Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 05, 1921, Image 1

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Oregon Daily Emerald
No. 93.
SRemey Cox arfd Frederick
Rice Get Unanimous De
cision on Affirmative.
Strike Prevention by Law In
Essential Industries Is
Tim University of Oregon affirmative
debate team won a 3-0 decision over
Stanford University’s negative, and the
Oregon negative defeated the Univer
sity of Washington team 2-1 in the de
bate last night. The Stanford-Oregon
debate was in Eugene, at the Y. M._ C.
A. hut, and the Washington contest at
Seattle. The negative team was com
posed of John Canoles and Kenneth
The Oregon team, debating the af
firmative side of the question, was com
posed of Remey Cox and Frederick Rice.
The men composing the Stanford team'
were Paul Ericcson and Dan Tannen
baum. *
The judges were Father Edwin V. O.
O’Hara of the Eugene Catholic church:
R. T. Wood, of the First National Bank
of Coburg, and C. W. Boetticher, su
perintendent of the Albany public schools.
Dean Colin V. Dyment acted as chair
The speeches were twenty minutes in
length. Four minutes were allowed for
rebuttal. The subject was the same as
debated by the Oregon-O. A. C. girls’
teams Tuesday evening, namely: “Re
solved, That congress should pass laws
prohibiting strikes in * essential indus
The triangular debate series with Stan
ford and Washington was started in
1900. when the" Pacific Coast Debating
League, which consists of Stanford,;
Washington and Oregon, was organized.
Last year the debate was won by Ore
The Oregon team was coached by Pro
fessor William Michael.
Reorganization of intercollegiate base
ball and placing the sport ii^ its proper
place among the colleges of Cornell
University are among the many things
promised in arrangements that are now
nearing completion under the supervision
of the University baseball heads.
No. 5: The Mile Run.
In the entile program of track the
mile run is one of the hardest events,
and the necessary endurance for the
race cannot be cultivated in a week or
month. Cross-country running is the
host work that a miler can do to lay a
thorough foundation for the subsequent
training necessary for his particular
event. No one can expect to do wonders
in the first season, and as a rule the
third year fs better than the second and
the fourth is better than the third.
It is important that an easy style be
developed, for in a hard race like the
mile an easy stride is bound to be of as
sistance. Every muscle must do its
» share and the weight must be thrown on
tile legs. The knees do not need to be
lifted as high as in the sprints but the
stride adopted must be smooth, even,
and springy. The longer the stride the
greater advantage to the runner, but lie
must remember not to overstride in his
attempt to gain ground and thus acquire
an exaggerated style.
-“v* in me snorter- races, me inner
should run ou the balls of the feet with
Ids body a little forward and with his
arms swinging at au easy position at' the
sides. To be a good judge of pace^ is
the one important thing. He must know
just how fast he has to run every quar
ter in order to make a certain time and
finish well. Generally the first quarter
is tlie fastest, the second a little slower
and the last is the best that he can make.
A mile runner can develop the change of
pace of action. If he becomes tired dur
ing a hard race he should change the
angle of his body or arms, thus throw
ing the work on a fresh set of muscles
and resting the ones that have been used
Officers and Board of Trustees To Be
Selected At Meeting Next
Wednesday Night.
Nominations have been made for all
of the offices of the student chamber of
commerce and the names' are to be voted
on at a meeting of all commerce majors
next Wednesday evening. Only one of
lice, that of presidents has but one nom
inee, Barney Garrett, all the others hav
ing two or more candidates for the posi
•stan Evans and Carl Myers are the
nominees for vice president and Homer
Mornhinweg and Ralph Couch are to be
voted on for the position of treasurer.
Frank Miller and Wilbur Carl are the
candidates for the secretary’s office.
b ourteen names are listed among the
nominees for trustees of the body and
fi'om these six are to be selected. Those
nominated are Robert Callahan. Ned
Twining, Robert Scearee, George McIn
tyre, Malcolm Hawke, Harold Orr, Len
Jordan, Harry Hollister, Wilbur Hoyt,
John McGregor, Dean Ireland, Carl
Newbury, Ruth Lane and Jim Say.
i Three trustees from the faculty are
to be selected from among Dean E. C.
Robbins, T. ,T. Bolitho, Verne R. Mc
Dougle, A. L. Lomax, F. F. Folts, C. M.
Hogan, G. A. Denfeld, and John R.
All is Ready for Production
of “Arizona” Tonight.
Twelve hours before the bos office
opened, freshmen from the various cam
pus organizations were stationed in front
of the window to procure tickets for
“Arizona” Friday morning. Men were
alternated throughout the night and by
10 o’clock, when the window opened,
there were about 50 students there to
chose seats for their organizations. As
the limit was 30 tickets to a person, the
first house at the window had two men
in the line as they needed over 60 tickets
to supply the demands of the house.
With the ticket sale moving so nicely
the management of “Arizona” is ready
for tonight’s performance. Last night’s
rehearsal proved to the spectators pres
ent that the play is going to be “knock
out” as far as acting is concerned.
Properties have been secured and the
scenery is all set for the big night.
The play itself is a gripping western
melodrama with plenty of gun play and
(Continued on Page 4.)
Training for Track and Field
up to this time.
In order that a mile may be run in 4
minutes and 40 seconds, the average
fractional time for a school boy wifi be
GO seconds for the first quarter, 2:16 for
the second, and 8:30 for the third. The
times for each quarter would not suit
all cases. Some may do better by run
ning the second quarter a little slower
and the third a little faster. I know of
a mile runner who averaged the same
speed for all four quarters, making each
in 70 seconds. J. P. Jones, of Cornell,
ran the following race when he broke
the world’s record: First quarter
61:4-5; second quarter 2:09 2-5; third
quarter 3:161-5; fourth quarter 58 1-5.
The mile runner must never lose sight
of the importance of sprinting, and
should vary his work from distance to
sprinting occasionally. The amouut of
training necessary for this race would
depend a great deal on the runner. The
following schedule will probably give most
boys a working basis. Assuming that
the cross-country work is over, tne run
ner should take the following: Warm
up by slow jogs of about 850 yards.
Monday, go one mile, 440 yards at rac
ing speed, and then coast through the
rest of the distance. Take a short sprint
or two and if not tired job 3300 yards
with long, loose strides. Tuesday* go
880 yards of fast or racing speed and
jog to the finish. Wednesday, jog a mile
and a quarter. Try the starts an#
sprints. Thursday, if no race is to be
run Saturday, do a good mile. If a race
is to be run, loosen up slowly and jog
880 yards at three-quarters speed. Fri
day, if there is to be no race, try the
sprints and starts. Jog at three-quar
ters mile speed. Saturday jog one
[ half mile and run hard for 800 yards. -
hew com
Budget Plan for Activities
One of New Features
Revised Instrument to be
Voted on One Week
From Thursday
The final draft of the new constitution
which will be presented to the students
at the regular A. S. IJ. O. assembly is
now completed and copies are being
printed for distribution among student
officers. Two long sessions of the com
mittee appointed by Student President
Carlton Savage to revise the A. S. II. O.
constitution has resulted in a few minor
changes in the original plan.
Provision for a budget system for all
branches of student, activity, making an
infirmary committee a standing commit
tee of the student council, and providing
for a salary of $100 each ’to the editor
and manager of the Oregana by an
amendment to the by-laws, are the new
features which have been incorporated in
the constitution.
Three Councils Superseded.
The original plan remains unchanged.
An Executive Council composed of three
members of the faculty, one to be an
alumnus, one other alumni member, and
six student members is the chief organ
ization in the new plan. This council
will take the place of the present ath
letic council, forensic council and exe
cutive committee, and will take over the
powers of these groups. Nine activity
committees, covering every phase of stu
dent activity are to be appointed by the
council, as well as a finance Committee
which will handle the finances of the as
sociated students, subject to the will of
the higher executive council.
In working out the provision for a
-budget system, the committee making
the revisions has allowed for all branches
of student activity, including all athletics,
forensics, musical activities, as well as
the women’s league. Each branch will
be required to submit a budget to the
council through its activity committee,
which will be referred to the finance
committee to be incorporated'in the bud
get for the entire student association.
Students To Have Voice.
In calling for an infirmary committee
as a standing committee of the student
council, the idea, according to Wilbur
Carl, chairman of the revisions com
mittee, was to give the students a voice
in the directing of the affairs of the
University health dispensary.
The editor and manager of the Oreg
ana will each receive $100.(10 a year,
provided the net earnings of the year
book are sufficient to allow for that
amount, if the new constitution is adopt
ed. In case the yearbook does not clear
that amount, the editor and manager
will divide the net earnings. Should the
amount cleared be over .$200.00, this
balance will accrue to the associated stu
Other Ideas Adapted.
According to Wilbur Carl, the main
features of the new constitution were
incorporated from those pf Washington,
California, Stanford and O. A. C., which
institutions have boards similar to the
proposed executive council with central
ized power and systematized financial
control. The idea of the activity com
mittees was taken from the Multnomah
club of Portland, where the plan has
worked successfully for some time.
The constitution will be passed on by
the combined executive council, athletic
council, forensic council and student conn
cil at a meeting to be held early next
week after the revisions committee Iras
placed its final stamp of approval on the
constiution Monday. It will be present
ed to the student body at assembly
Thursday and be voted on a week later.
Other, Amendments Proposed.
Other amendments are also to be pro
posed Thursday, but will not be incor
porated in the new constitution. These
include an amendment changing the re
quirements for a tennis letter, an amend
ment making soccer a minor sport with
a letter award, an amendment increas
ing the size of the basketball letter, and
an amendment fixing an award for the
Colonel Bill Hanley? Pioneer,
Double of Bryan, on Campus;
Talks Philosophy of Service
Tliorp is nothing in life save purpose.
Man lms nothing to say about coming
into or going out of life. His only task
is to make the world better for future
generations. Such is the philosophy of
Colonel “Bill” Hanley, pioneer of the
Oregon country and an ardent believer in
the Great Northwest. Colonel Hanley
was on the campus yesterday as the
guest of President Prince L. Campbell,
his boyhood chum.
The Colonel spoke at Friendly hall,
where he was a dinner guest. His fea
tures are (he counterpart of those of
William Jennings Bryan. As he rose to
talk to “the boys” a kindly light showed
in his grey eyes and an odd smile played
about his tanned face. He told of the
opportunities of the west for western
men. “It's what you can do that counts,”
he said. “Your ability to make good is
what will tell.”
Colonel Hanley belongs to the west.
He believes in it when he says that its
resources and possibilities have not been
touched. He has been here since-but
'he won't talk about his age for he says
that a man is young as long as he does
n’t reckon with time.
“When did you come here, Colonel?”
he was asked.
When 1 came, he replied with a
laugh. “I never ‘was’ anywhere else. I
started here.”
The colonel and President Campbell
were schoolmates together. When their
ways parted, the president came to the
University and the Colonel went into
eastern Oregon, where he today owns
one of the largest ranches in the Har
ney country. He was an intimate friend
of A. Phimister Proctor, the sculptor who
designed the “Pioneer” which graces
the Oregon campus. It was Colonel
Hanley who found the man who was
used as a model for the statue. “Proc
tor came to mo and told me lie wanted n
model for the statue, and we found one"
explained the colonel. “We eon usually
find most anything if we really try. The
statue was done from real life, and the
model came from the pioneer stock—and
lived the pioneer life.”
The colonel himself is one of the
pioneers of the west. lie has grown with
the country, nnd when he looks upon the
tremendous possibilities Intent here he
declares that the place for the western
collegian is the west. “Your corner
stone is here,” said the Colonel. “If you
go elsewhere, it is just a case of plant
ing another cornerstone, and there are
no better ones to be found.”
Colonel Hanley has not been on the
campus since the dedication of Proctor’s
statue. lie was particularly interested in
the new activity on the campus, and dur
ing the afternoon visited the new build
ings in company with Dean John F.
Col/ftiel Hanley's experience, however,
extends over the entire world. In intro
ducing him, President Campbell told of
how in former days, the colonel used to
jeave a trunk in each of seven or eight
metropolitan cities where he was ac
customed to stop, iti order to be able to
travel “light.”
“Yes, that’s true,” the colonel said, in
reply to the president. “It was a habit
of mine, but it was my experience that
the people who were so particular about
what they took with them and how they
looked when they arrived, usually did not
know just exactly what they were going
“Never mind who you are—it’s what
you do that counts. The only way to be
happy is to accomplish — muke two
blades .of grass grow where one grew
Former Stars Will Appear on
Hayward Field at 2:30
When the final whistle blows this aft
ernoon on Hayward field as a signal that
the soccer game between Oregon and the
'Eugene All-Stars has ended, the college
town might possess a championship title;
'and • again, the University team might
'boast a season without a defeat. Coach
Dyment, who will play with the All-Stars
against his proteges, avows that the
University players will get the surprise
of their lives. The game will start at
2:30. The varsity men are not optimis
tic about the outcome of the game.
Three former Stanford men, Neal and
Hugh Ford and It. Ratner, a Danish
dark horse who is said to toe the ball
beautifully; Gowan, a former Portland
player, and Peter Orockatt, a member
of the Oregon team of 1915-16 which
played O. A. C., will make up a forward
line hard to keep away from the scor
ing zone. Spike Leslie or McCune will
probably fill as much space as possible
between the All-Stars’ goal posts, and
Francis Jacobberger, who is not regis
tered in the University this term, w,ill
play in the Eugene team’s backfield.
Don McPherson, former Washington
high, of Portland, player lias been draft
ed by Captain Ford’s fighters and will
probably play on the forward line. Wal
lace, Deadman, Mack, Holdridge, Phil
lips, and Hull will be given chances to
stem the varsity rushes. Colin V. Dy
ment is booked to demolish the Oregon
scoring machine.
Iiay Scbmeer, assisted by Fullbacks
II. .Tacobberger and Elmo Madden will at
tempt to keep the varsity goal inviolate.
Ingle, Staton, and Potter will feed the
Eugene team’s returns to the Oregon
forward line. Capps, King, Tuerck, Bro
gan and Byers are listed to appear on
the varsity attacking line: Johnuy
Tuerck's clever footwork should be one
of the features of the game. Spectators
who think that it takes years to learn
the game will find adverse proof by
watching A1 Capps, playing inside right
for Oregon, tricking the opposing Eugene
backs. Capps never played the game
until last fall.
(Coptiuued on Page 4.)
Graduate Students Highest
With Average of 1.88
University co-eds lead the men of the
institution .03 in scholarship, according
to a report on the fall terra grades is
sued this week by the registrar’s office.
The girl’s average is 3.10 and the men’s
3.82. The average for the whole Uni
versity is 3.52.
Men housed under University super
vision made an average grade of 3.90,
while the women in the same class made
3.31. Those boarding in town did better
work, the men making 3.70 and the girls
3.21. The men living at, home made
3.81 and the women 3.07.
Graduate students made the best
grades in the University, their average
being 1.88. Under this classification the
men made 1.97 and the women 1.78.
Grades are compiled according to the
Missouri system. The ideal working of
the system would have made the Univer
sity average 3.50, and as tho actual aver
age varied from this only by .02 it is
considerel especially successful. Zero is
the best grade and is given for honor
work, one is next best, then two, and so
on. Failure counts seven on the report
of the student and in compiling the grade
The tightening up of the scholastic
standards during the last few months has
'caused a marked difference in the type of
work produced, and although some grudes
were not as high as before, faculty mem
bers feel that more was accomplished.
The cutting down on the social calendar
'is thought to have had considerable ef
fect in making the scholarship higher.
Mins Edna A. Cocks, head of the de
partment of physical education at the
|Oregon Agricultural College and Miss
Hjertaas, Miss Grua and Mias Thorne
I ley, instructors in her department, were
campus visitors yesterday. They spent
the day looking over the women’s build
ing Hnd were guests at the ten given by
the University department yesterday aft
ernoon. They returned to Corvallis last
BY 25 TO 21 SHE
Game Almost Won by Steady
Playing of Willamette
Team Given New Life When
Regulars Replace Two
Oregon succeeded in taking the first of
the two game scries from the Willamette
quintet at the Arfhory last night by a
score of 25 to 21. The game was rath
er loosely played and was void of spec
tacular playing on the part of either
quintet, Durno getting two long shots
and Gillette hooping a long one for the
visitors. Oregon played in spurts, while
the steady and consistent work of the
Bearcats almost spelled disaster for the
Lemon-Yellow quintet in the latter per
Thp initial period was slower than th»
last half and ended in a score of 13 to
10 for Oregon, although this lead was
only gained during the latter part of the
period, Willamette holding their own
with a tied score during most of the
opening half. At the start’of the final
period the Bearcats or rather Gillette of
the Bearcats, rang up three field goals
before Oregon succeeded in hitting the
pace and the Willamette five lead the
score until Coach Bolder put new life
into the team by sending Beller in at
guard and Marc Latham back into a for
ward position, from which he was pulled
at the start of the last half.
Couch and Voatch Are Used.
Conch Bohler started Couch at guard
iu Beller’s place, tnd Couch gave a good
account of himself on defensive work al
though he hardly measured up to the
work of Seller on breaking up plays and
in offensive playing. In the final period
Bohler substituted Veatch for M. Lath
am at the start in order to give Latham
a chance to solve the Willamette defense
from the sidelines. The ruse worked
successfully for the sending of these two
men into the game in the final period
brought the lead back to the varsity
Gillette scored 11 points for the Will
amette aggregation during the last half,
which was all the points made by the
Bearcats in the final period. Jackson
was the big factor in there scoring com
bination in the opening period, annexing
two pretty field baskets, Wapato adding
one, and Gillette converting two ffeo
Game Slowed by Fouls.
Marc Latham chalked up four field
goals during the contest, “Hunk” Latham
getting two and Veatch one. Durno
converted one free throw out of three at
tempts and scored five field baskets. The
game was slowed up by the number of
fouls culled, Oregon being called for a
total of 14 fouls and Willamette for 3
duriug the game.
The line-up:
Oregon—25. Willamette—21
Durno 11.F.Wapato 2
M. Latham 8.F.. .... Gillette 13
H. Latham 4.C.Jackson 4
Couch.G.Rarey 2
Veatch 2.Spare.
Substitutions: Oregon, Veatch for M.
Latham, Roller for Couch, M. Latham
for Veatch; Willamette, none.
Referee: Ralph Coleman, O. A. C.
► Jean Goodrich, Maurice Gourley, 4
► Russell Gowans, Harlan Gram, 4
► Bartlett Gray, Herbert Gray, JoJn 4
¥ Griffith, Albert Grilley, Clausaen 4
► Gross, Prentiss Gross, Fred Haines, 4
► Edd Ilaney, Raymond Harlan, Paul 4
► Harris, Francis Haworth, Norman 4
► Hayes, Devere Helfrick, Irwin %
► Ileuly, William Higginbotham, Fay 4
¥ D. Hill. *
► These Report at 4 Monday. 4
► Thomas Hill, Verden Hockett/4
► Leo Hoelliug, Harold Holdman, Al- 4
► fred Holman, Boyd Homewood; 4
► John Homewood, Don Hood, Wil- 4
► liain S. Hopkins, Carl Houston, 4
► Irvin Houston, Clinton Howard, 4
► George Hpney, David Husted. 4