Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 08, 1921, Page THREE, Image 3

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loach Dymient of University
Terms Contest Slow and
Oregon Gets Several Shots
In Second Half But
Fails to Score
The University soccer team was able
o close a no defeat senson by holding
he Eugene all star team to a 0 to 0
jP in the game played here Saturday.
)ean Colin V. Dyment of the Univer
sitv. who played with the town team
characterized the game as being the sec
ond slowest contest he had ever wit
nessed. The chief bright spot's in the
game were the results of the skilled
playing of Dyment, Twermoes, and the
two Ford brothers for the town aggre
gation. There was a small crowd of
spectators present, about one hundred
n all.
“Hay” Schmeer, who altertiated with
“Hube” .Tacobberger guarding the var
sity goal, played his last game under
Oregon colors' Saturday afternoon. Dur
ing his four years of soccer playing at
the University, Schmeer saw his team go
down to defeat but twice, the two vic
tories won by O. A. C. in 1917. On
both occasions the Ford brothers, play
ing on the Aggie team, the same two
men who battered the varsity backs Sat
urday—were the players who shot the
winning markers under the Oregon bars.
Goals Not In Danger.
! Neither goal was seriously endangered
during any part of the game. Twermoes,
the Ford brothers and Peter Crockatt
frequently advanced the ball within
scoring distance, but failed to make a
shot. The town team lost its best
chance to score during the second half
when Hugh and Neal Ford crossed each
other after the ball had been advanced
to a strategic point in front of the var
sity goal. “Spike” Leslie, playing goal
for the Eugene team, seldom got his
hands on the ball.
During the last half the Oregon men
pepped up a bit and took several shots,
but not one passed through the goal to
break the tie score. Tuerck, Byers,
King, McPherson and Brogan started the
game on the varsity forward line.
Schmeer guarded the goal during the
first half, but changed to a fullback po
sition during the final period and gave
the goal berth to H. .Taeobberger. Capps,
Staton and Dedman played in the Var
sity defense area.
Game Is Rough Contest.
The game was unusually rough and the
numerous collisions and falls appeared to
delight the spectators.
Few penalties were called, but the
convex slope of Hayward field caused
the ball to slide out of bounds fre
quently and further slowed up the con
test by throw-ins.
t ommeuting on the listless exhibition
of soccer, Coach Dyment of the varsity
■‘•fiuad said that the game satisfied him
in one respect, and that was, that he
now knows that outside matches can bo
arranged with a city aggregation for
practice games next fall. Neal Ford,
captain of the Eugene all stars, a player
"ho has taken part in contest at Ore
gon> Stanford and 0. A. C., told Coach
Dyment that with a little more persistent
practice the Oregon men who played
Saturday could be developed iuto a
scientific soccer team.
four letter men
(Continued from rage 1).
Many for Guard Positions.
teller and Reinhart will probably both
on hand to battle it out for the
guard berths, Beller with two years ex
perience with the varsity quintet and
Keinhart with one. From the second
string squad will be Couch and Burnett,
both of whom played a consistent game
during the p&st season and may be ex
pected to furnish stiff competition for
another year, while from the frosh quin*
tpt will be Douglas, Hal Chapman and
'lhe guard positions will probably be
'be most hotly contested, for the work
°( the frosh guards, stood out as a fea
ture in all the games which the first
lear men played during the past season,
a'!|l C oach Bohler already Las two strong
Understudies for the varsity five in
Couch and Burnett wbd held down those
positions this season.
With the close of the basketball sea
son at hand, it is time that the all I»a
cific coast mythical quintet were chosen.
Already 0ne has been selected by Coach
Edmundsen of the University of Wash
ington, although if anything it is slight
ly partial to Washington, giving two Sun
Dodgers a place on the five and men
tioning the rest of them. In his selec
tion, the Washington coach gives a place
at one forward to Eddie Durno, cap
tain and high point man of the Oregon
Coach Bolder declined to select a
mythical team when requested to by an
Emerald writer last night. It is just
as well for in the majority df cases
where the coaches select the quintets
they are apt to become over partial to
the members of their own squads. It is
expected that the most authentic selec
tion will be made by “Doe” Bolder, of
Washington State College, who receives
the selections of the coaches of tKe
\arious teams in the conference and
makes liis selection from these, giving
the positions to the men who receive the
greater number of votes.
May Rate Two All-Stars.
Captain Eddie "Durno is entitled to a
place on the team for there can be no
doubt that Durno is the fastest little
forward in the conferences. Ilis size
accounts for a great deal of his abilitv
to dodge his adversaries and his unerr
ing aim causes him to ring long baskets
with almost uncanny regularity during
the games. Some coaches who have wit
nessed Durn0 play, call it luck, but any
one who has witnessed the diminutive
Oregon forward do the same tricks in
some seven or eight consecutive games
are inclined to feel otherwise. Durno’s
foul shooting ability was surpassed by no
other player in the conference and this
will make him a strong contender for the
honors on the mythical five.
Should Oregon rate two men on the
all conference selection it is probable
that strong consideration will be given
Francis Beller. Boiler was one of the
fastest guards in the conference this
year, and was a strong factor in the
team work of the Lemon-Yellow quintet.
He proved an excellent offensive player
as well as a bulwark on defense and
scored a number of long shots during the
season. In breaking up the passing of
the opposing teams he showed unusual
ability, his speed accounting for a great
deal of this.
Credit Due Lathams.
Durno and Beller were the shining
lights on the varsity quintet this season,
there is no doubt, but credit is due to
the Latham brothers and Chapman, and
Reinhart at guards. “Hunk” Latham
played a fine game at center, for his
first year with the varsity regulars and
proved a consistent scorer. He is good
for a good jump at the tip off and his
size stands him in hand when it comes
to mixing with liis adversaries. Marc
Latham worked hard at standing for
ward, feedTng the ball for the most of
the shots to Durno whose basket shoot
ing was a little more sure. Marc had
better success during the latter part of
the season and only in the final games
did he get his stride in basket shooting.
“Nish” Chapman played the fore part
of the season at standing guard for the
Oregon quintet, while “Bill” Reinhart
handled the position the latter half of
the winter schedule. Chapman was de
clared ineligible to play after the Califor
nia games owing to his scholarship
standings, although his work previous
to that time showed him to be one of the
strongest guards in the conferences.
Chapman rated a place at all North
west guard during the 1920 season and
was going strong for the same position
on the 1921 selection until his diffi
(Continued from Page 1.)
in a manner which made him one of the
strongest characters in the cast. His
clever acting served to bring a saving
element of comedy into the play.
An interesting feature of the play
was the acting of Si Simula in the parr
of the Mexican “Tony.” The “Tony”
who had plenty of time to sti;uin on his
guitar, and sing melancholy verses to
Wing’s Market
Quality, Service and Low Prices.
Fresh and Cured Meats.
Phone 38. 675 Willamette Street.'
y. W. C. 1. WILL HOLD
National Secretary Will Be
Guest at Banquet
city peopliTto ATTEND
Old Officers to Retire After
Annual Meeting
Final plans for the annual Y. W. C.'A.
banquet to be lield Wednesday at 6:15
at the Hotel Osburn have been made.
The. tickets are on sale at 75o a plate.
These can be secured in the different or
ganizations or at the bungalow. All
reservations must be in by Tuesday
noon. Every member of the association
is urged to attend this big annual meet
Miss Ruth Benson, one of the na
tional secretaries of the association, will
attend the banquet and talk to the girls.
Gladys Taylor, general secretary of the
O. A. C. association and Dorothea Abr
ams, president, have been invited to be
guests at the banquet. According to Miss
Dinsdale there have been about 00 or
TO places reserved for Eugene people
who are interested in the Y. W. C. A.
program is Announced.
The program is as follows:
Toastmistress — Marjorie Holaday,
president of the Y. W. C. A.
Invocation—Bruce Giffin.
Greetings—President Campbell.
Dean Fox.
• Mrs. George Gerlingcr.
Minutes of the last annual meeting—
Frances Habersham.
Glimpses from last year—Cabinet
Solo—Melba Williams.
Treasurer’s report—Mrs. O. R. Gul
lion, Advisory Board; Ruth Flegal, Y. W.
C. A. cabinet.
Advisory Board—Mary Perkins.
Address—Ruth Benson.
The New Year—Miss Tirza Dinsdale.
Announcement of elections.
The girls will sing Oregon songs dur
ing the evening.
Old Officers Retire.
This is the last meeting where the
present officers and cabinet will pre
side. The new officers elected Wednes
day will then take charge. The officers
for the Y. W. C. A. now are:
President, Marjorie Holaday; vice
president, Vivian Chandler; secretary,
Frances Habersham; treasurer, Ruth
Flegal. The cabinet members are:
Meetings, Isla Gilbert; Bible Study,
Eleanor Spall; Bungalow, Ruth Lane;
Social Service, Elsie Marsh; Social, Bea
trice Wetlierbee; Practical Service, Flor
ence Furuset; Finance, Leta Kiddle;
Missionary, Glyde Schuebel; Publicity,
Margaret Smith; conference, Alice
Thurston; Boosters, Nancy Fields;
Church Co-operation, Jean .Mackenzie;
Undergraduate Representative, Jennie
his lady-love, but who, when the time
came, could also deal out death to the
man who had hurt his “Lena.”
Hank Foster took the part of the
Colonel of the regiment, who doubted his
young and pretty wife, Estrella. Dorothy
Wootton, as Mrs. Canby drew much ap
plause in her characterization of an ir
ritable old lady.
The two characters of Lena and her
father. Sergeant Keller, were played by
Janet. West and Nelson English respect
ively, and furnished many heart throbs
and bits of comedy.
Among the others who supported the
leads were: Kay Dunn as Sam Wong, a
Cook; Naomi Wilson as Miss Mac
Collough, a school teacher; Bark Laugh
lin, a surgeon; Don Davis as Lieuten
ant Ilalloek; Barney Garrett as Major
Cochran; and Elmer Pendell as Lieuten
ant Young. Claire Holdridge took the
part of an orderly, anl Ed Haney, Paul
Sayre, Earl Dickenslieet and Howard
Winnard were soldiers.
The student body committee in charge
of the play was John Houston, chair
man; Robert Earl and Marian Taylor
Properties were taken care of by Cecil
Adams and Ted Baker, who deserve con-'
siderable credit for their faithful work.
Arv0 Simola directed the advertising.
many hear recital
John Stark Evans Pleases In Second
of Lenten Series.
The second of the series of Lenten or
gan recitals by John Stark Evans was
given at the Methodist church on Sunday
to a large and appreciative audience.
That the people of Eugene appreciate the
opportunity to hear such excellent music
as these recitals offer i§ evidenced by
the increasing numbers of those who at
Opening with the old favorite “Swing
Low Sweet Chariot” the program was
excellent throughout. The descriptive
“Springtime Sketch” was followed by the
beautiful “Meditation” from the Suite in
B Minor.
The- crowniitg number of the organ
program was the Suite “To My Coun
try." Each of the four movements
served to reveal Mr. Evans’ ability as
an artist and his appreciation of the
power of his instrument.
George Hopkins’ rendition of “Come.
Ye Blessed” by Scott was a fitting con
clusion for the excellent program. This
is a beautiful number and the singer
showed his complete understanding of
its possibilities.
Professor McAlister and Miss Copen
haver in Mathematical Society.
Professor E. H. McAlister of the de
partment of mechanics and astronomy
and Miss M. Lucile Copenhaver of the
department of mathematics have been
honored by election to the American
Mathematical Society according to word
received on the campus from the head
quarters of the society in New York.
The American Mathematical Society is
the oldest and most important organiza
tion in America devoted exclusively to
too much.
Eat leas-chewltmore.
after every meat-aide
dtflestloo; cleanses ttM
mootti and teetfi and
sweetens breath,
catnunu UMrirtmca
Still sc Everywhere
Just Received Some
of the Famous Rave
ledge Vellum in Sen
ate Size.
Book Store
Our Fountain Specials
With the coining of spring the demand for
fountain orders increase. The very time of the year
causes one to change the order he gives in a refresh
ment place. We are ready to furnish you with a very
wide choice, made in an appealing manner. The ser
vice you know also is an added pleasure. Come in
some day soon and enjoy something from our foun
C. R. HAWLEY, Prop.
the mathematical field and the only one
that restricts its membership to gradu
ate students.
Professor E. E. DeCou and Professor
W. E. Milne of the department of mathe
matics are others of the University of
Oregon faculty who are are members of
the society the former being elected in
1S97 and the later in 191(5.
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