Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 17, 1921, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    Parts Played By Faculty Make
Good Impression
Work Of University Orchestra
Helps Presentation
Between 800 and 5MK) people saw' the
‘■'Mikado” in the week's run which con
cluded Saturday night in Guild theatre,
marking it as one of the most success
ful undertakings ever given there. The
play was a new departure on the cam
pus in the line of entertainment, being
the first production to be given jointly
by the school of music and the depart
ment of public speaking.
Contributing particularly to the suc
cess of the opera was the work of
Madame Rose McGrew, in the part of
Katislia, and Fergus Rcddie as Ko-Ko.
Both are professional players, Madame
McGrew having been a member of the
Hamburg opera company in Germany
some years before the war, and Fergus
Reddie being un actor for a consider
able time in the spoken drama. Madame
McGrew scored with her singing while
Professor Reddie was always at the bot
tom of the fun-making.
Staging Attractive.
Particularly attractive was tbe stag
ing and the lighting effects. With four
circuits in each of the four border
lights and Ihe arch and footlights, the
electrician was able to handle the pro
duction, and many special wires were
strung for lanterns and various clusters.
George Pasto, stage electrician, was re
sponsible for the good lighting effects,
and won commendation from every
source of his work.
> The production was accomplished un
der the direction of Fergus Reddie on
the stage, Madame McGrew in the solo
and chorus work, and Rex Underwood,
who handled the orchestra. Charlotte
Banfield assisted Professor Reddie on
the stage. Other members of the staff
were: Stage manager, Norvell Thomp
son; electrician, George Pasto; and
make-up, Claire Keene}’. Designs for
the costumes were made by Mrs. Ernest
Manford Michael, in the title role of
the “Mikado,” characterized his work
with his singing. He has a clear,
strong voice which was perfectly audi
ble all over the house.
Wards of Ko-Ko Star.
The three little wards of Ko-Ko were
played by Charlotte Banfield, Maurine
Welch and Eloise McPherson. Maurine
Welch took the ingenue role of Yum
Yum, in which part she was cast but a
week before the first performance. She
had a winning way of delivering her
Hues and scored with her solos. Char
lotte Banfield won favor witli her sing
ing and dancing.
Norvell Thompson played the part of
Pooh-bah, a person with protoplasmic
ancestors, who hold all the city offices.
He took his strictly comedy part well,
und was particularly good at his stage
Nanki-P’oo, unknown son of the Mi
kado, was played by Delbert Faust, a
high school boy. His voice was par
ticularly good for one of bis age, as
was his stage presence. George Stearns
played in the minor role of Pish-Tush,
characterizing his work with his usual
ability which has won him favor before
so many Guild theatre audiences.
Due to. the success with which the
“Mikado” was received, those behind the
opera look forward to another produc
tion of similar nature in the future, al
though the calendar for Guild theatre
will not allow for another such number
this spring. Although the box office
receipts were large, overhead expenses
were so high that the profits on the
whole production will probably not ex
ceed $100.
I>o .vou care to have them revised or
constructively criticized by successful
authorsi If you do, then send us your
manuscript (stories, articles or poems.)
We will criticize, and place them
Should they prove to be acceptable for
| There is no actual charge for our
services. If, however, you have not
previously enrolled with the advisory
department of this association, we re
quest that you enclose the initial fee of
two dollars, which we must ask of each
new contributor. There is no addi
tional expense, no future obligation.
It must be realized that we can only
lie of aid to those of serious intent. If
you do mean to strive for literary suc
cess. we can help you in many ways
Our services are yours until we have
actually succeeded in marketing at least
one of your manuscripts. Send some
thing today!
Please enclose return postage with
your communications.
131 W. 39th St.
New York City.
Campus High Professor Sends Out
Quizzes To Grade Schools
i n State.
A geographical test designed to cover
the geography of the world has just
been completed amd standardized by
Professor P. L. Spencer, teacher of
mathematics at the campus high school,
and sent out today to be tried. This
test is to be adapted to the sixth,
seventh and eighth grades, and is for
the purpose of determining the arts of
geography in which the students are
The first part of the test is concerned
with leading cities of the United States,
and is a test of the pupil’s knowledge of
the location and important facts about
these cities. The cities were chosen
from four leading geographies of the
j United States. The test is arranged in
four columns, in the first column are
the names of the cities, in the second
some descriptive phases which apply to
these cities, and in the last column a
blank place where the student is to write
the name of the city to wliibh he thinks
the description refers, choosing some
city which is listed in the first column.
The main body of the test is concern
ed with geographical questions which
Mr. Spencer has taken from state ex
amination questions of most of the states
in the union, having chosen the ques
tions which occurred most frequently.
Eutaxians Hear Author’s Poems? New
Committee Named.
Robert Burns was the subject of the
Entaxian program that was given at a
meeting of the club Tuesday evening in
the bungalow. Ruth Griffin had charge
of the program and a number of Burns’
poems, including “The Rights of Wo
men,” were read by Beatrice Crewdson
and mention made of his place in litera
Two interesting points regarding
Burns were brought out, one that he
had been given a high place in literature
because critics consider that he em
bodies the spirit of romanticism, which
started during his time following a cen
tum of formal, cold and aloof poetry.
Burns is also regarded as one of the
greatest song writers.
A new membership committee was ap
pointed by the president. Alice Hamm,
consisting of Beatrice Crewdson. Bea
trice Hensley and Florence Furuset.
This is the last meeting of the term.
Dean Straub will start on a recruit
ing trip next week. The clean goes on a
trip of this sort every year and as a
result, many students, in the high schools
in which he speaks decide to come to
the University. He will go first to
N.vssa, in Eastern Oregon, where he will
deliver an adilross before the high
school students. He will then start
back to Eugene stopping at ”0 high
schools on the way and in each one giv
ing a talk about the value of an educa
“Causes for the organization of La
bor” is the question which will be dis
cussed at the regular meeting of the
Industrial Forum this evening, at the
Y. W. C. A. bungalow. Bertha Hayes
will read a paper dealing with this topic.
This is a postponed meeting from last
week so the other questions will be the
same as previously announced.
An election is to be held at the Uni
versity of Nebraska to vote on the
abolishment of the student council,
which is said to be coercing the executive
dean and the dean of women.
Patronize Emerald Advertisers.
Series Running In Literary
Digest Is Used
The Literary Digest h as been running
a series of intelligence ttests lately and
their choice of questions was considered
so general a test that the* School Bulletin
in its last issue reprinted » set. A per
son missing only two or, three of the
questions is considered "very good and
one answering all but twe nty is consider
ed average.
The list of questions, by which a uni
versity student may test his standard
of intelligence, follow:
1. What is the largest river in the
United States?
2. In what harbor is the Statue of
3. Who invented the plionograph ?
4. With what country did the United
States fight in 1812?
5. What American general was a
delegate to the Peace Conference?
6. What are the sleeping cars on the
railroad called?
7. Who is the main owner of the
Standard Oil Company? '
8. Who was defeated at the Battle
of Waterloo?
9. IIow many feet in a mile?
10. What is the highest range of
mountains in tile United States?
11. To what army did the “Blue
Devils” belong?
12. Who wrote “Tom Sawyer?”
13. Who defeated the Spanish at
14. What, fort was fired on at the
start of the Civil war?
15. In what city was Christ born?
16. In what year did Columbus dis
cover America?
17. Who wrote “The Merchant of
18. By what religious sect was Salt
Lake City founded?
19. On what ship did President Wil
son sail to France?
20. What harbor is called the “Gold
en Gate?”
21. From what plant is linen made?
22. Who discovered the north pole?
23. Who defeated Jock Johnson at
24. Who wrote “Paradise Lost?”
23. AVho defeated Jack Johnson at
United States buy Alaska?
20. Who assassinated Lincoln?
27. AVhat kind of leaves do silk
worms eat? *
28. What famous statue has her
arms broken off?
29. Wbat fortress guards the mouth
of the Mediterranean?
30. AVho led the Israelites across the
Red Sea?
31. AVho wrote “Rip Van AVinkle”?
32. In what city arc kodaks manu
33. Of what two elements is water
34. On what continent are kangaroos
native animals?
35. How many feet is a fathom?
36. AVhat language is spoken in
37. From what tree is turpentine
38. AVLnt baseball player is called
the “Georgia Peach”?
For a
— Go To
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Quality, Service and Low Prices.
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Expert Shoe Repairing
Done Promptly with
W. T. SHOULTS, Prop.
The singer:
Miss Betsy Lane Shepherd,
famous soprano.
The test:
A direct comparison be
tween her voice and its Re
Creation bv New Edison.
The Jury:
185 public audiences, aggre
gating over 100,000 people.
| > )
The verdict
( unxmivums):
No difference!
Let us show yon
“Oft* Pktmo>i«e> «wrib aSral
j that
made this
record of realism
Come in and tell us which
voice or instruments “get”
you most quickly. -We'll
give you the “personal fa- j
vorites” Realism Test. This
test will show you what the
New Edison's perfect real
ism does, how it brings the
keener, ** finer, subtler joys
in music.
Music House
(%) 912 Willamette
Our Fountain Orders
More students come in and secure foun
tain specials from us than from any othpv
place in town.
The reason is in part that they secure
quicker service and better orders.
Come in and let us show you the reason
also. •
The Students Shop
Eugene Steam Laundry
Service Our Aim
Phone 123
Obak Cigar Store
The Home of the Students Who
Use the Pool and Billiard Tables
8tli and Willamette W. R. (Obak) Wallace
Your Dinner Party
It will be a success of given at such
a place as tlie Osburn. You are as
sured best of food — real whole
some food prepared by experts.
Also that it will be served in a
pleasing manner. She will be glad
to go with you again under such
Osburn Hotel
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
or After the Party
We Can Serve You with
Good Wholesome Food
Prepared Under the Best Direction and served