IIIITERCIJISS TITLE 10 BE DECIDED TODAY Qirl’S Junior and Freshman Basketball Teams Meet. GAMES to be hard jjost of Players Experienced; Admission Free. T]lP junior and freshmen women’s bas tball team play for the interdass tuuilpionship and the Hayward enp in 1„. men’s gymnasium at. 5 o’clock this ifternoon. No admission will be charged ' j aii students are invited to attend. ,||Pge teams were victorious in th? piv iniinary interclass games Wednesday ftcrnoon. The juniors easily won fro.n l„i senior team by a 41 to 7 score, but he sophomore-freshmen game was close rent the start. The sophomores led by ne |joint at the end of the first half, lit. the frosh succeeded in throwing the ceiding basket and the final score stood i; to 24 in their favor. The sophomore |ass won the championship last year, (hen they were frosh, but lost their banco to hold the cup by losing Wednes ny nidit. Oletta Pedersen and Helen Nelson, jirwards on the junior team, scored con istently. and ran up one of the highest lores of the season. The senior team, owever. had never played together be ne the game Wednesday night, and ime of the individual members had not laved since freshmen. The game tonight will be close. All the layers but one has played before this ■ason in either varsity or doughnut lines. Helen Nelson and Oletta Feder al were members of the varsity team.' anrino Elrod and Carolyn Cannon, cen irs, played in the doughnut series, and wall Martin, guard was a varsity play • and also took part in the doughnut iries. Echo Baldarree, guard, is the lly member of the junior team not a,ring in any other team this season. Against the juniors, will be the Quin n twins, forwards, stars of the Hen icks hall doughnut team, Helen King, :lna Largent. centers, and Eloise Har s. Frances Anderson, guards, who play 1 the same positions in the doughnut iries. Eloise Harris also played guard 1 the varsity team. Miss Catharine rinslow will umpire and Miss Laura Mc llester will referee the game this after ion. [UGH HERDMAN, NOTED EDUCATOR TO SPEAK enefits of Accident Prevention From Standpoint of Employer To Be Discussed. Hugh II. Herdman, vice-president and neral manager of the National Safety •uncil. who speaks at the “Y” hut to i.v at 1:15, is one of the most eminent thorities on “Accident Prevention” “Gold Inlay Work a Specialty.” Phone 045. DR. L. L. BAKER, Dentist. Instructor’s Diploma N. U. D. S., Chicago. Office 410 C. & W. Building. Phone 141 % Messenger Service Messengers ?E. 7th J. C. GRANT, Mgr. on tlio Coast, ns well as in the United States. Mi. Herdman speaks primarily from the standpoint of the benefits the em ployer may derive from following a •'pre vention'’ program in his establishment, both from the lowering of the production cost and as a safety measure to the worker. The Safety Council vice presi dent is coming to Eugene to act as one of the judges in the State Oratorical contest to be held this evening under the auspices of the Eugene Bible University, but he has consented to make n talk to the students and any others who might he interested in the subpect of "Accident 1 revention, ’ this afternoon. Mr. Herdman was formerly principal of W ashington high school in Portland, and is recognized as one of the most prominent educators in Oregon. Students “College student wanted for traveling position next summer. Selection to be made immediately. Work permanent if desired. Un imited opportunity for a ’ew men and women of ster ing character and proven ability. Write fully, stat ing qualifications, to Mr. Ferris, 868 E. Kelly St... Portland, Oregon.” Dance TONIGHT —Dance College Students KUM EAGLE’S HALL Music by Akers Jazz Music Masters “A Full Round of Fun” Potted Plants f/r(j<£/3V Po9>. Fresh (ji Che 'HexFloralGx' sr ^‘EXCLUSIVE EUGENE MEMBER ^FLORIST TELEGRAPHIC OEM VERY Cut Flowers Corsages Our Specialty es One Strap Glove Washable Suede Grey, Brown and White $1.75 Collar Laces White, Cream and Ecru 2 to 6c inch. Hankerchief Linens In colors—Dainty sheer linen for hanker chiefs have been much sought after, are proud to announce a complete line in colors also white 36 inches wide yard $2.00. We -the SB Snowy White Goods for all Purposes Even if white were not so popular for blouses, frocks and lingerie, it would be lioove all lovers of things dainty to view this display. It offers some o it . quality Flaxons, Organdies, Voiles, Nainsooks and other white fabrics that we have eyer had the pleasure of presenting. ‘ 1 . • 1 1ITI _ 40-inch White Voiles, an excellent quality for, yard.$ -30 -1'0-inch White Voile, smooth even weave, the yard.59 40-inch White Voile, soft and sheer the yard .95 40-inch Checked and Plaid Voiles the yard.75 •40-inch Striped Voiles, in pretty designs, the yard, 48, 60c,.65 •