Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1921, Image 1

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regon Daily Emerald
NO. 104.
Eugene To Be Scene of Game
With North Pacific
Dental College.
No Selections Yet Made From
Thirty Contestants Who
Are Out Daily.
The first game of varsity baseball of
tlie season will be played on the home
diamond next Saturday against the
North Pacific Dental College of Port
land. The Dentists bid fair to give
Coach Holder's proteges a hard fight.
They have already played two games
with O. A. C. which has one of the
strongest teams in the league this year,
and which was victorious by only a
small margin in each game. A return
game is scheduled for April 29 in Port
With more than thirty contestants out
for varsity practice yesterday afternoon
in (lie initial workout of the spring term,
prospects for victory over the Dentists
look fairly promising. However, a lot
of hard practice is necessary to whip
the present candidates into shape, for the
coming games. Owing to the limited
amount of practice heretofore this
spring Bolder has not been able to de
termine the ability of the majority of
! the men out for tlie nine. As yet none
of the men have been jdaced, but most
of them will get a chance to show what
(hey can do during some part of the
Coach Bolder lias a uucleus of five
letter men around which to build his
team. Spike Leslie and Art Berg form
| the battery and have proven their lrn'tal
in previous varsity contests. Berg has
the smoke and control which character
ized his playing last season, while Spike
continues to scoop up everything that
comes in his direction. Jake Jacobson,
remembered for his steam in the past
is out to instill fear in the hearts of the
Portlanders. Billy Reinhart and Carl
Knudsen, both letter men will do doubt
resume their positions in the outfield.
Both are batters of no little ability. Bel
ler, Jacobberger, Glos, Veatcli, Grey.
Hewitt, Base, Ross Suarverud, Zimmer
man. Say, Furry and Bearer are strong
competitors for places on the team.
♦ «
♦ - * ♦
♦ WillanJ Abies, Arthur Adler, Es- ♦
♦ tol N. Akers, Wm. S. Akers, Don- ♦
♦ aid L. Allen, Elgie Altimus, Francis ♦
♦ Alstock, Clarence Anderson, Joseph ♦
♦ 0. Anthony, Luther R. Bailey, ♦
♦' Charles T. Baker, Robert Barnett, ♦
♦ Homer Bartholomew, Roderic Bel- ♦
♦ knap, David Bidvvell. ♦
Faculty Committee Reports on Petitions
Granting Hours to Those in
Certain Service.
Military credits toward graduation art
granted only for education receiver
while in the service not merely foi
months in the military service, accord
ing to the annual report of the commit
tee on military credits which further
states that many petitions for eredi
for military service are still being con
sidered by the committee.
hull reports of the committee are un
available, the chairman announces, ow
ing to the fact that no records hnv<
been preserved, the members of the
committee supposing that the appoint
ment was in the nature of a temporary
committee and that an annual report
would be unnecessary.
Reports for the current academic
year show that !I7 petitions including
only those on the file between A and 1
were acted upon by the committee. An
average number of 21 hours granted o’:
the approved petitions' five were re
fused. and one received the maximum of
48 hours. Several of the petitions were
for entrance credits and mjt counting
toward graduation.
Larremore and Warner Coach
Varsity Raqueteers
With the Pacific Coast Conference
tennis meet coming during .lunior Week
end and a number of other meets ten
tatively arranged, the Oregon varsity
tennis squad are working out each day,
preparing to meet any competition that
their opponents may offer in the way
of not class.
Ken Smith, one of last year’s stars,
is back on the courts and is showing as
good or better form than ever before.
Harry Westerman is also showing up
with his old-time class.
Two older men are going to make a
strong try for the team this year. They
are Barney Garrett and Bill Allyn, who
have been working out ever since the
season opened and winning a large num
ber of matches.
Among last year’s frosh Herbert Dar
by, who was city champion of Salem
while in high school, is out, as is Frank
Jue, who is also an artist with a
Coaching of tennis is in the hands of
Professors Tom Larremore and S. B.
Warner of the law school, who are do
ing the work without compensation. It
is their plan to pick the best eight men
in the University and work out with
them each night. They constitute a hard
pair for any varsity team to beat and
their competition will be a big factor in
producing a winning Lemon-Yellow
Two of the tennis courts have been re
served for varsity workouts between
fou rand six each evening. Freshman
and others w-ho play are encouraged to
use the courts at other times.
Traniing for Track and Field
In this event, as in other field events,
the importance of form cannot be over
estimated. An athlete may have all th«
necessary natural qualifications, yet if
he does not know which form is best
adapted for his particular style he will
not be able to jump very High. The legs
are not used alone to obtain heighth;
the arms, shoulders, chest, and in fact
every muscle in the body is used at some
Particular point in the jump. The most
natural jump to use is the “scissor’
jump and is used by most school boys.
If a man wishes to make any kind of J
showing, this form should not be tried
flt all. There are several other forms to
use that will be far more satisfactory.
According to build and natural form
°f the jumper, no two men can use ex
actly the same form with the same de
gree of suecess, so the jumper will have
to study the form or part of forms best
suited to himself. The one used by
many intercollegiate champions a n d
"hich can be used as a working basis
for other forms will probably be met
"'th success by the majority of high
Presuming that the jumper takes off
the right foot, the athlete runs from a
little to the left, and as the bar is ap
proaehcd, a sligh swerve is made just
before the right foot is planted for the
spring. The left leg is thrown up with
a great deal of force sided by an up
ward swing of the arms. On leaving the
ground a slow turn is made; the right
leg is hooked or cut over the bar at the
same time, making a quick turn and
jerking the hip out of the way landing
| in the pit facing the take-off. The
higher the bar the more layout is ne
Another form is the shoot. The jump
i er runs straight to the bar as in the
broad jump. On rising he turns parallel
I to the bar with his knees drawn up. and
I when at the highest point the hips are
drawn in and out of the way by straight
ening out the legs. Another form which
is very successful to those that have
mastered it is that of starting from the
side as in the scissor style and taking
off on the inside foot. The left leg is
thrown high with the toe pointed inward
rr towards the liar. The body should be
parallel with the bar, the right leg
drown under and turned. The shoulder
should be the lowest point of the body
at the top of the jump—in such a posi
tion as the jumper were lying on it. The
turn fs made as if rolling off the bar.
Tibs is a very complicated form of jump
ing and one which. I should say, is more
of ar acrobatic feat than a jump and
is not adapted for every jumper.
Susan Campbell Hall, Named
For President’s Wife, Is
Artistic In Finish.
Recreation Room In Basement
Feature of New Domicile
for Students.
Lovely in its tones of ivory and cream,
with blue tints in the upholstering of
the furnishings, Susan Campbell hall is
now open to the women of the Univer
sity, some eighty-five or ninety oc
cupying the suites of rooms. Built as an
exact counterpart of Hendricks hall, it
is similar in its harmonious tints, sunny
drawing room and parlors, and com
modious suites. But in hangings and
furnishings, and in those individual
touches which make the home, it is dif
ferent, transforming the hall into an in
dividual and ideal home.
Miss Mabel WithycomBe, daughter of
the late Governor James Withycorabe,
is installed as head resident for the
spring term. Miss Withycombe comes
here upon the invitation of Mrs. George
T. Gerlinger to be with the girls during
their first term in their new home. She
is a graduate of Oregon Agricultural
College, and has done graduate work in
various universities. During the war she
was in Washington, D. C. She intends
to take some work in the University
during her stay on the campus.
Hall Has Accommodations for 112.
Susan Campbell hall, named in honor
of Mrs. Campbell, wife of the president
of the University, is a colonial building,
built in the form of itn L. Containing
three units, each entirely distinct, it
has accommodations for 112 girls. The
furnishings were installed yesterday, and
consist of comfortable davenports, co
lonial furniture, lovely shaded lamps and
hangings, and soft tinted rugs which
blend into the general harmony of the
Each suite is arranged to accommo
date four girls. It consists first of a
study furnished with study table, book
case, davenport, wall and table lamp,
rug and chairs. Next comes the ward
robe hall, with individual wardrobes for
each girl. Then the dressing room with
built-in lavatory and medicine chest, and
containing the four dressers. The sleep
ing porches are possibly the features of
the suites. Containing four single beds
they arc just large enough to comfort
ably accommodate the girls. The large
'French windows permit one whole side
(Continued on Page 2.)
Frances Moore, High Point Winnor,
Scores 22; Muriel Meyers, Run
ner-up, Given Trophy.
| -
| The freshman class took the women’s
(interclass swimming title at the meet
held on March 20, scoring 32 points.
The sophomores were second with a
score of 29 and the juniors third with
Frances Moore scored 22 of the soph
omore’s 20 points thereby retaining her
title as the best all-around swimmer.
She was high point winner in the last
year’s interclass meet and also in the
varsity meet with O. A. C. Muriel
Meyers, a freshman, was second high
point, winner. Her strong point was in
speed. She won one first and two sec
onds in the races. The Woman’s Ath
letic Association trophy, a swimming
suit, was given to . her rather than
Frances Moore because the latter won
it last year. Emily Houston, freshman,
won the plunge for distance and Leila
Ptack and Agnes Schultz, both fresh
men, won first and second places in
diving. Helen Xelson was high point
winner for the juniors.
The members of the teams were —
seniors, Maud Largent and Eva Kelly;
juniors, Margaret Uussell, Carolyn Can
non. Winifred Hopson, Helen Xelson and
Wanna McKinney; sophomores, Frances
McGill, Wenona Dyer, Frances Moore
Valiere Coffey. Emily Veazie and Mar
ion Xic'olai; frSslimen, Leila Ptack.
(Irace Caviness. Emily Houston, Muriel
Meyers. Star Xorton, Agnes Schultz and
Harriett Veazie.
Miss Emma Waterman. Fred Howard
and Joe Hedges were judges and Bill
Hayward starter and timer.
Norway Long on Red Tape, But
High in Culture, Says Oregon
Man; Outdoor Sport Popular
Melvin Solve thinks it should bt> an
easy matter to trace criminals in Nor
way, for, he says, it is even hard for an
honest man to move about. He told what
he meant by this in describing his im
pressions of Norse customs in an arti
cle which appeared in the “Wordens
Gang,” a Christiania newspaper, recent
ly. Mr. Solve was an instructor in an
English department of the University
last year, but now holds a fellowship at
the University of Christiania.
When this article reached the campus
it was handed over to Dr. Thorstenberg,
professor of Scandinavian languages,
who proceeded to juggle the seemingly
heterogeneous mass of letters into in
telligible English. Then he explained
the “red tape” connected with almost
everything one does in Norway. Mr.
Solve says that he wonders if so many
regulations are for the best, because,
when the manner of doing things is pre
scribed by law, there is little room for
private initiative. It seems strange to
him that he had to give a full account
of himself when he registered at a hotel,
instead of merely writing his name and
former address. A close scrutiny of
everyone’s movements is customary in
Norway as in other European countries,
for one must be register with the police
Government regulations enter into
construction work, also. Upon one oc
casion Mr. Solve commented on the
building methods employed in construct
ing some walls of masonry, and the
manager’s reply to his questions was
that the law demands it that way.
Mr. Solve said that he was surprised
to find how infrequently people use
checks. Most merchants refuse to ac
cept them, and according to him, it is
not because they distrust the persons
who write them, but because they don’t
care to be bothered. In this connection
Mr. Solve mentioned the time one most
spend in drawing money at the bank. In
stead of presenting a check and receiv
ing the money immediately, the patron
is compelled to wait while the clerks do
the day’s bookkeeping. It seemed that
long to Mr. Solve, but he admits that it
is probably not much more than half an
Although the American quickly Notices
(he peculiarities in business methods and
customs of foreign countries, Mr. Solve
says that in Norway he finds many
pleasant features to offset these. The
cultural level is high, and there is
plenty of good music, theaters and art.
The people are very polite and well
bred, and he considers it a great ad
vantage to mingle with them both at
the University and outside. However,
he adds that he can’t understand that a
country with such high culture should
pay its teachers so poorly.
One of his many impressions received
by a visitor to the country is the gen
eral interest in sports. lie arrived dur
ing the Olympic games, and, being a
Norseman by descent, joined the crowds
in frbnt of the newspaper offices in
cheering when they saw bulletins an
nouncing Norway’s victory over England
in football. According to Mr. Solve,
even the children show that they are
accustomed to sports. He admires their
robust appearance, and comments on
how brown their skin becomes from
swimming so much in salt water.
Mr. Solve expects to return to Amer
ica this summer. He received the fel
lowship from the Amcrican-Seandinavinn
Foundation in New York, of which
James Crease, Jr., is associate secretary.
In a letter to Dean Dyment, Mr. Crease
said, “You will bo pleased to know that
Mr. Solve is doing very good work in
Ruling Says Participants Must
Report for Practice
The annual doughnut track and field
meet will be held April .30 this year, ac
cording to “Hank” Foster, assistant
track coach. With fifteen teams to be
entered more than the usual number of
men will participate.
A new restriction has been placed on
those entering the meet this year, in
that they must report for a stated num
ber of practices before they will be al
lowed to compete. The number as yet
has not been determined. No former
letter men will be allowed to try for
j places. A silver cup is annually award
! ed for the team making the most points.
; It is also customary to award a medal
| to the high point man.
All men not excluded by the regula
; tions will be allowed to compete. The
organizations entering teams will be
| Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Chi. Sigma Nil,
1 Kappa Sigma, Beta Theta Pi, Friendly
| hall, Oregon club. Delta Tail Delta,
Bachelordcn, Kappa Theta .Chi, Chi Psi,
Phi Sigma Pi, Alpha Tail Omega, Phi
Gamma Delta and Sigma Alpha Epsi
lon. All men not included in organiza
j tions or residents of Friendly hall are
I automatically members of the Oregon
The meet will be under the direction
| of the Order of the “O,” and the mem
bers will also act as judges of the meet.
The doughnut meet last year was won
by the Kappa Sigma fraternity, William
Blackaby of the Alpha Tau Omega team
being the highest individual point win
Miss Amy M. Smith, Y. W. C. A.
executive secretary, for the northwest
field, will be on the campus Monday
and Tuesday„of next week. Miss Smith
is especially desirous of meeting the fac
ulty women and the other women of the
community in order to present to them
! the program of the association. She will
1 also meet the advisory board and the
| cabinet members. Miss Smith is visit
! ing O. A. C. this week.
| -
G. A. Briscoe, superintendent of the
Ashland public schools, was a visitor on
the campus yesterday (Tuesday,) and
inspected the new building of the Univer
sity high school.
Commerce Body’s Installing’
Officer Coming Thursday
The University chamber of commerce
will be installed as a member of the
chamber of commerce of the United
States on Thursday evening at a meet
ing in Villard hall to which the student
body is invited. The installing officer
will be Colvin B. Brown, head of the or
ganization service bureau of the na
tional chamber, who is an authority on
commercial organization problems. The
Eugene chamber of commerce is invited
to attend the meeting.
The chamber of commerce of the
United States, with headquarters at
Washington, is a federation of more than
1,400 business and industrial organiza
tions. Mr. Brown’s efforts during the
• last five years have been directed to
| ward assisting commercial bodies in
: strengthening their organizations and
I preaching the gospel of the integration
(Continued on Page 2)
Equipment Said to be Modern,
With Auditorium, Studios,
and Laboratories
Romance Language Classes
Moved From Deady to
Oregon Hlall
The University high school moved in
to its new quarters in Easter vacation,
and is now occupying the one-story
brick building between Sixteenth and
Seventeenth streets on Alder. The ro
mance language department, has been
moved into the rooms vacated in the
Oregon building.
The new building is modern in every
way, and has besides the regular class
room facilities, several new features.
There are six large classrooms, two
science laboratories, an art studio, a
library, store rooms and locker rooms!
offices for teachers and principal, a
large auditorium, an outdoor gymnasium,
boys’ and girls’ dressing and shower
rooms, a covered play-court jand a space
for bicycle racks.
Will Have Motion Pictures.
The auditorium is about 70x30 feet,
and will seat 200 persons. It is furnish
ed in light grey and white. The room
is specially adapted for the work in
dramatics, and has a large stage. There
is a modern fire-proof motion picture
booth, and a moving picture machine baa
been ordered. The curtain, scenery,
auditorium chairs and aluminum screen
for the moving pictures, are to be put in
An unusual feature of the high school
building is the rest and work room for
women teachers. This is a large room
from which a cloak room and kitchenette
open. It will be comfortably furnished
with rugs, a davenport and rocking
A glassed-in typewriter room opens
off one of the classrooms. One teacher
may supervise the work of two classes
in this way, and the glasB walls deaden
the sound of the typewriters. There
are twelve Woodstock machines for the
use of the classes in typing.
Lockers To Be Used.
There are a hundred steel lockers for
the use of the senior high school stu
dents. The roll-rooms of the junior
high school are equipped with cloak
Lateral lighting is used in all the
rooms: that is. the windows are banked
in together filling most of the space in
one side of the room, and run clear to
the celling so that the entire room is
lighted. There nre black boards in all
the available space in the classrooms. A
special floor-covering is being put in
nenrly all the rooms and halls to deaden
The junior high school occupies the
north wing of the building and the
senior high school the south. The build
ing is planned to accommodate not
more than 200 students, according to
Professor Ilarl R. Douglas, of the school
of education, who is supervisor of the
University high school.
Laura Sang, “Shorty” Bowed;
Then the House Came Down
Never, in the history of the girls’
glee club trips, has a “curtain episode”
failed to cause mirth, sometimes for the
audience; sometimes for the singers, but
it always happens. Remember the cur
tain shifter’s false, teeth at Oakland last
Knterprise was the scene of the mis
fortune, or mirth fortune rather, this
year Paints and geranium plants filled
the space just behind the footlights.
“Shorty” of Enterprise was to remove
them just before the stunt. Unfor
tunately for “Shorty,” Laura Rand’s
solo also came just before the stunt, and
as the curtain raised for Laura to re
ceive her encore, “Shorty” plodded dili
gently out with her to remove the plants
as per instructions. However, she was
several steps behind him, so he was not
aware of her presence.
The loud applauSe annoyed him ex
ceedingly at first. He nearly dropped a
geranium plant in consequence, where
upon the applause did turn to the em
barrassed youth. At last, as Laura
bowed her last bow, he clutched a ger
anium plant firmly in one hand, a palm
in the other, and barely missing Laura’s
dodging head with the palm, he made a
deep bow. “Why, hello folks,” he
greeted his convulsed townspeople.
Through the direction of “Jimmy”
Hicks, general traveling passenger agent
of the O. .W. It. aud N„ who had charge
of the special coach the club traveled in,
military training was religiously contin
ued throughout the trip. “Jimmy” or
ganized companies, and mustered them
out for drill at every station. Be bribed
them into military skill with peanuts and
all-day-suckers. It is even rumored that
this same “Jimmy” instigated a cream
pie contest between Marion Linn and
Imogene Letcher. Whoever was the
originator of the plan, certain it is that
the two young ladies in question, each
blindfolded, fed the other a cream pie.
Or maybe it was lemon? You’d never
know it was either, to look at them now.