mill SINT 1 MOUND A9JUHIST DENTIST NINE TODAY “Spike” Leslie To Do Receiv ing at Start; Other Batter ies Likely to Serve. aspirants MAY ALL GET CHANCE AT GAME Opening Line-up Uncertain; Visitors Have Strong Crew; Pitcher Rated High. Art Berg, veteran twirler, will be on the mound for the varsity nine today when the Lemon-Yellow team meets the North Pacific Dental College in the of ficial opening game of the spring sea son. With “Spike” Leslie, the husky catcher of the last year’s team, the bat tery will be complete. The remaining po sitions on the team are still unsettled Coach Bolder refusing to make his se lection of a line-up last night. It is probable that Captain Reinhart, John Gamble and Carl Knudscn will take care of the outer garden, Reinhart in left field. Gamble in center and Knudseu in right. Infield Material Plentiful. The infield positions, which have been giving Coach Bohler a great deal of concern lately .will be covered by some seven or eight men before the game is ended. Glos or Yeatch will probably start on first, with Base and Beller al ternating at the keystone sack. In the shortstop position will probably be H. .Tacobberger at the start while Bill Col lins will probably work a part of the game. On third the possibilities are Svarverude and Liebe with the chances for Svarverude to be in the line-up at the start. A few others may get a chance at the infield positions before the j end of the game. For utility batteries, Bolder will prob ably use Jacobsen and Gray as twirlers and Furrey and F. Shields behind the |)at_A hard- gawe-ia--expected and it is not likely that any of Coach Bohler’s twirlers will last a full game. Dentists Have Good Hurler. For the dentists’ niue, Quizzenberry • will be on the mound at the start. Quiz zenberry is rated as one of the best semi-pro pitchers in Portland and his work against the Aggies early in the sea son shows him to be a good twirler. The dentists lost two games to the Ag gies and have woh one game from the Portland American Legion nine. The North Pacific team will probably line up as follows: Smith, shortstop; McLaughlin, center field; Terry, catcher; Salzer, first base; Narcnc, third base; Quizzenberry, pitcher; Butler, second base; Peppin, left field; Holscher, right field. The game is called for 2:15 o'clock '.sharp, and Ralph Coleman of Q. A. C. will umpire. An admission fee. of 50 cents will be charged and student body tickets must be presented, according to Assistant Manager Benefiel. Y. W. OFFICER IS GUEST Tea To Bo Given Monday in Honor of Miss Amy Smith, Executive Sec’y. The cabinet members and the advisory board of the Y. AV. C. A. will give a tea in honor of Miss Amy Smith, execu tive secretary of the northwest field, at Hendricks hall Monday afternoon at o’clock. Faculty women and sus taining members of the Y. W. have been invited to meet Miss Smith on Monday, when she will talk on the work of the association. Miss Smith. Mrs. John Stark Evans, president of the advisory board, Miss Tirza Dinsdale, secretary and Eleanor Npall, president of the Y. \V. C. A.. Mrs T. L. Campbell, Miss Talbot, and Dean Fox will receive the guests. Cabinet girls will assist about the rooms and members of the Boosters Club will serve t(a. Mrs. Wm. Case. Mrs. Robert Hall, Mrs. C. A. E. Whitton and Miss Bar bara Booth members of the advisory board, will pour tea. The committee in charge of the tea appointed from the cabinet is as fol lows: Mary Evans, chairman; Lenore Cram, Ella Rowlings, Glenn Frank. 4 FROSH BEAT INDIANS. 4 ♦ With “Lafty” Baldwin holding 4 the Indians at crucial stages of the 4 ♦ game, the Oregon Frosh succeeded 4 ♦ ]n defeating the Chemawa nine at 4 ♦, Salem yesterday afternoon in the 4 ♦ spenins same of the 1921 season, 6 4 ♦ to 3. 4 RHODES CANDIDATES MUST SEND IN NAMES Application for Scholarships Must Be In Hands of Committee By October 29. Announcement has been made that ap plications for the Rhodes Scholarships for 15)22-23 must be filed with the state committee of selection not. later than October 29. as the final selections will be made on December 3, The stipend is normally 300 pounds a year, but due to the increase in prices, scholars now receive a bonus of 50 pounds. The University of Oregon is allowed not more than four candidates, who, to be eligible, must be citizens of the United States, with at least five years domicile, and unmarried; by the first of October of the year for which elected have passed the 151th and not have passed the 25th birthday; and have com pleted at least the sophomore year at some recognized degree-granting univer sity or college in the United States. The candidates are to be selected on the basis of qualities considered by the state committee in making the final se lection. These qualifications are quali ties of manhood, force of character, leadership; literary and scholastic abil ity and'attainments: and physical vigor.! The scholarships are tenable for three years, subject to the continued approval of the college at Oxford of which the scholar is a member. President Ii. F. Scholz of Reed College has charge of applications in this state. i u L Plans Outlined For Spring Track and Baseball A tentative plan for the spring intra mural sports program was outlined by Hank Foster and Coach George M. Boli ler in the meeting of representatives of j the various men’s organizations on the campus, held in Bohler’s office Thurs baseball. The “Order of the O” will have charge of both doughnut track and baseball and will officiate at the sundry events. The plans fop- the track rmert, on Saturday, April 30, outlined by Fos ter, provide that no man on probation may participate. Letter men will not i be eligible to compete in their special events. Candidates must also turn out for track a certain number of times be fore the meet unless already out for baseball. The “Order of the O’ ’will provide trainers to assist “Bill” Hay ward in getting the men in shape. Bach contesting organization is to have a cap tain who will turn in a list of the men going out and who will be responsible for them. A man will be allowed to en ter in two track and three field events. The relay race is not included in the track events. A silver loving cup will be awarded the winning team and an in dividual cup to the high point man. The events are as follows: Javelin throw. 1(> lb. shot put. pole vault, high jump, broad jump, 100 yard dash, 220 yard dash, 440 yard dash. 880 yard dash 220 yard low hurdles, 120 yard high hurdles and the half mile relay. Xo definite arrangements have been made so far for doughnut baseball ow ing to the delay in getting the new fields in shape. According to previous lilans five diamonds should he now ready to play on. but nothing has been done on them as yet. Coach Bohler hoped to use the percentage system as in doughnut basketball last fall, but if the preparation of the fields is postponed much longer it is probable that the phi elimination system will be used. Funds ate not at present forthcoming for the much needed baseball equipment and the organizations may have to furnish then own. Men on probation will be allowed to take part, but not baseball letter men. PLAN CHAMBER EXHIBIT Organization Technique of Commercial Club Talked at Luncheon. Questions on the technique of organ ization were discussed at a luncheon Thursday evening of the board of di rectors of the University chamber of commerce with Colin B. Brown of the National chamber. Members of the Eu gene chamber were also present. Plans were also made at. the luncheon for the exhibit of University products at the Oregon Home Products exhibition to be held in the Hampton building, in Eugene, the first three days of next week “Our chief exhibit will be our boys and girls, because they are our best product.” said Professor Franklin Folts in discussing the plans for the show Stereopticon views of University activities are to be another feature, as will also be an hourly bulletin to be pub lished by students giving an account of the work being carried at the exhibit. WOMEN'S DOUGHNUT BULL TO STMT ON TWO NEW FIELDS New Head of Diamond Sport to Succeed Student Who is Absent This Term FINAL GAMES TO BE PLAYED FIELD DAY Miss Perkins to Coach Varsity Tennis—Three Places Are Vacant It’s spring — and the thoughts of tlio the Women's Athletic Association and the department of physical education for women, are turning again to out door sports. Baseball, tennis, canoe ing an darchery are taking the place of basketball and indoor apparatus work and preparations are being made for a big Field Day some time next month. I1 ans for baseball have not been com pleted since Dorothy McKee’s failure to return to school leaves that sport with out a head in the Women's Athletic As sociation. Miss Emma Waterman, base ball coach, urges, however, that the houses organize for doughnut baseball .and elect their captains immediately. Doughnut games will be scheduled as soon as possible, she says, although nothing definite can be done until a new head of the sport is elected. The of ficial doughnut league baseball will be the 12-inch outseam ball in place of the ;l6-inch ball which is considered stand ard. Varsity May Have Contest. Besides the doughnut series, class baseball teams will meet and an attempt will be made to arrange a varsity game. The final doughnut league game is one of the events scheduled for Field Day, when the two teams standing highest in the league play for the. championship cup. More complete arrangements have been made for tennis. Marianne Dun ham, head of the sport, is very anxious that as many experienced players as possible sign up for varsity try-outs be fore next Tuesday noon on the paper posted on the bulletin board in the wo men’s building. There are three places to fill, since 'Madeline Slotboom is the only varsity player back on the campus this term. , There will also be a “Round Robin” tournament open to all girls, which will culminate on Field Day, when -the W. A. A. trophy, a tennis racquet, will be awarded to the winner of this meet. A paper is posted for this list also aud anyone wishing to compete must sigu m> before Tuesday noon. Miss Mary Perkins, instructor in the English department, has consented to work with the varsity tennis team onq afternoon each week provided enough interest is taken in the sport, says Miss Waterman. No varsity players will be permitted to take part in the “Round Robin” tournaments, nor in the class contests. Since no freshmen are allowed to reg ister in the canoeing Classes offered by the physical education department, Miss Waterman asks that all freshmen wo men interested in taking part in the Field Day canoe races, see her imme diately and sign up for the sport. “I suggest,” she said, “that only those girls who have access to other than the department canoes enter the canoe races, since the department canoes are a little too heavy for racing* purposes.” The women are handicapped in ten nis ttiis spring since there are only three courts available for practice and no in struction is being given by the physical education department. 'F.n baseball, however, two new diamonds have been provided west of the women’s building, and .judging by the number registered in the three baseball classes, that sport bids fair to he the most popular. I ___ ^ . MISS KEM MOVES DESK. Miss Kathleen Kern, faculty stenog rapher. who for some time has had her ! desk iu the business office of the admin istration building is now installed at the | South end of the glass enclosed passage j facing the president’s office. Miss Kem has charge of all faculty stenographic I work and her desk at the new location ! will be more convenient for faculty mem bers and others having business there, than her former quarters. PLEDGING ANNOUNCED. Phi Sigma Pi fraternity wishes to an nounce the pledging of Verne Blue, ol Ashland, and Dean Moore, of Eugene. WORK III SEMI DEPHRIMENTS TO BE Courses in Literature and Public Speaking to be Augmented EARLY ENGLISH TO BE ADDED TO CURRICULUM “Drama and the Speak Arts” i is Name Selected for Dramatic Section ( A number of changes intended to round out the fields of work of several Uni versity departments were made during spring vacation and will take effect with the beginning of the next academic year. The departments principally affected are English literature, public speaking and dramatic interpretation, and rhetoric and American literature. The department of English literature has hitherto had as its field only that portion of English literature after the period of Edmund Spenser. Old Eng lish and mediaeval English have been given by Professor Mary II. Perkins and have been in the department of rhetoric and American literature. Effective next October, early English will be in the department of English literature, and Miss Perkins will be attached to that staff, although continuing to teach Eng lish composition in her present depart ment. English literature will thus have its normal field hereaftetr instead of being cut in two at the time of Spenser. “Public Speaking’’ Changed. The expression “Public Speaking” will disappear from any department title, ef fective next, October. The work in pub lic speaking will be given iu part in writ fen and spoken English courses in the department of rhetoric and American /literature. That is, much of the work in speaking will he combined with writ ing; students will prepare written pre sentations of certain subject matter as /English composition, and will be required' to present their subject matter orally before classes. Debate and argumenta tion will accompany extempore speaking in this change. The present department of public speaking and dramatic interpretation is thus left free to concentrate on its spe cialty of the drama, and will probably be known after this as the department of drama and the speech arts. The principal course for majors will be The Company, which will run for two years under the direction of Professor Fergus tteddie. An elementary course and an advanced course iu dramatic interpreta tion will feed The Company. Drill in Finer Points. The elementary course will be a spec ies of classroom laboratory in the finer points of speech, stage presence, and, so on. It will consist of three class periods for one hour of credit. It will he a general service course, open to non-majors and majors alike, and will be handled in small sections so that, in dividual students may be'drilled. The enrollment \in advanced interpretation is to be limited to 20, principally maj-. 'ors. Enrollment iu The Company will (be limited to" 12, who will be practically /all majors. Students in advanced dra matic interpretation, may, however, be used in minor parts iu The Company’s plays. ; The opportunity to devote himself ex clusively to the speech arts and the 'drama brings the realization of a hope ,Mr. Iteddie has had for many years. Two Technical Courses, i Two other courses in whicli the de partment of drama and the speech arts will be especially interested are: i Technique of the Speaking Voice. A course in scientific tone production with cultural spoken English as its goal. Study of the anatomy of the speech pro ducing organs and resonating cavities, and their relation to the properties of -sound. Class limited in number. Con sent of the instructor must be obtained before registering. Professor Iteddie. .Three hours. Fall and Winter terms Stagecraft. A practical course in Isoene design, stage decoration, lighting, and management. Professor Iteddie. Two hours. Three terms. > MME. M'GREW LECTURE t IN GUILD HALL, 8 TONIGHT ^ Contrary to announcement in both t the Emerald and the Register, the t lecture to be given by Mine. Rose k McGrew on “Voice Technique and t the Mme. Mateznauer Concert" » will be given tonight in Guild p theatre, at 8 p, m. THETAS DINE CALMLY WHILE PUBLIC GAZES Porches Covered With Tables; Girls Are Confident of Table Manners. , Porch dinners may become as popular in Eugene as roof-garden parties are in New York if a precedent set by the Thetas is followed by other women’s houses. The eveuieg before last the back and front porches of the home of Kappa Alpha Theta were gaily be decked with tables, and girls who were calmly eating in view of the public in an assured way that spoke well for their confidence in their table manners. The floors of the house have been in process of refinishing for the past few days and this fact, coupled with the ab sence of a cook, rather complicated the life of the residents. A new cook came Wednesday, however, and nlthough the floors in the interior were strictly label ed “No trespasing” there was nothing tc hinder the establishment of eating quar ters on the porches. As a result, any passer-by was treated to the sight of the Theta family satisfying its collec tive hunger and also having a rather en joyable time over the unique affair. V. M. ELECTION TO BE HELD ON WEONESDIIV Announcement of Candidates To be Made Next Week The election of officers of the cam pus Y. M. C. A. for next year will be hold this coming Wednesday. In the evening of the same date the annual in stallation banquet will be held at the Osburn hotel. The voting will he in a prominent place on- the campus from nine' o’clock until five, and all members of the asso ciation arc. expected to cast a ballot. Keu Lancefield is in charge of the elec tion committee. Lyle Bartholomew is chairman of the nominating committee and says that the candidates for the various offices Will be announced early next weok. The officers of the association this year are: President, Roy Veatch; vice president, Joe Ingram; secretary, Nor ton Winuard, and treasurer, Elston Ire land. The officers which will be elected will be installed at the banquet in the even ing and will hold office for the remain der of this year as well as next. It is expected that all men who belong to the association will be present at the banquet. Eugene business men, minis ters and representatives of the churches have been invited. In addition to talks by the retiring and new officers, Dr. Packard, the next day’s assembly speaker, will address the men. He has traveled extensively In the Near East and lu Egypt. The pro gram, which includes special music, will be announced later. The banquet will begin promptly at 6 and will last until S. Tickets will be sold at the various houses at 7iic each. O. A. C. AND OREGON Y. W. TO MEET NEXT WEEK Y. W. C. A. Cabinets Plan Joint Session for April 15-17; May Get To gether At Nimrod. The O. A. C. and Oregon Y. \V. C. A. cabinets are to have a joint council meeting from April 15 to 17 and are hoping they can arrange to have the meeting at Nimrod. This is an annual affair, except that this year the smaller colleges of the state are holding their meetings separately. Miss Alice Brown, student secretary for the northwest, Miss Gladys Tnylor, secretary at O. A. C„ and Miss Tirza Dinsdalo, secretary of the campus as sociation, will go with the girls. The cabinets from both schools are com posed of newly-elected members and this council will serve as a training school and help them get their work started for the year. Various phases of the association work wiy be discussed, the technical work of the committees, general work, and the problems found on both the O. A. C. and Oregon campus. The plans for the council have not been completed, but it is understood that there will be time for other things besides just work. F.leanor Spall, president of the asso ciation here, and Gladys Miller, presi dent of the O. A. C. group, have charge of the plans. Committees have been ap pointed as follows: Food, Jean Mac kenzie, Elsie Lawrence, Glenn Frank; housing. Lenore Cram; transportation, Margaret Smith. GIRLS’ HTHLETICS STANDARDIZED Bl SYSTEM OF PUTS National Convention Held at Bloomington, Ind., Make® Uniform Rules DELEGATES PRESENT FROM 50 COLLEGES Spalding Regulations Adopted for Basketball; Oregon Women Return . A standardized system of points Riven for women’s athletic ability was adopted at the convention of Women’s Athletic Associations at Bloomington, Indiana, March 18. Miss Harriet W. Thomson, acting head of the depart ment of hygiene and physical education for women, and Ollie Stoltenborg, pres ident of the Women’s Athletic Associa tion were delegates from Oregon. Dele | gates from more than 50 colleges and universities, representing most of the states in the Union, attended the con vention and a large majority favored the standard point system, whereby women may be credited with points won in one institution previous to registering in another. In the past. Miss Thomson explained, the qualifications for point winning have been so varied that those allowed by one association could not lie recognised by another. With the adoption of the standardized system, however, points awarded by one school may be trans ferred like regular academic credits. Each sport counts so many poiuts and the convention favored the awarding of letters or emblems ou the uniform basis of 100 points. Point Awards Rest rioted. The convention also favored allowing Athletic Association points for athletic ability alone. In some institutions, said Miss Thonisou, social leadership, ticket selling and other student, activities are' recognized. But, in accordance with the decision made by the delegates, only those points actually won ih athletics can be transferred from one school to another. Another matter decided by the con vention was the adoption of Spalding's rules for women’s basketball as stand* ard. The Oregon association and most western institutions have been governed by the Spalding rules for some time. . “I think,” snid Miss Thomson, “that tl^re is more skill involved in the Spald iug system, although some Eastern schools did advance some very good points in favor of modified men’s rules." Odd Contest Plan Favored. Miss Thomson was very mueh inter ested in the discussion of basketball guines iu which representatives from two schools play, not against each other necessarily, but with players as nearly evenly • matched as possible. For instance, she explained, if4 Oregon has a very tall guard and a visiting team a very short forward, the players will be shifted so that both sides are as evenly matched as possible, regardless of the school each represents. The game will then be idayed purely for sport and will not be one team playing against the other. "The system was tried here aoout eight years ago,” Miss Thomson said, “and it was very successful. The game was very interesting and the girls thought it was groat fun." Indiana Is Hospitable. The delegates nt. the convention were entertained by the Athletic Association ut Bloomington. \ banquet was served to the visitors and they wero special guests at a dance-dram a given by the dancing department. Miss Thomson and Miss Stoltenberg were impressed by the thoughtfulness and eare with which ar rangements had been made to make the convention successful. A full report will be given by them at the meeting of the Women's Athletic Association next week, when all of the final minutes of the convention will be available. BETA ALPHA HOLDS MEETING. The monthly education meeting of Beta Alpha, men’s honorary commerce accounting society, was held in the commerce building Wednesday evening. Talks on several subjects were given by both student and faculty members. Chas. VanZile, C. Carl Myers, Malcomb Hawke, Ernest Evans, Professor T. J. Bolitho and Professor MacDougle Were the speakers. After the program re freshments were served. pledgTng is announced. Zeta Itho Epsilon announces the pledg ing of Gladys Benson, Portland, and Celia Shuee, Caldwell, Idaho.