Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 07, 1921, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
o Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association._ ,
>y»oclate Editor .Lyle Bryson ?T~rs Editor..Charles E. Qratke
Assistant News Editors
Velma Rupert, Elisabeth Wbitehouse
John Dierdorff.
Sports Editor.Floyd Maxwell
Sports Writers
Eogene Kelty Harold Shirley Art Rudd
Don D. Huntress
Night Editors
° Wilford C. Allen.
Carlton K, Logan, Reuel S. Moore,
Kenneth Youel.
News Service Editor ... .Jacob Jacobson
Alexander Brown, Eunice Zimmerman
feature Writers
E. J. H., Mary Lou Burton, Frances Quisenberry
_ _—-——---1
News Staff—Fred Guyon. Margaret Scott, Kay Bald, Owen Callaway, Jean
Strachan, Inez King, Leuore Cram, Wanna McKinney, Raymond I). Lawrence,
Margaret Carter, Florence Skinner, Emily Houston, Mary Truax, Howard Bailey,
Ruth Austin. Madalene Logan, Mabel Gilliam, Jessie Thompson, Hugh Stark
weather, Jennie Perkins, Claire Beale, Dan Lyons, John Anderson, Maybelle
Leavitt. ______*
Associate Manager ..Webster Ruble
Advertising Manager .
it..,. —------—
Circulation Manager .
Staff Assistants: James Meek. Jason McCnne,
.George Miclntyre
.A1 Krohn
Elwyn Craven, Morgan Staton.
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon,
issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year.
Bbtered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, ah second class matter. Sub
scription rates $2.25 per year. By term, 75c. Advertising rates upon application.
Campus office—055.
Downtown office—1200.
With but seven cases of cheating; brought before the stu
dent advisory committee during the past term as against 29
for the term proceeding, students and faculty alike have cause
for rejoicing. The decrease is not due to a decrease in watch
fulness on the part of the faculty, but rather to a realization
on the part of students that cheating does not pay.
The high-water mark has been reached and passed. It is
highly improbable that the students in the future will toler
ate cheating. They have come to a realization that, cheating
is dishonesty, and that dishonesty is a sin. It is not with a
feeling of pride that the student tells of a large number of
students caught cheating. The decrease in the number of
cases brought before the committee is cause for feeling of
It is true that during the past term, more than in any pre
vious year, the students have come to look down upon the
cheater. The student who lets it be known that he is a cheater
doesn’t rate so high in the estimation of his fellow-students as
he did in the past. He admits dishonesty, whereas in former
day he admited a peculiar quality which enabled him to fool
his instructor. It is dishonesty now, not cleverness.
While tlie amount of publicity given to penalties and to
the University regulations and the policy of enforcing them
may have influenced some, the majority were influenced sim
ply by the proposition that cheating was wrong.
A still greater decrease during the final term is to be
hoped for. The question of what constitutes cheating may be
the cause of several cases, but students are now convinced of
.the moral depravity of cheating and dishonesty. It is with a
feeling of pride that we say, “Cheating is NOT.prevalent at
the University of Oregon.”
The varsity nine plays its first game of the season this
Saturday. Let’s all be out to get a line on what’s to be ex
pected during the coming season, and incidently show the
players we’re ready to back them as far as they can go.
Language students are likely getting worried. Maybe
the elimination of the vocabularies in the back of the book will
be the next move.
It’s getting time to trot out the Mexican athletes. The
doughnut track meet looms in the horizon.
University Will Send Printed Matter of
Special Departments to
New Students.
Following u new practice of prepar
ing a series of informational bullet ins to
be mailed to prospective students in
stead Of the present form of catalogue,
the committee on catalogues announces
in its annual report that this form of
publication will be used as it is more
convenient than the filmier method
which necessitated searching through
several hundred pages for desired infor
These bulletins are prepared to give
the specific information desired by n
group of people having similar interests.
The first of this new series, that of the
graduate school, is in type, the report
states, and the others will follow in rapid
succession as they are needed for mail
The catalogue for 1920 was issued
later than usual owing to the uncer
tainty and high hopes for ♦he future
which were prevalent in all minds at
the time when the catalogue would nor
mally have been prepared. This made
definiteness of statements out of the
question on many points of interest to
new students.
The increase in the resources of the
University has permitted und compelled
very extensive reorganization in many
schools und departments, and the annual
catalogue has undergone a considerable
change as a result. The new form of
bulletin, the report says, is at present
in u,se in many of the larger universities
of thp country.
Kilpatrick, Stetson, Almack and Powers
Make Trips Off Campus On
Various Missions,
Outside of the short-term course for
state chamber of commerce secretaries
ami publicity campaigns for the regular
University summer term the extension
division offices were quiet during the
spring vacation period. Professor 1'. L.
Stetson was in Spokane attending the
Inland Empire Teachers’ association, as
were several other University of Ore
gon professors. John O. Almack, spe
cialist in the extension teaching depart
ment. spent the week in Portland visit'
mg Franklin, Lincoln and Washington
high schools. He will deliver the dedi
cation address for the Ooquille high
school building. May 1.
Earl Kilpatrick, director of Hie ex
tension division, was in Salem Saturday
for n conference with the state superin
tendent of schools; with the exception
of this trip, Mr. Kilpatrick lias been
kept busy on the campus with affairs
Orchestra — The orchestra will ap
pear before assembly this morning. All
members are requested to be there. A
short meeting of all old and liew mem
bers will be held in Villard hall this
evening at 7:30. Tlier^ will be no re
Christian Science Society of the’Uni
versity of Oregon. Meets this evening
at 7:15 p. m. in room 11, education
'building. Students, faculty and employes
of the University are invited to attend.
Cross - Roads — Meeting Thursday
evening of this week.
315th Engineers — Dean Dyinent
would like to see personally any men in
the University who fought with Com
pany A or Company C of the 316th
Engineers, 91st Division, at Tronsol
Farm in the Argonue on September 29.
Y. W. C. A. — There will be the reg
ular meeting of the Y. W. C. A. at the
bungalow this afternoon at 4:45. Mrs.
George Bolder will talk on Women in
Industry aiul posters illustrating this
work will be shown.* All girls are urged
to attend this first meeting of the new
Y. M. C. A. Friendship Council and
Cabinet meet for the final meeting of
the present organizations this year, from
7 to 8 this evening.
Women’s Educational Club — Regular
business meeting Thursday, 7 p. m., at
the Oregon building.
Presbyterians — Mr. and Mrs. Giffen
will entertain the Presbyterian church
committee at luncheon at the Anchorage
today noon. One student from each
house on the campus has been invited.
Sigma Delta Chi — Members of Sigma
Delta Chi are requested to meet tonight.
7:30, at the Kappa Theta Chi house.
Minimum Standard of Seventeen Hours
In Two Terms Must Be Made
Declares Committee.
Without exception, the probation com
mittee denied the petition for re-in,state
ment in the University submitted by
eleven of the 215 students who had be
come ineligible for registration because
of failure to make sufficient hours
'Neither were any exceptions made to the
100 students who have been placed on
probation for the spring term.
The committee takes the stand that,
regardless of the cause, the 17-hour
minimum must be achieved. It held
that in establishing the 17 hours for two
terms the University was setting an ab
solute minimum, and that students com
ing under this minimum must conse
quently be refused re-instatement.
These eleven students who had peti
tioned the probation committee had made
from eight to 10 2-3 hours in two terms.
Of these, one made 16 2-3; one, 161-3;
one, 11 2-3; and one, 15; but it was
found that the students making these
credits had received low grades.
A new scholarship code replacing the
existing probation code, and containing
one or two substantial changes, will be
submitted to the faculty at a meeting to
I More calls for teachers are being re
ceived by the school of education than
the appointment bureau is able to fill
according to Professor C. A. Gregory,
head of the bureau. If students want
the assistance of the bureau in obtain
ing teaching positions for next year, he
says, they must register at once.
The engagement of Lillian Pearson. Pi
Reta Phi to Dr. Harold Orosland of the
psychology department, was announced
last evening. Tuesday evening Ruth
Diehl, Pi Beta Phi. announced her en
gagement to (’larence Gray. Sigma ('hi,
of Portland.
LOST. — A brown leather purse on
,13th street between Hilliard ami campus.
Finder please call Frances Peterson at
851 or leave at Emerald office. Re
connected with the summer term.
Alfred Powers, who is in charge of
visual instruction, arrived home yester
day from a week’s trip to Florence,
where he addressed a teachers’ insti
Wing’s Market
Quality, Service and Low Prices.
Fresh and Cured Meats.
Phone 38. 675 Willamette Street.
Babes Will Meet Chemawa for Two* 1
Game Series at Salem.
__ i
The frosh nine will have their first ]
games of the season this week-end at :
Salem when Coach Bill Steers takes his ,
babe diamond artists to the capital city i
for a two-game series with the Chemawa i
Indians. Eleven men, as yet not picked,
will make the trip. 1
Jake Benefiel is still working on the
frosh schedule for the coining season. He '
has lined up a four game series with .
the O. A. C. rooks, and hopes to book ;
games with several of the high school
teams of the state. '
For the week - end games, “Tex” i
Knight. “Left.v” Baldwin, Frances Al
stock. Doug Wright, Phil Ringle, Joe
Anthony, Ward Johnson. Terry John
son “Brick” Goodrich and Glen Sorres- -
by seem likely to make the Salem trip.
(Continued from Page 1.)
humble proportions. In fact, the posi
tion of the college and the newspaper,
in this regard, keems decidedly re
The dean visited the University of
Kansas, Kansas State College, Univer
sity of Missouri, Princeton, Harvard,
Columbia, University of New York, Uni
versity of Michigan, Marquette Univer
sity, the Jesuit school at Milwaukee, and
the University of Wisconsin, of which
he is a graduate and the University of
Minnesota. He also visited a number
of smaller colleges. “I feel that the
work at Oregon compares favorably
enough with anything in the East,” he
said, in speaking of the journalism
training. The eastern training, he said,
specialized in different lines of jour
nalistic work, while the western system
embraced a wider, more comprehensive
curriculum. The University of Kansas,
the dean found, was the only school of
importance where the general journal
istic training was being given similar to
that at Eugene and Seattle. “The East”
he said, “will be slow to give full credit
to the Western universities. This is
due to the fact that the East does not
now, and probably never will, know
much about the Pacific coast.”
Aiumm Are met.
In Chicago Dean Allen met William A.
Dill, formerly of Eugene, and who at
one time owned the Springfield ^News.
He was a reporter and desk man on the
Register, later the Guard and Portland
Oregonian. At present he is the night
editor of the Associated Press in Chi
cago ,and is secretary of the newly es
tablished Medill school of journalism, at
Northwestern University. At Harvard,
•the dean met Lamar Toozet a . graduate
of Oregon. Toozc will complete his law
course there this spring, and will begin
his practice in Portland. The dean also
met Mrs. Tooze, who was formerly
Marie Sheahau, also an Oregon student
While visiting Princeton, Dean Allen
met Doctor .T, D. Spaeth, who has been
at Oregon during several summer terms
in pnst years. Dr. Spaeth was coach
ing the Princeton crews and the dean
first encountered him on the lake, di
recting four varsity eights with the aid
of a launch and megaphone.
The dean visited the offices of many
of the metropolitan papers in the cities
where he stopped and was impressed by
the wonderful equipment used by the
modern newspaper. Only one paper, the
office of which bears the memory of the
airly days of journalism, was found.
This was the Boston Post, a paper which
numbers its daily circulation at a cold
half million. Amid the crooked streets
of Boston the office of the Post is still
to be found in the original building. The
nnrrowness of the streets gives rise to
a law against the erection of new struc
tures in this part of the city and New
England tenacity prevents the Post
from moving. To get the space neces
sary to house modern presses, they dug
a basement seventy feet deep. This did
not give space enough so buildings on
the side were bought and the same pro
ve* ding carried on. Presses and raa
:hines were crowded in until the alleys
ictweeD them rivaled the crooked streets
>f the city itself. Where the floor of an
idjoining building did not quite match,
t was joined by an inclined platform—■
mrtitions built, and additions con
strueted until one finds oneself in a maze
>f journalistic atmosphere and machin
ery unrivaled for its intricacy anywhere
•lse in the country.
The Editorial Association convention
ipened at Birmingham, Alabama, and
'rom there the editors junketed through
fuskegee, Montgomery, Pensacola, St.
Augustine, and Cuba. Dean Allen did
lot make the trip to the island. At one
if the sessions the dean read a paper
>n the college trained journalist, and an
swered the oft propounded question, “Is
2e making good?’’ The true achieve
ment of the college journalist, the dean
said was not to be found in answer to
he question, “is he holding his job?”
but rather whether he is ,level, ■
creditable and salient reputatilTV
high standards in journalism. - °r
believes, is beginning to
E. E. Brodie, of x1r
has been a constant
editors conventions at tin
Oregon, was elected
This, he
1)0 demon
national association. A. E. y
'(‘fn «*y, who
attendant at the
1 diversity ()f
livesident of tlm
ooi'hies, of
Grants Pass was also in attendance, m"
is son Earle, a forme1,
student of Oregon, in Birrnineham \
Voorhies met liis
, , ro'ngham, and
they attended the convention together
Earle Voorhies has been editing a Bos
ton suburban newspaper, but plans'"^
return to flip University of Oregon soon
WANTED — Students washings and
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specialty. Work guaranteed
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Boost the
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WALT HUMMELL, Proprietor.