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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1921)
78 STUDENTS MIKE HE "2" GUIDE 9 Get “I” in all Hours Carried During Winter Term 7 GRADUATES IN LIST Physical Education Mark Not Included in Count Seventy-three students of the Univer sity of Oregon made an average of “2” or above for the winter term. The of ficial high scholarship report issued yes terday by the registrar shows that of this number, 37 are regular men students, 29 women, and seven graduate students. Five men and four women have an average of “1” for their entire number of hours. This includes honor students, as for purposes of grading, honors are graded as “1.” Physical education grades are not counted in the report. No student is included in the list who received any grades below "2.” The summary of the grades, as an nounced by the registrar, follows: Men. Name I Arthur Brandey .18 Harold N. Lee .16 Maurice N. Selig .16 Gordon S. Wells .14 Kllwood Moore .15 Kenneth Armstrong .12 Arthur Hicks .17 Chester Zumwalt .......13 Vine. Engeldinger .7 Frank Palmer . 7 Robert Bradshaw .11 Sylvester Burleigh . 9 Joseph C. Hedges .9 Ian Campbell ..13 Jack Benefiel .10 Claire Holdredge .10 William Coates .9 Francis Haworth . 8 Harold F. Orr . 8 Iterney Cox .8 Wilbur M. Bolton .8 Harold J. Wells . 4 Hugo A. Reed . 7 II 2 o f> 5 5 8 i 7 8 8 9 9 9 5 9 Av. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.11 1.14 1.19 1.23 1.30 1.30 1.31 1.35 1.35 1.38 1.41 1.41 1.47 1.50 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.55 1.56 [Ernest .1. Hayeox .5 Verne M. Blue .5 Herman Leader . 7 Evan G. Lapham .5 .7. Carl Bbwman.8 (,’leo H. Jenkins .4 Claude E. Robinson .4 Iveonard Jordan . 4 Lloyd A. Enlund. Oran W. Hays . Elmer I’endell . Delmer 1j. Powers .... Rov N. Veatch . William .7. Ylinker .... Women. Name I Mildred Hawes .18 Annabel Denn .15 Isabelle Kidd .15 Roberta Gibson . 9 Mary S. Turner .18 Airs. P. E. Christianson.. 6 Geraldine Cartmell .12 Mary E. O’Day . 9 Emily A. Veazie .10 I«’. Marie Ridings .7 Bertha H. Hays .8 Alice Hamm .7 Wave Lesley .7 Elizabeth Geiser . 7 Rae Peterson .4 7je Ijaine West.4 Rita Durkheimer .4 Helen Rumbaugh .4 Helen Purdum . 4 Miriam Dubiver .4 Genevieve Tillotson .4 Dora Birchard . 3 Airs. Lola Hall ..3 Alargaret Scott . 1 Wanda Brown . Alargaret Peterson ...... Cora Ten Eyck . Zelda Van Valzah . Violet Weaver .. Graduate Students. Ijeo H. Cossman .11 Ruth Montgomery . 7 Alareus O’Day .8 Adele Bischoff .8 Benjamin Horning . 5 .7. Read Bain .4 7 1.58 8 1.61 11 1.61 12 1.70 8 1.72 It 1.73 12 1.75 12 1.76 12 2.00 15 2.00 18 2.00 15 2.00 12 2.O0 12 2.00 II Av. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.18 3 1.33 9 1.42 7 1.43 9 1.47 7 1.50 9 1.52 8 1.53 8 1.53 9 1.56 6 1.60 9 1.69 10% 1.72* 11 1.73 12 1.75 13 1.76 14 1.77 13 1.81 14% 1.82 15 1.92 20 2.00 12 2.00 9 2.00 15 2.00 9 2.00 1.00 2 1.22 4 1.33 6 1.42 5 1.50 8 1.66 ‘‘ BOARD. — Table Board, good home cooking; all you can eat, ,$6.00 per week. MRS. A. M. KUCK, 446 12th Street E. til sat. FOR SALE. — Conn trombone, silver plated, low pitch. Call 273-.T. tli-f-s LEARN MACHINE BOOKKEEPING We. teacji machine bookkeeping;, calculator and adding; machine bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, etc. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE 992 Willamette St. Phone 666 A. E. ROBERTS, Manager. Listen! Wo carry a splendid line ol* Hammered Bronze, Roy eroft Book Ends, Vases etc. The noted' Oregon Products—Myrtle Wood—is our latest line. Fulfier, Ilayar and Soquoi Pottery. Clifts for all occasions. 1 Expert Picture Framing. We take great pride in having one of the very best Art and Gift Shops in the Northwest. The Etkin’s Art and Gift Shop 832 Willamette Street. New Sport Skirts Only $9.90 New Pongee Blouses, Pleating on Collar and Cuffs, only.$3.98 New Sport Tussah Silk for Sport Wear, at per yard.$2.39 New Silk Jersey Cloth, at per yard. .$1.98 •1 C. PENNEY t’O.—A NATION WIDE INSTITITIOX New Cook Better Waffles, Better Cooking Neater Service. Try Us Again. The Grotto • 712 Willamette Street. —wriinruT—ii—iww hi im imiii fwwiiwniMnMM—— The Tent Theatre 11th and Olive Sts. TONIGHT 9 The Macy-Baird Comedians will present “The Last Round-Up” A Story of The Southwest VAUDEVILLE AND GOOD MUSIC Patronize Home Industries Keep this in mind when you are in want of Candies. Demand Made in Eugene Candies For Candies of Quality Made ■ in Our Factory. Visit the Home Products Carnival. When the occasion calls for corsage boquets be sure you secure the best. Our wide experience and careful attention to all orders has given us an in creasingly large Univei' sity patronage. Come in and ask us or call by phone. OrdcJrs personally at tended to at University Florist j 993 Hillyard St. Phone 654 t SANDWICHES to STEAKS We are able to appease your inner cravings. Our menu in cludes everything from a light, dainty sandwich to a big juicy steak. Ice Cream Specials, designed bv us, for discriminating peo ple. very sanitary and refreshing/ Tie VARSITY CLARK R. HAWLEY, Prop.