Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 13, 1921, Image 1

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    SI WOMtll, SG MEN
Arthur Hicks and Isabelle
Kidd Get Highest
High Marks Are Distributed
Among Members of
AH Classes.
Surprisingly high grades were made by
many of the students of the University
during the winter term, considering the
fact that requirements have been raised,
and that students were graded closer
than ever before. Approximately ill
women and 56 men received an average
of over II.
Perhaps the best grades among the
men were made by Arthur Hicks of
Canyon City, a junior majoring in Ro
mance languages. His grades were as
follows: French literature I. Spanish
literature I, outlines of English litera
ture I, history of philosophy I, trigonom
etry I, physics II, physical education
The highest grades among the women
were made by Isabelle J. Kidd of Port
land. a junior majoring in latin. Miss
Kidd made almost the same grades as
Mr. Hicks, her’s being a straight T card
except for physical education which was
a III.
Emily Veazie of Portland, a sopho
more in English literature made higher
than a TI average, and Zelia Van Valzali
Portland, a junior in education aver
aged a II grade.
Verne Blue of Ashland, an honor stu
dent in history and rhetoric won honors
in three courses and a II grade in three.
Claire Holdridge of Trent, a senior ir
geology won honors in four courses and
a II grade in two, and Ralph Htsebei
of Portland, senior in economics made r
II average.
Harold Lee, Newbevg junior in Eng
lish, and Maurice Selig, Salem senior in
physchology are both honor students.
Ifany Women In List.
Women who received a II average
are: Dora Birchard, Grants Pass, sen
ior in zoology; Adele Bischoff, Eugene
graduate student in German; Wanda
Brown, Stayton, senior in economics:
Flora Campbell, Eugene, junior in zool
ogy, Geraldine Car t w e 11. Portland,
senior in rhetoric; Mrs. P. E. Christen
son, Eugene, senior in architecture and
arts; Lorna Coolidgo, La Grande, senior
in public speaking; Elaine Cooper, Port
land junior in history; Lurline Coulter,
Cascade, freshman in history; Annabel
Deuu, Roseburg. sophomore in music:
Helen Du Buy, Eugene, graduate stu
dent in Romance languages; Laura Duer
m r. Hillsboro, sophomore in mathe
matics; Rita Durklieimer, Eugene,
sophomore, German; Phebe Gage, Port
(Continued on Page 3.)
Track Meet Will Be Staged On Kincaid!
Field Next Saturday Afternoon
If Weather Permits.
.■The weather permitting. Franklin
high school of Portland will send a team
oi 14 track men to Eugene Saturday to
compete against the frosh track squad,
according to information given out by
Asistant Graduate Manager .lack Beue
fiel, yesterday. The meet will be held
on Kincaid field and will commence
promptly at 2:15.
, Colton Meek, a former University rjf
Oregon athlete, is coaching the Frank
lin high team this spring and is reputed
to have a fast aggregation. The frosh
track schedule to date includes the meet
here with Franklin for Saturday, a meet
with Chemawa on April 22 to be held
here, a dual meet with Washington high
school of Portland here on May 7, and
the meet with the O. A. C. rooks to bo
held in Corvallis on May 14.
“Hank” Foster is rounding his can
didates into shape and expects to have
a first class aggregation to run against
the Franklin team Saturday. It will
he impossible to use the new track yet
owing to the work not being completed
on it, and the meets will be held on
English Department Furnishes
Eight of Candidates.
To date, there are 22 registrations
for honors in the University. Twenty
nine registered last year. Twelve men
and ten women made up the list. “There
will probably be others before the close
of the term,” says Mrs. George Fitch,
of the registrar’s office. “Seven juniors
who registered last year are again can
didates for honors this year,” she
These seven students are: Laura
Moates. rhetoric; Maurice Selig, psy
chology; Wilbur Hulin, psychology,
Robert V. Bradshaw, botany; Frank
John rainier, Irene Whitfield, and F.
Dean Moore, English literature. Other
seniors who have registered are: Rachel
Husband, and Claire Holdredge in geol
ogy; Alice Thurston and Marie Ridings
in mathematics; Norman Byrne in phi
losophy; Ralph Iloeber in economics, and
Mildred Ilawes in English literature.
Two juniors are candidates for hou
ors in two departments this year; Verne
Blue in rhetoric and history, and Har
old Lee in philosophy and English lit
erature. Other juniors registered are;
Emerald Sloan in the military depart
ment; M. Elsie Marshdu botany; Ford
E. Wilson in chemistry'Pand Nell South
worth in English literature. Two sopho
mores, Emily A. Perry and Emily Vea
7,ip, are registered for honors in English
The department of English literature
has irore cann’t’ates for honors than'
any other, there being eight registra
tions in that department and not more
than two from any other.
Training for Trade and Field
Throughout tlie.se articles I have cau
tioned against overwork and training in
athletics—the entering of too many
events by the scholastic athletic when
not in good physical condition. The ob
ject of these warnings is to prevent un
necessary injuries. A great many of the
injuries in athletics are the result of
carelessness or overwork. The athlete
must take care of his muscles during
early training and protect,them from the
cold by dressing warm. This will pre
vent many cases of strained and torn
muscles. A good massage before going
out will in a large measure prevent
early stiffness.
For strains or soreness there is noth
ing better than hot water. The most
common injury from which runners,
hurdlers and jumpers suffer is sore
shins, commonly known as shin splints
or buck shins. They are caused by in
flammation of the muscles attached to
the shin bone. This is a hard one to
cure. My experience is that adhesh e
plaster wrapped above and below the
injured part will relieve it some. A good
rest should be taken.
The calves of the legs will become
very sore and stiff during the first
week or so of preliminary training. This
is something which cannot be pre\ ent
ed in the ease of beginners. If the ath
lete works easily and' warms up slow }
at the beginning of his day’s work he
may overcome this, and if not, a rest
of a couple of days is advisable. Hot
water and massage will work wonders
in these cases.
The worst injury which a sprinter can
receive is a pulled tendon, some call it
split muscle but generally it is the for
mer. The cause is over-reaching while
muscles are not sufficiently warmed up
It generally happens between the two
heads of the biceps muscles in the back
of the leg. Those who are unfortunate
enough to have this happen should have
an absolute rest. It should be treated
by making a cast of adhesive plaster sur
rounding almost the entire leg; ends of
tape should almost meet on front of
thigh; each strip should overlap the un
der layer, and it should be put on snug
ly without wrinkles.
Of course, the athlete will have to
giv,. up training for the season if the
case is severe. I have known cases to
come back two years after. So one can
be too careful. The athlete should
consult a physician. There is general!.'
a warning given before a breakdown or
tear to anv of the muscles. The runner
will feel a sharp pain then will become
a little stiff when cooled off. .Tust ns
soon as these are felt the athlete should
heed the warning by using a leg band
age to support the part. If it is pain
ful hot water will relieve it. and care
should be taken while running not to
overstride but keep within the hurting
point. . - -
Freshman Nine To, Face Var
sity for Practice Mix
Batteries Defy Bad Weather;
Hold Light Workout
In Gym.
Rain, which converted the Cemetery
Ridge diamond into a sea of mud and
kept up a steady drizzle throughout the
afternoon yesterday caused the cancel
ling of the baseball game with the Chi
cago (Rants, colored professional nine.
It was impossible to keep the visiting
team here in hopes of playing this after
noon on account of the full schedule
which the Giants are playing throughout
the Northwest. Coach Bolder was dis
appointed and held out until the last ir
hopes that the game could be played but
the rain persisted and the coach finally
called off the contest.
The varsity nine will meet the frosh
team on Thursday afternoon if the
weather will permit, according to the
plans of Coach Bohler and “Bill” Steers
mentor of the frosh squad. The frosh
succeeded in downing the Chemawa In
dians in a two game series last week
end and are out after a few more scalps
and are taking on the varsity with that
idea in mind. The game will begin
promptly at 4 o’clock and will serve as
a good practice contest for both teams
it is probable that the two coaches will
have their entire squads out in suits
and give most of them a chance to get
into the fray during the afternoon.
The opening of the conference sche
dule will come Friday afternoon when
Coa'ch Bohler’s proteges will meet tin
Willamette, University Bearcats. Coach
Mathews is bringing his team down from
Salem foe a two game series in the
Northwest conference opener for both
teams. Nothing is known of thf
strength of the. Bearcats for they have
hot played any important games as yet
but they are conceded to have a pretty
fast nine this season.
The frosh game and the two games
Will furnish plenty of opposition for the
varsity nine the remainder of this week
and the finishing touches arc being put
on hurriedly to get the varsity into tir
top Shape for the conference openers
Captain Reinhart is still suffering from
a stiff neck and it is doubtful if he will
get into the games much before the
team starts on their Northern trip,
which is scheduled to begin April 21.
The batteries took a short workout
in the gym yesterday, when it. was
found that the wet grounds woidd pre
vent the game with the Chicago team.
Dr. Stuart and Miss Hair Don’t Mind
Noise But Think of the
Good To Come.
“Wow! Mftmm—aa!” and other baby
sounds from the most ear splitting of
cries to the gurglest of baby gurgles is
sued from the county nurse’s office in
the court house, Saturday from D to
12 a. m„ when the Lane county Free
Children’s Clinic met for the second
time. Forty-four little ones were ex
amined by Dr. Bertha Stuart and Dr.
Beardsley, assisted by the county nurse
and by Miss Mozelle Hair, chairman of
the county nurse committee.
When asked if the crying and general
confusion wasn’t terrific, Miss Hair
smiled and said: “Well, there was quite
a bit of racket, but what can one ex
pect when one gets 44 babies in one
room?” The good that is expected to
»esult from the examinations will no
doubt make the clinic one of the most
valuable institutions in Lane county.
Saturday mothers were in from Junc
tion. Creswell, Cottage Grove and Blue
River with their children, who ranged in
ages from a few weeks to 15 years. It
was through the co-operation of the
I'niversity and town women that the
clinic was made a possible thing and it
is this same co-operation which will
keep,it going.
All babies or older children who
visit the clinic, which meets every Sat
urday. will be weighed, measured and
given a free examination by the doc
tors. The mothers will then be advised
as to tile necessary care their children
need. If medical attention is necessary
a doctor will be advised, but the clinic
doctors do not give treatments.
Election Today From 10 to 5
In Front of Library; All
Men Allowed Vote.
Pres. Campbell, Dean Walker
and P. C. Crockatt Among
Evening’s' Speakers.
Kenneth Youel, nominee for president
of the campus Y. M. C. A. has with
drawn his name from the lists, and the
nominating committe has placed Owen
Calloway on the ballot to run against
Frank Carter, the other nominee in the
election which will be held from 10 a.
m. to 5 p. m. today. Ballot boxes will
be placed in front of the library and
every man on the campus will be al
lowed to vote regardless of whether or
not he hus a membership ticket.
To-night between the hours of six
and eight the nnnual inauguration ban
quet. will be held to stnrt. out the year
with n bang for the new officers. Music
and eats will stnrt at six sharp and the
last speaker will be through by eight
o’clock, according to Hal Donnelly, cam
pus secretary.
President P. L. Campbell will speak
in behalf of the University as will Peter
Crockatt, head of the Y. M. advisory
board. Rev. A. M. Spangler will re
present the churches of the city in an
address and H. O. Bowen will speak
for the city Y. M. C. A. The Kiwanis
club will have a representative in Dean
The main speaker of the evening will
be Dr. H. B. Packard, former member
of the American committee for Armeni
an and Syrian relief. Dr. Packard also
speaks tomorrow at assembly. Hal Don
nelly will also speak on timely topics^
Music by the University mens’ glee
club quartet and a banjo trio will furn
ish plenty'of good music for the.'occa
sion. A good feed and real fellowship
are promised to those hundred or more
men who are expected to attend.
Y. M. C. A. boosters made the rounds
of the fraternities last night and they
report that from five to ten men will
be present from nearly every house. The
money which will be spent for tickets
;vill go to the Osburn hotel manage
ment for a regular 75c feed.
Dr. Hodge Returns From Convention
Held In Portland; 1000 Delegates
In Attendance.
Mining is the biggest industry of the
Pacific coast, in the opinion of Dr. Ed
win T. Hodge of the department of
geology who has recently returned from
tending the Third Annual International
Mining Convention held in Portland
April 5, (1, 7, 8, 0, at which there were
approximately 1000 delegates, largely
from the Pacific coast and Northwest.
I>r. Hodge was one of the presiding
officers of this year’s convention,, and
was one of a group of interested men
wdio, realizing that mining on the Pa
cific coast was anx essentially different
thing than mining on the rest of the
North American continent, felt the
need of a convention in which their pe
culiar problems might be taken up. Dr
Hodge, who first conceived the idea of
the convention in the form it eventually
took, was given the task of organizing
the first convention held in British Co
lumbia in 1010, which was so successful
that it was decided to make it an annual
Pacific coast coal was found entirely
satisfactory as a fuel at the convention
in Portland, and as iron ore is found ii
great quantities west of the Itockies, il
is very probable tht steel manufacture
will present itself us a permanent indus
try on the coast, according to Dr. Hodge
who thinks that there is no reason why
we should be dependent upon the east
for such an important material as steel
The convention dealt with the pron
lems of the mining man oil the coast, and
numerous discussions were held and ad
dresses delivered on specific subjects.
The convention decided on Nelson, B
P„ as the next meeting place, and Dr
Hodge was asked to manage the 1922
Dr. Hodge spent most of his vacation
in British Columbia looking over the
gold mines of the C'oquahalla district
and the placer mines of the Caribou in
the interest of eastern capital.
Madame Matzenhauer.
Famous Artist To Appear Here In Con
cert Saturday; Has Had Varied
and Notable Career.
“The world’s greatest contralto,” is
what the critics say of Madame Mar
garet Matzeuauer, Metropolitan artist
who will sing in Villarcl hall on Satur
day evening, April lti. The primn
donna will be assisted by Charles Car
ver, basso, and Frank La Forge, com
Madame Matzenaner has won fame
also os a soprano because of which eh<
is said to have the most phenomenal
voice known to the musical world. Her
operatic career was begun as a con
tralto in Strassburg at the age of 20.
Between that time and the time of hei
coining to America, 1011, she was lead
ing contralto at the Wagner Festivals in
Prince Regenten Theater in Munich and
was guest artist in the leading cities of
Europe always singing contralto parts.
On I^ew Year’s day-in 1012, she hur
riedly assumed the soprano role of
“Kuudry" in “Pnrisfal” and scored such
a success that she has since become
identified with the greatest of sopratto
parts. Quite recently the Madame gave
further proof of her versatility by step
ping into the part of the cigarette girl
in “Carmen” at a moment’s notice. ,
Frank La Forge, the accompanist, is
well known in the music world both as
the accompanist of artists and as a com
poser. Several of his compositions ar<
to be contained in the program for the
A third artist, Charles Carver, will
have a large part of the program, sing
ing one entire section and two numbers
with the Madame.
Four Plays To Be Presented
In New Auditorium.
Thirty-five upperclassmen in the Uni
versity high school have organized a
! dramatic club, and are planning to put
on four plays during this next term
.Miss Ethel Wakefield, an instructor, if
helping the members of the club in the
production of these plays.
The first of this series of plays, which
is to be staged within the next two
weeks, is called “When the World’s
Asleep.” It was written by one of the
students, Alfons Korn, and critics who
have regd this play consider it excep
tionally good work, says Miss Wakefield.
Dale Colley, another student in the club
is making the scenery, and the cos
tumes have been designed by other mem
bers of the club.
The story of the play centers about n
little town where everything is done to
the cuckoo clocks. The people of this
town eat, sleep, work and play at the
j command of the litle bird who conies
out every hour to tell them the time.
The “Wanderer” comes to the town, und
impishly puts all the clocks out of com
minion. Eventually he elopes with the
“Girl” who is anxious to see the world
hut when they get out into the world
again they find that the only thing they
want is to get back to the little town
where everything is done to the cuckoo
The splendid auditorium and stage in
the new high school building make the
production of plays both profitable and
successful. The other plays to be given
later on are “Nevertheless,” “Daddy
Long-Legs,” and “Neighbors.”
1921 ELEVEN Will
Three Conference Contests
Already Scheduled; May
Play Post-Season.
Negotiations Closed By Cable;
Contracts Are On Way
From Islands.
Three Ramos have been scheduled for
flie 1021 gridiron season according to
information from the Graduate Man
ager’s office yesterday, and the game
with the University of Hawaii is now
practically assured. The .final signing
of the contract with the Honolulu insti
tution has not been completed yet but
the negotiations have been closed by
cablegram, and the contracts are on the
way from the Islands by boat.
The expense guarantee from Honolulu
consists of all expenses for 18 men from
Eugene to Honolulu and return and dur
ing their stay in the Island*. Two games
are to be ployed, one with the Univer
sity of Hawaii at Honolulu on Christmas
Day and another with the Hawaiian all
stars to be played in Honolulu on New
Year’s Day.
One Game on.Home Field.
The three other games for which the
final contracts hutfe been signed are with
Washington State College, the Univer
sity of California and the Oregon Aggies.
The game with the California eleven will
take place on October 22 in Berkeley,
the Washington State game will be played
in Pullman on November 5, and on No
vember 11), the Oregon Aggies will play
in Eugene.
The remaining dates in the schedule
are yet to be filled and may mean that
the University of Idaho and the Univer
sity of Oregon will meet in Portland on
October 15. A communication has been
received from Coach Kelley of the Idaho
eleven asking for a game in Portlaud
on that date, and in lieu of the fact that
Willamette cannot play the varsity on
October 15 as was originally planned it
now appears probable that either Idaho
or Multnomah Club will be signed up
for the date. At any rate the game
will be played in Portland, next season.
Final arangements have not been com
pleted yet but negotiations to that ef
fect are being carried on and they will
probably be closed for the date.
The Wisconsin Alumni of Portland are
making a strong attempt to arrange a
game between Wisconsin and Oregon to
be played in Portland, on the Saturday
following Thuuksgiving but it is not
probable that this game would be played
in the event that Oregon signed the
final contract for the Turkey Day game
with Multnomah club.
Negotiations with a number of Eastern
teams have been carried on with a view
to arranging a post season game to be
played in Portland, but as yet no defi
nite dates have been signed for. It is
highly probable that some arrangements
can be made with an Eastern team, for
a game following Thuuksgiving. How
ever, Oregon will have to remain in
training for the Christmas Day game in
the Islands and a game might just as
well be played in the interviewing times.
The Lemon-Yellow squad will probably
leave for Honolulu about December 10,
to return to Eugene about January 10.
Mrs. Murray Warner To Give Talks To
Class in Art Appreciation.
Mrs. Murray Warner, who resided for
twelve years in Japan and China, will
give some talks to the class in art ap
preciation, and will illustrate her lec
tures by color slides of the old Chinese
and Japanese gardens aiyl_temples.
While in Japan, Mrs. Warner had
access to the Shinto and other Japanese
and Chinese temples, and is said to be
well informed on the eilivization and
beauties of these two ancient countries.
Last term Mrs. Warner gave the art
department several Florentine mosaics.
She has offered to loan this depart
ment three splendid examples of 15th
century leaded glass in Flemish and
Swiss patterns. Mrs. Warner has many
slides which will make her lectures of
much interest to people interested in art
as well as to the students of the art
Delta Theta Phi announces the pledg
ing of Harley Covalt, of Eugene, and
Stanley Crowe, of Manistique, Michigan.