sical work is to be judged. “\o prerequisite work in music is re quired.” Mrs. Beck said in reference to this course, “and it is open to any#stu derit at the University during the sum mer term.” Plans are in progress for a summer course of music at Eugene, which will probably include instruction in piano, voice, and violin. program. The morning program will be gin at 10 o'clock and continue till 12. The afternoon program will start at 2:30. Then there will be the evening program, beginning at 8:30. When the committee was considering what would be the very best thing for the evening, there was unanimity of choice that the Portland Symphony Or chestra provide the musical entertain ment. And the Portland Symphony Or chestra, with Carl Denton, conductor, and David Campbell, soloist, is coming. The faculty and students of the Uni versity, the people of Eugene, and the numerous guests of the day, will have the opportunity of enjoying the follow ing program: 1. —Adagio, Allegro Molto. 2. —Largo. 3. —Scherzo. 4. —Allegro con Fuoeo. Intermisson. Valse Trieste, (Sibelius). Preludium, (Jarnfcldt). Concerto for Pianoforte, No. 1, in B Flat, Minor, Opus 23, (Tschaikowsky). Allegro non Troppo e Molto Maestoso. Allegro con Spirito. Andantino Semplice. Allegro con Fuoeo. Symphonic Poem, “Les Preludes,” (Liszt). The concert will be held in the Wo men's building. Tickets are already on sale at the Co-Op, Kuykendall’s Drug Store, the office of the alumni secretary and by representatives of various campus organizations. General admission will be one dollar, and reserved seats a dollar and a half and two dollars. These low prices arc made possible by the fact than the orchestra itself is paying .$1000 to wnrd the expenses of the concert. The Portland Symphony Orchestra, which is rightly called Oregon’s own or chestra, is now the only one in the north west. It was organized in 1910. Of the original 54 men who were members at its inception, 19 are still playing with the orchestra. This is an unusual re cord, for in many of the larger and older orchefetras the members varies to quite an extent. Naturally this extended associa tions tends toward an understanding that makes for an ensemble that could not be acquired in a shorter interval. 0. A. C. Too Busy to Arrange For Contest. The girls’ swimming meet with O. A. C., which was to have taken place in May, lias been cancelled, according to Miss Winslow, swimming instructor, ow ing to the fact that O. A. C. is too busy with other sports to arrange for such a contest. There will, however, be an exhibition toward the latter part of May, when those who are taking swimming will give a program including fancy diving, various strokes and even an exhibition showing how hard it is to drown, that is, with a life guard near who knows the proper method of rescuing drowning persons. There are not enough people taking swimming, says Miss Winslow. There is lots of room, a fine new pool and only about 180 students who are taking ad vantage of it, and she says it is a shame to waste the poo] in that way. The pool is open every Tuesday and Thursday from '■> to 5:00 to everyone who has paid their $1.25 gymnasium fee, which pays for the laundry of the suits and towels. Those who are not registered for credits in swimming must pay their fee at the business office and present the receipt to the swimming in structor. Besides Tuesday and Thursday after noons, there is room for advanced swim I mers on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:40 a. in. and 4:50 p. m., for be ginners on the same days at 11:10 and 2:10, and for intermediates at 2:50. Miss Frances Moore, assistant in structor and life guard, and Miss Marion Nicoali, life guard, are on duty at the tank on these days. 4444444444444444 ♦ 4 4 OREGON BEATS WHITMAN 4 4 IN YESTERDAY’S GAME 4 4 Whitman College, Walla Walla, 4 4 Wash., April 27.—(P. I. N. S.)— 4 4 The University of Oregon baseball 4 4 team defeated the Whitman aggro- 4 4 gation here today by the score of 4 4 9 to 3. 4 44444444444444444 106 DOZEN DOUGHNUTS DEVOURED BY STUDENTS Theta Sigma Phi’s Score Hit With Novel Sale; $40 Netted for Regis ter Fund. “Yum, Yum! Give me two more please.” “Aren’t they just the best you ever tasted?” “Yes, just like mother used to make.” “Lend me a dime, can’t you? I want some more doughnuts.” Such were the comments of University students who were so fortunate ns to get one or more (and many got six), of those wonderful doughnuts that the Theta Sigma Phi girls sold yesterday. Never have such doughnuts appeared on the Oregon campus and never have such sunny smiles accompanied them. “We had the most fun out of it,” is jthe way the girls reported their venture. They got more fun out of it, however, because they sold 106 dozen. Can you imagine 106 dozen doughnuts nil in one great pile? That is what they started with and they were out before 12, with many hungry students clnmoring for more. Theta chapter of Thet.n Sigma Phi cleared nearly $40 for their Register Fun through the doughnut sale, but they did more than that. They most certainly “started something” because University students are demanding that they “do it again.” The girls have made no promises, but the demand for more doughnuts is growing rapidly. Those who aided with the sale were Annamay Bronaugh, chairman; Lyle Bry son, Velma Rupert, Mary Ellen Bailey, Mary Lou Burton, Wanna McKinney, Mrs. Lynn McCready. Mrs. Thomas Lur remorc, Eleanor Spall and Pauline Coad. GIRL TOSSERS PUY l GAMES OF SERIES Sigma Delta Phi and Susan Campbell Hall Win. Sigma Delta Phi and Delta Gammrf defied the wetherman Tuesday after noon and played their first game in the doughnut baseball series out on the new diamond. Sigma Delta Phi won the game 31 to 7. Susan Campbell hall iiad little difficulty in running up 8tt points against Chi Omega’s 22, in the outdoor gymnasium. The Susan Campbell Chi Omega game was fairly close until the last innings when the former forged ahead, by means of several hits which would have been good for home runs had not the south ern wall of the outdoor gymnasium sent them bounding back into the hands of the fielders. The Sigma Delta Phi team kept consistently ahead of the Dplta Gammas and the score Was not close at any point in the game. Although the teams have not been organized very long, they show a fair degree of team work and the series promises to he one of the most interesting ever played The line-ups were as follows: Chi Omega M. B.vrom M. Lauderdale M. Schwartz M. Mathisen L. Manerud F. Hinkle B. Snell II. Haffner C. Sheagree lb 2b .‘lb ss ss rf If Susan Campbell O. Pederson A. Harkness S. Martin V. Hughes E. McVeigh F. Davis F. Anderson M. Mlyne A. Laraway Umpire: Margaret Russell. Sigma Delta Phi Delta Gamma T. Terry L. Wagner F. .Tagger O. Keeney E. Eggleson E. Wilson C. Clark H. Hensley M. Moore F. Moore P c 1b 2b fib SB SS rf If cf B. Morrow II. Hooper P. Coad II. Tillinghast M. Fisher M. Alexander B. Bruere M. Dougherty M. Mumby A. Sage W. S. C. STANDINGS PUBLISHED. At Washington State College the offi cial first semester scholarship standings for the campus groups was completed Saturday, March 20. Thirty-one group houses, all with standings above 7.1.17. were listed. The Spanish house heads the complete roll, while Ferry hall, the men’s dormitory, is the highest men’s group. TO PASS UP EUGENE FOB EISTEi MEET California and Stanford! Out of Pacific Conference, Indications Say. CHANGE WANTSP IN DATE OF TOURNAMENT Offer to Send Second Team Meets With Disfavor From Northerners. From the present indications, it ap peals that the Pacific Coast Conference Track and Field meet will be run off this year without the presence of com peting teams from either California or I Stanford. A communication from L. A. j Nichols, graduate manager of the Univer sity of California, to the graduate man I ager’.s office here appears to confirm tiie rumor, for Nichols states that the Bears have decided to send their team east to compete in the I. C. A. A. A. A. on May 21. Word to that effect is also expected from Stanford within the near future, for although Stanford has not communicated with the athletic officials at Oregon yet, it is generally known that the Cardinals expect to send their team east to compete in the intercollegiate meet. Suggestions Made. | Nichols offers the suggestions thnt ! California might be able to send their second team to Eugene for the meet, but they will not receive any encouragement along that line, according to indications in official circles here. California was invited to participate in the meet as all all the other teams of the coast, belong ing to the conference were, and it is hardly probable that any of the northern teams would consent to meeting a second team from the southern institution. It is certain that no expense guarantee would be given them, as was included in the contract. Manager Nichols does not state as to whether or not a tennis team from the U. of C. will be entered in the confer ence meet, here on May 21. Ho was of the opinion in his communication, how ever, that it was possible that California would send a two-man team, providing the inducements were large enough in the way of entries. Action Regretted. California and Stanford would have both proved good drnwing cards for the Pacific coas* conference meet, and it is to be regrerfed that they can not see fit to send their teams to the meet, but it appears that the two California institu tions have practically withdrawn from the Pacific coast conference, to the extent that when other games or meets inter fere they immediately cancel their Pacific coast conference dates. As one member of the athletic council said Inst night, “It appenrs that Califor nia is attempting to join an Atlantic coast conference, rather than to keep the scheduled dates with the Pacific coast conference, of which she is a member.” The communication from Nichols is the result of a controversy between the Oregon and California graduate mana gers, in which California deRired to have the date of the Pacific coast conference meet at Eugene placed ahead one week so that their teams might get back from the east. As the date of the meet was decided at the meeting of the conference in San Francisco last, winter, it was im ■ possible to put the date ahead. REED ARRANGES DEBATE Contest Scheduled With University of Wisconsin For May 30. Portland, April 27.— CP. I. N. S.) — Debate interest at Iteed College advanced a notch today when Coach George E. ! Koehm wired acceptance of the Univer ! sity of Wisconsin’s debate challenge for May ”0. Two intercollegiate contests are already scheduled for May, the first be ing the Ueed-California debate, and the second a debate with the University of ! British Columbia in which Reed arguea that the Japanese alliencc with Great Britain is inimical to British-American interests. The California debate is a co-ed contest, Reed’s speakers opposing Irish independence. The subject Wisconsin is debating on I its western trip concerns recognition of the soviet government of Russia, Reed arguing the negative. Reed’s entry into intercollegiate forensics on a lnrge scale follows n dual victory over the University of Oregon and O. A. C. last December. L Coach Koehm is in charge of all threa contests.