Oregon Daily Emerald -----UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1921. NO. 101. FIRST CANOE FETE YET IS COAL FOR JUNIOR WEEK-END Unusual * Decorative Effects Sought; Large Turn out Expected TWO CIJPS AND CASH CONSTITUTE PRIZES Committees to meet Friday to Arrange Further Details. The canoe fete, which is always one df the main events of junior week-end, will perhaps be the best yet put on, if preparations which arc now being made for it are any indication. It is a big j affair and greatly adds to this annual week-end of festivities, and is some thing of which no other college in the Northwest can boast. The main com mittee. with Wayne Akers in charge, is busy laying plans for a fete which is expected to live up to tradition, and at the same time be unusual. All the com mittees for this event have been ap pointed. They will meet at Villard hall, Friday, March IS, at 4:00 o’clock. Thursday night of junior week-end. (the night of the fete,) the mill race will be lighted on both sides with col ored electric bulbs, and a large number of seats will be arranged along the bank of the race, next to the board walk. Both the hand and the two glee clubs will be present. The seating com mittee, with Bill Collins in charge, is working out a scheme to take care of the large crowds. Basis for Prizes Fixed. Frizes will be awarded on the basis of artistic beauty, originality, and clever ness. and only decorated canoes will be the ones competing for prizes. The main committee urges that all organizations keep expenses within a reasonable limit. The first prize will be the cup which is given each year, the second prize will be a cup which it is hoped can be raised by subscription among the busi ness men, and the third prize will be $15. All organizations must hand the motto of (heir canoes in to the main committee by April 14. Due to the increase in number of or ganizations on flu' campus there will be many more entries in the canoe fete this year, and some keen competition for the prizes is expected. Many of the organizations have already worked schemes for canoes, and those who have not are said to he making plans for the event. Committees Are Named. The committees which have been ap pointed are as follows: Men’s Organizations — Norton Win nard, Ned Twining. Women’s Organizations — Walter Co foid. 11a Nichols. Electrical Committee — Raymond Os borne, chairman; Roy Veatch, George Paste, John Tuerck. Kenneth .Tones. Wolcott Huron, Bob Scarce, Marion Ady. Arthur Hicks. Electric Signs — Fred Lorenz, chair men: Frank Short. Bill Purdy, Louis Dnnsmore, Horace Westerfield. Building Committee — Virgil De Lap, chairman; Charles Van Zile, Arthur Wic-ks, Troy Phipps. Seating Committee — Bill Collins, chairman; Verne Blue. Arrangement of the Judges’ Stand • Lcis Barnett, chairman; Pauline Coad. Stunts—George Pasto. Prizes and Awards — Clyde Davis, chairman; Madge Calkins. Glee Clubs — Horace Hair, chair man. ILLNESS TO BE EXCUSED Slips Will Be Granted By Doctors When Sufficient Cause Is Shown. TIio matter of granting excuse slips for illness was discussed at tlie regular meeting of the Student Health Commit tee. March 15. The following policy was derided upon: Kxcuse slips will be granted to any student who applies to either Dr. Saw yer or to Dr. Stuart and can show cause. In cases where Dr. Stuart or Dr. Sawyer cannot be found and * tho student has been a patient in the in firmary. excuse slips inay he granted by the physical education office. It was recognized that “excuse slips do not excuse students from class work but simply indicate to the professors that they have been absent on account of illness. MASK AND BUSKIN IS LOOKING FOR AUTHOR Takeoff On Faculty Or Campus Af fairs Wanted As Main Stunt for Junior Vaudeville. Here’s a chance for some student to become famous. Mask and Buskin’s Oregon chapter is due to stage the main stunt at the junior vaudeville show, scheduled for May 0. and they are will ing to give scads of publicity to any stu dent who will write a suitable skit. .Something in the way of a prize may al so be offered. John Houston, who heads the com mittee for putting the stunt across, hints that a takeoff on the faculty or on cam pus affairs would be especially accept able, although any good skit, suitable for vaudeville and about 20 minutes in lengths would be considered. Chairman Houston is working with Florence Cartwright and Naomi Wilson in putting on the sketch. Committees Appointed to Do Work on Project Possible suggestions were made and committees were appointed to work on the project of an appropriate memorial for the Oregon men who were engaged in the world war, at a meeting of the executive council yesterday. The idea of such a memorial was first introduced on the campus about a year ago, says Pro fessor W. F. G. Thacher, but nothing definite has been done about it until very recently. “It is the plan,” said Mr. Thacher, “to proceed as rapidly as possible to ward some definite project for this me morial. The general idea has been ap proved by a representative of each one of the forty-six classes, who have grad uated from the University. The next step will be to obtain from each alumnus an expression of opinion as to the type of memorial to1 be constructed.” The members of executive council to meet and discuss this idea were: Carl ton Spencer, Professor F. S. Dunn, Professor \V. F. G. Thacher, Dr. John F. Bovard and Carlton Savage. Aside from this committee there will be larger organization committees, one for the alumni, one for the faculty, one for the board of regents, and another of stu dent members. Chester Moores, W. F. G. Thacher and J. A. Churchill will be the respective chairmen of the first three committees, and the student chair man has not yet been appointed. Among the possibilities which were discussed was that of a “student union,” a building to be used for social purposes by the members of the student body. This building would contain dining halls, lounging rooms, and committee rooms. Another suggestion was a field after the fashion of the famous “Soldier’s field” at Harvard. Other purely symbolic ideas were a statue, a gateway, pillars, and a flag-staff. When the response to these sugges tions is gained from students and alumni, a decision will be reached as to the type of memorial to be erected, and some sort of campaign will at once be put | into operation. It is not believed by those interested in the project that there will be any difficulty connected with put ting it across, because of its general ap peal. early registration URGED ON STUDENTS Advantage Given Those Entering For Spring Term, If Request Is Granted. With term schedule sheets coining out next Saturday and faculty plans for the new* term all complete, students are beginning to decide upon their courses in order that they may register before going home for the spring term. prp.registration starts Saturday and will continue through examination week. Carlton Spencer, registrar, urges that present students complete their registra tion in order to allow the new students, j coming for the spring term, to have! plenty of time to register after arriving on the campus, following the close of the Easter vacation. It is also urged that students take better care of the schedule sheets as only a limited number are be ing printed. THOMPSON GOES HOME. Edward W. Thompson, a major in the • ehool of commerce, was forced to re turn to his home in Portland the first of the week because of illness. Range-Finding Method Makes Use of Galvanometers and Tin Cans, says Major A. E. Rowland “Firing at the masked battery of an enemy from a range of 20,000 yards might seem a comparatively easy prob lem on paper. In the field, in actual battle practice, it becomes a different proposition.” In this manner. Major A. E. Rowland of the coast artillery corps summed up the modern methods of range finding for heavy artillery before the Science club of the University of Oregon in Deady hall last evening. During the war, Major Rowland served in France with the heavy artillery. He has been in this branch of the service for several years and at the present time is connected with the military science department of the University. Flie chief problem in ranging is the location of enemy batteries, Major Row land explained. There are several meth ods of location, one being that of find ing the enemy’s position by observation and photographs from the air. Another method is to locate a gun by its flash and then to time the sound of the shot to the observer’s own position. Gen erally, however, a battery is placed so that an observer cannot see the flash. During the war a new, complex sys tem of sound ranging was evolved, whereby a battery could concentrate its fire to within a hundred yards of the target. Behind the lines a number of tin cans arc set up at measured inter vals. These cans are equipped with electrical detectors and are connected by wire to a central station. For each terminal is a galvanometer. The entire landscape is plotted, and over this map is drawn a mathematical scale showing the locations of the various cans and with lines projecting into the enemy’s territory. Whe^i the observer hears the fire of an enemy’s gun he presses a button. This immediately sets the sound de tectors in operation. The air current, striking against them, sets up a vibra tion which is registered on the galvouo meters at the central station. Here, also is a graduated screen. As the sound of the gun strikes each can it is record ed on the screen to the hundredth of a second. The observor is then able to compute by a system of curves and angles the approximate position of the gun. He is also able to tell the calibre of the gun by the shape of the mark made on the screen. This system cannot be used in heavy firing from many batteries, since the confusion of sounds striking the cans makes detection of any particular tar get impossible. On a quiet front, how ever, the system has beeii used with great effect.. 615' GLEE CLUB TO K SPRING TRIP Eastern Oregon Itinerary In cludes Seven Towns During the Easter vacation the Girls' Glee club will tour the eastern section of the state on the annual spring trip. This is the first time in several years that the girls’ organization has booked a jaunt through the counties east of the Cascades and the itinerary this year in cludes recitals in Enterprise, Heppner, Pendleton, La Grande, Baker, Hood River. The girls will give a concert it* Hills boro March 25, then leave for the re mote eastern part of the state to make their initial appearance of the tour in Enterprise on March 28. The club will travel in a special car on the main line of the O. \V. R. and N. Don Davis Is Manager. Last year the Girls’ Glee club visited southern Oregon towns during the spring recess and met with great suc cess. The organization which is to visit the counties east of the Cascades this year has been built around a nucleus of last year’s club, and contrary to cus tom has appeared in a home concert be fore visiting state towns. Leland A. Coon, director of the club, believes the home concert and the first performance given in Springfield have helped much in perfecting the singers and musicians, and says he has no fear of presenting them to any audience in the state. Don Davis, business manager of the tour, also tried to book a concert in The Dalles on the next to the last lap of the homeward journey, but was unable to do so because of a local performance billed for the same evening. The club substituted Hillsboro for The Dalles. Davis will accompany the club in its tour. Program Is Improved. Professor Leland Coon states that the organization has been fortunate in se curing good financial terms for the tour. Although the home performance was highly successful. Professor Coon says that the program for the concerts of the tour has been improved and inti mates that the up-state audiences are going to be given a rare treat. Imogene L. Letcher will appear with the glee club as accompanist. Follow ing is the list of the girls who will make the trip: Genevieve Clancy, Laura Rand, Marjorie Wells, Florence M. Garrett, Alice Gohlke. Gwladvs M. Kpeney, Friederike G. Schilke, Nell M. Gaylord, Dorris I.. Hoefler. Marian M. Linn, Con stance L. Miller. Naomi A. Wilson. .T. Leah Zink, Bernice M. Altstoek, L. Belle Chatburn. Eloise McPherson. Margaret Phelps, Alberta M. Carson, Vashti B. Hoskins. Elizabeth Kessi, Muriel M. Meyers, Irene J. Rugk and S. Marjorie Wells. , <* | FRESHEN SELECTED FOR COLUMBIA MEET --— Eleven First Year Tracksters Nafaied! For Portland Trip The eleven men who will participate in the annual Columbia University in door track meet next Saturday after noon have been chosen as the result of the freshmen tryouts held last Satur day and yesterday by “Hank” Foster, freshmen track coach. In the tryouts yesterday afternoon, which were held on the campus be cause of the muddy condition of the track around Kincaid field, the results were as follows: 50 Yard Dash: —-• 1st, Rockliey; 2nd, Grilly; 3rd, Covalt. 220 Xard Dash:—1st, Grilly; 2nd, Co valt, 3rd, Giho. 440 Yard Dash:—1st, Cook, 2nd, Itosebraught; 3rd, Gore. In the two tryouts Saturday after noon Beatie came in first and Gavdcnir second in the half mile, while Byers came in first in the mile. The eleven men who leave for Port land Friday and their events are: Web er, pole vault, high jump and hurdles; Spearow, pole vault, high jump and broad jump; Parsons, shot put; Rosen borg, pole vault, high jump and broad jump; Covalt, 220 and 50 yard dashes; Rosebraugli, 440; Rockliey, 50 yard dash; Grilly, 220; Cook, 440; Beatie, half mile and Byers, mile. While fighting under the difficulties of bad weather, Foster has turned out a well balanced early season aggregation, which should make a good showing against its competitors, among whom O. A. C. and Multnomah will figure prominently. MISS CASE ON LYCEUM Graduate Books Entertainments for El lison-White Company. Victoria Case. ’20. who is booking for the Ellison-White lyceum courses is making good in that work, according to word which has been received on the campus by friends. Miss Case's work has been in the Oregon towns where she has been book ing the lyceum courses for next winter. The work involves getting a certain number of guarantors in each town and arranging other details of the courses. While