NO. 105. Appreciation is Expressed by President Campbell and Dean Hhle TOTAL OF BOOKS NOW APPROXIMATES 20,000 12,000 Volumes, Weighing 10 Tons, to Occupy 1400 Feet of Shelf “The gift of the memorial library made by Judge Fenton is one of the most notable in the history of the University,” said President P. I,. Campbell yesterday in expressing his appreciation of Judge Fenton’s contribution to the law school library. “It is probably the largest gift in actual value ever made to the Uni versity,” he said. The Fenton collec tion includes some 12,000 volumes of law reports covering many fields of legal practice. “The other important gifts were those of Henry Villnrd. who gave a cash en dowment of $55,000. gifts to the Failing Reekman prize contest fund, amounting to $3,500, and the gifts to the Woman’s b ,:!ding, no one of which was in excess of $5,000,” continued President (’amp bell. “This magnificent law7 library, which is rated as the best private li brary west of Chicago, comes at a pe culiarly oppoturne time as it furnishes a most substantial basis for the period of strong development on which the law school is entering. With a library unex celled in the west and a strong teach ing staff the law school will take rank among the best in the country,” he went on. “Fireproof Building Wanted. “The gift is in memory of Kenneth Lucas Fenton who was a graduate of the University of Oregon law school. We hope that the University may sometime be able to house the collection in a new law school building of fireproof construc tion and amply provided with steel stacks. It is a noble memorial to a young man of high character and great promise who. if he had lived, would have proven a most useful citizen of the state. “This memorial will afford a large op portunity to thousands of students and will serve as an inspiration to the finest achievement,” said the president in con clusion. Dean William G. Hale, of the law school, not only expressed great appre ciation on the part of the department for the gift but also paid glowing tribute to Judge Fenton’s personality and character. Puts School in Front Rank. “A gift of this sort shows an unusual regard for the profession to which (Continued on Page 3.) COMMITTEES NAMED BY STUDENT COUNCIL Lois Macy Takes Place of Nell War wick; University Band Will Be Given Reward for Work. The appointing of several committees ami regular routine business occupied the student council at its first meeting of the new term last night, hois Macy was appointed a member of the student council by Carlton Savage to succeed Kell Warwick, who resigned at the close of last term. The resignation of Don Davis as chairman of the entertainment committee of the student council was ac cepted and a new committee consisting of Norton Wfrfnard, chairman, Nish Chapman and Lois Macy was named by the student president. Davis will con tinue as a member of the council. The I niversity band will probably re ceive some reward from the student body for their work during the year. Nish Chapman being named to consider some suitable award. A committee to work out details of the men’s smoker to be given this month was named by pres ident Savage. In includes Henry Fos ter, chairman; Cecil Adams, James Say. Neil Morfitt, Frances Wade and John Gamble. Mother’s day, Sunday May If. was discussed by the council, and a committee named to consider the pro gram for that day on the campus. This committee includes Lyle Bartholomew, chairman, Ella Itavffings, Annamay Bro naugh, Arnold Ivoepke, and Claire Ryan. President Savage and Lyle Bryson, secretary will represent the Associated Students at a joint meeting of faculty, alumni and regents to be held in Port land April 15 to consider final plans for a soldier’s memorial to be erected on the campus. Junior members of the homecoming committed of this year will continue over for the coming year under a plan adopted by the student council, and will form the nucleus of the committee next year. The plan was suggested by Charlie Fenton, alumni secretary, in order that next year’s committee might have the benefit of some of the experiences of this ye'ar. The members who will continue over next, year are: Helen Nelson, Lu cile Branstetter, Ruth Griffin, Carl Newbury, Wayne Akers, Claire Keeney, Art Campbell, Charles Huggins, Ralph Taylor, and Norton Winnard. The petition of Samara, a botany or ganization to be reorganized by the As sociated Students, was granted. MRS. BOHLER TO SPEAK Industrial Forum at Y. W. To Hear Lecture on Women in Industry. Mrs. George Bolder will speak at the regular Y. W. C. A. meeting this after noon on Women in Industry. Mrs. Boli ler has worked as an industrial sec retary and is familiar with factory con ditions and the many problems that the working woman has to face. The talk is to be illustrated with posters that have been secured from Washington, D. C. which Professor .Tames Gilbert lyts been using in his economics classes. Jessie Todd, chairman of the Industrial Forum, will have charge of the meeting. Training for Track and Field By VV. L. HAYWARD. NO. 9—THE POLE VAULT. There is no event on the track and field programme that results in better all-round development for the body than the pole vault. It builds up the arms, shoulders, buck and abdomen, and though the upper part of the body is brought mostly into play, the legs are not neglected. It is an event which re quires' a great deal of study and prac tice before one becomes proficient. The requirements for this event alone are what is required for all the other events Put together; that is, speed, strength, judgment, nerve, ability and endurance. Tall men are generally the best vaulters. but I have known several athletes who were not over 5 feet 6 inches who were able to go over 12 feet consistently. The beginner should be very careful and see to it that everything is in good shape before trying to vault. See that the take-off is level so that the ankle "ill not turn; the pit should be soft to eliminate any jar to the body on lighting; the hole for the pole should be safe, and "hat is of most importance is the pole; make sure that it is strong. The run and take-off are very important and should be measured similarly to that of the broad jump. The take-off should be arranged so that the pole, body and ground form a triangle. Assuming that the jumper is right-handed; that is, the fight is the top hand, the pole should be grasped as i in climbing a rope, thumbs Pointing upwards. This is the position at the take-off, only the lower hand is slipped from the first position (one to be described later) preparing for a strong pull-up. The beginner will no doubt find a great deal of trouble hero. If the take off is too far away from the hold the vaulter will be thrown against the pole and if too close a heavy jerky strain will be on the shoulders, which sometimes means a bad fall. A great deal of care and attention should be paid to this one point if one wishes to excel in the event. There should be no jerk or heavy strain on the shoulders if the take-off is taken properly. Another cause of this may be that when the pole is placed in the hole the arms are in a cramped position when the hands are slipped. If the vaulter. whe nplaeing the pole, will slip the hand and raise the pole to a position straight over the head with arms almost extend ed as if reaching and the take-off is cor rect, he will find the jerk will be elim inated. The reason why 1 dwell so much on this point is that it is very important and if it is not smoothed up the great est height will be impossible. The run is anywhere from twenty to thirty yards. A mark should be made half way between starting point and where the vaulter wishes to take-off from and an effort made to hit this mark with the jumping foot. This will not be exact, and marks should be moved forward or backward according to the distance the take-off was missed. (Continued on Page 4.) STUDENT CONTROL OF CUSS SUCCEEDS IN IBSENCE OF DEAN E. W. Allen says Trial Proves Professor Need Not be Disciplinarian 28 STATES COVERED ON CONVENTION TRIP Universities and Newspapers Are Visited in Principal Cities of'East The advanced students of the school of journalism have demonstrated an abil ity to conduct a system of student con trol of class work, and should such procedure ever be instituted it would meet with success, in the opinion of Eric W. Allen, dean of the school of journal ism. Dean Allen, who has just returned from an extended absence while attend ing the National Editorial Association Convention in Florida bases his opin ion upon the amount and quality of the work done and the high standard of scholarship maintained in his journal ism classes which were conducted by the students during the time he was in the East. Three weeks before the close of school last term, Dean Allen left to at tend the convention. He outlined the work for the remainder of the term, sub stituting the writing of a paper for the final examination. The performance of the work, attendance of classes and amount of study was left entirely with the students. The class of work done demonstrates, says the dean, the fact that the students are not only willing, but able to carry on the study and edu cate themselves, and that they do not need a disciplinarian, only a guide and advisor, in their studies. Dean Is Gratified. “I was immensely gratified” stated the dean, “by the interest and applica tion of the students to the work. , If there is ever a movement on the part of the student body to take a more active part in the handling of the collegiate work I shall certainly not oppose it.” The dean expressed himself as particularly pleased with the good record of the pub lishing class. nue in tne r.ast, uean auen passed through 28 states, from Oregon to Flor ida and New York and Massachusetts, in almost every instance he visited uni versities and colleges and the larger newspapers throughout the country. “It is interestting to notice,” he said, “that there is scarcely a college in the country that is not over-crowded. Every where with the possible exception of Princeton, the universities do not have the equipment they .need—and appear to be camping out. None of them, however, have the conglomeration of ‘wooden shacks’ which are so prominent on the Oregon campus.” Newspapers Palatial. On the other hand, the dean cited the improvement in -equipment aud location of the newspapers. Where, a decade ago, it was traditional for the newspa per office to be a mere den, it has as sumed today spacious and comfortable proportions, the acme of which is reach ed in the offices of the Saturday Even ing Post, which are almost palatial. “In contrast to this,” he said, “where the colleges once were reputed to be con ducted froiii spacious offices, the need for space has reduced them to the most (Continued on Page 2) ♦■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ THESE MEN REPORT AT 4 ♦ « TODAY 0^ KINCAID FIELD ♦ ♦«♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« Ken Burton. Martin Biddle, James Bagan, Howard Bailey, T.ot Beattie, .Tuck Beck, Charles Bennett, Guenter Bickel, Willie Blakeley, Joseph Brack Harold Brown. Charles Buchanon, Rob ert Butner, Wallace Cannon, Harry Cul bertson, Hubert Booth, Gibson Bowles, Don Bradford, John Brady, John Bry son. Fred Buck, Steve Bugar, John ' Bixby, A. E. Broadwell, George Bro I nough, Clyde Buck, Earle Busselle, Frc I mont Byers, Kenneth Campbell, Adolph i Creghino .Hal Chapman, William Chase j John Clark. Lawrence Cook, Kenneth ! Cooper, E. S. * Corneluissen, Hen-y l Crossman. Harley Covalt. Lynn Cram I r,oy Crow, Stan'ey Crow. Desmond Cun j diff. Charles Dawson. Tom D’Armond I Paul Dtlvcning. N. B. Freshmen are hereby notified J that excuses of track or baseball prac I tiee. or any other athletic excuse, wil not be accepted. i Campus Chamber of Commerce to be Installed Into National Body EDGAR PIPER UNABLE TO COME AS EXPECTED Full Attendance Is Asked; Music to be Offered by Orchestra A last-minute switch in the ar rangements brings Colvin B. Brown, head of the organization department, of the chamber of commerce of the United States, to the University this morning as assembly speaker in place of E. B. Piper, editor of the Portland Oregon ian. Mr. Brown, who arrived last, evening, through n misunderstanding, will be un able to remain over until 8 o’clock this evening. Mr. riper, in the meantime, had suffered a slight injury to his foot, j which prevented his leaving Portland to day. A conference between Dr. E. C. j Robbins, dean of the school of cora : merce, and President Campbell resulted, in the president’s arranging to devote the assembly period to the chamber of commerce speaker. Mr. Brown, who is a recognized au thority on the subject of commercial or ganization, is here to install the Univer sity chamber of commerce into member ship in the chamber of commerce of the United States.* It was announced by Dean Robbins last night that a full at tendance of students is desired, since the speaker is one whom all will enjoy hear ing. The installation! will be held at as sembly. j The campus chamber, recently organ i ized by major students in the school of commerce, already has approximately 250 members. Byron O. Garrett, a senior, is president. The assembly, Dean Robbins says, will be Mr. Brown’s sole | speaking appearance in Eugene, since other appointments call him out of the c'ty immed’ntely. The University orchestra will furnish the music for today’s program. “Katin ka”, which was one of the most popular selections with the various audiences on the orchestra’s vacation tour, will be one of the numbers. WIDE-SOLED SHOES BRING “BILL” GRIEF Wide Brogans Get Tangled Up With Ac celerator Instead of Brake As Train Approaches. Broad-soled shoes may be prescribed for the health by physicians, but they arc not the proper foot-gear to ■wear while driving a racing car, according to “Bill” Hayward, who yesterday noon narrowly escaped death in front of a southbound Oregon Electric train at Lasen, two miles from Eugene. “Bill” approached the railroad cross ing at a fair rate of speed, but failed to observe the approaching train until it was nearly upon him. As he attempt ed to put on the brakes, his broad-soled shoe touched the accelerator, and it was only by his presence of mind in swing ing the machine parallel with the train that saved both himself and his wife, who was riding with him. In his mad flight up the railroad com pany’s right-of-way, “Bill” negotiated one ditch, a bad bump and took out two I fence posts and about 10 yards of barb : ed wire fencing before bringing the ma i chine to a stop. The drive wheel on the right side of the car sunk in a hole as I “Bill” attempted to drive back on the road, and he was unable to extricate himself from his predicament until suc ! cored by a passing farmer who pulled 1 him back on the highway. Neither of the passengers were in ' jured, and the car suffered only to the i extent of a few scratches on the hood. MRS. GERLINGER HERE. Mrs. George T. Gerlinger, of Portland member of the state board of regents is campus visitor today and will inspect : the new- women’s building and Susan Campbell hall. Mrs. Gerlinger has been much interested in the new buildings for . women and has taken a personal part in the selection and arranging of the in terior decorations during the construc tion period. PLEDGING ANNOUNCED. Alpha Phi announces the pledging of 1 Margaret Smith of Portland. INTERLINING BOOKS SAID TO BE CHEATING student Advisory Committee States Definite Policy Regarding Such Translations. Announcement has been made by the student advisory committee in regard to its policy toward the practice of inter lining language text books with trans-, lations of the subject matter. The state ment. given out by the committee is as follows: “The Student Advisory Committee, in order to handle fairly certain cases re ferred to it by members of the Univer sity faculty, has recently been forced to define accurately its policy in regard to the practice of interlining language text books with more or less complete trans lations. The committee has consulted j with the departments interested, has considered the matter carefully, and is forced to take the ground that inter lining text books with .translations of words which may be called for in daily recitation constitutes cheating in class, for the reason that the daily recitation counts toward the final grade in the course. “Departments expect new words in eacli day’s lesson to be learned by mem bers of the class so that the words can Inter be used when the members of the class are called upon to recite. The grade in the daily work depends very largely upon evidence of ability to use correctly these new words. Hence the practice of writing the translation of these new words constitutes a decep tion of the teacher for the purpose of se curing a grade higher than is honestly deserving and therefore comes clearly Within the difinition of cheating in Uni versity work. “Because there has been no defined policy in regard to this form of cheat ing, the committee has hitherto been lenient in dealing with such cases com ing before it. It makes this public an nouncement in order that, students may understand clearly the position in which they place themselves when they yield to the temptation of making marginal or interlinear notes for reference in their language recitations.” Signed, Student Advisory^ Com tnitf6e. "VOICE TECHNIQUE" IS TOPIC OF ARTIST Mme. McGrew Gives Second of Mu Phi Lectures “Voice Technique” will be the topic discussed by Mine. Rose McGrew at Guild hall, Saturday, at 5) o’clock. Her tulk is the second of a series of lec tures on music technique; given under the auspices of Mu Phi Epsilon, national honorary music sorority. The first was given by John Stark Evans, March 16. The series of lectures is being given to raise money fur a scholarship fund which is to be used for worthy and tal ented students who are selected by the sorority. The first scholarship will be given next year, and the sorority hopes to award one every year thereafter, to some Oregon student. The scholarship will be for work in the Oregon school of music. Mu Phi Epsilon is the first honorary sorority to offer a scholarship in the University. “Mme. McGrew has had a wonderful class in voice here this year,” said Mrs. A. C. Dixon, wife of Regent Dixon, in discussing the lecturer. “It is a fine thing for us to have her here; she is do ing such wonderful work. She has had a wide experience, and is a recognized au thority on the subject which she will discuss,” continued Mrs. Dixon. The next of the series of talks will be on violin symphony, by Rex Under wood and the concluding two lectures will be on piano technique, by Dean John Landsbury. Dates for these will be announced later. NEW BOOKS ARE VARIED Library Gets Volumes of Fiction, Poetry and Philosophy. “ ‘The Journal of_ a Disappointed Man’ by Bruce Frederick Cummings was the subject of an editorial in the Morn ing Oregonian a short time ago,” said Mrs. Mabel McClain in speaking of some new books just received by the library. Others are, “Accepting the Universe,” a philisophical essay by John Burroughs and an illustrated book on “California Highways,” by Ben Blow. Among the fiction were “The New Poetry” by Monroe and Henderson: O’Brien’s “Best Short Stories for 1920”; “Form the Hidden Way" by James Branch Cabell, and “Moon Calf” by Floyd Dell. 7 CASES OF CHEITK HAIUDLED LAST TERM; ONE IS DISMISSED Student Who Copied in Final Is Permanently Expelled SUSPENSION FOR YEAR PENALTY OF ANOTHER Two Are Fined 10 Hours Each And Others Lose Term Credit A report, of the recent decisions of the student advisory committee shows that seven cases of cheating have been hand led by it since December, when a report of 20 cases was published. Of these •seven, one student was found guilty und was dismissed from the University; one was suspended until October, 1021; two students were fined ten hours each; and the remaining were denied credit for the term’s work in the courses in which the cheating occurred. A limited number of infractions of the few rules laid down by the University, not cases of cheating, have also been handled recently by the committee, in cluding one case of failure to observe discipline in the department of military science. The decisions of the committee have been ns follows: Case 30—Student was convicted of copying from a neighbor during term final examination. Previous scholarship record very low. Decision: Permanent dismissal from the University. ' Case 31—Student copied from a neigh bor during a quizz. Decision: Same course to be taken for the term without credit, and to be repeated without credit in event of failure to pass. One Concealed Notes. Case 32—Student concealed notes, in paper used in final examination, although there was evidence to show that the notes were used little if at all. Student also answered whispered inquiry of neighbor on one point in one question. The committee took the position that in terchange of information on any point whatsoever is absolutely prohibited in examinations, and that student should avoid even the appearance of evil in the matter of textbooks, notebooks, and notes, together with all similar material, during examination periods. Decision: Ten hours of University credit to be de ducted from transcript. Case 33—This student solicited and received information on a minor point during final evamination. Decision: Ten hours fine. It is the policy of the committee to suspend or dismiss from the University for cheating in any final examination, unless the offense is genu inely of minor degree. Case 34—This student was convicted of repeated copying during monthly quizzes, students of high standing in the class were “spotted,” and Case No. 34, taking a seat next such a student, would benefit by the other’s work. De cision: Suspension until October, 1921: re-admission on probation for one year, with disbarment from all student activi ties during that year. Student Admits Copying Case 35—Student made frank state ment of having copied in one question in an early term quiz/, because of late reg istration and failure to have covered the work up to the time of the quizz. De cision: Credit denied in the course for one term, the student agreeing to pass it with a good grade. Case 36 plus—Through misapprehen sion, an instructor who had not read the president’s order requiring all cases of cheating of whatsoever kind to be re ferred to the student advisory commit tee, had himself handled a number of cases of cheating in daily quizzes, by notifying the students that they would receive an F in the course for the term. Under the circumstances the instructor was given authority by the committee to handle the cases described in this way, the committee adding no further pen alty. SHELDON TO MAKE ADDRESS Dean II. D. Sheldon of the school of education will go to Monmonth on Fri 1 day. nnd will address the State Normal ! School on the subject of “Some Great i American Educators.” I-v ROSEBURG SCHOOL HEAD VISITS. I Superintendent M. A. Hamm of the ■ Roseburg public schools was a visitor on j the campus on Monday. Mr. Hamm was 1 looking for teachers for next year, and •interviewed a number of persons.