VOLUME XXII. Oregon Daily Emerald ——- UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 12. 1921. NO. 108. COLORED GUTS TO FURNISH OPPOSITION FOB VARSITY TM Bill Reinhart on Sick List and Will Not Be On Line-up; Game Starts at 3:30. SLIGHT SHIFT WILL BE MADE FOR START Berg and Leslie Battery; Chi cago Bunch Rates High in Baseball. Captain “Bill’ Reinhart will not bo in the line-up which Coach Bolder will send against the Chicago Giants, colored professional team, this afternoott ac cording to the dope from training ituar ters. “Bill” is on the hospital list with a stiff neck and although the injury is not serious it will keep him out of the game and is at present proving rather painful to the varsity pilot. The line-up to start will probably b( shifted slightly from that which started against the dental college nine last Sat urday afternoon. Bolder will probably use Glos at first base although Yeatc) will no doubt get into the contest to cover the initial sack. The second base position will probably be held down by Boiler, and Base will be given a ehanec to start at shortstop, according to the indications, oase lias oeen wonting at the keystone sack but his shift to short stop may mean that he will be given r chance to work in that position if he jnakes good. Svarverud will hold down the third base position according to the dope sheet. Zimmerman, who has been showing much - promise for an outfield position will probably start in Reinhart’s place Zimmerman is inexperienced but he is working into good form. Gamble wil1 cover the center garden and Knudser the.right field position. These positions are all subject to change on short no tice and the entire squad will probably get in the game. Coach’Bohler is not expecting his pro teges to win from the professional team but believes in giving the squad plenty of good practice sessions and the game this afternoon Will probably furnish that The Chicago team is rated pretty high in professional baseball circles and has been touring the West, this spring, play ing a number of early season games with the Pacific Coast League teams in th( training camps in the South. In a nine game series against the Portland Beav ers of the Coast League played at San ta Maria the Giants won seven games The game today will be played 01 Cemetery Ridge and is scheduled t< start promptly at 3:30 o’clock. Studen body tickets will admit the sudents ani an admission of fifty cents will b< charged. Lee Edwards of Salem whi umpired the varsity game Saturday wil’ handle the indicator this afternoon. PLEDGES ANNOUNCED. The following pledges have been an nounced: Sigma Nil, Dennis Campbell. Vancouver, Washington; Beta Theta Pi. Clifford Bagley, Hillsboro, Oregon Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Clarence R. Ellis The Dalles, Oregon; Chi Psi, Byron W. Thomas, Portand, Oregon. LUCILE SAUNDERS IS . INTERVIEWED IN QUITO Graduate of University “Written Up” 1 South American Newspaper “El Comercio.” The first page of a recent issue of El ( omercio leading daily in Quito. Ecuador, was adorned with a two-col umn halftone picture of Miss Lucile F. Saunders, former student in the school of journalism of the University of Ore gon, who is now touring South Amer ica for the Portland Oregonian and a number of magazines. Miss Saunders is described as a distinguished and in telligent young journalist. After re ferring to her mission, the paper went on to say: “Miss Saunders is going south within a few weeks. She declares herself enchanted with the beauties of Ecuador and surprised at its progress in industrial and agriculture. From her ar rival in Guayaquil until now she has found in Ecuador a country most pic turesque and interesting. She says she has been very well impressed with the culture of the people of Quito and their treatment of those from other lands. We bespeak for the distinguished young writer the most pleasant stay in this city.” In a letter just received on the cam pus Miss Saunders, writing from Lima. Peru, describes her experiences in sev eral of the Latin-American cities. At Quito, she writes, she ran into real American newspaper enterprise for when she “gleefully announced” to the pub lishers of “El Comercio” who wanted her photograph that she had not brought one tyith her, “it soon became appar ent,” she writes, “that I would be in suiting these publishers unless I con sented to accompany them to a pho tographer, who kept me waiting half an hour to look at a corner of the room and then took two vacant-eyed views of me.” Miss Saunders speaks in praise of the “Telegrafo” at Guayaquil as ar' enterprising paper, run on North Amer ican lines. She expects to be in Buenos Aires before many weeks. POSTER WINS $5 PRIZE Mrs. Winnie McKnight Has Best De sign in Advertising Contest. Mrs. Winnie McKnight won the $5.00 prize offered by McMorran and Wash burne for the best poster advertising spring materials and Oregon products in competition with other members of the second-year class in design. Beatrice Wetherbee, Lucile Morcliead, Phoebe ulage, Gladys Gallier and Agnes Shultz received honorable mention. Mrs. McKnight’s poster was consid ered the most finished looking of those submitted, and nearest to professional work. These posters were completed the second term, and are to be used by McMorran and Washburne in advertising he home products show this week. Mrs. Laura Ripley Mack and Miss f Victoria Avakian were judges of the ontest, and were very enthusiastic >ver the designs submitted. NEWLYWEDS VISIT CAMPUS. Wilbur ( Bill) Hostettler and his bride of two days, who was Miss Arbelyn Healy, spent Sunday and Monday visit ing old friends on the campus. Both were members of last year’s freshman class and it was during the latter part of last, year that they became engaged. Mrs. Hostettler is a member of Pi Beta Phi and Mr. Hostettler of Delta Tau Delta. Training for Track and Field By W. L. HAYWARD. NO. 11—THE SHOT PUT. The shot put is an event in which strength and weight are the determin ing factors, but one must also have a knowledge of the form so as. to get the benefit of his weight. Speed is the one requirement that all putters must have if they expect to be successful. If the athlete has all three—weight, speed and , strength—the shot is bound to go a sat isfactory distance. Form is then very important. This can be acquired only by constant practice. The best form for putting the shot will be found in the following points taken tip separately. There are two ways to hold the shot; some place it with the main weight resting on the fingers and as the shot is leaving the hand it is flip ped with the wrist and tips of fingers. Dr.e must be very strong in the wrist and fingers to be able to do this. Many who use this style have not the strength required, and when the arm is pushed in the final effort the wrist and fingers R'.ve away and momentum of the shot is . retarded and the consequence is that dis tance is lost. On this aceouut I w'ould not recommend the form to scholastic athletes for the present. A safe form aiul one used by the majority of shot put ters is to let the shot rest on the base of the fingers, thumb and little finger used to form a pocket with the other fingers. This is the first thing to learn —How to hold the shot. The reverse may next be tried from a stand, holding the shot in the right, as suming the putter is right handed. It should be held snug against the neck, on and a little in front of the shoulder. The left arm is held up pointing in al most an angle that the shot will travel, the left side facing the direction of the put. The left foot is placed against the toe board or near the edge of the cir cle. The right leg should be slightly bent at the knee an the arm so held that it feels the strongest with shot resting in front of shoulder. The elbow should be held in a position to give the best drive to the shot upward and for ward. One’s instinct should tell whether the shot is held correctly or not. The athlete is now ready for the re verse” in which the final effort is made. The body is quickly turned with the be ginning of the forward motion so that the right leg will be in the position held by the left at the beginning of the final (Continued on Page 4.) Darrell Larsen Takes Role of Dr. Wangel In Ibsen Production. IRENE STEWART PLAYS DIFFICULT LEAD PART Drama To Be Given Thursday and Friday Nights In Guild Theatre. In “The Lady from the Sea” Ibsen has accomplished a difficult character in Elkla. the leading figure of the playf. Somehow the sea possesses an undefin able power over her that plays with her fancy and depresses her. In the story she is the second wife of a parish doc tor by the name of WRngel, located in a small town on one of the fiords of Norway. Iler life there is not as in timate with the doctor and his family as it might be, yet everything is smooth and pleasant. Sometime in the past she had known a sailor who wooed her and attracted her by a strange strength of will. Forced to leave her unexpectedly, they parted by the sea, where he placed a ring belong ing to her with one of his own on a key ring uud threw them into the sea, de claring they were married to it. Before she married Waugel she had had every reason to believe that this stranger was dead, but after years he appears and demands her as his own. She knows that it is unconventional, that the stranger has no right to her, yet she feels the force of his will. When I)r. Wangel sees how she is affected he states his willingness to let her decide the question unhampered by any claim he has over her and leaves her free to decide what she will do. In the big moment, she Weighs file consequences of both courses, consider ing the hazard of a life with one man the dullness of her past life with the other, and then makes her decision. Irene Stewart takes the part pf Elida She has been prominent in Guild theatre productions for two years, having re cently starred in the title role of Mrs. Cassilis in the “Cassilis Engagement’' and the part of La Vengeance in “A Talc of Two Cities.” Playing opposite hei is Darrell Larsen, who starred in “The Necklace.” Dorothy Wootton takes the part of Bolletta, the ingenue role that developes a small romance on the side. The part of Hilda, her younger sister is taken by Dorris Pittenger. Both are Guild the atre favorites. Other members of the cast are: Join Oanoles, de Ford Wallace, Harold Brown and Reuel Moore. The play will be given Thursday and Friday in Guild theatre under the di rection of Fergus Reddie. FIRST DANCE A SUCCESS Opening Student Body Affair In Wo men’s Building Well Attended. Jazzy music, a peppy crowd, two rooms to dance in, and cozy balconies to sit iu, were the things which went to make the first dance in the women’s building the success it was. The dance was held Friday evening, and took the place of open house, which usually is held at the opening of each term. The main gymnasium room and the aesthetic dancing room were used and provided ample space for dancing. An eight-piece orchestra furnished the music. Nearly 250 couples enjoyed the dancing. ♦ THESE MEN REPORT AT 4 TO- ♦ ♦ DAY ON KINCAID FIELD ♦ Karpenstein, Andrew; Karpenstein, Henry; Kearns, Donald C\; Keeler, Will iam E.; Kelley, Edwin H.; Kirtley, Ed win L.; Knight. Leonard G.; Knipps, El mer W.; Langlois, Rodney R.; Lapham, ; Evan G.; Larsen, Darrell D.; Leonard. | Clyde W.; Lervill, Leonard L.; Le V^e, j Glenn I,.; Lewis, Elmer L.; Loomis, | Archie R.; Lucas, Charles F.; Lucas, | Marvin K. SLutz. Liuley H.; Lyons, Dan- ! iel E.; McBee, Gilbert; McConnell, Htfr I old; McGraw, Troy L.; McCullock, Mark j B.: McCune, Jason C.; McHaley, Ken neth G.; Mclnturff, David; MeKennett, Robert; McKeown. Raymond P.; MeKib bin. William F.; McLean, Mac M.; Mc Millan, William A.; McPherson, Donald [E.; McRae, Lloyd K.; Mack, Arthur H.; ! Marges, Albin; Marshall, Willard C.; I Martin, Linden R.; Maxwell, Leonard T.; .May, James R.; Meek, James A.; Meek Wayne; Merrifield, Acie C.; Metzelaar, [Louis S. Council to Soon Let McClain Give Up Student Managing; To Concentrate On Co-op The resignation of Marion McClain as graduate manager of the Associated Students will likely be accepted by the atthletie council only after a successor has been found. McClain has been en deavoring to relieve himself of the po sition since early in the year, but the athletic council has so far refuse to ac cept the resignation until a suitable suc cessor can be found. McClain considers that two man-sized jobs such as graduate manager and.man ager of the Co-up store are too much for one person to handle successfully. His term as graduate manager ends in June, and he insists that he will not under any circumstances be a candidate for re election. Throughout the year, McClain has been using Jack Beuefiel as assistant grad uate manager .leaving most of the routine work to him. But all official matters, such as meetings, signing of papers, and the like, must still be done by the graduate manager, and this work McClain claims, takes a great deal of time aud attention. The athletic council lias known of McClain's intention to resign for some time, the graduate manager having re peatedly made attempts in council meet ings to have his resignation take effect immediately. The athletic council, how ever, has postponed action until all ap plicants for the position can be heard from and all possible candidates looked over. Jack Benefiel has not definitely an nounced his intention of becoming a can didate for the position, but it is gener ally understood that his application will be filed with the athletic council. He has served as McClain’s assistant throughout the year, and has handled the scheduling of practically all sports since last fall. McClain has been assured uu officially that he will be relieved as soon as a successor can be found, allowing ample time for nil appicants and candi dates to be heard from. Tlie committee seeking a new gradu ate manager is composed of Dr. Bovard. A. It .Tiffany and Si Starr. DRIB. HKl TO SPEAK AT ASSEMBLY Speaker Had Thrilling Times In Near East Relief. Doctor H. B. Packard, former mem ber of the American committee for Armenian and Syrian relief and for a score of years head of the Westminster hospital at Uruinia, who is now on a lecture tpur of the Northwest will ad dress the assembled student body Thurs day morning at eleven. The subject of Doctor Packard's talk will be announced later, but from ad vance notices received at the president’s office concerning his varied and excit ing career among the polyglot peoples of the Orient and his thrilling and courageous labors in behalf of the refu gees following the Near East massacres by the Kurds during the European war. the student body may expect something different and out of the ordinary in the way of an assembly talk. Described as* a giant in stature as well as among people, Doctor Packard was noted as an athlete during his un dergraduate days at Colorado and was captain of both the football and base ball teams. » In addition to his medical work among the warlike Kurds and his relief activi ties during the war, Doctor Packard has written a grammar of the Kurdish language, said to be the only book ever compiled of that little known tongue The original manuscript was lost and the Doctor at present is at work re writing the book. GRADUATE IS PROMOTED Vernon Motschenbacher Appointed Gen* eral Agent for Insurance Co. Vernon T. Motschenbacher, prominent among the alumni and president of the Associated Students during bis senior year on the campus 191.1-14, has been appointed general agent for the state of Oregon by the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance company. His experience and success in agency field work for the company has led to his present position according to a communication received at the president’s office from the head quarters of the company in the East. His new headquarters will be in Port land. Air. Motschenbacher received his II. A. degree in 1014 and while on the campus was active in numerous student body ac tivities. In addition to the honor of be ing president of the student body lie won his letter in baseball, was a member of both the glee club and the debating team, and was one of the organizers of the University bund. He is a member of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. BOVARD VISITS IN EAST. Dr. John F. Bovard, dean of the school of physical education, left the campus March 2f>, and is visiting all the large colleges of the middle-west and east. His particular interest lies in the departments of physical education in these colleges. lie is also looking over the health service work for the stu dents on the various campuses. He will return the latter part of this month. H. R. Failing Tells Class of Workings of Agency. H. H. Failing, secretary of the Bots ford, Constauttine and Tyler Advertis ing Counsel and Agency Service com pany, of Portland, gave a short talk yes terday morning to the members of Pro fessor Thacher’s class in advertising. Mr. Failing told of the organization and operation of a modern advertising agency, taking up esj>ecially the busi ness end. He is a graduate of Yale and is a nephew of Henry Failing, at one time a member of the board of regents of the University. An agency, said Mr. Failing, of of service to an advertiser in an advisory capacity, as the results of past cam paigns can be applied to the problem in hand. The secnet of the success of the agency, according to the speaker, is the formulation of a sales plan. This pre vents the manufacturer from fulling in to a habit of drifting. When advertis ing is run for a number of years, said Mr. Failing, the investment tends to be come accumulative. This accounts for the success of many advertising cam paigns carried over a period of years The copy of several complete campaigns undertaken by Botsford, Constantine and Tyler was shown to the cluss. Mr. Fuiling was the first of a number of speakers who will talk to the adver tising class on present-day advertising. F. II. McMahon, manager of the mer chaudiziug bureau of the Oregon Journa1 will speak in the near future. F. C. Pickerman. adverttisine manager of the Montgomery, Ward company, will talk to the class on “Direct Mail Order Advertising’’ at some future date. Another speaker will be Mr. McCully advertising manager for Meier & Frank, who will talk on “Department Store Advertising.” All these are Portland men, who are at the head of the different lines of ad vertising activity, who represent the best to be had in these lines. Besides the Portland speakers, a representative from one of the Eugene papers will speak on “Advertising in the News paper,” and a member of the faculty of the school of journalism will talk on “Publicity.” FRENCH CATALOGUES AVAILABLE For the use and information of stu dents who contemplate studying or tak ing graduate work at the French uni versities, Christian Vaeher, consul of France with headquarters at Seattle, has forwarded to the University of Oregon a large number of catalogues of the vari ous colleges of France, and other pamph lets containing valuable information concerning the work and life of the American student abroud. A complete set of the catalogues will be placed on file at the library and will be available for those interested. R. C. CLARK GETS APPOINTMENT Professor It. ('. Clark, of the history department, has received word of his appointment as University of Oregon representative on the National Commit tee on Chinese higher studies. in DEFECTED By DEfUIST KIKE III FIRST BJIME, 5 TO 4 Practice Contest Gives Line On Material and Shows Infield Is Weak. BOHLER USES BERG AND GRAY ON MOUND Oregon Batting Is Poor But Coach Is Not Discouraged Over Showing Blade. The ability of the North Pacific Den tal College team of Portland to hit when hits meant runs gave them the edge over the varsity in the first game of the season, the score being 5 to 4. Art Berg and Rollo Gray each took a turn on the mound for Oregon. Berg walked one. struck out one, allowed six hits and had five runs scored on him during the five innings he was in the box. In the last four innings Gray allowed one hit. struck out seven and hnd no runs scored against him. Berg made no attempt to use any curve balls or speed in the game Saturday. He took things easy and allowed the op position to hit rather freely. Four er rors behind him contributed in no small measure to the scores chalked up by the embryo dentists. Gray hooked a few and used his underhand delivery to advantage. He will probably get a chance to work again during the game with the Chicago Colored Giauts who play here Tuesday. Quizzenberry, who pitched for the Dental College was in fine shape. He allowed five hits in the entire nine in nings, struck out five and did not issue any free transportation. Rodney Smith, a former University student and also an ex-member of the Kugeno high school team, played stellar ball at short for the visitors. The Oregon team failed to get going iu the batting department, due largely to th efnet that they have not been hit ting any curve ball pitching in practice. But one clout for an extra sack was registered during the game. This one came in the last stanza when Art Base polled one into right that was good for a double. • inking into consideration the fact that, Bolder is facing the problem of making an en^rc new infield, the show ing on the part of those who got a chance Saturday was in no way dis couraging. Several fine points will have to he developed and team work as a whole wilf have to be* built up but the men looked good and got through the game without an exceptional amount of bone-head plays or busj» league base ball. In the matter of hatting the varsity looked weak on account of not having freed a curve pitcher previous to the game. Johnny Gamble came through with n nice single and Svarverude ,at third, got two off of the offerings of the., Portland pitcher. Present indica tions arc that at least two positions on the team will be awarded to men who can hit. A good extra base hitter and a clean-up man were lacking in the game Saturday. * Berg will probably be sent back in Tuesday against the Chicago team as Jacobson is hardly in condition to start a game as hard as this one will be. Jake is just geeting over a siege of ap pendieit.is and ttottsils and , is just rounding into shape. He will be in con dition to take his turn on the mound when the team leaves for its northern trip the latter part of the month. Coach Bohler expressed himself as' fairly well pleased with the showing made Saturday. Considering the disad vantages that the Oregon batters were under and the fact that very little team work has been developed thus far it was his opinion that the game was as good (Continued on Page 2) ♦'♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Y. M. NOMINATIONS FOR ♦ ♦ OFFICERS ARE ANNOUNCED ♦ ♦ - ♦ 41 The nominating committee an- ♦ ♦ nounces the following nominations ♦ ♦ for Y. M. O. A. officers: President, ♦ ♦ Kenneth Youel, Frank Carter: Vice ♦ 4* President, Kay Osborne, Harris ♦ 4' Ellsworth; Secretary, William ♦ ♦ Purdy, Art Campbell; Treasurer, ♦ ♦ Dan Woods, Marvin Eby. Elec- ♦ ♦ tions will be held from 10 to 5 ♦ ♦ o’clock Wednesday, the booth to be 4* ♦ in front of the library. Installation 4< ♦ at. 0 o’clock Wednesday evening at ♦ ♦ the Osburu. ♦ 4- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦