regon Daily Emerald VOLUME XXII. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1921. NO. 115. HHIl SQUIu TO [[lilt TOBIT FOB 7 G1ETRIPIMTH 14 Members Takien; First of Series Will Be Played In Seattle LINE-UP NOT GIVEN BY COACH BOHLER Batting’ Ability, of Men, Has Much to do With Deciding Those Selected. Fourteen members of the varsity base ball squad and Coach George M. Bolder will leave Eugene this afternoon on the ") o’clock Southern Pacific train for Se attle, where they will meet the Univer sity of Washington nine in the opening number of a two-game series, tomorrow afternoon. The series with the Sup dodgers will be followed by a two-game series with the AVashington State College' tossers at Pullman on Monday and Tues day. One Game Cancelled. On AVednesday the squad will take a jump down to AValla AValla, where they will meet the Whitman College team for one game. Thursday’s game which was to have been played in Kennewick with a semi-pro organization, has been cancelled. Friday and Saturday will see Hie Lem on-Yellow nine back in Portland, where they will meet the North Pacific Dental College team in a return game Friday, and the Multnomah Club aggregation on Saturday. Seven games will be played on the entire trip which will be the only jaunt the varsity will take this season with the exception of the games to be played with the Oregon Aggies at. Cor vallis the latter part of May. Four pitchers included in the squad which leaves this afternoon, are Art Berg. “.Take” Jacobsen, Ttolla Gray and Mare T.aihnin. Borg and Jacobsen are both letter men, while Gray was a mem ber of the frosh pitching staff last year, and Latham worked on the mound for the frosh in the spring of 1919. Lineup Not Given. Coach Bolder did not give out his line up for the opening games, although it is probable that the battery will be made up of Borg and T,eslie, while the infield positions will be filled by Smith- at first, Beller or Base on second. H. Jacobber ger at short, and Svaverud on third base. The outer garden will be taken rare of by Captain Reinhart, Knudsen and Gamble or Zimmerman. The task of selecting an infield has been no easy one for Coach Bolder and he has been working the squad hard in the batting cage? for the past week in an effort to get together a good aggrega tion of hitters. Special stress has been made on this particular point and it is evident from the selections made for the trip north that the men who are batting at the top of the list are the ones wha have been selected for the positions. Col lins, Liebe, Glos and A^eatch have all been working good in the infield posi tions and it is evident that they were left out of tiro lineup for the northern trip on account of their not ranking alongside the isfield chosen in batting averages. Stiff Competition Expected. Berg, Gray*and Jacobsen have all dem onstrated their ability in the box so far and Latham is showing promise, although he has only been out a short time. On account of the seven hard games, it was decided to stock up the pitching staff well. Both the University of AVasldngton and AVasldngton State College are rated to have a fast team this spring, and the varsity will be up against stiff competi tion in the north. The Sundodgers have lost but one game in the 14 early prac tice games they have played with the semi-pro teams in the vicinity of Seattle. WILLAMETTE TO DEBATE Women Schedule Forensic Contest With Washington State. 'Washington State College, Pullman, April IS.—(P. i. N. S.)—An all-women’s