headquarters opened FOR STUDENTS ABROAD American University Union Offers Club Facilities In Paris And London. Of interest to students and faculty members who contemplate visiting or studying in England or France is the announcement contained in the annual report of the American University Union in Europe, of which the University of Oregon is a member, of the opening of new and expensive headquarters in Lon don and Paris for the exclusive use of American college students and repre sentatives. The American University Union in Europe is composed of the majority of American institutions of higher learn ing whose scholastic requirements for a degree measure up to the standards set hv the board on applications of the Uni versity Club of New York City. The Union maintains headquarters and club facilities for all accredited stu dents and faculty members of the asso ciation. and endeavors, according to the report, to advance the welfare of Amer ican studying abroad and to form a closer bond .of service between the uni versities of the United States and Eu rope. During the war 5700 American soldier students attending foreign colleges re ceived the attention of the Union and the privileges of the club rooms in Eng land and France. DEAN FOX TO MAKE TRIP Will Attend Luncheon Given In Honor of Cincinnati Educator. Miss Elizabeth Fox, (lean of women, will bo in Portland Friday to attend the luncheon given at the University club in honor of Mrs. Helen Wooley, director of vocational bureau of the Cincinnati school system. Mrs. Wooley, who is a guest of Miss Young, instructor at Reed College, is delivering several addresses on educational subjects during her stay in Fortland. Miss Fox will be a guest of Miss Mary Thomas, president of the Portland As sociation of Collegiate alumnae. U. OF C. TO PRESENT “KISMET.” University of California, March 2. — Pacific Intercollegiate News Service.) Permission from the copywriters in New York to produce “Kismet” in the Greek Theatre April 8 was received yesterday by the English club. New lighting ef fects with wonderful panels and drapes, and the newest scenery effects will be used in the reproduction of the play. Efforts will be made to reproduce in detail the scenes of Otis Skinner, the original leading player. LOST. — Looseleaf note book, Ger man render and note book of German translation, in balcony, Villard hall. Finder please call Lynn Cram at 1184 or bring to 412 E. 13th street. Reason able reward. s'f LOST. — Waterman fountain pen with cracked cap, late Tues.Ty afternoon or evening. Please call Katherine Ash mead, Thacher Cottage. Phone 1317. FOUND ARTICLES. — The following articles have recently been turned in at the circulation desk of the library: Gold bar pin, gold cross pendant, case for glasses. NuBone Corsets, Cleaning and Repair ing. Mrs. A. True Lundy, 155 East Ninth Street. Phone 239. tf Patronize Emerald Advertisers. BUILDING BILL SIGNED Plans of University Music Department ' & Receive Legislative Sanction. ^A11 tloubt as to the validity of tiio ! University’s contract for the rental of the new music building financed by the ! tloating of a bond issue by the Univer sity of Oregon Holding company, was removed Saturday when Governor 01 cott signed senate bill No. 236. The bill was introduced by Governor Bell of the Lane-Linn senatorial district, and Authorizes the L niversity to lease the building from the holding company. i Legislative sanetiou of the contract was thought necessary by the state at torney-general 'who based his opinion' on the question as to whether the state University has the legal right to enter into contract for the rental and eventual purchase of a building financed by a private company, without special action of the legislature. Patronize Emerald Advertisers. I" SIOUX FALLS COACH IS ASSISTANT TO BOHLER o ° “ L. J. Frank Arrived Wednesday; To Take Charge of Gymnasium Classes at Onfce, L. .T. Frank, football anrl basketball coach at Sioux Falls College, South Dakota, and a former athlete at the Uni versity of Iowa, of Iowa City and Coe College, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, has been added to the faculty of the school of physical education for men. Mr. Frank arrived on the campus Wednes day and will assume his duties here at once. The new instructor will act as as sistant to George ->I. Bolder, whose du ties as baseball coach this spring will keep him busy most of the time. Mr. Frank will have charge of a number of the gym classes which have been con ducted under Bolder this winter and will devote all of his time to the physical training department. —.1 Good to Eat You can bo sure they are Panama Creams—Bear tracks — they are made together with many other things in the “OREGANA’S” own factory. • I OREGANA The Students Shop Sunday Dinner After the week of work nothing is more pleasing than to get a well cooked meal served in a manner that pleases. Our past record is the reason that so many students eat their dinners with us. Osburn Hotel itri j t:-7% STUDENTS ASK WILSON ARTICLE. President Wilson’s recent refusal to accept $150,000 for a special magazine article has caused the students of Wil son College, Chambershurg. l’a., to urge him to reconsider and give them the money. ♦ Patronize Emerald Advertisers ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ SID WOODHOUSE 5c DANCE TONITE Hear Eugene Dance Orchestra De Luxe Play that latest Fox Trot. —< MOONBEAMS — Get your party Together Dances that are Different Punch Served Old Armory Bldg. Eugene Dancing Academy Learn From Professional Dancers 1 p. m. to 9 p.m. Daily Phone 1303 is your night at 5“ Campa Shoppe FROM—9:00 p. in. to 10:30 p. m. The Three JAZZ will dispense AS USUAL & JAZZ-DANCING • ■ HARMONY % UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTS KING OF THE CASTLES An Operetta in Three Acts under Directions of ANNA LANDSBURY BECK EUGENE THEATRE, FRIDAY, MARCH 4th Seats Reserved at Box Office Friday 10 a.m. to 8:30 p. m. Curtain 8:30 Lower Floor and Balcony 50 cents. Gallery 35 cents STOP LOOK All Star University Cast Presents ARIZONA ■ >v LISTEN SPEED ACTION VARIETY YOU CAN SEE ARIZONA FOR One DOLLAR SATURDAY NIGHT, cTWarch 5th Reserved Seat Sale Today & Tomorrow Tf'ITMlT TH1T A TTD IT PRICE — 75 cents and 50 cents Box Office Open at 10 A. M. Each Day LvULllL 11 IE* A. 1 IVE* STARTS AFTER BASKETBALL Game . trfoansmwwm %