Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1921, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
NO. 106.
80HLER HUS 111
Lack of Veteran Basemen Is
Felt; Outfield Appears
\ Well Balanced
Cemetery Ridge to Be Scene of
Initial Contest; Art Berg
May Start Game
From present indications, Coach
George M. Kohler has a real task ahead
of him to develop an infield that will
compare favorably with the Lemon-Yel
low infield of last season. Not that
there isn’t a wealth of pretty fast ma
terial turning out every night but ex
perience is going to make the differ
ence, and from the present outlook there
will not be an experienced hand in the
infield, which means that the entire in
field will be selected from last year's
frosh squad and the second stringers,
from last season, a few of whom are on
deck for a berth this year.
Bohler Works Squad Hard.
Coaoh Bohler is working the squad
hard and is giving the infield candidates
a stiff training course every afternoon
in the practice sessions, hut thus far
lias not picked the men for any of these
positions. With the first game to he
played Saturday against the nine from
the North Pacific Dental College of Port
land, it is highly probable that Coach
Bohler will not announce his starting
line-up until about Saturday morning.
The loss of ITerm Lind and Jay Pox.
the two veterans of'the infield for the
past three seasons, means a blow to the
Lomon-Yollow nine this soring and so far
no suitable material to fiil the two po
sitions left vacant by them, is assured.
Horm was a sure bet at first and his
long reach and ability to handle his
length to a good advantage in gathering
them in around the initial sack made
him unbeatable in the conference last
season. With the stick. Horm never
failed to connect with a hot one and his
homeripns were a feature of the Oregon
baseball season last spring. .Tay Fox
held down third base to a good advant
age and his steady nerve and experience
made him a valuable man in the Lemon
Yellow infield. .Tav was also an artist
with the stick and hit well up among the
top notehers last season.
“Skeet” Missed at Short.
Then “Sweet” Mnnerud handled short
stop in a manner that is going to make
(Continued on Page 3.)
Portland to See Audubon Society Collec
tion Next Week.
Professor Albert R. Sweetser, head of
the the department of botany of the Uni
virsity, and his wife will go to Portland
tliis morning to make preparations for
the third annual art exhibit of the Ore
gon Audubon Society which will open
Saturday in the Central Library. 230 of
Mrs. Sweetser’s painting of birds and
flowers will be in the display.
The art exhibit will contain oil paint
ings, water colors, and photographs of
Oregon birds, wild flowers and trees. It
is put on in co-operation with the Uni
While in Portland Professor Sweetser
will give talks to the pupils in the Port
land schools. He will return to the cam
pus on April IS.
Final Publication to Make Appearance
Junior Week-end; Suggestions for
Name Due April 15.
Lem my, after taxing his powers of
.originality through throe successive is
sues, is going to take the advice of the
hall headed gentlemen, namely that a
number of heads are sometimes better
than one with the result that the naming
of the last issue of the year will be left
to the students. The last issue of I>m
my. according to the editor, will make
its appearance Junior week-end and will
contain either 28 or 32 pages.
“We want to make the last issue the
best, of the year” Fisman said. “In order
to do it we must have the interest of all
of the students and so we are going to
let them name it. All suggestions must
be in not later tl#n the fifteenth of this
month. The successful one will be an
nounced just as soon as decisions have
been made.”
The April issue of Lemmr, which was
to have made its appearance the last of
this week’, has been held up for a few
days owing to press troubles but first
copies will be delivered the early part
of next week, according to Doan Ireland,
circulation manager. The April issue
will contain 28 pages and will include a
number of art and cartoon pieces which
in the estimation of Frank Short, repre
sent the best work thus far submitted.
Music Council Brings Star
Here For Concert.
Madame Margaret Matzenauer, the
great Metropolitan mezzo-soprano, will
appear in Villard hall on Saturday even
ing, April 1C, with Frank La Forge, the
great composer, as accompanist. This is
the third number of a series of concerts
being brought to the campus under the
auspices of the Oregon music council.
Madame Majtzenauer’s singing has
made her well-known all over the world.
Her voice is said to almost defy classi
fication because of its wonderful adapt
ability. She began her operatic career'
as a contralto but later took soprano
parts with great success. Her experi
ence both in Europe and in America is
wide and varied.
More than ten years of successful as
sociation in concert with the greatest art
ists have made the name of La Forge,
her accompanist, familiar to practically
the entire musical world. He was a stu
dent of Lesehetizky, the great teacher of
piano in Vienna. Madame Matzenauer
will also he assisted by Charles Carver,
a bass singer.
The Matzenauer concert is the most
costly attraction that the music council
has as yet sponsored, according to Vin
cent Engeldinger, chairman of the coun
cil committee. It was hoped at the time
of the Althouse concert that since it
achieved such great success the prices
for the next entertainment could be
placed a little lower. However, when ar
rangements were made for the coming
concert it was with difficulty that the
Elwyn Concert bureau, under whose di
rection the singer comes to the North
west, was convinced that the Eugene
prices would be as low as those charged
for the Althouse concert. This was a
disappointment to the council for they
had hoped to be able to cut down the
admission as had been promised.
At the concerts in Portland and Salem
an admission of $2.50 or more will be
charged, according to the representa
tives of the concert bureau.
Training for Track and Field
This event is similar to the hammer
throw as far as form is concerned. Some
athletes use what is known as the glide
or shot putting form. The ones that use
it mostly are shot putters who special
ize iu the shot alone and enter the discus
throw to try to gain points for the team
and are satisfied with the form used. I
may say that an athlete cannot do both
events and do justice to himself for the
reason that opposite sets of muscles are
The form used by the best discus
throwers is the turn and a half. The
athlete stands at the back of the seven
foot circle with his hack facing in the
direction that the discus is to be thrown,
feet about two feet or less apart, accord
iug to the size of the thrower. The dis
cus is swung back and forth in an ob
lique angle with the body past the knee
to gain momentum.
The pivot is made on the ball of the
left foot; the light, is brought around
quickly to the eeuter of the ring. .Tust
as soon as the right foot bits the ground
the left is placed to the edge or within
sis inches of it in a position that will
bring the left side facing the direction
of the throw. Here the reverse is made
as described in the shot; the deliveiies
on the order of a left. Care should be
taken that equilibrium is not lost during
the turn.
Elevation is necessary to obtain dis
tance and the discus should leave the
hand so as to sail through the air. On
making the turns the arm should be car
ried back or behind the body so as to
be able to have a strong pull. The turns
should be smooth with increasing speed.
After the form is perfected it will not be
necessary to throw often.
Production In U. S. Aided By
1160 Chambers of Commerce,
Says Speaker
Oregon Organization Second of
Its Kind In This Country;
Chicago First
“A man may be a good business man,
and good in all ways, but unless he does
something for the good of the community,
he is not a good citizen,” said Colvin B.
Brown, of the orgiSiization department
of the United States chamber of com
merce, in addressing the students of the
University at assembly yesterday morn
ing. Mr. Brown is an authority of na
tional repute in the matter of business
organization in general, and especially
in the forming of chambers of commerce,
and came to install the University of
Oregon chamber of commerce, organized
at the close of the winter term.
The subject of Mr. Brown's talk was
"The Relation Between Business and
Chambers of Commerce.” He took up
the opportunities of the modern business
man from a broad viewpoint, and showed
that a well organized chamber of com
merce will develop love of town, and a
definite object toward which all citizens
may work shoulder to shoulder. Mr.
Brown gave incidents from his first hand
knowledge of the large industries of the
United States.
Many Problems To Solve.
"Today,” said Mr. Brown, "there are
a great many important problems con
fronting our nation, and the best way
to solve them is to divide them into
small bits, and let each community do
its part. In doing this the chamber of
commerce will enter in. A chamber is
built on the principle that more can be
(Continued on Page 3.)
Alumni Will be Asked to Aid
In Arrangements.
Six tentative plans for the projected
campus memorial, to be erected in honor
of the Oregon men who lost their lives
in the Great War, have been prepared,
and will be presented to the alumni
through a circular letter.
This vvoVk has been done under the di
rection of Professor W. F. G. Thacher.
who has outlined the most probable
forms which the memorial might take.
These will be placed before former Ore- j
gon student s, and their assistance asked, j
both in the selection of some definite !
memorial, and in the raising of the
funds necessary for its construction.
The proposed plans include a “student
union” or building exclusively for the
use of the students. It would be pro
vided with lounging rooms, rooms for
games .and possibly quarters for student
Among tho other plans presented is
the construction of a memorial field,
after the style of Harvard’s famous
“Soldier Field.” This could be construct
ed upon the thirty-five acre plot on the
lower end of which is Hayward field.
.The plan would be to lay out the upper
tract, in a complete system of grounds,
including baseball diamonds, running
tracks, tennis courts, etc., with a suit
able memorial gateway entrance.
An avenue, extending through the main
part of the campus, and beautified by
the planting of trees and shrubs, is an
other plan advanced as a possible me
morial. With suitable entablatures and
archways, this avenue could be con
structed so as to make an impressive
A memorial library, a statue or gate
way are suggested as other possible me
morials for the commemoration of the
men who gave their lives in one of the
greatest struggles of the ages. What
ever is adopted, appropriate entablatures
on which would appear the names of
the men whose great sacrifice is to be
honored, will be included.
Xo definite plan, however, will be de
cided upon, until the committee has had
the benefit of the views of the stu
dents and alumni upon the best me
morial to adopt.
Post System Abolished;
New Code Now in Force
Program to Start at 8; No Feature
Planned; Hall To Be
All arrangements are complete for the
first, student body dance to he held in
the new women’s building. An eight
piece orchestra has been engaged and a
program of snappy dances is planned.
The hall will not he decorated, due
to the fact that any attempt to decorate
on such a large scale as would he re
quired would interfere with the classes
which are conducted there.
In order to give the students lots of
time to dance, no feature has been
planned. This will prevent any inter
ruption after the A. S. U. O. starts to
shake a hoof. The festivities start at
S o'clock, and according to Johnny Hous
ton, chairman of the dance committee,
this does not mean 8:15—it means 8
o’clock sharp.
Due to the fact that a University hall
is to be used, it has been possible to cur
tail the expenses. The committee lias
set the admission price at 50 cents.
Revised Scholarship Regulations Adopted By
Faculty; Incompletes To Count As
Hours Made; Probation Rules
Undergo Change.
The post system lias been abolished.
A new code, adopted by the faculty at.
its meeting yesterday afternoon, now
governs student scholarship. Several
radical changes in the old code have been
made, ns well as an entire change in
the make-up of the probation committee.
Under the new system, a student nink
ing less than three hours is dropped from
school, whereas lie was formerly placed
on probation. Less than nine hours
places a student upon probation, but
in the cose of dismissal, the student is al
lowed to petition for re-instatement in
the University after nine calendar
months. The old code made no provision
for re-instatement.
The new code provides that iucom
pletes will be counted in figuring the
number of hours made. Under the sys
tem existing heretofore, incomplet.es
were not counted.
The probation committee, which con
sisted of all the deans, is responsible for ;
Batty Attics Attract Women; i
fStiL. !
Pot and Quill Gets Cellar
Pott and Quill, women’s organization
interested in writing as distinguished
from journalism, is now' as definitely
placed on the campus as the library or
the 'Pioneer. A room for n meeting place
and general headquarters has been as
signed to the society in the art building,
(the former women’s gym) and the mem
bers are now in the process of moving in.
The granting of the use of this room
is the result of considerable search for
an appropriate place on the part of the'
organization, and a petition to W. K.
Newell, University superintendent of
properties. Pot and Quill has for a
long time felt the need of a permanent
meeting place and headquarters, becnuse
of the nature of its club w'ork, which
calls for a reading and writing room and
something in the way of filing and li
brary facilities. The place which Mr.
Newell has assigned to the organization
is the basement room which was used as
examining room when the building was
used as women’s gymnasium. The mem
Colloquium Committee Makes
Report to Faculty
The 'Missouri system of grading has
been re-worded so as to be interpreted
for use in the University. This was done
by a committee appointed by the faculty
colloquium for the purpose, and their re
port, interpreting the grading system
was adopted at the faculty meeting yes
terday afternoon. It follows:
“Students are graded as to scholar
ship by being placed in classes-1, II, III,
IV, V, Failed, Incomplete, Conditioned,
or Withdrawn.
“An instructor may at his discretion
giv<j an incomplete when the work done
in a course has been of passing grade,
but when not quite all of the w’ork of
the course for the term just ending has
been finished by the time of final exam
“As a means of promoting a uniform
standard of grading in the faculty, with
out interfering with any instructor’s
estimate of individual classes, it is under
stood that over a term of years, and tak
ing into account a comparatively large
number of students, an instructor’s pass
ing grade ought to have been distributed
about as follows:
“I’s and II’s—20 to 25 per cent.
“Ill’s and IV’s—55 to 05 per cent.
“V’s—15 to 20 per cent.
“No account is taken in the foregoing
1 of Incompletes. Withdrawals, Cond’tions.
j or F’s. It is further understood that in
! the first and second years the average
| of an instructor’s grades is likely to run
lower than in the third and fourth years;
also that the distribution of grades sug
gested does not necessarily apply to
graduate classes or to instructors whose
classes, by reason of advanced work, are
uniformly small.”
hers have bean applying paint and kalso
mine, and have plans for the decoration
and furnishing of their new headquarters.
Inspect Deady.
All this sounds simple, but thereby 1
hangs considerable of a story. The tale
begins with events of some weeks before
Easter vacation, when members of Pot
and Quill, happening to be on the top ,
floor of Deady hall, observed a ladder at I
the west end of the hallway, leading up
to a trap door in the ceiling. The ladder,
which later measurements found to be !
17% feet high, was perpendicular and a j
trifle wobbly, but investigation showed j
that it led through a man-hole into a
small square tower with ■windows on all
four sides giving a wonderful view of the 1
campus and the surrounding country. Pot
and Quill had been easting about for a
meeting place for some time, and this
discovery was both interesting and op
But when Authority was led to the
scene, one shake of the ladder produced
a corresponding shake of the head. In
the opinion of Authority the ladder was
unfit for use by the women of the TTni
versity, and the tower was really no
place for ladies, as things stood.
Place Inaccessible.
The matter, however, did not end here,
by any means. The members of Pot and
Quill agreed with Authority that the lad
(Continued on Page 3.)
“Vitamines and Yeast Growth” Is Sub
jcct of Interesting Article In
March Issue.
The March number of the Journal of
liiologieal Chemistry contains an inter
esting article by Dr. Roger Williams of
the chemistry department on “Vitamines
and Yeast Growth.” This article is one
of a series on the original discussion
that yeast needed vitamines for nutrition.
Two articles have previously appeared in
the Journal of Biological Chemistry and
a fourth was read before the Chicago
Institute of Medicine.
Vitamines, Dr. Williams points out, are
substances aside from proteins, carbo
hydrates and fats that are contained
in certain foods and form a necessary
part of body tissue. In a way, vitamines
are the fountain of youth, for unless a
sufficient quantity is taken into the body,
premature old age and a lowered resist
ence to disease will result.
The growth of yeast is used as a test
and it was on this subject that Dr. Will
iams wrote his third paper on vitamines
for the Journal of Biological Chemistry.
Requests for reprints of the article are
already being received by Dr. Williams,
one request coming from the University
of Louvain in Belgium and another by
telegraph from New York City.
Vitamines were discovered only about
111 years ago by Casimir Funk, who, with
other scientists, is using yenst tests. Dr.
Williams has been asked to write some
popular articles on these comparatively
new but important substances.
the new code. It was referred by this
committee to the faculty last term, with
a recommendation for adoption. It pro
vides that the activities of the probation
committee be transferred to a commit
tee of five, to be appointed by the admin
The code makes no provision for posts,
-which automatically abolishes this sys
tem. It provides, however, that special
cases may be referred to the committee,
which has the power to place students on
probation if it is deemed advisable.
The new regulations, which go into ef
fect immediately, follow in full:
1. A student failing to make passing
grades in at least three hours any term
shall be dropped automntieally from the
2. A student making three hours or
more, but failing to make passing grades
in at. least nine hours nny term shall be
placed on probation automatically for the
following term of his attendance.
fl. A student, special or otherwise,
who has been permitted to carry nine
hours or less must make satisfactory
grades in all his work or be placed on
4. A student failing to make nine
hours nny term shall make during the
succeeding term, hours sufficient to bring
the total number of hours made during
the two terms Involved up to 17. A stu
dent failing so to do shall be dropped
from the University. If he succeeds In
making the total number of hours made
during the two terms involved up to 17
he shall be removed from probation.
5. A student who has been placed on
probation under three abovd and who
carried during the term of his or her
probation less than enough hours to
bring the total for the two terms up to
17 provided all are passed, must pass
in all the hours carried during the proba
tionary term or be dropped from the
University. Success in passing all the
hours carried during the probationary
term will remove such a student from
0. Students who fail to make nine
hours during the third term in any aca
demic year shall be subject to the above
regulations (2, 3, 4,) unless before reg
istering again for work !n the regular
academic year they shall have completed
in summer school, by correspondence or
otherwise, sufficient University credits
to total, when added to those earned in
the term mentioned, at least 14 term
7. A student dropped from the Uni
versity under any of the provisions of
this code may petition the Probation
Committee for re-admission after nine
calendar months have elapsed.
8. In the application of these rules,
hours made in prescribed freshman* and
sophomore Physical Education shall not
be counted. Conditions and withdrawals
shall not count as hours made. Incom
pletes shall bd counted as hours made.
9. Any member of the administrative
or instructional staff of the University
may refer to the Probation Committeo
any cases which seem eligible for excep
tional ruling, both as to being put on pro
bation and as to being dropped from the
University rolls, the committee to have
power to act.
10. A student who has been placed
on probation is charged with the obliga
tion of keeping his scholarship, his at
fContinued on Page 2.)
De Lassus, Kenneth C.; Biekensbeets,
Bari Y.; Digerness, Knut; Dorman,
Frank B.; Dotson, Bertrand D.; Dough
erty, Charles C.; Douglas, Raymond B.;
Du Paul, Jean F.; Durst, Henry E.:
Edwards, Bertram; Ellestad, John M.;
| Erickson, Alfred; Evans, Eddie K.: Ever
' ett, Arthur W.; Farther, Cecil R.; Far
rell, Douglas; Fell, George E.; Folts,
Morton B.: Ford, Bartell; Foster. Ver
non If.; Frick. Ahraham L.: Fr'sbie. Al
lan G.; Fuchs, Armnnd H.; Oardinier.
George; Gastrock, John W. A.; Ghio,
; Emil A.; Goar. Leo; Godfrey, G. How
ard; Godlove, Wilbur R.; Goodr.ch, Jean
01.; Gourley. Maurice F.; Cowans, Has
sell; Graham. James II.; Gram. Harlan
B.; Gray. Bartlett; Gray, Hubert H.;
Gray, Richard F.; Grille.v, Albert C.;
Gross, Prentiss L.; Groth, Clause R.;
Gurney, Edgar S.; Baines, Fred W.