mull n. Dm ■DEUCE SPEAKER hamber of Commerce To Be Formed Among Students of University. .Marshall X. Dana, of the Oregon Joni> I was the principal speaker when the ajors of the school of commerce met vt jjjght in the Eugene commercial ,1, rooms to discuss the organization a chamber of commerce. Other speak „ weVe President P. L. Campbell and ran F,. C. Kobhins, of the faculty, and rl Myers, Ruth Lane and Edward S. anci of the students. }Ir. Dana dwelt upon the value of such organization to the community and the University. The meeting was well tended and a great deal of interest is shown. A motion was made to adopt a tern ary constitution and committees were jeted to prepare it and to nominate istees. The constitution committee jeted was: 'C. Carl Myers, chairman; ith Lane. Frank Miller, Wanda Brown d Chester Znmwalt. The nominating committee was: Pro isor Folts, chairman; Don D. Davis, Iward S. Evans, Arnold Koepke and iil Morfitt. The (late for the next meeting was set r March 9. 1921. Barney O. Garrett ted as chairman of the meeting. ISS HAIR IS HOSTESS .and Mrs. Chester Carlisle Guests of Honor at Luncheon. As the time approaches for the tle rture of Dr .and Mrs. Chester L. Carl le, various social functions are being fen in their honor by their many ends on the campus. One of the most arming of these affairs was a lunch n given Sunday evening at the home Miss Mozelle Hair. Those present besides the honor guests id their daughter Cora Bell, were: Air. id Mrs. Earl Kilpatrick and Mr. and rs. Leland A. Coon. REGON BASKETEERS VIRTUALY CERTAIN (Continued from Page 1.) cording to the dope, the games will obnbly go to the Aggies. Idaho de ted W illamette at Salem Tuesday ht after having lost to Oregon here that it is highly improbable that the Tonight And Saturday. ~tS CASTLE —of the Photoplay Presents 9" the Surprising ^ventures of a mew who wu ^r'et^ to find p 4 Tether for s ft Certain party n c/ H^Y! Did you ever hive an unknown and very pretty girl neck jOW fler arms ’round your k and yell. "Father”? Folki tro'uhl. Tifl can into a lot o! kind.!,' l^a\ way—but thi» man was and thought he’d let in5, pi°or btUe orphan go on baliev n-oth- ^bat happened? Oh, ttOUble '.lf"*' °nly ra0re fi*hU a°d at. r than you eould shake a stick * ecxv?1?!* ,e* Picture and have 8ood time. NOW PLAYING. ,ts »;UNHi?tjj«.>.e-iEWrt Pi. ..... varsity will be defeated by either the Washington State five or by Willamette. No Games This Week-end. Oregon will be without any games this week-end owing to the cancelling of the Washington series which were to have been played on February 25 and 20. "ac cording to the original plans. The Sun Dodgers were responsible for the calling off. of the dates, claiming that they had 'too many trips outlined for their quintet and the faculty would not sanction their playing games in Eugene and Corvallis. The dates were left open here and the next dates on which the varsity will be in action will be on Monday and Tues day when they will battle with the Cou gar quintet. C oaeh Bohler is optimistic over the games with W. S. C. and with Wiliam ette for next week, and is of the opinion that the varsity should get away with these contests. ■i—■ ——— 57 QUALITY DRYGOODS Phone E. MATLOCK’S A 60 . 9th St. QUALITY GROCERIES Wing’s Market Quality, Service and Low Prices. | Fresh and Cured Meats. | Phone 38. 675 Willamette Street. Rex Shine Soiled, muddy shoes? That’s where you lose, appear ances will tell. Here in this chair I’ll put a glare upon them something ' c swell. I’ll also fix those yellow kicks and make them black as night. No acids used, no shoes abused—with black I treat you white. Each pair I shine is right in line with patent leathers, pard! Selected stock that none can knock, so fall in line and receive your reward. STEVENSONS The Kodak Shop Headquarters For Campus Pictures Kodak Finishing, Kodaks and Albums See our big STUNT BOOKS 10th and Willamette Sts. Phone 535. Announcing the Opening of Our Branch House —of the— United Cigar Co. Tn line with our policy of extending to the smaller cities of Oregon, S. K. GEORGE, Jr. 754 Wilamette Street. Has taken over our agency for Eugene. Cash Dis count coupons, a saving for you. Get your favorite brand—better quality for less. Lunches of Superb Calibre Short Orders, or good meals, we can fix you up with just what you want, and just the way you want it. In other words, we guarantee Satisfaction Bring your friends around. Make this your meeting place and hang-out. OREGANA The Students Shop FAREWELL ANNIVERSARY INITIATION THE JAPANESE TEA ROOM Is an ideal place to have banquets of this sort. You are separated from the public and you have excellent service. Come around, or call us up and make arrangements for your big banquet. We’ll help you. Hotel Osburn BANQUETS 1921 Tennis Balls. Rackets Restrung'. Seal Jewelry. Pennants and Pillows. Hair Nets. Bar Candies. It’s Your Store. CO-OP It’s Your Store. Get a copy of Edison Marshall's new novel, “The Strength of the Pines, ’ ’ a thrilling story of the Ore gon Mountains by a University of uregon man. New Pivot Ribbons, all colors. 19c and 35c yd. Men’s Brown Cordu roy Pants $4:50 Pair. SILKS SUPREME FOR SPRING A collection of new Silks, so varied that your choice is sure to be nere. Our standard lines ot Silks are complete. Better choose yours now. Tricolette $2.50 yd. I A beautiful and popular Silk—36 inches wide. Colors are Chi nese Red, Brown, Navy and Black and White. Tricolette Blouses are fashion’s favorite for spring. 1 1 Baronette Satin $3.00 yd. • W,hite Bar°nette Satin, a fabric well known for wearing Qualities: 06 inches wide. The yard), $3.00. Silk Jersette $3.95 yd. One of the newest fabrics for this season. We predict that it will be very popular. 40 inches wide. Brown, Navy and Black. The yard, $3.95. Canton Crepe $4.50 yd. Another new Silk that has captured the public by istorm Of course we always; have the new first. Canton Crepe is shown in Pekin, Brown, Navy and Black; 40 inches, the yard $4.50. Spring Voiles 60c yd. A special showing in new spring designs; 39 inches wide. Excep tionally pretty, conventional patterns, and the low price should1 cause rapid selling. The yard, 60c. , Warm Days Make your thoughts turn, and make you yearn: for those cool and refreshing drinks that characterize warm spring days. Don’t Forget Yourself After many hours of mental strain and fatigue, it is right that you rest yourself. One of the most formidable and admirable ways of do ing this is to spend! a few minutes in the comfortable and soothing at mosphere that surrounds The RAINBOW H. BURGOYNE, Prop. j ^