Jll VOLUME xxu. Co UNIVERS TV OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH II, 1921. NO. 97. [01IMIMS MO, 01 LOST, IN STUOEHT VOTE _ Sweaters Nc.t To Be Given for Women’s Baseball; Others Carry. SPEAKERS^ASK STUDY OF NEW CONSTITUTION Change Said To Be Essential; Budget System Given As Strong Point. Tlie student body meeting yester day: Voted not to award swoaters for participation in girl’s baseball. Voted to increase the size of the I basketball letters. Voted to give tennis players a letter ,or winning with one team in a Pa cific coast meet. Voted to decrease the size of the debate and oratory pins. Voted to award the members of the student body orchestra a pin. {Presentation and discussion of the new constitution. Baseball was voted not to be included among the girl’s athletic activities which receive student body awards, and sweat ers will not be awarded for participation in this sport. The amendment read that a sweater should be presented to any girl playing seven innings in an inter collegate game, and was presented by Emily Perry. It was almost unanimous ly voted down by the men. Eddie Durno presented the amendment providing for the basketball letters .to be increased in size from 4x5% xl inches to a letter r>i/2xGy2xl % inches which is one inch smaller than the letter award ed for track. Basketball has become more of a major sport, said Eddie, since the size of the letters was designated and it is also something to go through a conference season of 22 games, so I think the men should .get more recogni tion for their work. Tennis Requirements Changed. The amendment providing for tennis letters to be given for winning w’itli one team in a Pacific coast meet was pre sented by Lyle Bartholomew. Hereto fore, it lias been necessary to win a Pa cific coast championship in order to re ceive a letter. Elaine Cooper presented the amend ment which allows the. size of the de bate and oratory “O” pins to be reduced to a smaller pin which will be more con venient to wear. Since the orchestra has become a stu dent body activity, said Ralph IToeber, [who presented the amendment, they should have recognition for such, so I think the student body orchestra should have a pin. The pin voted upon will be a triangular shaped pin with the name orchestra written across the top, IT. * f 0. at the bottom and ill the center will he engraved two raised notes. Revisions Are Explained. In speaking of the matter of the new constitution Wilbur Carl said: “The nresent constitution baa no coordination all with present conditions. It was .ade to servo a student body of 500 and ^entirely inadequate to serve a student ^:y that is more than three times ®rger. The new constitution provides for a budget system for all branches of student activity, with an executive coun cil which represents each branch of stu dent activities to have charge of a'd ex penditure of student body funds.” We have presented this newly draft ed constitution to President Campbell, *° the faculty, to Professor Howe, chair man of the athletic council, to the alum - Bae and to different members of stu dents engaged in student activities, and they have all expressed their approval °f sueli an action.” 'Tlie committee ask you to go into it ® detail,” concluded Carl, “and study it ®t' and in doing so do not lose sigjjt of fact that a now constitution should adopted; don’t let smaller considera •'I'S ami minor objections sway your vlute, and remember that it can always be tended.” •Tohuny Houston and Nell Warwick, of e student council, spoke in favor of he constitution and (Marion McClain. raduate manager urged that a thought 11 consideration of tlie adoption of the 1(1w constitution be given to it by every *tudent, saying: “This is the biggest mi staking of the students in twenty fSrs, and it is absolutely necessary that Sf,mp change be made. I feel.” he said ® conclusion “that if. will be the salva °f the student body, especially the ^option of a new budWet system. SOPHOMORE HONOR SOCIETY DISBANDED Torch and Shield No Longer Exists As Result of Improperly Con ducted Dance, Torch and Shield, sophorome society, which was organized on the campus April i l l, 1012, is no longer in existence, as the mult of action taken by the student advisory committee regarding an im properly conducted dance held at the C ountry Club last January. The cause of the student advisory com 'mittee’s complaint was that some p ere on or persons placed intoxicating liquor in the punch. The edict of the committee .was that Torch and Shield must either surrender the names of the guilty parties within two weeks, or disband. No action was taken on the part of the society, and the two weeks elapsed without any report upon the matter. The officers of the club were then ordered to disband the organization, and according to E|oh Sheppard, its president, this ac tion has been carried out. The order issued providing the dis bandment of the club further provides that the members of the organization will not be allowed to join any other similar organization during their collegiate course. The disbandment of the society is regarded by the committee as the com pletion of the affair. !I1S. BETTI TO RETURN MM IMS “King of the Castles” To Be Seen In Guild Theater. Because of many requests coming from those who were unable to secure seats for its first performance or who wish to see it again. Anna Landsbury Beck’s operetta, “King of the Castles,” will be repeated in Guild theater by the Univer sity high school students on Friday even ing and Saturday afternoon, March 18 and 10. The operetta was first produced in the Eugene theater last Friday. The proceeds of the coming performance will go to the high school athletic fund; ac cording ho Mrs. Beck. The change from the Eugene theater to the smaller one will necessitate a re adjustment of the scenery which will be made as soon as the “Mikado” scenery is cleared away. 'Much favorable comment was caused at the of the initial performance by the scenery and the costuming. All the designing and making of the scenery and the costumes was done by the art de partment of the University under the di rection of Miss Helen Rhodes, according to Mrs. Beck. “The whole operetta was designed to be a co-operative scheme and the art department met its part in the fullest measure and is deserving of the highest praise,” said Mrs. Beck. “I wish to make grateful acknowledgement, of the services of the department and the in spiration received fuom them without which it would not have bgen possible to have many of the beautiful effects,” An example of the hard work done in making the costumes, Mrs. Beck said, were the headbands worn by the pirates in Act III. These were all hand deco rated. The work of costuming and making the stage settings was assigned by Miss Rhodes to different students in the de partment. Germany Klemni with her University high school art elasses_ de signed by Brownell Frasier and Marion Ady. The dyeing of the cloth and the finished costumes wrere also accomplished in Miss Rhodes’ classes. “Mothers of those in the cast gave unsparingly of their time in the con struction of the costumes,” Mrs. Beck said, “and the support received from everyone, including members of the east made the production^ possible and gave me niemory of lasting leasure.” KWAMA ELECTS. Eloise McPherson, Margaret Murphy, Alice Garretson, Mary Alexander. Agnes Kennedy. Mabel Rae Green, Margaret. Alexander, Gladys Iveeney, Marcella Ber ry. Henryetta Lawrence, Velma Farnum, Hildegarde Repinen, Ada Harkness, Helen Rutnbaugh, Virginia Pearson, Lu ella Hausler, Margaret Peterson, Melba Byroin, Gertrude Smith. RUSSIAN’S LIBRARY FOUND. Dr. F. A. Golder, formerly of the his tory department of the State College of Washington, has found the lost library belonging to Professor Paul Miliukov, the famous Russian historian. This library, in 24 large packing eases, is now on its way to this country where it will be installed at the Leland Stanford Uni versity. I Candidates Beginning- to Get Into Condition for Real Season’s Work. PACIFIC COAST MEET HERE FOR FIRST TIME Five Letter Men Are Back and Will Form Nucleus for Hayward. With many candidates nut for all of [the various evefi'ts the prospects for a fgood varsity track aggregation seem bet iter than usual. The men have been j (working out during the greater part of .this term and are beginning to get in ;shape for the real season’s work. Daily workouts are taking place, and the men (have been asked by Coach Bill Hayward (to do some training. The real training will not start until the first part of next term, and by that time the men will be in fair pre-season shape. The bad weather has been a handicap this (year but rain or shine the men have been (out daily. For the first time since the Pacific .'coast conference put track on the sche dule of intercollegiate sports the people (of Eugene and the University students (will have thelprivilege of witnessing this (event at home. Track teams represent ling Washington, W. S. C„ O. A. C., Cal ifornia, and Stanford will be sent here (to compete against the varsity and each (other on May 21. For the first time in (sport history also Oregon will be in (shape to receive and handle them. The new- track which is at present being con structed around Hayward field will be completed by that time and will match any other track on the coast. At pres ent the gravel foundation has been laid, and two carloads of cinders arc on the way here for use as a dressing for the track. More cinders have also been made • available for use- when'tiVce'Sstfrj,i Two Contests at Home. Besides the conference meet the var sity will have one other track contest at home. O. A. O. will send a team to Eu gene to compete the Saturday previous tto the Pacific coast event. At least one frosh meet will he held here also, with Washington high school of Port land'. The track team Will make two Dips this year. The first will be to Seattle where a dual meet will he held with the (Continued on Page 4.) R. 0. T. C. INSPECTION TO DETERMINE PLACE Review for Purpose of Judging Rank ing; Colonel Falls Visit ing Officer. f The preliminary inspection which will (determine whether or not Oregon will be among the colleges in the Ninth Corps Area (R. O. T. C.) who will receive a ifinal inspection to determine the dis tinguished colleges of the United States /was held Wednesday by Colonel Falls, (Ninth Corps Area inspecting officer. ' The inspection began with a review of (the battalion by Colonel Falls, Major I Baird, commandant of the local unit", Colonel Partcllo, commandant of the O. A. C. unit, Major Rowland, assistant to Major Baird and Major Hartwell of O. /A. C. ' Colonel Falls then inspected, individ ually, the cadets and' their equipment. /After this inspection the battalion was (dismissed until 2:15. A luncheon was /given in Hendricks hall by Dean Fox in i^honor of the inspecting officer and other (visiting officers. The guests were Col onel Falls, Colonel Fartello, Major and Mrs. Hartwell, Major and Mrs. Baird, President and Mrs. Campbell, Major (Rowland, Dean Fox and Dean Dymeut. i At 1 p. m. Colonel Falls inspected two ;of the machine gun classes. At 2:15 the l|battalipn was again formed. After a parade, which was held on the drill (field, the problems of an advance guard /was taken up. In regard to the results of the inspection Colonel Falls said: “I am very much pleased to note the im provement in the unit.” There will be. I in all probability, four schools selected as distinguished colleges from the Ninth Corps Area and according to the Colonel the competition for these places is very close. A large number of students witnessed the review and moving pictures were taken. These pictures will be shown in the Armory Tuesday evening. March 15. P. E.’s Propound Poems to Put Pep, Punch, and Pulchritude Into the Poor Plodding Pupils Aslies .to ashes. And dust to dust If pink pills won’t cure you Then poetry must! This apparently, is the theory of the r. E. department, for it has burst into song. Stern and austere in its administra tion of University health, the I’. E.’s have j in their leasure moments been courting the muse. The last issue of the Univer sity Health Bulletin opines, vociferates, admonishes and advises in poetic strains that would make Homer throw his halo in the scrap heap. Rivaling Robert W. Service the health bulletin delivers a philosophical message in the following epic: i “I hate to be a kicker I’d rather stand for peace; But the wheel that does the squeaking Is the wheel that gets the grease.” The bulletin, in ordinary prose, proves the statement .that “Spring has Came” with the intelligence that 2”> cases of poison oak were treated in one week. Question; how to avoid said dread inlec tion, and the P. E. Poet sweeps his iyie and emits the following: Poison Oak was all around, But Mary had no fear, She walked right on without a sound But Jane was on her ear. Mary had been wise, you see, And rubbed in lots of cream Rut Jane had said, "You can’t tell me,” Her face is now a scream. \ Hardly content with such drivings into the realm of the soul, upon the succeed ing page, is narrated the effects of a balanced diet, thus: There was a poor student and what do you know He went to everything from the dance to the show. (Then his plan he did change to): Early to bed and a balanced diet His grades were all ones, why won't you try it? Tn keeping with the unordinary tone of the bulletin symbolic initials take the place of dashes which separate the dif ferent articles. “BH-BS-GU” they read. These stand for “Better Health—Better Scholarship—Greater University.” Incidentally, the bulletin contains a re port of the activities of the infirmary for February,-. 1921. Women’s cases totaled 190, and men’s cases 222. A total of 1223 calls were made for various treat ments at the infirmary, uninelusive of bed patients. The bulletins, although not circulated broadcast, is accessible to nil. Extra copies are mimeographed, and those in terested either in health or in literature may have one for the asking. Verily, all who lisp may read. > Basketball Game To Be Hard Fought, Says Coach. The first women’s varsity basketball game of the season will be played with the Oregon Agricultural College team at Corvallis^ tomorrow. Miss Etama Water man, basketball coach, recently refer red the game in which O. A. C. won from the University of Nevada, and says that the varsity team will have to fight hard if they win on Saturday. The O. A. O. team has been organized for some time and besides the Nevada game have played several high school games, while the Oregon girls have been playing together for less than a week. Charlotte Howells and Helen Nelson will start the game as forwards, Maud Largent, jumping center, Lucy Vander Sterre, side center, and Dorothy McKee, and Emily Perry as guards. The sub stitutes who will accompany the team to fCfrvallis Saturday are Oletta Peder sen, forward, Sarah Martin, center and Eloise Harris, guard. “Tho varsity team has been working very hard the past week,” said Miss Waterman, ‘‘and I feel sure they will be able to make a showing against the Oregon Agricultural College team. They have all worked very faithfully, practic rfng every night since the doughnut league (finals.” A great many girls tried out for var sity after the conclusion of the dough nut series, and it was not until the first of the week that a definite choice of the team was made. Miss Waterman ex pects a hard game Saturday. The O. A. O. guards and forwards are very tall, she said and the squad has a longer time in which to develop teamwork. How ever, the individual players on the Ore gon team have been playing in the dough nut and class practices, and will put the finishing touches on their teamwork in the practice tonight. The team, accompanied by Miss Water man and Miss Maud Lombard, instructor in physical education in the Eugene schools, who will referee the game Sat urday. A large number of Oregitn root [ ers expect to go to Corvallis to see the game. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦ ♦ THESE MEN REPORT AT 4 4 ♦ TODAY ON KINCAID FIELD <' ♦ Linden Martin, Leonard Max- 4 [ 4 well, James May, James Meek, 4 i ♦ Wayne Meek, Aeie Merrifield, 4 ! ♦ Louis Metzelaar, Orval Millard, El* '4 ; ♦ wyn Miller, Eugene Miller, Darrell 41 I ♦ Mills, Allen Mooers, Paul Morti- 4 j ♦ more, Charles Myers. 4 A m ■» Girls Hold Preliminaries To v Final Contest. | Practically the only difficulty in se lecting the class teams to take part in the women’s interclass swimming con i' tests will be in the freshmen class. The other three classes have but four each trying out, and these will constitute the class teams, although just what part each will take will not be decided until just before the meet. Ten freshmen wo men are working hard in the advanced swimming class under Miss Catharine I Winslow, instructor in swimming, in which special work in competitive swim j ming is given. The freshmen women trying out are Harriet Veazie, Ruth Hayman, Star Norton, Grace Caviness, Elizabeth Strowbridge, Agnes Schultz, Muriel Mey ers, Dorothy Blyberg, Elizabeth Pride ■ and Emily Houston. According to Miss i Winslow, Emily Houston and Grace I Caviness will probably represent their class in the plunge for distance; Star ! Norton and Muriel Meyers, in the races 1 and Agnes Schultz, Harriet Veazie and Elizabeth Pride, in dives. Agnes Schultz has a good record in breast stroke for ! speed and for form. ' The seniors, juniors and sophomores, 1 have each four good all around swim j mors working in the preliminaries to the final meet, said Miss Winslow. | Naomi Robbins, Ollie Stoltenberg, Maud Largent and Ethel Murray are out for the seniors. Helen Nelson, Margaret Russell, Carolyn Cannon and Winifred Hopson, for the juniors, and Frances Moore, Wonoua Dyer, Marion Nicola1 and Frances McGill for the sophomores All these have taken part in class or varsity meets before. The only new material turning out for swimming this year belongs to the freshman class. SAINT PAT TO REIGN. Bring two cents for every inch in thf length of your stocking, and come to the I St. Patrick Hard-Times party given bj 1 the Christian Endeavor of the Presbyter I ian church Friday evening, in the invita i tion of the committee in charge. A1 those who love the Irish should be pres ! ent; all those who don’t love the Irisl should be there to “scrap with those wb< i do.” Don’t doll up, but be sure to weai • a bit of green somewdiero on your per i JfcSon, is the command of the committee ;. Exception to the latter half of this rt quest will be made in the case of fresh > i men, provided they come looking naturlii >!■ “Doors open at 7:30; the trouble wii start at eight.” Both Members of *16 Team; Election of Mitchell Is Surprise. COUNCIL UNFAVORABLE TO HAWAIIAN CONTEST Investigation of Expenses and Time To Be Made; Var sity To Be Consulted. “Brick” Mitchell and "Barit” Spellman will act ns assistant coaches to ‘Why” ,Huntington, University of Oregon foot ball mentor as a result of the election held at the meeting of the Athletic Coun cil and the Executive Committee last night. Spellman will act in his usual ca pacity as line coach while the services of Mitchell will be utiized in the training of the ends. Spellman has acted as assistant coach to Huntington for the past two years in the capacity of line coach and the re election of “Bart” for this position was considered probable. In securing of Mitchell the Council is adding an addi tional assistant to the present staff. Mitchell Is Commended. “Brick” Mitchell is a former Univer sity of Oregon star, having played for two years at the left end position on the varsity eleven. lie was a member of the some team with “Shy” Huntington and “Bart” Spellman, the team which van quished Pennsylvania at Pasadena for the intersectional honors in 191(5. In 1917 Mitchell played with the Mare Island Marine gridiron squad. His work with the Oregon eleven won him a plane on the mythical Pacific coast selections and caused him to be rated by many critics as one of the greatest ends in the United States. Mitchell was assistant football coach at Stanford during the season of 1919 and during the last season was head coach of the Olympic club football eleven at San Francisco. The selection of “Brick” will mean a valuable addition to the Oregon coaching staff. Hawaiian Trip Opposed. That there is considerable opposition to the proposed Hawaiian trip among the members of the Athletic Council and the final answer to the invitation of the University of Hawaii has been postponed for further investigation of the expense and time required to make the trip. Al though faculty sanction was secured at the meeting of the faculty last week, it is understood that the trip will require the members of the team leaving school some two weeks before the final exam inations of the fall term and they will of necessity receive in their work. Other reasons advanced by the oppo sition were that Oregon would forfeit all (chances to meet an eastern team in .the inter-sectional game provided. that the (varsity eleven should win the right to be (the western representatives. No final disposition was made of the matter and lOraduate,Manager Marion McClain was instructed to further investigate the ex penses of the trip nnd the total amount of time which would be required to take the tour. A meeting will be called again (in the near future at which the final .vote will he taken on the matter. It is iprohable that in the meantime the mem bers of the football team will be sounded out as .to their stand on the advisability of taking the trip. CARUSO ‘NEVER MISSED’ Dean Straub Says Fergus Reddle Is Able to Fill Any Void. “Let Caruso die” said Dean John Straub after seeing the performance of the “Mikado” Tuesday night in Guild theatre. He likened the voice of the great master to that of Fergus Reddie’s, who won Dean Straub’s favor with his patter. A letter received hy Mr’. Reddie from hint ran in part as follows: “It is needless to shows iho hand of the master. The ‘Mikado* "tight to be seen by every student I was worried when I hear that Caruso might die, and we lose his glorious -voice, hut since hearing you Tuescday 1 night, I can say fearlessly, ‘All right, Caruso, pass on!’ ” He was highly complimentary regard i ig the work in general and particularly < Mme. Rose McGrew, who is playing the part of Katisha. TO-KO-LO ELECTS. 1 To-Ko-Lo announce the pledging of Guy Koepp, of Eugene. i» a