Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 18, 1921, Image 1

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    NO. 102.
Members of Varsity Teams
Will Have Individual
Records Kept.
Varsity Makes 566 Points to
Opponents’. 453 in 20
Games Played.
The record for converting free throws
in the Pacific and the Northwest con
ference goes to Eddie Durno, captain of
the Oregon quintet. The record was
made at. Corvallis in the Oregon vs. O.A.
C. game played there on February 4,
When Durno scored 20 out of 22 tries
from the foul line. In addition to this the
individual record of Durno -Shows that
the star forward made a total of 67 field
goals during the past season, and con
verted a total of 136 fouls out of 180
tries. Tie committed 17 fouls and played
in a total of 17 games during the entire
Official individual records of th^ 1021
basketball quintet have just been com
piled in accordance with the new plan of
Coach P.oliler for keep4ng a record of the
individual work of the members of the
various athletic teams as well as the rec
ord of the teams in the different lines
of sport. The records give the number
of field goals made by each man, the
number of fouls committed, and the time
which the men played on the varsity
quintet in the conference games.
‘ Hunk” Latham Second In Points.
The record of “Hunk” Latham, who
was awarded a position on the North
west conference mythical quintet shows
tiie rangy center to have scored a total
of 45 field goals during the season, and
to have committed 42 fouls in the 17
games in which he played. .No attempts
to convert free throws were made by aify
other members of the team in addition
to Durno.
Mare Latham, playing a forward posi
tion scored a total of 28 field baskets
and committed 17 fouls. lie played in
14*4 games during the season. Francis
Holler at guard, played in 10 games,
scored 16 field goals and make a total
of 27 fouls. “Nish” Chapman, played in
11% games, made 10 fouls and scored 10
field baskets. “Bill” Reiphart scored
4 field baskets while playing in 7%
games and made 18 fouls.
For the utility men who played parts
of games during the season, Couch play
ed one game and made one foul. Veatoh
played in half a game, made one field
Basket and one foul. Base, Zimmerman
and Moore each played 5 minutes during
a game.
Only Conference Games Listed.
The above records are all taken from
the conference games only and do not
include the Multnomah club or the Clie
mawa contests. The figures on the total
number of points made by the varsity
as compared to their opponents are as
follows: Oregon scored a total of 171
field baskets, tried ISO free throws, con
verted 136 of these free throws, and
played 17 conference, games. The fig-!
ares of their opponents in these 171
games are as follows: field goals, 156; j
free throws tried, 189; free throws con
verted, 74.
The varsity played 3 games in addi
tion to their conference schedules mak
ing a total of 20 games played during the
season, in which they made 566 points
to their opponents 453.
♦ these men report AT 10
♦ ___
Joseph X. Underwood, Edward P.
A’alitehta, Cyril F. Vallent.vne. Ned
C. Vanderpool, Peter II. Vander
Steore, William E. Van Winkle,
Michael H. Voeller. Kenneth R.
Wadleigh, George Walker, Claire
T*. Wallace, Merle Walters, Edwin
IX Warren, Kenneth II. Waters,
Fee W. Weber, Myer E. Weinstock.
Evnn C. Whipple. Walter W. Whit
comb, Chauney R. Wightman,
George J. Willett, Earl Williams,
George W. Williams. Laurence L.
Williams, Stephen II. Williams,
Kenneth J. Williamson, Myron C.
Wilsey, Forrest II. Wilson, Harry
M'. Wilson, Howard E. Winnard,
Pennington Watmer, Floyd 1».
A' right, Taken Yamane, Reuben C.
A oung, Marcus L. Youngs,
Report Shows Decrease of Nine From
Fall Figures; 41 Registered In
Commerce School.
Enrollment for the winter term shows
11< special students of whom 32 are
from the Eugene Bible University, 41
'commerce students and the remainder
miscellaneous. This shows a decrease
from the fall term of sixteen students
but an increase of nine in the Bible Uni
versity group.
These figures are contained in the an
nual report of the special students com
mittee, which attributes the large in
crease in the number of special students
enrolled within the last two years to the
return of many ex-service men. The re
organization of the commerce courses
during the present year making the first,
two years prescribed general preparation
for the technical commerce courses of
the last two years, also added many stu
dents to the special list, as many of
'these students effected were temporar
ily thrown out of adjustment by the
The great majority of the. special stu
dents have met all entrance requirements
of the University, the report adds, and
that there is every reason to believe»that
there will be n marked decrease in the
number of special students for next
year due to the decrease in the number
of ex-service men and the adjustment
of the commerce students to the new
prescribed course.
Committee to Formulate Final
Spring Plans.
The mooting of the Greater Oregon
committee, prior to the Easter vacation,
will be held at 3:30 o’clock next Monday
in Dean Straub’s room in the adminis
tration building. At this time plans for
the activities of the committee during
the s wing holidays will be formulated,
according to the announcement of Eddie
Durno, chairman of the committee.
The work of the committee this year
will combine the general advertising of
the University with the advertising of
junior week-end, which is planned to be
one of the biggest events of its kind ever
staged by Oregon.
One student in each community will be
given charge of the work to be carried
on in his home town. He will be re
sponsible for the bringing together of
the former students, alumni and active
Oregon students, and will have charge of
the general advertising activities.
The advertising work is to be carried
on this year in the line of general edu
cation. stressing the idea of the value of
collegiate training as well as the oppor
tunities open to students at the Univer
sity of Oregon.
Special emphasis will be placed upon
getting in touch with the students in the
high schools, and in all probability speak
ers will appear before the senior classes.
This can be arranged as the schools
(throughout the 'state do not have as long
a vacation as the universities.
The committees for the different cities
in the state will be announced tomorrow
by Chairman Durno. Additional em
phasis is being placed this year upon the
activities of this committee in its work
to bring more of the prep-school gradu
ates to the University.
“The meeting Monday is very im
portant,” said Chairman Durno. “This
will be practically the only chance we
will have to get together before the va
“Romance of the University City” To Be
Re-run Today and Tomorrow.
Interest attaches itself to the Rex
theatre today and Saturday in the as
surance that “A Romance of the Univer
sity City.” the moving picture remedy
drama filmed in Eugene, in the business
district and on the campus of the Uni
versity. with local college students tak
ing leading parts, will be shown as an at
traction at that theatre.
Large numbers of town people, high
school scholars and teachers, and Uni
versity students, appear in the film which
is credited with being a two-love-at-first
sight affair, with a reel villain and a tall
j sheriff.
Nothing, •-xeepting the oirja. could
prove more startling fa s than seeing
oneself a" otiu rs are neceasnriiv forced
I to do. so the Rex film should prove an
I endless vein of instructive amusement
to all who avail themselves of this two
day showing.
Self - Denial and Government
Should Be Practiced In
Speaker’s Opinion.
Real Passion for Learning Is
Not Had By Many Pres
ent Day Students.
“Ton shall come into your own when
you have learned consecration, self-de
nial. and self-government,” Bishop W. T.
Sumner, bishop of the Episcopal diocese
of Oregon, told the students in speaking
on “Self-government” at the regular as
sembly yesterday morning.
“The object of all education is to ad
just the mind to its environment,” he
continued, “and the supreme question
facing the college student of today is—
blow am I going to make the most of my
environment? No easy hopes or lives
will bring us to our goal, but iron sac
rifice of body, *mind and soul.”
Four Rules Are Given.
Bishop Sumner gave four general rules
for self-government, they were: the sub
mission of self to law and religion which
have been made for the good of human
ity, prompt and efficient action on every
question which may come up, the seek- j
ing of happiness in the limiting of desires
rather than in the satisfying of them,
and finally, an earnest endeavor to find
the truth in the business of life.
Procrastination was pointed out as one
of the chief pitfalls of the average col
lege student. “It is sometimes easier to
put it off. but that means losing the im
petus to do it.” was the way the Bishop
disposed of this phase of the question.
He also pointed out the fact, that activity
is not necessarily an action, for to be an
action there must be some definite mo
tive or end in view. ^
In this connection he pointed out the
difference between ambitions people. The
first type personified their careers, in
fact, lost themselves more or less in
them. The second type act because they
desire to preserve their character and
Desires Should Be Limited.
Desire as a disintegrating factor in
character building was .particularly
stressed. Bishop Sumner maintained
that the only advantage of desires is in
the practice in self-control obtained from
restricting them. He named concentra
tion of desires no one definite object, and
refining the desires as the only ways to
limit them. “Most of us need a higher
standard of morals,” he concluded.
“There are comparatively few stu
dents in this University who really
have a passion for learning.” lie stated.
Because of this tendency to disregard the
seeking out of truth on the part of the
student, there will he a general disre
gard of truth and laws in the future.
In closing Bishop Sumner declared
that those who neglect Ood are not do
ing their best for themselves, nor their
duty to other people.
Before tins speech the proposed stu
dent body constitution was put to a vote
and passed unanimously.
Basketeers Hold Annual Banquet; No
Captain to be Selected.
The members of the first and second
, varsity basketball teams held their an
nual banquet at the Osburn hotel last
evening, winding up a season from which
( they emerged northwest champions, and
close contenders for coast honors. Coach
i George Bolder, “Shy” Huntington and
i Eddie Durno made the principal speeches
tof the evening, commending the players
for the showing made during.the season
[just ended, and predicting a bright, sea
\ son next year.
j Xo captain of basketball is to be elect
’ ed for the coming year, according to an
i announcement of Coach Bolder. In
stead, the plan of appointing one player
i to act as captain during each game will
i. be followed.
' Each player was called upon for a
short talk during the banquet last night.
Elmer Pended was yesterday elected a
member of the executive committee to
succeed Bib Carl at the beginning of next
term. Carl will be graduated this term,
and under the rules governing the com
mittee its members elect to frll any va
cancy. Carl was senior man on the
I council.
Oregon Forests and Climate
Inspire, Stimulate Gov. Bass;
Girls Here Draw High Praise
“The vast expanses of forests, rivers
and mountains in the Pacific Northwest
seem to me the most glorious thing in
the world,” said ex-Governor Hubert P.
Bass, of New Hampshire, now instructor
of the class in industrial relations in the
University, in an interview given an
Emerald reporter. “I have not yet had
the opportunity, but while I am here I
want to travel through the country and
see its beauties at close range,” he con
“Ever since I was a boy I have had a
desire to visit the Pacific Northwest,”
said 'Mr. Bass with a reminiscent air,
“but until this winter circumstances
never permitted me to come. I had a
special interest in Oregon on account of
its forests, being a timberman myself in
a small way in New Hampshire and also
having an interest in the general prob
lem of conserving and making the best
use of our timber resources.
“I have looked forward for a long
time to seeing the Oregon forests.”
went on the former governor in Ins kind
ly, contemplative way, “and now when
I have some spare time I often wander
into the hills and seat myself at. the foot
of a great tree and look up at it and
marvel, and wonder what the folks at
home would think if they could see such
a tree.”
Mr. Bass was at one time president of
the American Forestry Association and
was also chairman of the New Hamp
shire state forestry commission, which
has as its purpose the prevention of for
ost fire losses and promotion of timber
In speaking of other features of the
state -which appealed to him the ex-gov
ernor suid: "I have had for a long time
a political interest in this state. Oregon
was one of the pioneer states in the
field of progressive legislation and this
appealed to me as I was always a pro
gressive and a liberal. I wanted to meet
the men who took the lead in trying out
so many experiments in government with
the purpose of perfecting the democracy
and making it sufficiently and truly rep
resentative. I always have this in mind
when I meet and talk with Oregonians.
“New Hampshire was once similarly
situated in regard to progressive legis
lation among the eastern states.” he con
tinued, a reflective, calmly measprative
look coming into his eyes. “It was one
of the first states to adopt workmen’s
compensation and similar laws. I feel
that Oregon nud New Hampshire have a
common bond in this way.”
When asked his opinion of the Univer
sity, Mr. llass thought, for a moment and
then said: “It is full of buoyancy,
growing with enormous rapidity and
filled with the spirit that makes such
growth and development possible. There
seems to be a strong spirit of loyalty to
the institution. I was pleased to find
how very much up to date was the cur
riculum of the school and surprised in
the extent and variety of courses offer
(Continued on Pnge\)'2k
Moral Problems Discussed By
"Sumner Before Y. W.
“It is tho desire on the part of tho |
clergy to reach the student body in a i
stronger way, not so much as organiza
tions, as for the welfare of the students,”
declared Bishop Sumner, head of the
Episcopal diocese of Oregon, in speak
ing to the Y. W. C. A. cabinet on the re
ligious problems as they exist on the
campus. Conventionality is a good thing,
he said, for out of this grows morality,
and it is the duty of the girls to demand
these things.
“Women are largely responsible for
present-day morals; that is, I mean,
women in general,” continued the
Bishop. There is an appeal being made
to women everywhere for a higher mo
rality. “I have noticed girls and boys
shooting craps for money. It is degrad
ing, debasing and unmoral. These things
are indicative of present day morals.
The war is largely responsible for this
breaking down of conventions and the
change must come from the youth of
There should be a definite teaching on
the campus in order that students will
be able to face these problems in an un
derstanding manner. “Your job is get
ting an education, and I sympathize writh
you in your work, hut that does not solve
the religious problem” said the Bishop.
“Students are continually learning
things in science that unsettle religious
beliefs and they must have some definite
teaching with which to combat these
forces,” declared the Bishop. “Educat
ors put up the challenge and if you have
no background in religion you are shak
Bishop Sumner suggested that the Y.
W. G. A. offer the bungalow to the dif
ferent pastors so that the church could
be brought directly to the students.
“Make this the center of all religious ac
tivity" he urged. Have somfc kind of a
meeting here every afternoon, and make
it easy for the students to attend.”
Students Asked To Register Saturday to
Avert Rush.
Due to a speeding up of the work of
preparing term schedules the time for
their distribution has been advanced to
this afternoon, when students can pro
cure them at the registrar’s office.
Students are asked to register Satur
day, if possible, in order that a last min
ute rush will be averted. A request has
been made that students take special
care of the “dope sheets” as only a lim
'ited number has been printed.
of muiim
Budjget System Is Included;
Students Unanimous.
The new constitution for the A. S. U.
O. was adopted at the assembly meeting
in Viilard hall yesterday morning. A
budget system and central executive com
mittee to govern students are its prin
ciple features. The new instrument will
go into effect on the first Thursday in
June, and amendments may be brought
■at the next regular meeting on May 5,
according to Carlton Savage, president of
the student body.
“The fundamental change l:es in the
method of handling the finances.” said
Savage. There never has been a real
budget system in use on the campus, he
stated. The new constitution, however,
provides that each activity shall hand in
n report covering the needs for its activ
ity for the year. These will have to be
in so that the 'budget can be made on
January 15, of each year. It is pos
sible that a temporary budget will be
made this fall, according to President
The executive council is to be com
posed of the president, 'lice president
and secretary-treasurer of the asso
ciated students, two men at large, one
woman at large, three faculty members,
one alumnus and President P. Tj. Camp
bell. The graduate manager shall be a
member by reason of • his position but
shall not have a vote. The first- meet
ing of the council will be held in June.
The council will take the place of the ex
ecutive committee, forensic council and
the athletic council. The appointment
of all student managers, the approving
of budgets and all campus affairs, not
under the direct jurisdiction of the stu
dent council, which reinnins as formerly,
will be included in the duties of the ex
ecutive council.
The amendments to the lod constitution
adopted at the assembly a week ago will
be incorporated in the new constitution
by the special enactment article of the
by-laws. The junior member of present
executive committee will serve out his
time as the senior member at lurge on
the executive council.
Activity committees shall be appointed
before June 1, 1921, as prescribed in the
constitution but shall be approved by
the athletic council and the executive
committee in joint session.
Avard Fairbanks received a letter
Tuesday from (Mrs. William Alexander,
of New York, saying that he had been
elected to the society for the Interna
tional Revival of Industrial Arts. This
is an international society and has some
very noted people among its patrons and
; members.
Hunti n g t o n Contemplates
Meets to Develop Individ
ual Men in all Lines.
Large Number Sign for Work;
Coach Expects Squad As
Big As In Fall.
Spring football training will make up
a part of the gym courses next term, ac
cording to “Shy” Huntington, varsity
football coach, and the men who desire
to take this training as a gym course to
satisfy their credit requirements may
do so, provided they sign up to that ef
fect when registering for the spring
term. Conch Huutington has outlined an
elaborate training program for the spring
work and it is possible that competitive
meets for individual work along this
line may be worked out.
The rudiments of the game will form
the major portion of the workouts, and
the class will be given explicit instruc
tions in this work. Blocking, tackling,
punting, passing and charging will all be
drilled into the candidates, with the idea
that the varsity aspirants for next fall
may be able to forego considerable of
the fundamental training during the short
period between the opening of the school
term and the first conference football
Particular emphasis will be placed on
the developing of a punter, an efficient
passer, and also in receiving passes. The
loss of “Bill” Steers will be keenly felt
in the punting and passing department
of the game, and it will be necessary for
Coach Huntington to work a man into
the position to fill Steers’ shoes.
A few candidates on the squad last
season nnd the freshman of the past fall
squad will have to fill up the position.
Along with the general program outlined
by Huntington a meet may be scheduled
during the latter part of next term in
which trophies will be awarded the win
ners of competition such as distance in
punting the ball, distance for drop kicks,
distance in passing ball, 300 yard dash
carrying football, and 50 yard dash car
rying football.
This plan for a meet and competition
for events is only tentative. It may not
be staged although the proposition is
being worked1 out. now by Coach Hunt
ington with that idea in mind. The plans
for a meet, have been successfully han
dled during the spring training season
at eastern institutions.
A large number of candidates for the
next fall football eleven have already
signed up for the Rpring workouts and '
it is probable that the squad will be ful
ly as large as the first fall turnout for
Sigma Delta Chi Takes Stand Against
Shady Journalism.
Sigma Delta Chi, national journalistic
fraternity, in their last meeting of the
term last night went on record as defi
nitely opposed to the publishing of any
form of a scandal sheet during the vaca
tion period that tended in any way to
resemble some of the ones that hare
made their appenrances on the campus
during spring vacations previous to t'. is
year. In their resolution against the
publishing of such a sheet the chapter
took the stand that sucn action would
serve to keep a prospective member of
the organization from being elected and
participation on the part of members of
the fraternity would serve to debar them
from the organization.
Sigma Delta Chi expects to present
to the campus a real novelty in the line
of journalistic endeavor during the
course of the spring term. However
they are not letting their plans out to
the public as yet and will spring the sur
prise during the year.
Junior men at the University of
Washington nre wearing Stetson hata as
their insignia. Junior girls wear the
class ribbons. Since mid-winter, the
senior men have been wearing putteea
and army trousers. Cords continue to
be the Iegitiaiate clothing of the sopho
more men.
Seniors expecting to graduate iu June
must file their applicutiou cards before
.March 20, according to Carlton Spencer.