Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 02, 1921, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press Aesoclatlon.
Associate Editor .Lyle Bryson News Editor.Charles E. Gratke
Assistant News Editors
Velma Rupert, Elisabeth Whitehouse
John Dierdorff.
Sports Editor.Floyd Maxwell
Sports Writers
Eugene Kelty Edwin Hoyt
Don D. Huntress
Night Editors
Wilford C. Allen.
Carlton K. Logan, Reuel S. Moore,
Kenneth Youel.
News Service Editor ... .Jacob Jacobson
Alexander Brown, Eunice Zimmerman
Feature Writers .E. J. H., Mary Lou Burton, Frances Quisenberry
News Staff—Fred Guyon, Margaret Scott, Raeford Bailey, Owen Callaway,
Jean Straclian, Inez King, Lenore Cram, Doris Parker, Phil Brogan, Raymond D.
Lawrence, Margaret Carter, Florence Skinner, Emily Houston. Mary Traux,
Pauline Coad, Howard Bailey, Arthur Rudd, Ruth Austin, Madalene Logan,
Mabel Gilham, Jessie Thompson, Hugh Starkweather, Jennie Perkins, Claire
Beale, Dan Lyons, John Anderson, Flore nee Walsh, Maybelle Leavitt, Kay Bald.
Associate Manager .Webster Ruble
■ .. -■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ----i
Advertising Manager ...George Miclntyre
Circulation Manager .A1 Krolin
Staff Assistants: James Meek, Randal Jones, Jason McCune, Ben Reed,
Mary Alexander, Elwyn Craven, Donald Bennett*
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon
issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. •
Entered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Snb
scnption rates $2.25 per year. By term, 75c. Advertising rates upon application.
_ . PHONES: " ’
Campus office—055. Downtown office—1200.
Should the changes in the A. S. TJ. 0. constitution that
Will be presented to the students for approval one week from
tomorrow) be adopted? The revision of the constitution as
planned by the committee which has been working on the
plans for some time means practically an entirely new form
of student government. It is more than a few amendments.
It is a complete change.
That the present constitution and student government is
sadly in need of repairs is no joke. Whether the proposed
changes will ameliorate the defects which now exist or pro
ceed to make them worse is a question whicih must be decided!
by the students very soon.
Under the tentative plan of revision {announced yester
day, the three bodies of student government now known as the
athletic council, the executive committee and the forensic
council are to be united into one body which would control
several smaller activity committees, all ot which are appoint
ive, and responsible to the larger body called! the executive
council. These smaller commrnittees, under the plan, would
cover every phase of student activity, would make recom
mendations to the executive council, and all demands for
money by the respective activities would be made to a finance
committee, another appointive body, differing in personnel
but having approximately the same powers as the present exe
cutive committee.
The plan as it has been outlined is complicated!, and hard
for the average person to understand. It seems the idea for
a change in the present plan of student government origin
ated early in the year, and later a committee was set to work
upon plans. This committee has spent some time gathering
material, and has really put forth honest effort towards out
lining a better system of government. Later the student
council named a committee to eliminate several dead parts of
the present constitution, and this committee was addled to the
first. Several long sessions have brought the plan to its pres
ent stage.
One of the radical changes proposed is to make all stu
dent managers appointive by the new executive council. This
would affect the manager of the Emerald and Oregana, both
of which have been elective, as well as the managers of the
musical organizations, athletic teams and the like. It was
thought that making these offices appointive would take the
positions out of politics. Will it?
The new executive council would place the power of stu
dent. government, completely in the hands of students, as the
number of students on the council and! the various committees
would outnumber the faculty or alumni. Are students capa
ble of handling the weighty problems which may come be
fore the council?
The new executive council would bo a powerful body uli
the new plan, appointing or electing all student managers, all
members of the various activity committees, nine in number,
the graduate manager, anl all coaches and trainers, as well
as handling all student finances, and taking over all powers
not delegated to other councils. Is this giving too much
power to one body, to consist of six studlents, three faculty,
one alumni, and two ex-officio members? Would there be
danger in delegating so much power to such a small group?
There are many questions which must be decided before
students can expect to vote intelligently on the new plan. The
Emerald hopes to be able to present full details of the plan,
as well as both sides of the question of a change in student
“If there is anything the public does not wish to go
abroad to the world, it should blame itself that the thing ex
ists—not the newspaper for publishing its existence.” The
application of this quotation might well be made to college
publications, which are often asked to cover things up that
the outside world might not know what is happening. It
need not be said again that the Emerald stands for the pic
turing of all that happens at Oregon.—the news of the campus
While this committee is revising the constitution, why not
do away with the Yell Leader Advisory committee, a body
which seems not to function. The varsity yell leader might
well be made a member of the stud'ent council, since that group
is given power to help in such matters as concerns University
rooting. Often occasions arise where the help of the yell
leader on the student council would be advisable.
Boys’ Work Class. — Meets with Hal
[Donnolly Wednesday evening at 8:15.
Sigma Delta Chi. — Meeting Thursday
evening, 7:30 at the Kappa Sigma house.
Order of the “0.” — The Order of the
“O” will meet this afternoon at 4 o’clock
in the varsity room at the gym. Impor
tant business. “Spike” Leslie, presi
Washington Club. — Meeting Wednes
day night at 8 p. rn. in assembly room of
Oregon hall.
Crossroads. — M e e t i ng Wednesday
evening at 7:30 o’clock.
Home Economics Club. — Meeting
Thursday evening at 7:15.
Condon Club. — Announces a meeting
tonight at 7:30 in Johnson Hall, room 4.
Dr. Hodge will speak on erosion by
springs and it's relation to railroad con
struction on the Pacific coast. Anyone
interested is invited to attend.
Boosters. — There will be a meeting
of the Boosters Committee at the Bun
galow Wednesday, March 2. This is the
last meeting.
Lemon Punch Contributors. — Meet
ing of all contributors interested in tlie
Lemon punch. Journalism shack, to
night, 4:15. Important.
Oregana Art Staff. — There will be a
meeting of everyone who is doing art
work for the Oregana, Wednesday after
noon at five o’clock in the Oregana of
Women’s Education Club. — Impor
tant meeting of the women’s education
club Wednesday, March 2, 4:15, in room
II, education building.
Mikado Rohoarsal. — There will be a
rehearsal of the whole Mikado cast in
Guild Theater tonight at 7:00. mar-5
To the Editor:
“Hold not your horn on high. Look
not with a stiff neck,” commands the
Bible with amazing audacity.
“Why if you don’t people think you
ain’t nobody!” remarks a fair coed in
perhaps slightly better English. The
Bible is wrong—utterly wrong. The fair
coed is right. We may concede that the
Bible was right when it was written, but
that was ages ago when people weren’t
cultured to the degree they now are.
What is the use of having culture if
we do not use it? It never pays in this
progressive age to be bashful. People
who are too meek ito show what they
know are “goofs.” This is not mere
theory or contention. It is an estab
lished truth. If you doubt it ask anyone
—anyone who amounts to something.
The opinion of the others doesn’t count.
Figuratively we are in Rome and when
in Rome—, but even that maxim is out
dated. It should rather be, “When in
Rome outdo the Romans.” When cul
tured-people hold their horns on high
aud look with stiff necks do no-t the
same yourself, but hold your horn yet
higher and look with a neck stiffer than
the stiffest. Fool them. That’s the
Why if you can outdo them at these
little things they will naturally come to
the conclusion that you are in reality
better than they. You must always le
membor, “Thinking is believing.” You
are what you make people think you
There are some authorities on the
Theory of Culture who condemn the
famed, old Oregon “Ilello.” They insist
that by compelling us to speak to every
one it brings us down to level of the
“Goofs.” since we fail to show that we
can hold our noses higher and our necks
stiffer than the lesser forms of human
ity about us.
This contention is unfounded, as
proven by experiment. If we use the
■“Hello” custom to its full advantage it
will aid'rather than hinder us in our ad
vance toward culture. It causes the
"Goofs” and the Elite alike to uotice our
existence, thus affording us a superb
opportunity to greet them icily and.—
when we wish to make a special impres
sion—to ignore them entirely. This has
the psychological effect of squelching
them and iuduoing them to admiration
of ourselves. The women have a par
ticular advantage under this system and
I can say truthfully arc making the most
of their opportunity.
R. G. W.
LOST. — Looseleaf note book, Ger
man reader and note book of German
translation, in balcony, Villard hall.
Finder please call Lynn Cram at 1184
or bring to 412 E. 13th street. Reason
able reward.
WANTED—University students per
sonal washings. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Will deliver to any address.
Corner 21st. 2092 Onyx St.
Patronize Emerald Advertisers.
982 Willamette
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Tweed fabrics for Spring will be
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Something you have been looking
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THE EMERALD depicts stu
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ganization stamped in gold on
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made before the end of the
school year. Orders are now be
ing accepted./
Manager, Oregon Daily Emerald
055 in the daytime; 1200 at night
Are the rule on these warm days. We prepare the
most refreshing and appetizing orders at our foun
tain, that anybody could want. We don’t aim to mere
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