Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 1921, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Oregon Daily Emerald
Member Pacific Intercollegiate Press Association.
Associate Editor .Lyle Bryson News Editor.Charles E. Qratke
Assistant News Editors
Velma Bupert, Elisabeth Whitehouse
John Dierdorff.
Sports Editor.Floyd Maxwell
Sports Writers
Eugene Kelty Edwin Hoyt
Don D. Huntress
Night Editors
. Wilford C. Allen.
Carlton K. Logan, Reuel S. Moore,
Kenneth Youel.
News Service Editor ... .Jacob Jacobson
Alexander Brown, Eunice Zimmerman
Feature Writers
E. J. H., Mary Lou Burton, Frances Quisenberry
News Staff—Fred Guyon, Margaret Scott, Raeford Bailey, Owen Callaway,
Jean Straehan, Inez King, Lenore Cram, Doris Parker, Phil Brogan, Raymond D.
Lawrence, Margaret Carter, Florence Skinner, Emily Houston, Mary Traux,
Pauline Coad, Howard Bailey, Arthur Rudd, Ruth Austin, Madalene Logan,
Mabel Gilham, Jessie Thompson, Hugh Starkweather, Jennie Perkins, Claire
Beale, Dan Lyons, John Anderson, Flore nee Walsh, Maybelle Leavitt, Kay Bald.
Associate Manager .Webster Ruble
Advertising Manager ..George Miclntyre
Circulation Manager.,.A1 Krohn
-Staff Assistants: James Meek, Randal Jones, Jason McCune, Ben Reed, j
Mary Alexander, Elwyn Craven, Donald Bennett.
Official publication of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon,
issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year.
Entered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Sub
scription rates $2.25 per year. By term, 75c. Advertising rates upon application.
Campus office—655. Downtown office—1200.
Why has the University seen fit to adopt the new rul
ing which shortens Christmas vacation next year to one week
and! opens school a week later in, the fall than in the past?
There seems to have been no cause for any such action, and
that it was made without taking into consideration the fact.
that the student body might he directly opposed to such a
One reason given by the faculty was that they washed to
give the working student an opportunity to work a week
longer during the summer. Needless to say the movement
will not be appreciated by many working students. Students
want to get out of school earlier. [When spring comes they
are just as anxious to go to Work. But when autumn arrives
they are just as anxious to return, andl when students are re
turning to other schools, they want to stop working and re
turn also. 1 '
The fact that the Christmas vacation is to he shortened
is the hardest blow. Tt will prevent the full enjoyment of the
holidays by practically every student, and will prevent many
more from returning to their homes for the vacation because!
of the short time allowed for the trip.
Christmas vacation should he a full two weeks, and if
the summer vacation is lengthened, a week of spring added
would be much more satisfactory than under the present plan
as adopted. A reconsideration of the ruling would be great
ly appreciated by all the students of the University.
The series of articles by Bill Hayward, which began in
this issue, are well worth the attention of every Oregon man.
Track men are not horn, but are made, and Bill has made
manv of them out the greenest material. There are many
Oregon men Who do not realize the opportunity they have of
training under one of the greatest track men in the country.
Annual Ratings Filed for Reference of
Instructors; Curriculum Made
to Fit Pupils.
An educational survey of the student
body of the University high school by
standard mental tests is being conducted
by majors in the school of education un
tder the supervision of Professor Harl It.
[Douglass. The survey is divided into
three parts: pedagogical tests, intelli
gence tests, and phyiscal tests.
These tests are given each year, and
. the records filed for reference of in
structors. In this way, the brighter
• pupils can be held to their higlies' eapn
jbilities, and on the other hand, teachers
will not demand too much of the slower
The pedagogical tests are conducted
(by Peter L. Spencer, a senior major in
Seducation, who teaches mathematics at
It he campus high school. Tlie tests used
fby him are: the Van Wagenen history
■scale, the Starch physics tests, the Mon
Iroe diagnostic nrithemetie test, the Sack
|'tt ancient history test, the Willing com
position scale, (lie Ayres spelling test,
*the Curtis supervisory geography test,
the Minniek geometry test, tin* llnnd
jtchin test in French comprehension, and
She Henman Latin test. The test in al
Jsebra is one devised by Professor Dou
• jlass.
The mental survey intelligence tests
|>rc being conducted by Carl Bowman and
B’jloyd Enluud, under the direction of Pro
cessor II. W. DeBusk. These are the
eRts which Dr. DeBusk has used in his
fiurvey of state schools. The Otis group
Seat has already been given the 1(50 stu
lents of the University high school, and
.'he new Terrnan group test and the
■uanford revision of the Binet-Simon
jpest will soon be given,
i 'I'he physical tests arc to he given
Jater, in connection with the school mod
Ival examination, says Professor Don*
y lass.
^ ____
l-OST. — Two canoe paddles along the
lill race. Finder please call 4S1. Ite
Psychology Department Gets Requests
for Data on Stenographic Survey.
A series of six psychological tests to
measure the professional ^efficiency of
stenographers and typists after train
ing. has been prepared by Dr. It. If.
Wheeler, professor of psychology, and
are now being standardized in the de
partment. of psychology. The first of
these tests, which i^ in spelling, was re
cently given ito the class in advanced
psychology. It is hoped that they may
later be given to students in the school
of commerce and in business colleges.
These tests, according to Dr. Wheeler,
are the first to be prepared to measure
the efficiency in this work after train
ing, and requests for them have already
been received.
Parent-Teachers Association Will Be
Featured in Next Issue.
Another special number of the ‘‘Mon
itor” is under way and will be out within
the next few days, according to Miss
Mozelle Hair, secretary of the extension
This issue will be for Parent-Teachers
associations, aud will include a statement
of the purpose aud aims of the associa
tions: as well as an article by M. V.
O'Shea, chairman of the department of
education of the National Congress of
Mothers and Parent-Teachers Associa
tions, outlining a program of work for
the department of education of local Par
ent-Teachers associations.
Patronizo Emerald Advertisers.
"Cold Inlay Work a Specially.”
Phone O b').
Instructor’s Diploma X. C. D. S.,
Office 410 C. & W. Building.
Sociology Classes. — Dr. P. A.. Par
sons has been called to Portland and will
be unable to meet his classes today.
Illustrated Lecture. — Professor Dunn
will give an illustrated lecture on “The
Portraits of Washington’’ under the aus
pices of the Lewis and Clark chapter of
the D. A. R. 'Monday evening in his
room in Villard hall at 7:30. Public in
Girls Basketball. — Try - outs for
places on class basketball teams will be
held this afternoon at 4 o'clock. On ac
count of the final doughnut league game
last night, the tryouts had to be post
poned, and all those wishing to try out
are urged by Charlotte Howells, head of
basketball, to be present at ithe outdoor
gymnasium promptly at 4 o’clock.
Seniors.—The box in the library con
taining the seniors’ histories for the Ore
gano will be taken down tonight at the
close of the library hour. If your his
tory os not in the box get it there be
fore 10 o’clock tonight. This is your last
chance to get it in.
One Suggestion Is that Teachers Be Sent
to Columbia for Study of
Fine Arts.
Nuts, Nuts, Nuts—enough to play all
the leading parts of “Ben Bolt,” and
a million or two to spare, inhabit the
world. Carlton Spencer, registrar, has
come to this conclusion after reading
letter after letter from queer people,
who write him, giving advice, informa
tion and scandal.
The latest of these queer epistles is
from a woman in a northwestern city
who advises Mr. Spencer to look into
the advantages of Columbia University
witli a view of sending two teachers
then# to learn “the arts.” The writer
says the arts “are very beautiful things
and would be of great benefit in adver
tising the University.”
In conclusion she describes the “arts”
and says, “I will close and if this has
helped you I will be glad I have wrote.”
As a postscript she adds, “of course as
you keep adding new arts, keep adver
Another strange letter is from a gen
tleman in an eastern city, who invites
all University students to attend his
church there. As a matter of special
advertising he says, “There is no charge,
refined people, musical voices and im
pressive liturgy.” He signs himself.
When these letters were shown to a
member of the psychology department
he characterized the writer of the first
ns “simple minded” and the writer of
the religious letter as a plain “nut.”
American racquet wielders hold the
championship of Canada, England and
Australia. Now the sun will always
shine on Yankee tennis champions.
WANTED—University students per
sonal washings. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Will deliver to any address.
Corner 21st. 2092 Onyx St.
NuBone Corsets, Cleaning and Repair
ing. Mrs. A. True Lundy, 155 East
Ninth Street. Thone 239. tf
Phone 141
City Messenger Service
39 E. 7th J. C. GRANT, Mgr.
It’s Mostly a Question
of Hot Water
OU can’t deny—when
X there’s plenty of hot
water flowing from the fau
cet, it’s easy to get a fresh,
clean sliave. But—Oh man!
When the water’s cold!
It will pay you to learn
about the modern Gas way
of heating water as it flows.
Phone 28 Now.
Three Graduates of ’81 May
Attend Celebration.
June 18 will be the biggest Almnni
day in the history of the University if
present plans of Miss Charlie Fenton,
alumni secretary, are successful.
Miss Fenton started yesterday on the
work of organizing classes for their re
unions. This year it is the ■ “ones and
sixes” that are going to do big things in
the way of alumni celebrations.
Starting with the class of ’81 Miss
Fenton has planned reunions for ’80, ’91,
’96, ’01, ’06, ’ll and T6. For the class
of ’81 it will be the 40th reunion. Of
the six original members only three are
now alive, Anne Wliiteaker of Eugene,
Dr. George F. Bushnell of San Francisco
and Claiborne Milton Hill of the Pacific
Coast Theological of Berkeley. It is
hoped that all will be able to come.
According to Miss Fenton’s plan a
chairman of each class will be appointed
to get in touch with the other members
and see that they attend the reunion.
Miss Louise Whitton ’8£t, of Eugene and
Marion McClain, ’06, graduate manager,
are- the only ones appointed in this ca
pacity to date.
As a special feature of Alumni day an
alumni parade is planned, wherein all re
/turned alumni will march. All class re
unions will be held on that day.
Among the well known personages who
are expected to take part in the cele
bration will be C. W. (Pat) McArthur of
the U. S. house of representatives, “Pat”
has the record of never missing a reunion
if he can possibly help it.
University Graduate Engaged to Baker
Stock Company Player.
Miss Mae Norton, graduate of the Uni
versity of Oregon in 1914, who is now a
writer on the staff of the Portland
Telegram, is engaged to be married in
June to Broderick O’Farrell, a player of
the Baker stock company and member
of a pioneer Oregon family, according to
the announcement of friends.
Miss Norton, who is a member of Mu
Phi Epsilon and was prominent in stu
dent activities while at the University,
is living with her parents,, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Norton ,of Portland.
Style Shop
Corner 9th and Willamette.
Phone 816.
Club Tickets for Pressing
6 Suits for $3.00,
Friday and Saturday Only,
50—only to be sold—50
Cask in advance.
Cleaning and
Next to the Oregana.
Charles Dickens
“Tale of
Two Cities”
Presented by
University Company
U. of 0.
Last Time
8:15 P. M.
Tickets on Sale at
Box Office 5(Tc and 75c
s Go To
Our Idea
Our idea of service is to satisfy you. To sell you
only dependable merchandise; to see that you set
M°od fit; your money’s worth in every purchase.
And to return your money cheerfully, if after test
of wear, you’re not satisfied.
Green Merrell Co.
Men’s Wear
713 Willamette Street.
Beckfwith Bids'.
French Eclairs
Have you tried them.’ Say, talk about your French Pastry—this
iias them all beat. It is just the tiling- to go with your drinks. ^
\ on can l beat our Lunches. \\e make them that why.
C. R. HAWLEY, Prop.