Oregon Daily Emerald VOLUME XXII. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2. 1921. NO. 90. DIEM SOCCER TEAM TOVIE WITH ALL-STAR EUCEAIE ACGRECATIOIH A3! But Two of Regular Line up Scheduled to Play on Saturday. DEAN DYMENT TO PLAY WITH VARSITY RIVALS To “Kick Conceit Out of His Protegees,” Coach Joins Eugene Eleven. Next Saturday afternoon at 2:30, possibly on Hayward field, 22 of the most adept soccer players residing in the city and environs of Eugene will go in to action in an exhibition game of asso ciation football, played expressly for the enlightenment of persons not versed in tlie great Scotch past-time. Neill Ford, former Oregon-Stanford-O. A. C. soc cer player, will captain the city eleven which is to meet the Oregon team. Except for the absence of Koerber and Patterson, the two star players whose counter attacks shattered the concen trated Aggie onslaughts in the two tie games played last, fall, Oregon’s lihe-up will probably he the same as the one which battled O. A. C. These two va cancies in the backfield will either be filled with, men from the second string or soccer players who have entered school this term. R. R. Ratner, former Stanford player, registered at Oregon this term, will likely be given a try-out with the University squad. Neil Ford and his brother Hugh; Col in V. Dyment, Oregon’s soccer coach who has consented to join the Ford camp in order to kick some of the conceit out of his proteges: a Danish player, and possibly other Eugene soccer men, sup plemented with Oregon varsity football men, Spike Leslie and Mart Howard, will make up a team guaranteed to give ike spectators a pretty exhibition of skilled soccer playing. Th(> University squad has been jirac tieing occasionally on Hayward field during the past two weeks and the warm days have helped the men get back into condition after two months of rest. Coach Dyment has been unable to give any of his time to the coaching of the team this term, but the men are confi dent that Captain Ford’s men will -have to stage some clever footword if they desire to annex the championship of Eugene next Saturday afternoon. DECORATOR VISITS HERE Bertha Stuart Plans for Interior of Women’s Building. Miss Bertha Stuart, an interior decor ator of Portland, was on the campus last week-end to make some of the final ar rangements for the decoration of the women's building. This was the first time that Miss Stuart has done any work on the campus, but she has decorated one or two homes in Eugene. Miss Stuart came to get the measure ments of the shades for the four large lamps that will be placed in the alumni hall in the east end of the building. These lamps are of canton ware and the shades are to be made of burnt orange color. Miss Stuart has studied in the famous art institute of Chicago and has done a Rceat deal of interior decorating in the Portland homes. LEMON PUNCH COVER DESIGN COMPLETED Wilbur Hulin Design Sent to New York; Editor Calls for Life in Goof Number. The cover design for the nest issue of the Lemon Punch, drawn especially for the Goof Number by Wilbur Hulin, has just been completed and sent to New New York, where it will be printed, ac cording to Frank Short, art editor. The next issue will be increased to 28 pages and many new’ features are being work* 1 ed up for the number, which will make jits appearance about April 7. “We want this to be a real issue with lots of life/’ said Stan Eisman, editor. “Just now the contributions consist mostly of pins and buttons. Contribu tors seem to think that the magazine represents only a picked few. If it did the ‘picked few’ would flunk out of school after the first issue, for it takes work to put the magazine out. The Lemon Punch goes all over the United States and others judge Oregon by the standard of the magazine. The students have got to get busy and help us out. Everything must be in by March 18.” I) The Lemon Punch now has a circula tion in Eugene, Salem and Portland, as well as throughout the high schools in Oregon, according to Harris Ellsworth, business manager. The total number of copies printed for next number will be about 2,000, he states. Class Teams To Be Chosen From Results of Finals. ' Final try-outs for places on class swimming teams will be held at the pool in the women’s building Thursday afternoon at 5 o’clock. About twenty women took part in the preliminaries Monday night, and from these and any others who care to enter Thursday afternoon,the class teams will be chosen. Frances Moore, head of swimming in the women’s athletic association, urges all women who swim, to come to the finals even though they have not taken part in any preliminary try-outs. The inter class swimming meet will be held with in the next two weeks, although the ex act date has not as yet been decided up on. “Interest is very keen over the class meet,” said Miss Moore, “and we hope to get the best material in the University out at the final try-out, because from the class teams we are going to choose the varsity team which meets the Ore gon Agricultural College in the spring.” ■ Strokes for form, speed races one and two lengths of the pool, plunge for dis tance and diving are some of the events in which entries will be made in the class contests. A special class for wo men interested in making the class and varsity teams has been meeting regular ly since the opening of the new building, and has been well attended. The four letter members of last year’s varsity swimming team, Frances Moore, Winifred Hopson, Helen Nelson and Valiere Coffey, are still on the cam pus and are going to enter the try-outs. A large number of others are promising material, Miss Moore says, including: Marghret Russell, Marian Nicholai, Mu riel Meyers, Frances McGill, Wenona Dyer, Caro.vln Cannon, Star Norton, Bet ty Pride, Naomi Robbins, Ollie Stolten berg, Harriet Veazie, Dorothy Blyjmrg. Emily Houston, and Ruth Hayman. ' Training for Track and Field By W. L. HAYWARD. No. 2. The 220-Yard Run. Most sprinters who run the 100-yard flush generally enter the 220-yard dash also. This is a much harder race, and the 100-yard man is not always success ful at the 220-yard dash, for the rea son that it takes more and harder work to stand up under the strain of the longer sprint. The systems of training for both are much alike, only the 220 yard runner must develop a longer and easier stride. The runner must know himself and his ability to finish. Many hoys run so hard at the first half that they are completely run off their feet and consequently tie up at the finish. In all 440-yard tracks the start of the 220-yard is generally a short dis tance from the turn. I would advise all youug runners to sail the turn. Start ing as fast as possible the runner swings into a stride that will carry as much speed without a great deal of effort un til the last 75 yards. As a rule the best 220-yard meuare those who can run a greater distance, the best of them be ing able to go at the same easy swing for 500 or 350 yards. Since the race requires more endur ance the candidate should practice swing ing through 300 yards, always running within himself. If the 220-yard man is to run the 100 also, the starting and springing will be suffieient, but he should vary the training, taking two or three 300 yards at three-quarter speed and once a week go through 180 at 220 speed. Two days before the race a rest should be taken, just doing enough to loosen up and perhaps do 300 at oue lialf speed. OREeoy WOMEN WIN 2101 FROM 0. H. C. IT HUT LIST RIGHT Elaine Cooper and Lurline Coulter Represent University. MEN ARE TO DEBATE USING SAME QUESTION Washington and Stanford Will Be Met in Friday Night’s Series. Tn a closely contested debate the affirmative side of the Oregon women’s debate team defeated the O. A. C. team l>y a vote of two to one at' the Y. M. C. A. hut, last night. The Oregon team debating the af firmative side of the question was com posed of Lurline Coulter and Elaine Cooper. The girls on the O. A. C. team were Elvira Van Hollebeke and Erna !Von Lehe. i The judges for the debate were: A. A. Knowlton, former acting president of Reed College; Frank Davey, member of the state legislature ,and Professor Gardner C. Basset, professor of psy chology at Reed College. Dean Fox acted as chairman. The question debated was one which deals with the question of labor unrest. It was stated: “Resolved, That Con gress Should Pass Laws Prohibiting Strikes in Essential Industries.” Oregon will meet Washington and Stanford in the men’s annual triangular debate Friday evening of this week. Ore gon’s affirmative team, composed of Remey Cox and Frederick L. Rice, will meet the Stanford negative team here, in Villard hall, at 8:15 and the Oregon negative team, John Canoles and Ken neth Armstrong, will meet the Washing ton affirmative team in Seattle. Tli,e judges for the debates here hav<> not yet been selected. Dean Colin V. Dyment will act as chairman. Speeches for the debate will be twenty minutes in length, with four minutes for rebuttal. The subject is the same as that debated by the Oregon-O. A. C. girls’ iteam last night. The triangular debate series with Standford and Washington was started in 1901), when the Pacific C-oast Debating League, consisting of these three schools, was organized. Last year both the de bates w’ere won by Oregon. The Oregon teams are coached by Professor William Manford Michael. 950 SUBSCRIBERS IS FINAL OREGANA TOTAL No Extra Books Will Be Printed; Most of Copy and Piotures Now In Hand. The total of' subscriptions to the 1921 Oregana now stands at 950 according to Wilbur Hoyt, circulation manager, and the Oregana will go to the press with the notice that there are to be but 950 books printed. It was hoped that there would be 1200 subscriptions obtained, but with the subscribed amount the Ore gana can just about break even. Many people have had the idea all along that they would be able to get a book when the circulation began but there has been sufficient warning given and it is certain that no extra books will be printed, according to the editor. Almost all the copy and all the pic tures will be in by the end of the week according to Wanda McKinney, editor. “We have sent 217 pieces of work to the engravers to be made into copper cuts,” said Miss McKinney, “and this is about three-fourths of the total which we ex pect to send in.” DR. STUART WILL SPEAK Effect of University Women’s Health Work Will Be Discussed Today. Dr. Bertha Stuart Dyincnt will speak at the regular Y. W. C. A. meeting Thursday on the “Relation of the- Body and Spirit.” which is in line with her health program. Miss Melba Williams will sing. Tea is served at 4:45 o’clock and it is hoped that all the girls on the campus will try to attend the meeting. PLEDGING ANNOUNCED. Alpha Delta Pi announces the pledging of Ethel Murray, of Portland. Professor Dunn Shows Many Washington Portraits; Light Cast on Historic Personality |. "George .Washington sat for his por i trait upwards of fifty times for as many as twenty painters and sculptors,” said Professor F. S. Dunn, of the depart ment of Latin, last, night in his talk in connection with the showing of about seventy different portraits and replicas of the first president of the United States. During the last three years. Professor Dunn hns made the collection of prints that were thrown on the screen in the Latin lecture room in Villard hall. "We are so familiar with Gilbert Stuart’s Washington,” said Professor Dunn, “that we scarcely recognize as Washington .some portraits made by other artists.” Some of the pictures showm are very unlike the familiar Stu art Washington, and bring out entirely different phases of the great general’s personality. Pcalo Soldier with Washington Charles Wilson Peale, who was a sol dier with Washington, made more por traits of him than any other artist, he having made fourteen different originals from which he made replicas. He made the earliest known portrait of Wash ington which shows him in the British Colonial uniform. The picture was made about three years before the Revolution, when Washington was forty-one years old. i Another portrait by Peale was made at Valley Forge, on a piece of old bed ticking. The original of this picture has recently been secured by the State Nor mal of Pennsylvania, and placed in one of the halls at Westchester. The pic ture shows the General in-uniform, and is satd to be one of the most attractive of his many portraits. The artist, Peale, held that it was exceedingly difficult to paint a good likeness of Washington be cause his face expressed so much, and .the expression changed so often. Painted by Foreigners. The great American general was painted by artists of all nationalities; French, German, Austrian, English, and others. Some of the foreign artists per \sistedin painting his ns a Roman gene Iral, wearing a toga and having his hair short with the Roman fillet around his head. • Professor Dunn showed a picture of the celebrated Floudon statue of Wash ington, the original of which now stands in the rotunda of the state capitol of Virginia. Bust replicas of this statue are placed in many buildings throughout the United States, and the head used on our postage stamps is a copy of the head of Houdon’s figure. A replica of the whole figure is to be presented to England together with a copy of the celebrated Lincoln by St. Gaudens, One of the ' pictures which Professor 'Dunn thinks is the niflst attractive of all is called “A Human Washington.” This picture, painted by Peale, shows Washington in uniform; but. in the face (is a wonderful softness combined with strength with little of the austerity that (Continued on Page 4.) IW. HMIHliONS FOII YEAR IRE MADE flection To Be Held March 9; All Members May Vote. Nominations were announced yesterday for officers of tlie Y. W. C. A. for tbe doming year. The election will be held Wednesday, March 9, at the bungalow from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. All members of the association will be able to vote tegarless of any church affiliation. * Following are the nominees: Presi dent, Eleanor Spall; Vice Prisidenfe, Jean Mackenzie, Ruth Flegal; Secretary, Emily Veasy, Charlotte Clark; Treas urer, Florence Furuset, Elsie Lawrence; undergraduate representative, Clyde Schubel, Margaret Smith. Five members of the advisory board will also be elected, four for a period of three years and one to fill the unex pireds. term of Mrs. H. A. Clark. The following have been nominated: Mrs. John Stark Evans, Mrs. Robert Pres cott, Mrs. L. P. Hubbs, Mrs. L. L. Lewis and Mrs. C. A. E. Whitton to take the place of Mrs. Clark. Jean Mackenzie and Ruth Lane will have charge of the ballots. Y. W. TO GIVE ELECTION RESULTS AT BANQUET Representative of National Workers and Other Prominent Persons to Be Present. Final plans for the annual Y. W. C. A. banquet at the Hotel Osburn, Wednes day, March 9, at 6:15 o’clock, were made at a meeting of the cabinet Monday even ing. The results of the election of of ficers for the coming year which takes place the same day will be announced. The tickets will be given out to the different houses some time this week, and the girls are asked to turn them in by next Monday. They will be 75c a plate. Margaret Smith and Nancy Fields will have charge of the sale of tickets. It is expected that the banquet will be larger this year than ever before, ac cording to Miss Dinsdale, secretary. The guest of honor will be u representative of the National workers of the associa tion. Other prominent persons have been invited. SORORITY GIRLS STAY. University of Washington, March 1.— That the precentage of sorority women leaving the University during their col lege course is much smaller than the percentage for tbe entire University during the sanity time, has been proved by satistics, compiled by Dean of Wo men Ethel Hunley Coldwell. 'GRIFFINTO DESCRIBE ORIENT IT ASSEMBLY Internal Conditions in Japan To Be Topic Thursday. Professor Eldon Griffin, instructor in Oriental history in the University of Oregon, former member of the faculty of the National (College of Japan, and member of the American Historical As sociation, will address the regular stu dent body assembly Thursday morning on the topic “Internal Conditions in Japan.” As an instructor for three years in the National College of Japan, Frofessor Griffin had ample opportunity to study | at first hand the social, economic and commercial conditions of modern Japan, and his wide acquaintance with many 'prominent Japanese citizens and his dis cussion with them of some of the prob lems of the Orient that have a direct bearing on the Pacific coast, has quali fied him to speak with authority on a subject that holds a critical interest at this time. The present shifting economice and po litical conditions of the Orient and their possible connection with the United States will be touched upon by Professor Griffin in his address. Professor Griffin is a graduate of Harvard and later took post-graduate work at Stanford University and has been a member of the University of Ore gon faculty since the fall term. “COLUMNS” IS SUCCESS Washington’s New Literary Magazine Sells 3000 Copies. University of Washington, March 1. ,—The Columns, Washington’s new lit erary magazine, came off the press this week with such success that within two days the entire output of three thousand copies were sold. The new monthly publication is designed to deal with student activities and problems, feature material of the university, and short stories of Washington life. The name was taken from the University, tradi tional columns, now on the campus from the University’s first building, erected in 1861. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« ♦ MEN TO REPORT FOR WORK! ♦ ♦ The following men are to report ♦ ♦ at Kincaid Field, 4:00 p. m., today, ♦ ♦ in addition to those announced in ♦ ♦ yesterday’s Emerald: ♦ ♦ Willis Blakely, Hubert Booth, ♦ ♦ Gibson Bowles, Joseph Brack, Don ♦ ♦ Bradford, John Brady, Harold ♦ ♦ Brown, John Bryson, Fred Buck, ♦ ♦ Steve Bugar. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ OREGON OASKETEERS DEFEAT W. S. C. B¥ SCORE OF 20 TO 3S Cougars Load 15 to 13 End of First Half; Rally Is Staged by Locals. DURNO HIGH POINT MIAN WITH 19 COUNTS Pacific Coast Schedule End ed; Willamette Here for Week-end. Washington State, leading by a score of 15 to 13 was tinable to withstand the onslaughts of the Lemon-Yellow scoring combination in the latter part of a fast gnme at the Armory last night, and the Oregon quintet, added the second game of the two game series with the Cougars to the string of victories. The final score stood 35 to 28, Oregon marking up 22 points in the last half while the Cougars were amassing 13. The latter period of the contest was by far the faster of the two and both teams took on new life, playing a superb game of basketbull. The first half was slow and made doubly so by the large number of fouls made by both teatns. Rockey was again the star of the Cougar quintet on hooping long and difficult shots and had seven field baskets to his - credit when the final whistle blew, six of which were made fn the last half. Priel playing the opposite forward for the Cougars hooped two from the floor in the first period. All of the Washing ton State points in the final period were made by Rockey with the exception of one converted foul by Melvor. “Hunk” Gets Five Baskets. “Hunk” Latham for Oregon was close on Rockey’s heels in the latter period, hooping five field baskets from the floor and making six of the two point markers during the game. “Doc” Bohier at tempted to stop “Hunk” in the final period by sending Loomis, who had been taken out early in the game from a guard position, into China’s plaqe against the Oregon center, but his efforts were in vain. Durno, was as usual, *Oregon’s high point man, scorifig 19 points for the Lemon-Yellow five^ Beller and Marc Latham each aunexed a field goal in the game. Bcllar ad Reinhart worked their de fense combination on the Cougar passes td a good effect and played a consistent guarding game against Rockey and Friel, the two fast Washington State forwards. Melvor played a consistent game for the visitors and slipped two field baskets over in the initial period, in addition to converting four free throws. Friel, W. S. C. Scores First. Friel annexed the first field basket * ' the game, although Durno followed shortly afterwards, and two free throws converted by the Oregon captain placed the Lemon-Yellow in the lead. Friel and Rockey each chalked up a field goal and this coupled with the two that Melvor slipped in and one by Ciena put the Cou gars in the lead, although the repeated fouling by the Cougars gave Oregon many chances at free .throws which Durno made good. Kddie Durno and “Hunk” Latham did all the scoring for Oregon in the initial period, Durno get ting two field goals and converting 7 out of 10 attempts for free throws and “Hunk” getting one goal from the floor. Durno added two more field baskets to the Oregon score in the latter period and converted his four free throws, while “Hunk” Latham garnered five field bas kets and Marc Latham and Beller each hooped one. Willamette Coming. ‘ Last night’s game was the final game for the Oregon quintet in the Pacific Coast conference, and the two wins over Washington State places the Lemon-Yel low quintet with the University of Wash ington in second place in the conference percentage column. Both Washington and Oregon have won 8 and lost 4 games. But two games remain in the Northwest conference schedule and these will be played against Willamette University here on Friday and Saturday nights of this week. The score last night follows: Oregon—35. Wash. State—28. Durno 10.F.Rockey 14 M. Latham 2.F.Friel 4 H. Latham 12.C.C-isna 2 Beller 2.0.Melvor 8 Reinhart.O.Loomis Spare.King Substitutions: W. S. C.; King for Loomis, Loomis for Cisna. Referee: Ralph Coleman, O. A. C.